Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 635 The enemy is strong

Before the end of the world, Ye Dong was just a playboy. After the end of the world, he became a mutant. His superpower is the Peng bird. After using the superpower, he can transform into a big bird. Moreover, Ye Dong is also one of the few strong people in the end of the world who has a dual-cultivation physique. In addition, the Ye family loves him very much. When the meteorite just fell, they gave him a lot of pills, so his strength is also very strong now.

"Bingyan, is what he said true? Lin Bingyan, what am I asking you?" After Ye Dong flew down, he shouted at Lin Bingyan.

"Yes, Xiao Qiang is my boyfriend, I will not marry you, you quickly release my parents and grandfather." Lin Bingyan reached out and held Xiao Qiang's hand, and said to Ye Dong.

"Hahaha, good, good, good, there is no woman that I, Ye Dong, cannot get. Your parents are in my hands now. I will marry you in a year. Who dares to stop me? Kill them all." Ye Dong said to his men with a crazy smile on his face.

"Everyone, retreat quickly!" Xiao Qiang heard Ye Dong's words, stood in front of Lin Bingyan, and shouted at the field.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang waved his hand, and 50 infected zombies in the system rushed out of the system and rushed towards several people. Lin Lao also shook his head helplessly. With Ye Dong's wealth, he could not find any woman, including stars and young models, but Ye Dong was infatuated with Lin Bingyan. Perhaps it was because he did not get Lin Bingyan. However, now that Ye Dong had given the order, his men could only attack.

While the puppet zombies were holding off a few of them, Xiao Qiang grabbed Lin Bingyan's hand and ran towards Sister Rourou's position. When he got there, he saw Sister Rourou urgently treating Lin Fei, Shen Ku and the others.

"Tell everyone to retreat, don't attack easily, these people are too strong, I will hold them off. Take good care of Bingyan, they are coming for Bingyan." Xiao Qiang said to Sister Rourou and the others,

"Ding, the host was infected with a level 4 zombie and was killed, and the host has 49 zombies left."

"Ding, the host was infected with a level 3 zombie and was killed, and the host has 48 zombies left."

"Ding, the host was infected with a level 3 zombie and was killed, and the host has 47 zombies left."

"Ding, the host was infected with a level 2 zombie and was killed, and the host has 46 zombies left."

. . . . . .

While speaking, the voice in Xiao Qiang's system rang rapidly, and those infected zombies were constantly killed by the four people. Xiao Qiang turned his head and found that the zombies had fallen to the ground in the field. There were only a few zombies left in the middle of the field, still fighting with those people. The infected level 5 zombie was already covered with wounds.

Xiao Qiang rushed towards Ye Dong with the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand. During the running, a wolf howl sounded, and the little wolf jumped out of the system and rushed towards the four people in front with Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang ignored the other three people and arrived in front of Ye Dong. He stabbed Ye Dong with a spear. At the same time, Xiao Qiang ordered the infected zombie to come to help, and the little wolf bit Lin Lao.

"Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix!"

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency level 134/10000."

The gun shadows in the sky instantly covered Ye Dong's body. Ye Dong raised his mouth slightly, not taking Xiao Qiang's attack seriously at all. With a wave of his wings, his whole body was covered. Xiao Qiang's Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix hit Ye Dong, but it could not cause any harm to Ye Dong. He spread his wings, and the zombie infected with level 5 had already stretched out its claws to attack Ye Dong. Ye Dong waved his wings lightly, and the whole person flew into the air and avoided the attack of the zombie infected with level 5.

"Ding, the host was killed by the level 3 zombies infected by the host, and the host has 4 zombies left."

"Ding, the host was killed by the level 4 zombies infected by the host, and the host has 3 zombies left."

"Ding, the host was killed by the level 2 zombies infected by the host, and the host has 2 zombies left."

"Ding, the host was killed by the level 2 zombies infected by the host, and the host has 1 zombie left."

In just a moment, all of Xiao Qiang's puppet zombies were killed except for the injured level 5 zombie infected. These people were very powerful and used fierce attack methods against these zombies, and these zombies were quickly killed. Xiaolang only fought with Lin Lao for a simple move, and was knocked into the crowd. After killing these zombies, Lin Lao, who had awakened to level 9, and the man in black who used the black-gold long sword attacked Xiao Qiang from the left and right. With a crisp sound of "dang", Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella tightly to block the long sword of the man in black. The strong force from his palm caused blood to ooze out of Xiao Qiang's knuckles. The Thousand Chance Umbrella was also vibrated and buzzed continuously. Xiao Qiang's bleeding hands tightly held the Thousand Chance Umbrella so that the Thousand Chance Umbrella did not fall out of his hands. On the other side, Elder Lin held the black gold long stick tightly and smashed it on Xiao Qiang's head. At this time, Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella just blocked the attack of the man in black, and could not resist the attack of the long stick on himself, so he could only use Flying Thunder God.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency proficiency level 373/1000."

In an instant, Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique to distance himself from the two of them. Elder Lin's black gold stick hit the ground, creating a long crack in the ground.

"The weapons and techniques are quite good, but unfortunately they are much weaker when you use them." The man in black held the black gold machete in one hand, put it on his shoulder, and said.

"The battle pet just now is also very good. After being hit by my full blow, he was still not killed. I just gave these things to Mr. Ye." Mr. Lin also looked at the position of the little wolf and couldn't help but admire it. said.

"Hmph, a low-level city is a low-level city. Even the zombies here are so weak. They are really rubbish." Ye Dong looked at Xiao Qiang, his hands turned into eagle claws, and his sharp nails suddenly cut into the frustrated head. He pinched it and said.

"Ding, the host was infected with level 4 zombies and was killed. There are 0 zombies left in the host."

After hearing Ye Dong's words, Xiao Qiang's eyes burst out with fire. He used his superpower, turned his legs into flames, and launched another attack on Ye Dong.

"Door 4 - open!"

"Biao Lianhua!"

Xiao Qiang kicked Ye Dong. After the fourth door opened, his speed was much faster than before. However, before Xiao Qiang's kick could hit Ye Dong, the man in black holding a black gold sword had already blocked in front of Ye Dong and turned the wide black gold sword sideways. Xiao Qiang kicked the black gold sword, and the man in black only slightly bent his arm to block Xiao Qiang's attack. Mr. Lin had already come from the side and was about to hit Xiao Qiang's body with a stick. At this time, Xiao Qiang was in the air and had to open the fifth door to avoid Mr. Lin's attack with the stick.

"Door 5 - open!"

"A mad dragon's sword!"

After Xiao Qiang, who was in the air, opened the fifth door, his reaction speed became much faster. With a change of body and a flip, he was able to avoid Elder Lin's attack. While he was in the air, Xiao Qiang had already used the Kuanglong Yida technique. The sword with huge power struck from top to bottom towards the man in black, but Xiao Qiang's powerful technique was in front of him. When facing the man in black, he was easily blocked by the man in black with a black gold sword.

Xiao Qiang's Kuanglong knife had just slashed out when he felt something moving above his head. He raised his head slightly and looked up, but he saw that Ye Dong had already reached the top of Xiao Qiang's head, with his eagle claws stretched forward. , just aim at Xiao Qiang’s head and grab it.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 374/1000."

Xiao Qiang hurriedly used the Flying Thunder God technique and returned to the previous position. However, Xiao Qiang had just arrived at the position he was in. Mr. Lin had already rushed over with a long black gold stick in his hand. He aimed the stick at Xiao Qiang's back and hit it with a "bang". Xiao Qiang fell heavily to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from Xiao Qiang's mouth. Xiao Qiang felt as if his back had been torn apart, and the wound was burning.

"Xiao Qiang, how are you!" Lin Bingyan was about to cry after noticing that Xiao Qiang was injured, and wanted to come over to Xiao Qiang.

"Don't come here. Didn't I tell you to leave? Why don't you leave quickly? Brother Han, take them away quickly." Xiao Qiang stood up despite the pain in his back in order not to worry Lin Bingyan. He held the Thousand Chance Umbrella and said to the crowd.

"Xiao Qiang, I have asked Wang Liang to retreat the ordinary people in the base. We mutants have not left yet. They are very strong. You are the leader of Longshan Base. What will happen if we leave you here?" It’s okay, we’ll stay to help you,” Han Feng replied to Xiao Qiang.

"No, none of you are allowed to take action. Run away quickly and let me delay them. If any of you dare to take action, don't stay in Longshan Base." Xiao Qiang gasped, turned his head slightly and faced Several people said.

When those people heard Xiao Qiang's words, they no longer rushed forward, but they did not run away as Xiao Qiang said. Instead, they continued to watch from a distance, ready to help at any time. Just as Xiao Qiang finished speaking, the man in black holding the black gold sword rushed over. Holding the black gold sword with one hand, he hit Xiao Qiang on the head with one blow. Xiao Qiang quickly raised his thousand swords. The parachute came and blocked the attack of the black gold sword. Under the strong pressure, the shaking Thousand Chance Umbrella kept spinning in Xiao Qiang's hand. The skin on Xiao Qiang's palm was soon scratched, and a large amount of blood quickly dyed the Thousand Chance Umbrella red. , but Xiao Qiang still managed to hold onto the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The man in black slashed with one knife, followed immediately by another. Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth and wanted to attack the man in black, but the strength and speed were too far apart, and Xiao Qiang was unable to do so. For other actions, he could only raise the Thousand Chance Umbrella again and raise it horizontally to resist the long knife attack of the man in black. However, this time, there was a crisp "dang" sound, and the powerful force made Xiao Qiang unable to hold the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The umbrella and Thousand Chance Umbrella also fell to the side.

Just as the blow landed, the black-clothed man swung another knife down, a few points faster than Lin Fei's knife swinging speed. Xiao Qiang no longer had the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, and quickly took out a dagger from the system, facing the black-gold long knife and the dagger collided with each other. With a "clang", the dagger was also hit to the side, and Xiao Qiang was pressed down by the heavy pressure, and the ground was sunken, and Xiao Qiang's legs sank into the concrete floor. At this time, Lin Lao also rushed over, and the black-gold long stick in his hand was gently passed forward, and it hit Xiao Qiang's legs heavily. With a "squeak", Xiao Qiang's legs were broken.

"Ah!" The intense pain made Xiao Qiang scream out, and blood seeped out of his legs, dyeing the blood around Xiao Qiang red.

"Xiao Qiang! No more fighting, no more fighting, I'll go with them, no more fighting." Seeing this, Lin Bingyan couldn't hold back her tears any more, and cried and ran towards Xiao Qiang, but Sister Rourou behind her tightly grabbed Lin Bingyan.

Not only Lin Bingyan, but the rest of the people in the base rushed over to help Xiao Qiang deal with these people.

"Don't come over, don't come over, no one should come over, otherwise you won't be a member of my Longshan base." Xiao Qiang's mouth was mixed with blood, and he turned his head and roared.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang used his supernatural power, his legs turned into flames, and he jumped to the side, and jumped out and reached the side of the man in black. Now, since Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique, his Flying Thunder God technique has been identified by several people. These people are very fast. As soon as Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique, they were able to quickly find Xiao Qiang's position at the same time and launch an attack. So Xiao Qiang wanted to use his fire ability to speed up his speed, so that he could dodge their attacks and then attack again.

However, just when Xiao Qiang was about to control his ability to fly into the air, Ye Dong had already reached Xiao Qiang's head with his wings, and grabbed Xiao Qiang's shoulder with his sharp claws, and then broke Xiao Qiang's arm with a twist, and then fell heavily to the ground. After falling to the ground, Xiao Qiang clenched his teeth. In order not to make Lin Bingyan sad again, Xiao Qiang did not shout out. Xiao Qiang, who fell to the ground, took out a bunch of hemostatic pills from the system with his other hand and stuffed them into his mouth. He felt that his physical condition had improved slightly, but the fractures of his legs and one arm had not been alleviated.

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