Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 630 His name is Shen Ku

The people outside the Langzhou City base were still struggling to resist the Longshan team, but when they saw the people inside shooting at them, the remaining 1,000 people either chose not to fight or followed the Longshan base team members. They attacked the Langzhou City base. When Qian Jin saw this, he was also furious and the commander fired at them even more frantically. However, after the gasoline bomb barrels were destroyed by Yang Shan, they could not continue to use them.

"Report, the south wall has been breached by the enemy. There are actually many infection-level zombies among them. These zombies are still very strong. Yu Liu has also been killed. What should we do now?" Another boy hurriedly said He ran over and said to Qian Jin with a dirty face.

When the fight just started, Xiao Qiang took out his puppet zombies from the system. Except for the three zombies infected with level 4, the rest of the zombies were all sent to a few by Xiao Qiang. The Longshan team went to help so that they could break through and enter the Langzhou City base as soon as possible.

"Yu Yi, Yu Er, now only you two can turn the tide of the battle. According to what I just observed, their leadership team is on the hillside nearby. If you want to deal with the crisis tonight, you two can only rely on you two. They got rid of their leader."

After hearing the man's report, Qian Jin said to the two of them.

"Okay, I understand. All the remaining members of Team Rain will follow me." The two of them didn't say much. They nodded to Qian Jin and agreed.

As they spoke, the momentum of the two people suddenly changed. The auras of two awakened level 9 powerhouses emanated. Their footsteps swayed slightly, and they rushed out of the base and rushed towards the hillside. I saw that the two of them were extremely fast, and they rushed in front of Xiao Qiang and others in the blink of an eye.

When Qian Jin saw the two people rushing out with the experts from the Rain Team, he rolled his eyes, called the person next to him and said: "Let all the living dead out immediately, and let those living dead Go kill the attackers, kill them all, and be sure to block their attacks.”

"Brother Qian, we haven't studied those living dead yet. They don't obey orders that much. Although they are strong, they won't obey orders completely if they go crazy. Maybe even our own people will attack by then. "Yes." After hearing Qian Jin's order, the man continued to ask.

The Black Wind Base is constantly conducting experiments. One of the most important experiments at the Langzhou City Base is to improve the strength of these living dead. However, with their experiments, they found that if the living dead are strong, their control The force will also become weaker, so this time, people transported from the level 3 city are continuing these experiments and want to further improve it.

With a "snap", the money hit the man's face again, and he scolded him: "Nonsense, I don't know, just do as I say."

After the instructions were completed, Qian Jin took several of his cronies and came down from the observation deck on the wall in front, and walked quickly towards the laboratory in the Langzhou City base. After entering, Qian Jin Jin hurriedly opened the safe in his office, set aside all the black gold he had worked hard to accumulate, then carefully took out a part of the kraft paper, and carefully placed the roll of kraft paper in his In the backpack.

This roll of kraft paper is the kraft paper formula that Xiao Qiang and the others have been looking for, and this is also an important part of the Heifeng base used for experiments. It is used to conduct experiments in Langzhou City, and some of it is left behind. In the Black Wind base in a level 3 city. Qian Jin looked at the situation tonight and felt that Xiao Qiang and the others were well prepared. Therefore, he also felt that the Langzhou City base might not be able to hold on, so Qian Jin was already thinking of running away. But if you want to return to the Black Wind Base, it doesn't matter if the rest of the things, including the Langzhou City Base, are robbed. Qian Jin knows very well that this formula must not be lost. As long as you still keep this formula, it will still be there. You can go back to the Black Wind base. Of course, it would be best if the people in the Rain Team can withstand it, and the money can continue to return to the Langzhou City base. After taking out the kraft paper formula, Qian Jin followed his cronies and drove away in a car from the side entrance of the Langzhou City base.

At this time, where Wang Peng and the others were, two zombies with Level 4 infection killed Feng Yi. Basically, all members of the Feng team here had been killed. Although, Wang Peng and the others These people also suffered a lot of casualties, but fortunately they captured this place.

"Everyone, hurry up and open the doors of these trucks and get out the people they are escorting." Zhao Jun saw that the fighting everywhere had stopped and said to the people on the scene.

As they spoke, everyone continued to be busy. While cleaning the battlefield, they also opened the carriages. People who were escorted from level 3 cities ran over from the carriages one by one. When they saw Wang Peng, they all felt that They were a little surprised and looked at a loss, but everyone's mental condition was not very good. They were all sallow and thin, looking blankly at the people in the field. It could be seen that they were imprisoned in a level 3 city. .

At this moment, Wang Peng and the others suddenly heard a commotion next to the car behind them, as well as the noise of the crowd. Wang Peng and the others hurried over, only to see a 100-person army of living dead in the carriage of a car. After the door was opened, they launched an attack on the crowd. The people in the legion had only heard of the living dead before, but had never seen them before. After being attacked by these people whose appearance was not much different from humans, they were a little stunned for a while, wondering whether they should attack these living dead. After hearing the noise, some people hurriedly ran towards the place, and the whole scene seemed a bit chaotic.

"Everyone, retreat quickly. These are the living dead, the human bodies secretly studied by the Black Wind Base. They are no longer human. Attack them immediately. Ordinary people shoot from behind, and mutants step forward to attack. Pay attention. , shoot at their necks, only by hitting their necks can they be killed." Wang Peng rushed over and shouted to everyone.

Wang Peng's words made everyone wake up as if from a dream. They had only heard of creatures like the living dead before, and this time they came to fight against the Black Wind Base and had made the decision to fight the living dead. However, after meeting them now , everyone was still a little shocked, and seemed a little flustered or unable to take action. Because, these living dead are not much different from ordinary people in appearance. The only difference is that these living dead start to attack when they see people. After hearing Wang Peng's words, Zhao Jun immediately organized the mutants to come forward to kill, and asked ordinary people to retreat, find bunkers, and shoot at these living dead from a distance to kill them.

But Wang Peng discovered that these 100 living dead were much more powerful than the group of living dead that attacked the Longshan base before. Ordinary knives could not cut the necks of those living dead. It was cut off, and the strength was much greater. Therefore, Wang Peng guessed that these 100 living dead should have been improved. Wang Peng communicated this discovery with Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun immediately led people to build a simple wall, surrounded the 100 living dead in the middle, and then let the mutants use black gold weapons to fight with these living dead. The dead kill, but even so, the mutants who are attacked by these living dead will suffer a lot of casualties. It wasn't until Lin Fei killed a member of the Feng Team and came over with his Wujin Knife, using his sharp and accurate knife skills, coupled with the extremely sharp Wujin Knife, that the situation here became better.

Lin Fei has now awakened to level 4 strength. After a long period of hard training, Lin Fei has not only reached a very good level of physical fitness, but also when using the sword technique, every sword appears to be precise and powerful. During the fight between the living dead, the moves seemed relatively smooth, but it was still very difficult to fight against these strengthened living dead.

"Your sword skills are pretty good. I didn't expect you to start a fight. How come this person is also from the Black Wind Base? How can he still hold on when being besieged by so many people? Let me deal with you." At this moment, A voice suddenly came from the hillside next to him and said.

Everyone looked sideways towards the hillside, and saw a young boy standing on the branches of the hillside. He was about the same age as Lin Fei, with eye-catching yellow hair, leaning on the wide tree trunk and facing Lin Fei who was fighting. Fei looked around.

"Flash Kick!"

After the man finished speaking, he saw the branches tremble slightly, his legs turned golden, and after taking a few steps, he kicked towards Lin Fei in the center of the field. Lin Fei was still fighting hard to kill the living dead in the field. When he heard the movement behind him, he frowned slightly and blocked the living dead in front with one knife. He turned around and blocked the attack of the living dead with the other knife. With a click, the knife and the leg collided together.

Afterwards, Lin Fei stopped talking and fought with the man with his two swords. The man's strength was also that of an awakened level 4 strongman. He was accustomed to using his legs, so the two of them fought together. It seemed very lively. Although Lin Fei didn't talk much, the man talked a lot. Moreover, although the two people were fighting very lively, the living dead on both sides did not care about this and continued to attack, and that person was also attacked.

"Hey, I didn't expect that you, a fair and clean boy, have quite a lot of strength."

"Hey, what's going on with you? I'm here to help you. Why are you beating me?"

"Come on, come on, come here and give me another kick. Let's see if you can resist. Hey, you pretty boy, you're pretty good. You can resist this." The man followed Lin Fei. While beating, one person kept talking.

With a "bang", Lin Fei slashed hard on the man's legs with his two swords and said: "Don't call me a pretty boy, you are such a yellow-haired monster."

The others in the field were all confused, not understanding where this person came from, and how powerful he was, and how he could fight Lin Fei and his two men on equal terms. However, Wang Peng heard something from that person's words. It seemed that this person also heard the call from Longshan Base and came to help. However, when he arrived here, he saw Lin Fei fighting among a group of zombies. Since those zombies looked no different from ordinary people, that person must have thought that Lin Fei was from the Black Wind Base and was surrounded by everyone, so he rushed over to help.

"Brother Zhao, now only you can separate the two of them, please help." Wang Peng said with a smile to Zhao Jun who was watching the excitement.

"Hey, don't say it, the strength of these two brats is quite comparable, and although they have only awakened to the fourth level of strength, the strength of these two brats is extraordinary." Zhao Jun found it very interesting and said as soon as he opened his mouth.

Wang Peng shook his head helplessly and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother Zhao, you are still watching the fun here. Let's finish this quickly, but we still have to go to Langzhou City Base to help Brother Qiang."

"Hehe, okay, I'll do it now." Zhao Jun scratched his head awkwardly and said to Wang Peng.

Seeing Zhao Jun rushing out, Wang Peng thought about what Zhao Jun said just now that the man was as strong as Lin Fei, and he was moved. That man came alone, obviously not joining any hunter team or base. And if he is so strong, if he can join Longshan Base, he must be a big helper of Longshan Base. Then Zhao Jun rushed out and came to the middle of the two people. He clasped his hands and blocked the two people.

"You two, wait a moment, there is a little misunderstanding here." Zhao Jun said after blocking the two people.

"This is Lin Fei. He is not from the Black Wind Base, but from our Longshan Base. And, look at the people around you. They are the living dead developed by the Black Wind Base. We are dealing with them now." Wang Peng came over and said to the man with a smile.

"Oh, my name is Shen Ku. So that's how it is. Humph, why don't you explain it? You dare to call me a yellow-haired monster. How difficult is it to dye such a handsome yellow hair in this end times." After hearing what Wang Peng said, the man called Shen Ku took down his legs and said.

"Humph, if you talk nonsense again, I will chop you off together." Lin Fei also drew back his two knives, looked at Shen Ming fiercely, and said.

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