Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 626: Very fast

"What a great power, but a little slow. Your ability is quite good. Xiao Qiang, your subordinates are quite powerful. If you train them well, your base may be quite powerful. In a blink of an eye, the man was leaning on the Doomsday Chariot and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"They are not my subordinates, they are my friends. Why did you come to us for a while? You didn't just want to evaluate us. Tell me, what is your purpose?" Xiao Qiang didn't make a move. He put his hands on his waist and said to the man with interest.

"Hahaha, interesting, I came to find you, but although you are quite powerful, you can't even catch me now. If I come here, I can come and go as I please. In this case, you can't stop me if I want to leave. Why should I tell you to come? "The man still said with a proud look on his face.

"Hahaha, if my observation is correct, you should be very fast. You can use your reaction speed and speed that are hundreds of times faster than others to quickly escape from others' attacks before they arrive. I have to admit that you are really fast. But you didn't realize that you have been surrounded by us, and I have sprinkled a special potion on you. Even if you can escape, my little wolf can find you by smell. How can you keep running? "Xiao Qiang laughed and said to the man.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the little wolf beside Xiao Qiang shrugged his nose, opened his mouth and showed his fangs to the man. The man looked around and found that it was indeed as Xiao Qiang said. At the main entrance of this temporary base, Xiong Shi was standing there shaking his huge fist, Lin Fei was on the left, Wang Peng was on the right, Lin Bingyan and Sister Rourou were behind him, Yang Xue was wearing steel armor to protect Xiao Shutong and watching from a distance, and Xiao Qiang was looking at him with a smile not far away. And Xiao Qiang's medicine The agent is also exchanged from the system. After spraying on the target, it will emit a special smell. It will take half a month for this special smell to dissipate. Relying on the sensitive nose of the little wolf, it is no problem to track the man by this smell. And this smell is when the man rushed to the position behind Xiao Qiang and touched Xiao Qiang just now, Xiao Qiang secretly took it out of the system and sprinkled it on the man.

"Okay, you are really capable, but if you can still catch me, I will tell you the real intention of coming here. "The man nodded and said to Xiao Qiang with a serious face.

As he spoke, he waved his arms backwards, and a pair of metal wings stretched out from behind him. The metal wings waved, and the man actually flew into the sky. A pair of metal eyes appeared on his eyes, and metal knee pads appeared on his legs. There was a fixed machine gun on his wings, and there were many bombs on the side of the wings.

"Come on, come on, if you can catch up with me, I will tell you the purpose of coming here." The man spread his wings, controlled the metal wings and flew up to the sky at a high speed, and spoke to Xiao Qiang while flying.

After seeing this, Xiao Qiang followed Wang Peng's signal, waved his hand helplessly, and shook his head.

"Ding, the host uses the triple speed enhancement pill, the time limit is 10 minutes. ”

"Ding, the host uses the invisibility pill, the time limit is 10 minutes. "

As he spoke, the man saw Xiao Qiang's figure slowly disappearing from the sky, and Wang Peng carried a jet device on his back. He operated the device and slowly flew into the sky, holding the crescent bow and chasing him. This device is naturally the aircraft in Xiao Qiang's system, but this aircraft is a high-level item, which will be faster, fly higher, and be easier to operate. It was obtained by Xiao Qiang when he upgraded, and he gave it to Wang Peng after obtaining it.

Wang Peng flew upwards, chasing the man quickly, while he had already bent his bow and shot an arrow from the crescent bow at the man. After the man flew into the air, he was already It is not able to rely on its own speed, but mainly relies on the energy of the metal wings to fly. Now Wang Peng is constantly harassing him with arrows from behind. The man has to control the wings while dodging arrows, so he is slowly being caught up by Wang Peng.

When the man was surprised that Wang Peng had such an equipment that was not inferior to his, he suddenly heard a sound above his head, and then a ball of fire appeared. A hand slowly stretched out from the flame and gently touched the man's shoulder. The man turned his head and found that Xiao Qiang's figure also slowly appeared from the flame.

"Now, I have caught up with you. Can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?" Xiao Qiang's legs turned into flames, and he smiled at the man in the air and said.

Just now, Xiao Qiang made a gesture to Wang Peng. The two had been together for such a long time in the apocalypse, Wang Peng understood what Xiao Qiang meant, and flew into the air to chase the man, shooting arrows at him while chasing him. Xiao Qiang used the invisibility charm and the triple speed-enhancing charm, combined with his fire ability, and chased the man at once, then jumped out from above the man's head, and touched him lightly on the shoulder with his finger unexpectedly, indicating that he could catch him even if the man flew into the sky.

"Okay, I'm willing to admit defeat. You do have a lot of treasures, and the base personnel are also strong enough. The most important thing is that you are indeed worthy of recognition. Just now, you had the opportunity to sneak attack me and seriously injured me, but you were still willing to abide by the rules. Don't worry, I will tell you the purpose of coming here, but how about asking your friend who is particularly accurate in archery to put down the bow and arrow." The man changed his playful smile just now and spoke to Xiao Qiang very seriously.

After seeing this, Xiao Qiang waved to Wang Peng, and Wang Peng put down his bow and arrow again, and operated the aircraft to watch the man's position vigilantly not far away.

"My name is Yang Shan, I don't belong to any base or hunter team, I'm here to request to join Longshan Base." The man said to Xiao Qiang seriously.

It turned out that since the outbreak of the apocalypse, Yang Shan has also become a mutant, but he has never joined any forces. He uses his own strength to search for some food and kill zombies above level 4 to obtain black gold, and survives alone on this apocalyptic continent. And this piece of equipment on him was also obtained by him in a previous warehouse of M Company. Yang Shan used to live with a group of people before, but later he saw the evil of human nature in the apocalypse, and he was unwilling to join any base. Later, he accidentally heard the rumors about Longshan Base, and felt that the atmosphere of Longshan Base was exactly what he had been looking for, but he was still worried, so he wanted to test Xiao Qiang's character. Xiao Qiang's actions just now also made him completely relieved and willing to join the base. However, he also made a request, that is, not to join the Longshan team, but to follow Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, welcome to join the big family of Longshan Base, but although you don't join the Longshan team, you have to abide by the rules of Longshan Base. Let's go down and take you to meet these good friends of mine." Xiao Qiang also spoke to Yang Shan after listening to Yang Shan's explanation.

After going down to the ground, Xiao Qiang told everyone about the process. Everyone nodded, but said that his method was too undesirable.

"Your wings are also made of black gold. I can help you modify them. At that time, I will increase their stability so that you can use your speed even if you fly in the sky, and you can fly very fast in the air." After getting to know Yang Xue, Yang Xue also spoke to Yang Shan.

"This is Yang Xue. She was a doctoral student before the end of the world. In short, her knowledge will definitely exceed your imagination. If you give her these wings, you will definitely make a profit." Xiao Qiang pointed at Yang Xue and Yang Shan and said.

"Oh, thank you very much." As he said that, Yang Shan actually gave the wings to Yang Xue with confidence.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang nodded very satisfied and continued to take him to meet other people.

"By the way, there is a piece of news I want to tell you. I heard by chance that one month later, the Black Wind Base is going to transport a group of people to Langzhou City for human experiments. Yang Shan then spoke again.

"If this is the case, then we must stop this. In this way, Wang Peng immediately asked the intelligence team to collect relevant information and obtain accurate information within two weeks, including their transportation routes at that time. During this period of time, we all continue to kill zombies in Tongzhou City as usual. Yang Shan, after this period of time, I will take you back to the base to meet more good friends. "Xiao Qiang thought for a while and spoke to the few people.

Just like that, Yang Shan joined the Longshan Base and followed Xiao Qiang to kill zombies in Tongzhou City. At the beginning, everyone was still cautious of Yang Shan, but in the process of killing zombies, everyone was surrounded by zombies, and it was Yang Shan who used his speed to lead the zombies away regardless of his own safety that everyone was safe. From then on, everyone gradually believed in Yang Shan. And Yang Shan became the future fighting pioneer of Longshan Base, and he always rushed to the front in every fight with zombies or enemies.

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Qiang and his team had been in Tongzhou for more than a month. During this period, Xiao Qiang and his team drove the Doomsday Chariot and continued to kill zombies in Tongzhou. Xiao Qiang's level also reached the level of awakening 4, and the levels of the other people also rose by 1 level. Xiao Qiang's more than 100 puppet talismans were finally used up. Xiao Qiang used these more than 100 puppet talismans on zombies infected at level 2. A total of 20 zombies were captured, including 5 infected zombies at level 4, 10 infected zombies at level 3, and 10 infected zombies at level 2. Xiao Qiang's trump cards increased again, and he was more confident if he faced the Black Wind Base. However, in the past two months, all bases seem to be stabilizing, among which M Company has developed the fastest. As M Company's warehouses were searched, M Company developed more and more high-tech products, and became famous in the doomsday base. In the second-level city, there is also the largest exchange in the doomsday. In comparison, even the reputation of the Legion is inferior. During this period, the Legion has focused its main efforts on dealing with the zombies in the city where the second-level base is located.

As for the news brought by Yang Shan, Wang Peng's intelligence team soon confirmed that this was an enhanced experiment obtained after the Black Wind Base studied the formula again. It is said that the living dead created this time will retain the previous properties, but their strength will be more powerful and their physical fitness will become stronger. After Xiao Qiang and his team learned about it, they decided to go to Langzhou to rescue these people and take Langzhou City back to the base as much as possible. Moreover, Xiao Qiang's Longshan Base also released news to the outside world to oppose the Black Wind Base. The most important thing is that every time Xiao Qiang thinks of the state of the living dead, he will be extremely angry, so he must go to Langzhou City for rescue.

For this reason, Xiao Qiang also called the captains of the six Longshan teams to Tongzhou City while cleaning up the zombies in Tongzhou City and held a relevant meeting. At the meeting, this was also the first time that Longshan Base attacked other bases. Everyone made very detailed details of the relevant attack and decided to call as many people as possible to join in. Among them, the Legion agreed very readily and said that it would send a team of people to help. However, M Company only reprimanded the Black Wind Base for this practice, and did not clearly say that it would send people to help when the time came, only saying that it would depend on the situation at that time. However, there were several hunter teams that went to Longshan Base and said that they would go to deal with the Black Wind Base together, including the hunter team that bid for Xiong Shi last time, named Fengbao Hunter Team. The leader was a young man, now awakened to the level 6 strength, and has been active in the third-level city all year round, and has had some friction with the Black Wind Base.

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