Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 633: New Year's Eve at the Base

For example, Lin Bingyan awakened to level 5 and became an ice-type psychic, Rourou sister awakened to level 5 and became a space-type psychic, Wang Peng awakened to level 6 and became a perception-type psychic, Xiong Shi awakened to level 6 and became an animal-type bear psychic, or a strong person. Shen Ku was awakened to the strong person level. Because he practiced the skills on his legs, his legs could become harder than metal and turn golden when he used them. Because of the competition with Lin Fei, he also trained very hard and reached the level of awakening 7. Moreover, after Shen Ku joined the Doomsday Chariot, it became much more lively. Shen Ku was very energetic, especially when he met the girls in the base, he became particularly attentive and provided help to the beauties all the time. Of course, he did not forget to compete with Lin Fei from time to time. There is also Yang Shan, who is also awakened at level 5, upgraded from the strong level. The most outstanding thing is his speed, and he is not only a mutant, but also assisted by high-tech black gold wings. Or ordinary people, such as Yang Xue, but Yang Xue has a pair of steel armor, which is also very powerful. In these days, Xiao Qiang has helped Yang Xue to gather a steel arm, and Yang Xue's strength has been greatly enhanced, especially the lasers fired from it, although they consume a lot of black gold, even against awakened strongmen, they can fight the enemy.

On the instruments of the Doomsday Alliance, there is information discussed by everyone, and for the 10 people on Xiao Qiang's Doomsday Chariot, they are also called the 10 strongest people of Longshan Base by them. Among them, there are all kinds of rumors about Xiao Shutong's strength, and some say that Xiao Shutong is actually an old man. Because of the practice of the exercises, he looks like a child, and Xiao Shutong is also the most powerful person in Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang and others also rely on Xiao Shutong to grow to the present level. When Xiao Shutong and the others saw this analysis, they all laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

For these 10 people, everyone also assigned them functions. The three strongest fighters were Xiao Qiang, Lin Fei and Shen Ku, who were also the three strongest people in the entire Longshan base. When dealing with zombies, if they encountered powerful zombies, they would rush forward to deal with them. Yang Shan also fulfilled his promise and relied on his speed and black gold wings to become the pioneer among the few people. When encountering a group of zombies, Yang Shan was always the first to rush forward. In addition to driving the Doomsday Chariot, Daxiong also relied on his own strength and played the role of pioneer together with Yang Shan. Lin Bingyan and Yang Xue played an important role in output in the team. One of them relied on supernatural powers and the other relied on high technology to hit zombies from a distance. Sister Rourou, in addition to being a doctor in the team, also used her space supernatural powers to assist everyone in the fight. Wang Peng collected intelligence from the intelligence team while using his superb shooting skills to shoot at zombies from a distance. Xiao Shutong was even more powerful. Although he had never dealt with zombies, he was called a hidden strongman among them.

At night, Xiao Qiang lay in bed. If it was before the end of the world, it would be the New Year. After everyone's agreement, Longshan Base decided to celebrate the New Year. Everyone also planned to rest for two weeks. During this time, everyone could have a good rest. Moreover, the senior leaders of the Longshan team in Tongzhou City and Langzhou City will return to the base tomorrow, and everyone can come and play together.

Before going to bed, Xiao Qiang prepared to check his attribute values ​​as usual, that is, to enter the system and ask Xiao Cong to show him the attributes after upgrading to awakening level 5.

"Host: Xiao Qiang

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (Perfect Level: Proficiency 133/10000), Thunder Claw (Perfect Level: Proficiency 2/10000), Flying Thunder God (Proficiency: Perfect Level 133/1000), Shattering Palm (Perfect Level: Perfect Level 73/10000), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Perfect Level: Proficiency 103/10000), Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix (Perfect Level: Proficiency 173/10000) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Four Gates Open (Show Lotus) Fire Heart Technique Fifth Gate Open - Pay Homage to the Peacock

Mall Permission: Level 2 (Can purchase intermediate items) Open lottery permission level 2 (10000/10000)

Overall evaluation: Awakening level 5. Experience value: 14300000/15000000 Exchange points 10002000.

Owns a bone spur dagger, a plum peak dagger, a snowflake dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, a high-tech nano helmet (advanced), a high-tech nano armor (advanced), etc.

Battle pet: Howling Moon Wolf (juvenile) comparable to awakening level 3 strength

Puppet: Infected 1 level 5 zombie, infected 16 level 4 zombies, infected 16 level 3 zombies, infected 17 level 2 zombies. "

Early in the morning, Xiao Qiang heard the noisy sound outside. Xiao Qiang rubbed his eyes in confusion, opened the curtains and looked outside. He found that snowflakes were falling in the sky and a thick layer of snow had formed on the ground. The children in the base gathered in the square. Some were playing snowball fights, some were making snowmen, and some were making a skating road. A group of people lined up on the ice to prepare for skating. Wang Peng led the members of the patrol team, holding brooms and shovels, to clean the main roads in Longshan Base. The logistics team led by Li Wei and others started cooking early in the morning. Although two bases were established in Tongzhou City and Langzhou City, and part of the Longshan Base personnel were separated, there are still more than 30,000 people in Longshan Base. Today, Li Wei and others are going to eat dumplings and stir-fry, so they started to get busy early in the morning. Others in the base have nothing else to do today. The newly built houses in the base have also been built and the personnel have moved in. Many people gathered on the first floor of the canteen, enjoying the snow outside. They made dumplings, rolled out dough, and then mixed the stuffing. The pork in the base has formed a very large rule, which can fully meet the daily supply of the base, and even sell some, so everyone is also very motivated.

"Dingdang, get up quickly, others have already gotten up, why don't you get up, you little lazy egg, it's snowing outside, get up quickly, follow me and let's play in the snow together." Lin Bingyan's voice sounded outside the door.

Xiao Qiang hasn't seen such heavy snow for a long time, so he was quite excited to see the thick snow. He quickly put on his clothes, opened the door and followed Lin Bingyan to walk around the base.

Walking in the base, all parts of the base were hung with red lanterns, and the snowflakes floating in the sky were also very clean. After the two walked for a while, the snow began to stop, and the sunlight shining on the snow looked very pure.

"Ding Dong, come, let's have a snowball fight." Lin Bingyan rolled up a snowball and threw it at Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, okay, I'm really good at snowball fights." Xiao Qiang was also in high spirits and started playing with Lin Bingyan.

Afterwards, after playing snowball fights for a while, the two made two snowmen and stood side by side on the square. Lin Bingyan held Xiao Qiang's hand, leaned on Xiao Qiang's shoulder, and gently said private love words to Xiao Qiang.

"Brother Qiang, Huang Yu and the others are here and are waiting for you in the villa. It's almost noon now. If you go there, it's just time for dinner." At this time, Wang Peng came over and said to Xiao Qiang.

After everyone met, there was inevitably a warm chat. After asking about each other's recent situation, Xiao Qiang waved his hand and started to eat. After everyone discussed unanimously, it was decided to eat in the square in front of the cafeteria. Eating in this beautiful snow scene is also a special flavor, and it is more lively when so many people gather together in the base.

With a "click" sound, everyone was eating and chatting when they suddenly heard a crack appear in the transparent defense shield above the sky, and then the entire transparent defense shield was broken into pieces. At the beginning, when the Shadow Group attacked Longshan Base, they only made a hole on the transparent defense shield, and did not destroy the entire transparent defense shield. After the transparent defense shield was destroyed, four figures appeared in the sky above everyone in Longshan Base.

After the four figures appeared, Longshan Base suddenly fell into a panic. The alarm of enemy attack immediately sounded in Longshan Base. Liu Jie led the members of the patrol team to immediately surround those people. Even when everyone was eating, Liu Jie arranged enough patrol members to patrol in Longshan Base. When these four people came, they didn't say they came in from the main entrance. After all, the main entrance of Longshan Base welcomes people who come to trade or join. Instead, these people destroyed the transparent defense shield of Longshan Base as soon as they came up. In this way, they can only be some enemies. After the patrol members arrived, they surrounded the four people in the sky from below, and the Longshan team quickly evacuated the crowd and forced the ordinary people to retreat to the back.

Without saying a word, Lin Fei drew out his double swords and ran to the top of the building. He clenched his double swords with both hands and stared at the four people in the sky in front of him. The others also took out their weapons and looked at them vigilantly from a distance. When Lin Bingyan saw one of them, a complicated look flashed in her eyes, but she was a little confused.

Xiao Qiang slowly stood up and looked up at the four people in the sky. One of them had gray hair and was an old man. He was dressed in a gray long gown and held a black-gold long stick in his hand. The other two were big men in black clothes, dressed in all black, and one of them held a long black-gold long sword in his hand. Among these people, the most conspicuous one is a young man with a fashionable perm, and the front hair is dyed colorfully. He is also dressed very fashionably and looks fair and clean. His appearance is only slightly inferior to Lin Fei. He has a proud and disdainful look on his face, and a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the crowd.

"Ding, the current level of the detected personnel is too high, and the current level of the personnel cannot be detected."

"Ding, the current level of the detected personnel is too high, and the current level of the personnel cannot be detected."

"Ding, the current level of the detected personnel is too high, and the current level of the personnel cannot be detected."

"Ding, a human with awakening level 9 is detected."

Hearing the voice coming from the system, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but frown. Among these people, except for the old man who was awakened to level 9, the other three people were unable to detect their strength. Xiao Qiang also understood that the inability to detect their strength meant that these people were at least strong people at the level of Qi Gathering.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass into my Longshan base?" Han Feng ran to the top of a tall building in two steps and asked a few people.

Unexpectedly, those people didn't answer at all, and the height in the air was slowly decreasing. When they finally dropped to the height of about one floor, they stopped descending. What surprised Xiao Qiang was that these people didn't carry any high-tech products, but they could stand steadily in the air, which made Xiao Qiang feel their strength even more. For people of this level, Xiao Qiang had only seen people like Jiu Lao with such strength.

The other three stopped, but the old man who had awakened to level 9 slowly landed and walked slowly towards the center of the venue.

"Flash Kick!"

"You don't even answer, take my kick first." Shen Ku saw that the old man didn't answer, and yelled at him.

At this time, under the organization of the Longshan team, the personnel in the center of the venue had been cleared and evacuated. This was related to the daily training of the Longshan base, and on the other hand, these people did not take action after arriving here. The Longshan team surrounded the four people under the command of their respective captains, and some of the personnel hurriedly led the others to retreat.

"Don't!" Shen Ku didn't know the level of these people, and Xiao Qiang hurriedly stopped him.

As he spoke, Shen Ku had already kicked the old man, but he saw that the man didn't even look at Shen Ku, holding the black gold stick with one hand, and gently waved it towards Shen Ku's position, and then he saw that Shen Ku had been thrown out, smashing the glass of the cafeteria and being thrown into the cafeteria.

"Your leg skills are good, but the speed is too slow." The old man turned his head slightly and said.

When everyone saw that the old man injured Shen Ku with one move, they began to attack, one after another, and rushed towards the few people. The two men in black said a few words to the young man in the air, and after getting a slight nod from the young man, they slowly descended from the air and stood on both sides of the old man's body.

Yang Shan was the first to rush to the side of the black-clothed man holding a long knife,

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