Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 629: The Attack Begins

"Everyone, step up the attack, rush up, kill them all within 10 minutes, hurry up. After Wang Peng received Xiao Qiang's message, he shouted loudly to the people fighting in the field.

At the same time, Wang Peng also called the people in the aircraft team around him to attack the people in the Black Wind Base from the air, and threw out many smoke bombs. He relied on his perception ability to run around and shoot cold arrows, making it difficult for the people in the Black Wind Base to tell how many people were still hiding, forcing them to urge the people in the Langzhou City base for help. At this time, Feng Yi was surrounded and attacked by two infected level 4 zombies. He was already at a disadvantage, and Wang Peng shot arrows from time to time. Feng Yi looked very embarrassed.

"Hurry up, urge the base, why haven't the people sent to support come yet, let them come to support quickly. "Feng Yi shouted while fighting with two zombies and anxiously urging the operator behind him.

At this time, Feng Yi was also confused. He didn't know where so many people came from, and they were very strong. Some of them were well equipped. The most important thing was that there were two such powerful zombies among them, who were following their command and attacking him.

"Report, report, Brother Qian said that this might be the Longshan base attacking us, and this might be their strategy of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west. They attacked us here, but actually wanted to attack the Langzhou city base. He asked us to resist it no matter what. He has been sending out teams to test them. The first 7 vehicles should arrive soon. The main force will send assistance only after he ensures safety. "The man spoke to Feng Yi with the walkie-talkie.

Feng Yi was extremely depressed. He originally thought that transporting these people was an extremely easy task, but he didn't expect to encounter a sneak attack from others on the way. Moreover, a sneak attack would be fine, after all, he was awakened to level 8. Unexpectedly, he was besieged by zombies infected with level 4 right at the beginning, and there were two of them. His level advantage could not be brought into play among these people. In addition, there was a person hiding in the dark who shot cold arrows from time to time. The key was that the angles of these cold arrows were tricky and accurate, so that even Feng Yi, who was awakened to level 8, was almost shot by arrows several times. Therefore, Feng Yi is still in a somewhat confused state until now, so under so many smoke bombs, he thought that Longshan Base had sent many people, and hurriedly urged Langzhou City Base to send people.

"What time is it? Don't you see the situation here? There are at least tens of thousands of people attacking here. How can Longshan Base have people to attack Langzhou Base? Tell them quickly, don't try again, everyone is here, let them send a large force to attack immediately, if not, all of us will be killed. "Feng Yi shouted at the man in a rage.

A moment later, at the ambush position where Xiao Qiang and his team were, Xiao Qiang noticed that the gate of the Langzhou City base was opened again, and cars full of people drove out at high speed, rushing to the location of the sneak attack in a panic.

"It seems that Wang Peng's strategy worked. Tell Wang Peng not to throw smoke bombs anymore, kill those people steadily, and don't be too impatient to avoid causing more casualties. Notify all teams to launch an attack based on my signal, and stop all the vehicles that rushed out. Don't let these cars rush to Wang Peng and his team, otherwise they will be under great pressure. Now, the attack on Langzhou City has begun!" Xiao Qiang's mouth corners slightly raised, and he said to everyone.

"Yang Shan, it's up to you, I want to see how fast you are. "After Xiao Qiang finished speaking to everyone, he turned around and spoke to Yang Shan.

"Don't worry, watch out for you. I will let everyone see how fast I can be. It's not for nothing to be your vanguard officer, Xiao Qiang." Yang Shan heard Xiao Qiang's words, moved his neck and wrist, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang only saw a shadow appear in front of him, and then Yang Shan disappeared, along with a bundle of explosives piled on the ground.

"Huh? Did something pass by just now? Why do I feel that a figure flashed by just now?" One of the people standing guard at the entrance of the Langzhou City base rubbed his eyes and asked another person.

"No, you must be dazzled. There are so many of us here, how can someone appear under the eyes of so many of us? Hurry up, open the door, or you will be disturbed again in a while." The man looked around and did not find any abnormal behavior, and said to the person in front.

When Xiao Qiang saw Yang Shan disappear in an instant, he smiled softly, shook his head and was about to go to the front to direct the battle, but he saw the dead leaves on the tree next to him move. In the blink of an eye, In the blink of an eye, Yang Shan appeared in front of Xiao Qiang again, smiled softly at Yang Shan, and then pointed the cigarette he just took out from the pocket of the guy at the gate of the Black Wind Base towards Xiao Qiang. As soon as he stuffed it in his hand, the whole person disappeared in an instant, along with another bundle of explosives on the ground. In this way, Yang Shan continued to use his speed to evade the guards of the Black Wind Base, and buried the explosives under the walls around the Langzhou City Base. When the time came, he was going to use these explosives to destroy the Langzhou City Base. The wall exploded. However, there were too many guards at the front entrance, and it was difficult for Yang Shan to get some explosives there. But despite this, Yang Shan still rushed to the guard and took out his cigarette.

Returning to the forefront of the sneak attack, Xiao Qiang noticed that these cars were driving out very fast, and one after another was speeding towards the outside.

"Get ready to attack." Xiao Qiang gently clenched his fist and said to Huang Yu in a deep voice.

"Door 5 - open!"

"Towards the peacock!"

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang's whole body turned into a ball of flame, flying into the sky and lighting up the night sky. Then, in the ball of flame, Xiao Qiang kept waving his fist rapidly, one by one. Fireballs smashed into the vehicles rushing out of the Langzhou City base. Along with Xiao Qiang's attack, there were also several rumbling explosions. Among the four walls of the Langzhou City base, the explosives placed by Yang Shan using his speed exploded instantly, destroying the bricks and stones. The wall that was formed was blown out one after another with big holes. Subsequently, the four members of the Longshan team, led by their respective captains, fired wildly towards the center of the field. After one round of firing, the mutants began to charge towards the convoy and the Langzhou City base.

After experiencing a moment of panic after being attacked, the personnel at the Langzhou City base quickly calmed down under the leadership of Team Rain, and each looked for bunkers to fight back. The people in the base, under the command of Qian Jin, quickly used various objects in the bunker to block the surrounding walls, and then organized personnel to start a counterattack against the members of the Longshan team who rushed over. But at this time, under the power of Xiao Qiang and Peacock, these cars were damaged a lot. Even the road ahead was made bumpy and bumpy, making it impossible for cars to pass, and these people could not go to the Feng Group. In the past to support, of course, in this case, they would not go there to support.

"Yang Shan, it's really yours. You did a great job." After Xiao Qiang used the Golden Peacock, he returned to everyone and patted Yang Shan on the shoulder.

"Hey, it's funny, this is just the beginning!" Yang Shan smiled proudly, then opened the black gold wings modified by Yang Xue and flew towards the base of Langzhou City.

"Xiong Shi, open the black gold door." Xiao Qiang looked at the thick black gold door and said to Xiong Shi.

"Okay!" As he spoke, Xiong Shi transformed into the posture of a bear over 3 meters tall and ran towards the base of Langzhou City.

Under the joint organization of Qian Jin and Yu's team, the Langzhou City base quickly started a counterattack. The guards in the base lay on the wall and shot at the Longshan team members who were rushing over. Those who drove their cars originally wanted to support them. They had a close combat with members of the Longshan team, and there were sounds of fighting everywhere in the middle of the field.

"Report, Brother Qian, there are also sneak attacks at the other three locations. There are thousands of people in each sneak attack. What should we do now?" Qian Jin was watching from the observation deck of the base, and someone under his men reported in a panic.

"Why panic? We also have tens of thousands of guards here. We immediately ordered Yu San, Yu Si, and Yu Wu to lead people to three locations to organize counterattacks. We must not let these people rush in. We also have 700 people for each of them. The living dead troops, tell them not to panic, those three places are just feint attacks, the experts who came here today are all at the main entrance. Hurry up, let Yu Shi lead the remaining living dead to prepare, and at the same time, all the gasoline cannonballs. Prepare your weapon and prepare to bombard the crowd in front." Qian Jin licked his lips and said fiercely to the person next to him.

"Brother Qian, but there are still our manpower outside. If we use gasoline shells like this, won't we hurt our own people?" After hearing Qian Jin's words, the man hesitated.


With a "pop", Qian Jin flicked the man in the face, pointed at the man's nose and blurted out: "Damn, can't you see the situation outside? If you keep going like this, they will rush you." If we are in the base, we will all die. Besides, these gasoline bombs cannot hurt the mutants outside. There are at least more people outside attacking the base than us, so we can prevent them from entering. "

"Yes, the artillery team is ready to launch!" The man took a hit. Although he was a little unhappy, he did not dare to get angry with the money and said to the cannonball.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gasoline bomb was fired from a shell hole. After the gasoline bomb was fired into the crowd, it exploded with a "bang" and exploded in the fighting crowd. That place immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire. The crowds on both sides were also ignited by gasoline and caught fire. The mutants were fine. They used their superpowers or superhuman speed to avoid the burning gasoline bombs, but the ordinary people were more miserable. They were ignited by the fire but could not escape. The casualties on the Longshan team were relatively small. The people who rushed down first were wearing the intermediate suits that Xiao Qiang obtained from the system, and they could still resist a little. The people in the Langzhou City base were miserable. They were still fighting hard, but they didn't expect a shell to be fired from their base. Then, another shell landed in the crowd, creating another sea of ​​fire, and people's wailing continued.

"Fuck, who told you to shoot the shells? Did you see clearly? We are still outside, why did you start shooting shells?" People from the Langzhou City Base in the crowd kept shouting at the people in the base.

When the gasoline bombs started to be thrown, the mutants in the Langzhou City Base quickly fled to the base, leaving only the ordinary guards struggling and shouting at the base.


After firing two shells in succession, Xiao Qiang and others on the hillside noticed the situation below. Seeing this, Lin Bingyan waved her hands forward and used her supernatural power. Many frozen icicles grew on the barrels of the gasoline bombs, freezing all the barrels and making them unable to fire. However, freezing so many barrels at once made Lin Bingyan very strenuous, and her forehead was instantly covered with sweat.

"Xiao Qiang, I can't hold on for much longer, think of a way quickly." Lin Bingyan said to Xiao Qiang while manipulating her supernatural power.

"Yang Shan, use your speed to destroy all the barrels of those gasoline bombs. Just destroy them. The faster the better." Xiao Qiang nodded gently after hearing Lin Bingyan's words and said to Yang Shan beside him.

Yang Shan just flew over to attack for a while, and after seeing the shells being fired from the Langzhou City base opposite, he returned to the hillside and stood next to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, I promise to complete the mission." Yang Shan said to Xiao Qiang, and then controlled his wings to fly into the air and attack those barrels.

Then, Yang Shan first flew into the sky above the Langzhou City base, dodging bullets while shooting at those barrels with the weapons on his wings, but Yang Shan thought it was too slow, so he used his speed to destroy those barrels after landing.

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