Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 631 Rain Team

"Hey, come on, the winner hasn't been decided yet, let's fight again, come on, come on, pretty boy. When Shen Ku heard what Lin Fei said, he raised one leg again, pointed at Lin Fei and said.

"Come on, come on, I'm not afraid of you, two or three more rounds, I will definitely chop you down, yellow-haired monster." Lin Fei also raised his two swords and said.

"You two, you two, let's wait a moment, we are here to deal with the people of the Black Wind Base together, not to fight internally, there are so many zombies of the Black Wind Base nearby, if you two want to compete, why not see who kills more zombies." Wang Peng saw that the two were about to fight again, so he hurriedly got between the two and said.

"Okay, come on, who's afraid of who. Hey, why are you rushing up while we are still talking? "While Shen Ku was speaking, he saw Lin Fei rushing up to kill, so he quickly chased after him and said.

"Hey, why can't these zombies be killed? They are quite powerful. Hey, tell me how to kill these zombies?" Shen Ku was beating the zombies, and when he found that he couldn't kill them, he turned his head and asked Wang Peng.

"These zombies can only be killed by hitting their necks. Be careful. These zombies are very powerful. "Wang Peng hurriedly spoke to Shen Ku from behind to remind him.

After hearing this, Shen Ku rushed to kill the zombies, and while beating the zombies, he kept harassing Lin Fei. Lin Fei would only occasionally say "yellow-haired monster" as a counterattack against Shen Ku, but fortunately the two did not fight again. Then, under the crazy attack of these two people, the zombies were quickly killed, and everyone began to clean up the battlefield. After Wang Peng arranged for Qiao Tong, he wanted to find Shen Ku, intending to take advantage of this time to get close to Shen Ku. Wang Peng turned his head and looked around, and found that Shen Ku After a while, he was around Yang Xue, constantly trying to get close to her, but the cold Yang Xue was busy with her own things, and still had a cold attitude towards Shen Ku. However, Shen Ku didn't care about these at all, and continued to be around Yang Xue. After a while, Shen Ku ran to Sister Rourou's side, handed gauze, moved supplies, and occasionally told a joke to make Sister Rourou laugh. There, he used a self-proclaimed handsome posture to offer his courtesy to the two beauties, which was very different from his attitude towards Lin Fei just now. Seeing this, Wang Peng also shook his head helplessly and walked towards Shen Ku.

"Hello, my name is Wang Peng, and I am a staff member of Longshan Base. Your name is Shen Ku, right? Come over to chat for a while." Wang Peng walked to Shen Ku's side and said to Shen Ku.

"Okay, Sister Rourou, I will come over to help you later. I will go and chat with him. "Shen Ku said to Sister Rourou with a bright smile.

"Shen Ku, you should not belong to any hunter team or base, right? How about joining our Longshan Base?" Wang Peng said to Shen Ku straight to the point.

"Yes, I do not belong to any hunter team or base. I accidentally heard that you are going to unite to deal with the Black Wind Base, so I came here to join in the fun. Originally, I was not going to join any base or hunter team, but are the beautiful Yang Xue and Sister Rourou from your Longshan Base?" Shen Ku asked.

"Yes, they are both members of our Longshan Base. Not only these two people, there are many beauties in our Longshan Base, especially in Sister Rourou's medical team. However, I have to say that there are many rules in Longshan Base, especially when it comes to women. "Wang Peng nodded and spoke to Shen Ku seriously. At the same time, he began to wonder whether to invite Shen Ku to join Longshan Base.

"What are you talking about? Women themselves need us men to respect and serve them. It is impossible and should not be forced on women. Although I like beautiful women, I also want to conquer them with my gentle charm, and I believe I have such charm." Shen Ku first said to Wang Peng very seriously, and then he shook his hair and said that he thought he was handsome.

Seeing this, Wang Peng almost couldn't help laughing, but still thought Shen Ku was quite cute, and seeing Shen Ku's serious look, Wang Peng also believed that Shen Ku really respected women. He smiled and said to Shen Ku: "Okay, then let's settle it for the time being. If you really want to join Longshan Base, you still need Brother Qiang's consent. We will go to Langzhou City Base to help and take you to meet Brother Qiang. ”

At this time, on the side of Longshan Base, two awakened level 9 Yu Yi and Yu Er had already rushed in front of Xiao Qiang and others. One of them was a jelly bean user, not only his body could become soft like jelly, but also he could transform into jelly-like weapons and launch them at the people in front to attack. The other was a sand user, his body could turn into sand and use sand to attack others, and Yu Yi was a dual-cultivation physique of a psychic and a strong man, otherwise Liu Xuan of the Black Wind Base would not let him sit in Langzhou City.

After seeing these two people rushing over, Xiao Qiang did not dare to be negligent. With a wave of his hand, he took out the three puppet-infected level 4 zombies from the system and asked them to besiege the level 9 awakening strongman of Soft Candy, while Xiao Qiang was ready to deal with another level 9 awakening strongman.

"Huh, with the strength of level 4 awakening, relying on these puppet zombies, dare to attack the Langzhou City base? Do you really think that the strong awakening level 9 is vegetarian?" The man took off the test-level glasses on his glasses, crushed them with one foot, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"What's wrong with awakening level 4? I heard that you are a strong person with dual-cultivation physique of supernatural powers. Coincidentally, I am also a strong person with dual-cultivation physique of supernatural powers. I haven't dealt with people like you yet. It's just right that I can use you to test how powerful you are after the same level, and try the power of this card." Xiao Qiang said to Yu Yi in a carefree manner.

"Ding, the host uses the awakening level 9 experience card, the time limit is 10 minutes, within 10 minutes, the host level can be upgraded to awakening level 9."

"Ding, the host uses the powerful protection card, which can withstand the full force of the awakening level 9 strongman."

These two cards are the reason why Xiao Qiang dared to separate those puppet zombies, and they are the great weapon that Xiao Qiang dared to deal with an awakening level 9 strongman alone. These two cards are also the two cards that the system gave to Xiao Qiang when Xiao Qiang drew the required number of intermediate draws.

Yu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that Xiao Qiang's momentum had greatly improved compared to before. Yu Yi wanted to check Xiao Qiang's level, but found that the test-level glasses were just crushed by him.

Xiao Qiang moved his wrist for a while, feeling the change in his body strength, and felt that the strength of this awakening level 9 strongman was too strong. If there were more cards, he would definitely be more relaxed. But Xiao Cong told him that this was a reward for her not opening the advanced lottery after completing the number of intermediate lottery draws. Ordinary tasks and lotteries will not get experience cards. After feeling the changes in his body, Xiao Qiang did not dare to delay for a moment. He turned into a ball of fire, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, and rushed towards Yu Yi.

At the same level, both sides were practicing dual cultivation. Xiao Qiang's advantage with the help of the system was reflected. With various techniques changing constantly and many pills assisting, Xiao Qiang was much stronger than Yu Yi. Despite this, Yu Yi was more familiar with the strength of awakening level 9, and launched a powerful attack on Xiao Qiang, consuming Xiao Qiang's powerful protection card. After 10 minutes, Xiao Qiang was so tired that he collapsed on the hillside. Yu Yi next to him was killed by Xiao Qiang using the Thousand Machine Umbrella. Xiao Qiang cooperated with the puppet zombies to kill Yu Er, although one puppet zombie was also killed.

"Ding, the host killed a Level 9 awakening warrior, and was rewarded with 7 million experience points, 7 million exchange points, and a high-level puppet talisman."

"Ding, the host killed a Level 9 awakening warrior, and was rewarded with 7 million experience points, 7 million exchange points, and a high-level puppet talisman."

The consequence of using the Level 9 awakening experience card was that Xiao Qiang collapsed on the hillside with exhaustion, and he didn't even have the strength to lift his hands. He was sweating all over, just like when he just opened the fourth door. Lin Bingyan was looking for pills to restore her strength, and she had to take good care of Xiao Qiang. Of course, Lin Bingyan was still mumbling about her concern for Xiao Qiang. With the killing of Yu Yi and Yu Er, and the surrender of many guards of the Langzhou City base, Huang Yu and his Longshan team also successfully rushed into the Langzhou City base and were searching the Langzhou City base. At this time, Wang Peng also led their people to the Langzhou City Base and was helping to search the Langzhou City Base. Wang Peng led Zhao Jun and Shen Ku to the hillside to find Xiao Qiang for a report.

"Brother Qiang, you haven't been like this for a long time. How come the situation has become like before? However, your speed of attacking the base is fast enough. It was taken down so quickly." After seeing Xiao Qiang's condition, Wang Peng laughed and teased Xiao Qiang.

"It will be fine in a while. I just took a short rest. It was thanks to me that the Langzhou City Base was taken down so quickly." Xiao Qiang felt a little embarrassed and said to Wang Peng while lying on Lin Bingyan's legs.

"By the way, Brother Qiang, when we were attacking there, we met a person who agreed to join our Longshan Base and awakened to the strength of level 4. His name is Shen Ku." Wang Peng pointed to Shen Ku next to him and explained to Xiao Qiang.

"You are Xiao Qiang, how did you become like this? And you are lying on the legs of such a beautiful woman. Hello, my name is Shen Ku." Shen Ku looked at Xiao Qiang with disdain, then fiddled with his hair and stretched out his hand to Lin Bingyan.

Lin Bingyan smiled gently, but did not stretch out her hand to shake hands with Shen Ku, but just nodded gently at Shen Ku. However, Shen Ku did not mind at all, and still looked at Lin Bingyan with a smile on his face, and even moved closer to Lin Bingyan to help.

After seeing this, Wang Peng hurriedly reached out and pulled Shen Ku, and said to Shen Ku: "Her name is Lin Bingyan, and she is also from our Longshan base, but she is Xiao Qiang's girlfriend."

"Hey, our Longshan base is really good. I said that women need men to serve and respect them." Shen Ku said very seriously.

Xiao Qiang shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Wang Peng had found a little pervert. However, this pervert was quite principled and knew to respect women.

"Hello, welcome to Longshan Base." Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand with difficulty and said to Shen Ku.

Shen Ku stretched out his hand and shook it gently with Xiao Qiang, then went to the side to talk to Xu Miao, which made Xu Miao blush. From then on, Shen Ku also joined Longshan Base. In the future, Shen Ku also followed Xiao Qiang and others to drive the doomsday chariot to fight zombies in the city. Of course, Shen Ku and Lin Fei would quarrel as soon as they met, and the two would fight from time to time. However, Xiao Qiang noticed that they should stop at a certain point, and it would also help their strength, so he did not stop them.

Half an hour later, the Langzhou City base was basically searched. The remaining people from the Black Wind Base, about 3,000 people, basically chose to surrender, and more than 1,000 chose to surrender after being attacked by incendiary bombs outside the base. Of course, the casualties of the Longshan team were not small, especially the team that attacked at the main gate of Huang Yu, who was led by members of the Rain Group and had strong resistance, but fortunately the Langzhou City base had been taken down. The 3,000 surrendered people were guarded by the Longshan team on the road outside the Langzhou City base, surrendered their weapons and waited for Xiao Qiang to make a decision.

After Xiao Qiang rested for half an hour, with the help of some pills in the system, his body had recovered some strength. With the help of Lin Bingyan, he walked to the center of the venue and prepared to check the situation below.

"Report, Brother Qiang, we have now completely captured the Langzhou City base, and more than 3,000 people have surrendered. Among them, those members of the Rain Team have all been killed. The Longshan Team has begun to arrange the defense of Langzhou City. Now, how should we deal with these surrendered people?" Huang Yu saw Xiao Qiang coming over, ran to Xiao Qiang and said.

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