Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 632 Two months

"In the end times, it is not easy for humans to survive. These people are just the bottom personnel of the Black Wind Base. Let the past be forgiven. Tell them that those who are willing to join our Longshan Base are welcome, but they must strictly abide by the rules of our Longshan Base. Those who are unwilling to join Longshan Base can also leave, but they must be explained clearly that they are not allowed to do bad things after leaving, and they are not allowed to join the Black Wind Base. Otherwise, they will be killed the next time they see them." Xiao Qiang said to Huang Yu.

"By the way, in addition to the Rain Group, there is another important person in this Langzhou City Base. Where did Qian Jin, the military advisor of the Black Wind Base, go?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask the people around him.

"Yes, if Qian Jin was not here, our casualties would not be so great. Did this kid escape?" Yang Shan also looked around and asked.

"Speaking of this, we just encountered a car on the way there. They said they were just ordinary guards of the Black Wind Base and didn't want to participate in the fight, so they drove out. Now that I think about it, they were just driving on a small road at the time, and they didn't even dare to turn on the headlights. If it weren't for my sensing ability, I wouldn't have found them at all. According to the current situation, it is very likely that Qian Jin saw that he couldn't beat us, so he took people and ran away." Wang Peng slapped his forehead, as if he remembered something, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Is it Qian Jin? Bring him here and let these people identify him. Go and ask someone to bring Qian Jin here." Xiao Qiang said to Wang Peng.

Then, Wang Peng came over with a thin middle-aged man with a pair of glasses on his face. His eyes kept rolling around, and he had a tuft of his signature goatee. After being pointed out by everyone, this person was Qian Jin. The man who had been hit by Qian Jin twice before rushed up to hit Qian Jin, and angrily scolded Qian Jin for asking everyone to resist in front while he secretly escaped.

"You are Xiao Qiang from Longshan Base, right? I will tell you everything I know. I will tell you everything I know. I also have something here, and I am willing to give it to you as long as you can spare my life." Qian Jin could naturally see Xiao Qiang's status among these people, and he approached Xiao Qiang and spoke.

"Your name is Qian Jin, right? I can't forgive you for what you did. And your stuff, do you think we can't find it if you don't hand it over? Humph, according to our intelligence, you are also doing all kinds of evil in the Black Wind Base, helping the father and son Liu Xuan to study the living dead, using living people for experiments, and making a living dead army for you to use. You also gave them advice many times and bullied the survivors in the end of the world. How can you forgive a person like you?" Xiao Qiang said, and gently tilted his head to Yang Shan behind him.

Yang Shan understood what Xiao Qiang meant, and used his speed to rush to the position in front of Qian Jin. In a moment, he searched Qian Jin's body. When he returned to Xiao Qiang, he already had the brown paper formula in his hand.

"Hey, you are so disgusting. You actually hid this in your crotch. It's so disgusting." Yang Shan stretched out two fingers to pinch the formula, holding the formula far away from himself, and said.

Hearing Yang Shan's words, everyone unconsciously moved to both sides, leaving Yang Shan in the middle. Qian Jin just reacted and felt that the kraft paper formula had been taken away by Yang Shan.

"Hehe, it's just right that it was taken away. Originally, this thing was a gift for Brother Qiang. It was a gift for me to join our Longshan Base. I will definitely give advice to our Longshan Base in the future." Qian Jin narrowed his eyes and said to Xiao Qiang.

"You don't need to join our Longshan Base. This kraft paper formula will only be used to do this kind of bad things in your hands. Tell all these people that if anyone dares to do bad things like Qian Jin in the end of the world, he must be killed." Xiao Qiang said to everyone in the venue with righteous words.

Then, Qian Jin was dragged by Huang Yu to the surrendered Langzhou City Base personnel and killed in public, which also had a deterrent effect on them, and Huang Yu also took the opportunity to explain the rules of the Longshan Base to them.

"Qiang, Brother Qiang, what should I do with this kraft paper? You can't always let me hold it like this." Yang Shan asked Xiao Qiang with an embarrassed look on his face, holding the kraft paper.

"Well, this thing, since you have it, you are responsible for washing it, and then hand it to Yang Xue. Remember to disinfect it." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang also pinched his nose and hurried to the side, pretending to be busy and then stepped aside. Others also hurried to catch up, leaving Yang Shan in the same place.

In the end, all the surrendered personnel of the Black Wind Base were willing to join the Longshan Base. Most of these people were not mutants, and they were not very valued in the Black Wind Base. They had heard of the Longshan Base before. Now that they have the opportunity to join the Longshan Base, they are naturally unwilling to go to this doomsday to find other bases or hunter teams. Not only them, but also those mutants who came to help, are clamoring that many people want to join the Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang is naturally very happy to include them in the Longshan Base.

After discussion, Xiao Qiang and the others decided to establish a base here in Langzhou City. The people from the original Langzhou City base, plus the more than 3,000 people rescued, and the two brothers Wang Dong and Gao would The Longshan team is formed together with these personnel who are clamoring to join the Longshan base. Not only in Langzhou City, but also in Tongzhou City, the two Longshan teams of Huang Yu and Qiao Tong can lead a part of the people to establish a base. In this way, it can not only reduce the population pressure on the Longshan base, but also establish bases in Tongzhou and Langzhou cities so that the three cities can help each other, which will also be beneficial to cleaning up the zombies. Now, the zombies in Xuzhou City have been almost eliminated, and the main focus can be placed on Langzhou City and Tongzhou City. Two teams at Longshan Base are enough. Moreover, Xiao Qiang decided that the two Longshan teams of Jiang Kai and Xu Miao would still have 3,000 people, but the remaining four teams would all be expanded to 5,000 people. Their first task was to establish the base first. Of course, the model It is similar to the Longshan base. Xiao Qiang will transport a batch of grain and vegetable seeds, and will also send people to open the roads between the three city bases.

After completing these arrangements, Xiao Qiang led everyone back to Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang also asked Wang Liang to prepare a considerable amount of food for Zhao Jun and those hunter teams and base personnel who did not join Longshan Base. , considered as a reward for these people coming to help.

"Brother Xiao, you are too polite. If you do this, we are a little embarrassed. The most difficult base in Langzhou City was conquered by you. Now you have given us so much food. We are really embarrassed. " Zhao Jun looked at the carts full of food that Xiao Qiang had loaded for them, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"What are you talking about, Brother Zhao? I'm very happy if you are willing to help and deal with this Black Wind base together. What does this food mean? In fact, I had such a plan early in the morning, but I didn't want to deal with it at the time. Everyone explained, if that happens, wouldn't it appear that we are bound by interests?" Xiao Qiang smiled softly and said to Zhao Jun.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't do too much shirk anymore. Brother Xiao, if you need any help from me, Zhao Jun, in the future, you must inform me and I will definitely come to help you. Then, let's Just say goodbye." After saying this, Zhao Jun got into the car with the legions and set off.

On the way back to the legion, Zhao Jun's adjutant said to Zhao Jun: "This Xiao Qiang is really quite capable. He was actually able to take down the Langzhou City base. You said you wanted to join them before, and I also I think they are not strong enough, but now it looks like it would be a great thing for someone to join them.”

"Yeah, maybe in the future, we people can't stay in the legion any longer, and we really want to join Brother Xiao's Longshan base." Zhao Jun sat in the car and looked at Longshan from the rearview mirror of the car. Base said.

On this day, the news that the Longshan Base killed the personnel of the Black Wind Base in Langzhou City overnight spread to the ears of snobs everywhere in the apocalypse. It also aroused widespread discussion on the instruments of the Apocalypse Alliance, and Xiao Qiang The news that they had established bases in Langzhou City and Tongzhou City shocked many people. The snobbery in Longshan Base has been greatly improved, and it has become the fourth largest snobbery in this apocalyptic world. After the Black Wind Base learned the news, Liu Xuan was also furious and stated that he would declare war on the Longshan Base. However, this time the personnel of the Black Wind Base were severely damaged. Liu Xuan only sent two teams to the level 4 city of Huzhou to strengthen the The forces on the other side did not launch an attack on Longshan Base.

Time passes very quickly, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye. If it was before the end of the world, then the Spring Festival is already approaching. In the past two months, Longshan Base has not clashed with other snobbery groups again, and other forces seem to have entered hibernation, concentrating on developing their own snobbery. Company M is still focusing on researching various high-tech products in the apocalypse. It only strengthens the strength of its own base and does not clean up the zombies in the city. Moreover, M Company is also working hard to create its own image in the apocalypse. It only shows the attitude of collecting black gold and doing business in the apocalypse. Whether it is the Black Wind Base or other hunter squads, M Company will choose Trading, and fighting is not allowed in Company M. Several auctions have been held in Company M. Although Company M is committed to building its own image, Xiao Qiang still has a bad impression of Company M, because when Xiao Qiang went to the auction, he saw people from Company M bullying others many times. The legion followed the example of Longshan Base and called on everyone to start clearing out zombies. However, due to the large number of zombies in level 2 cities, the effect was not too obvious, and the overall strength of the legion was gradually becoming inferior to that of M Company.

In Xuzhou City, where the Longshan Base is located, the number of zombies in Xuzhou City has become less and less due to Xiao Qiang's continuous insistence on fighting zombies. Only a few remote locations still have some zombies wandering around. Xiao Qiang and his team have established many protective areas in the city to prevent those zombies from wandering to the locations that have been cleared. The scope of the Longshan Base has also been expanding, and the area where people move around has become larger and larger. This situation has made some people who were previously opposed to clearing zombies begin to support it. In Huangzhou City and Langzhou City, since the personnel of the Longshan Base have just gone there, there are still many zombies, but the bases have begun to improve, and through Xiao Qiang's seeds, the two bases can also be self-sufficient, and the two bases have become better and better.

In the past two months, Xiao Qiang still drove the Doomsday Chariot with those people to continue to kill zombies to upgrade himself. However, this time there was an extra Shen Ku in the car, plus Xiao Shutong who had to follow him all the time, so there were already 10 people in the entire chariot. During this period, Xiao Qiang's level was also upgraded to the awakening level 5. The higher the level, the more difficult it is to upgrade. Of course, it is also related to Xiao Qiang's slackness during this period, and he is busy with the management of 3 bases. For this reason, Xiao Qiang has been criticized by Xiao Cong. However, although the level has not been upgraded much, Xiao Qiang's puppet zombies have reached 50, all of which are infected with level 2 or above, and there is also an infected level 5 zombie.

Although Xiao Qiang's level has not been upgraded much, the few people who follow Xiao Qiang, the Doomsday Chariot, may be because of the proximity of the water tower, Xiao Qiang will give them all kinds of the latest elixirs or suitable exercises. Therefore, the strength of these people has increased a lot. Among them, Lin Fei has been upgraded to the awakening level 7, but the most powerful one is Xiao Shutong. I didn't see how she trained at all, but now she has been upgraded to the point where Xiao Qiang can't detect the level, and Xiao Qiang doesn't know what kind of ability Xiao Shutong has.

At this time, there are a total of 10 people on the Doomsday Chariot, or using supernatural powers,

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