Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 627 Return to base

"After everyone finishes their meal tonight, get up early tomorrow morning and we will return to the base early in the morning. Xiao Qiang said to them while they were eating hot pot.

"Really? You know what? I miss the base and the other people in the base after leaving it for a while." Sister Rourou echoed Xiao Qiang's words.

"Sister Rourou, isn't it? If you don't return to the base, this doomsday chariot can't hold the cosmetics and beautiful clothes you found, and your favorite stockings." Lin Bingyan said with a smile.

"Hmph, little girl, you are still young at first glance, and you don't know what men like. Why, doesn't your Doraemon like you wearing it?" Sister Rourou said, and deliberately lifted her legs, revealing a pair of black silk legs under her skirt.

"Sister Rourou, humph, I won't play with you anymore. "Lin Bingyan said to Sister Rourou with a blushing face.

"Brother Qiang, the latest news is that the Black Wind Base will transport the experimental personnel to the Langzhou City Base tomorrow night. The Wind Group will be in charge of leading the team, and the number of guards is at least more than a thousand people from the Black Wind Base's guard team. The Rain Group is left behind in Langzhou City, with at least ten thousand people." Wang Peng walked out of the chariot and said to Xiao Qiang as he walked.

"Okay, after returning to the base tomorrow, I will gather everyone to further discuss the route of attack." Xiao Qiang nodded and replied to Wang Peng.

"By then, I will be by your side and serve as your pioneer." After hearing this, Yang Shan excitedly recommended himself to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, then let the people at the Black Wind Base see your speed and see how fast you, Yang Shan, are at lightning speed. "Xiao Qiang patted Yang Shan on the shoulder and said.

At night, Xiao Qiang entered the system as usual to check his attribute values.

"Host: Xiao Qiang

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (Perfect Level: Proficiency 33/1000), Thunder Claw (Perfect Level: Proficiency 2/1000), Flying Thunder God (Proficiency: Perfect 1/1000), Shattering Palm (Proficiency: Perfect 73/1000), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Perfect Level: Proficiency 3/1000), Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix (Perfect Level: Proficiency 73/1000) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Four Gates Open (Table Lotus) Fire Heart Technique Fifth Gate Open - Peacock

Mall Permission: Level 2 (Can purchase intermediate items) Open lottery permission level 2 (10000/10000)

Comprehensive evaluation: Awakening level 4. Experience value: 7300000/14000000 Exchange points 102000.

Possess a bone spur dagger, a plum peak dagger, a snowflake dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, a high-tech nano helmet (advanced), a high-tech nano armor (advanced), etc.

Battle pet: Howling Moon Wolf (juvenile) Comparable to the strength of awakening level 3

Puppet: Infected 5 level 4 zombies, infected 10 level 3 zombies, infected 10 level 2 zombies. "

Early in the morning of the next day, everyone in Longshan Base was busy, because today was not only the day when their leader Xiao Qiang would come back, but also the first time to hold a meeting in Longshan Base. Therefore, except for the patrol team members who went to work to take charge of the guarding of the base, even the members of Longshan team did not go out to kill zombies. They swept the floor and wiped the furniture. And Huang Yu's Longshan 6th team returned to the base last night and was busy with everyone. Xiao Qiang and his team got up early in the morning and had a simple breakfast. Several people He drove back to Longshan Base, and naturally he had to greet everyone at the base.

At 10 a.m., those who came to help arrived at Longshan Base one after another. Xiao Qiang followed Wang Liang and Han Feng to the main entrance of Longshan Base to welcome everyone. Since it was the first time to convene a meeting at Longshan Base, everyone at Longshan Base was very attentive. The logistics team also took out the precious canned food they had collected, and a large group of people were busy cooking under the leadership of Li Wei. Those who brought , naturally, under Wang Liang's arrangement, they all went to various places to rest first. If they wanted to wander around the Longshan base, they could do so. The meeting was held in the newly built large conference room of the Longshan base. At the beginning of the meeting, the senior executives of the Longshan base sat on the left, and those who came to help sat on the right side of the conference table. The people who came from the Legion sat down in order. This time, they came with a total of 2,000 people to help, of which 1,500 came from the Legion alone, and the other small bases and hunter teams sent a total of 2,000 people. More than 500 people came out, but these 500 people were basically doomsday mutants.

The leader of the legion was Zhao Jun, whom Xiao Qiang met in the search mission last time. Xiao Qiang also rescued him. This time when he came to Longshan Base, he seemed very familiar with Xiao Qiang. He put his arm around Xiao Qiang's shoulders and talked non-stop, and said that the people he brought here would completely obey Xiao Qiang's arrangements. However, since he was injured in the search mission, Zhao Jun's cultivation has not risen, and he still remains at the 7th level of awakening, but he is also the highest level person in the conference room.

"Welcome to Longshan Base. I think everyone knows about the Black Wind Base. In the end times, humans should have united together, but the Black Wind Base did the opposite and attacked other bases everywhere. The most hateful thing is that they used living people for experiments and created a batch of living dead. Tonight, the Black Wind Base will transport another batch of people to the Langzhou City Base to continue human experiments. The Langzhou City Base has also been equipped with a complete laboratory. Everyone gathered together today. We must not only stop the Black Wind Base from doing this, but also destroy the laboratory built by the Black Wind in the Langzhou City Base." Xiao Qiang stood up and said to everyone in the room.

"Okay, the Black Wind Base's approach is really not good. I have heard of the reputation of Brother Xiao Qiang in Longshan Base for a long time. Today, I see that it is indeed well-deserved. Our Shadow Hunter Team will definitely follow your arrangements." A big man with a beard stood up and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, I brought 1,500 well-trained troops, and they will follow your instructions." Zhao Jun also stood up and looked around at everyone and said.

. . . . . .

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone agreed that the people from Longshan Base should be responsible for the leadership. Originally, this action was called by Xiao Qiang and his team, and Longshan Base sent the most people. Other forces can only be regarded as helping Longshan Base at most, and it is not appropriate to be the leader.

"Okay, thank you for your trust, I, Xiao Qiang, appreciate it. Don't worry, this time everyone's manpower is still under your leadership, I just distribute the general countermeasures to everyone. Next, Brother Han will distribute it for everyone." Xiao Qiang stood up, nodded and said to express his gratitude to everyone.

Finally, after discussion, everyone decided that Longshan Team 2, under the leadership of Qiao Tong, would go to the road with those who came to help to rescue the people who were transported from the Level 3 city for the experiment. Xiao Qiang decided to let Zhao Jun from the army take charge of the leadership. First, he was very strong and had experience in leading troops in battles. Second, Xiao Qiang didn't want everyone to think that all the leaders were from Longshan Base. As for the Langzhou City base, according to the news from Wang Peng's intelligence team, there were at least tens of thousands of people defending the Langzhou City base. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also led Jiang Kai, Xu Miao, Huang Yu and Wang Dong, four Longshan teams, a total of more than 14,000 people, to Langzhou City to attack the base established by the Black Wind Base in Langzhou City. The patrol team and the remaining 1 Longshan team were responsible for guarding the Longshan base.

"Okay, let's make it like this. Although this operation is a secret one, there is no guarantee that the people at the Black Wind Base will not get the news, so everyone must pay attention to safety. You can go to our canteen to eat and try our food in a while. Everyone can take a break in the afternoon. We will all act on time at 7 pm." Xiao Qiang stood up, nodded to everyone, and made the decision.

Since there were other people coming to the base today, Wang Liang also arranged for the people in the base to go back to their rooms to eat after they had their meals, leaving the canteen in the base for these people to use.

"This Longshan base is really good. After the meeting just now, I went to the base to stroll around and found that the people here are full of hope. They are all very motivated. They are also building new houses. The food they eat is fresh. Although there is no meat, it is already very good to eat such fresh vegetables in the end of the world. I have decided that after this mission is completed, I will take you to join the Longshan base. After such a long time, I have brought you to wander around in the end of the world. It is time to find a fixed place to live." On the dining table, a hunter team said to his team members while eating.

"Should we think about it again? Maybe this is a false impression they presented to us. They knew that these people would come to attend the meeting today, so they deliberately made it like this." One of them said with some doubts.

"It shouldn't be. Look at their guards. They are well-trained troops. I just went to the village over there and talked to the residents there. Everyone's general reaction was very good. Moreover, they don't have anything to hide. Just like these vegetables, there are a lot of them in their black gold exchange. Moreover, the most important thing is Xiao Qiang. Although it's the first time I met him today, he can give me a very trustworthy feeling, so this is an important reason why I decided to join Longshan Base." The man said seriously to everyone in his hunter team.

"Yeah, he is really special. He is so young, but he has built such a successful base with his own strength. The most important thing is that he can be so humble. I also agree to join Longshan Base." Another person in the team raised his hand and voted excitedly.

"In that case, I will listen to my eldest brother and agree to join Longshan Base. Anyway, Longshan Base welcomes survivors from the end of the world to join it. We will definitely be very welcome to join them." The person who had doubts before saw that everyone agreed, so he also agreed.

In the cafeteria, all the forces that came to Longshan Base were infected by the atmosphere of Longshan Base. Many small bases and hunter teams wanted to join Longshan Base.

"Hey, if I hadn't been ordered by the legion and had such a sinecure in the legion, I would have wanted to join the Longshan Base. Anyway, I still owe this guy a favor. Joining the Longshan Base can just repay this favor. This boy's favor." Zhao Jun complained to his lieutenant and confidants as he listened to the discussions around him.

Since the last search mission, Zhao Jun was seriously injured and the people who led the legion found nothing. His cultivation level has been greatly damaged and his level has not improved. And since then, the relationship between Zhao Jun and M Company has been very tense. It was so bad that I even told the above many times that I would go to someone from Company M to get an explanation. It was okay at first. Later, the superiors of the legion arranged Zhao Jun's position into a sinecure, perhaps because they were on good terms with Company M and wanted to purchase their newly developed technology from Company M. This time It was also at Zhao Jun's strong request that the legion sent 1,500 people led by Zhao Jun to Longshan Base to help.

"Brother Jun, you are not that person. You can really violate your principles in the legion, abandon the legion, and come here. Besides, you have awakened the strength of level 7, and Xiao Qiang has only awakened the strength of level 4. You Are you really willing to obey the orders of someone who is lower than you?"

The young adjutant said to Zhao Jun.

"It turns out that if it were before the end of the world, I would never betray the legion no matter what. But since the end of the world, the top management of the legion has changed a lot, making the current legion a complete mess. It's no longer what it was before. , Relying on the old foundation before the end of the world, we were tied with that M Company, and now we are actively trying to please M Company. I think it is worse than the Longshan Base." Zhao Jun couldn't help but raise his voice a few times when he talked about the excitement. The tone comes.

Zhao Jun's words attracted the attention of the people around him, and they were all thinking about what it means to be inferior to Longshan Base. Longshan Base is now so well built, wouldn't it be normal for it to be inferior to Longshan Base. Therefore, everyone turned and closed their eyes and looked in the direction of Zhao Jun. Seeing this, the adjutant could only wave his hands to apologize to everyone, and motioned to Zhao Jun to lower his voice.

"As for Xiao Qiang's level, I'm very optimistic about him. What level do you think he was when we were on the last search mission? Now he has reached awakening level 4. I think this kid's level will soon increase. It can surpass me."

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