Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 636 Xiao Shutong's special ability

After taking the hemostatic pill, Xiao Qiang rolled on the spot and took out a lot of talismans from the system. Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and threw it at the four people in front of him. Various attacks were directed at the four people. There was a swarm of people saying hello. There were all kinds of thunder and lightning, arrows, and poisonous smoke, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. Xiao Qiang just took a breath, but he saw a sharp claw sticking out from the smoke, quickly flying behind Xiao Qiang, and grabbed Xiao Qiang's back. Five blood holes appeared on his body, and Xiao Qiang spurted out another mouthful of blood. With a roar of "Ah", Xiao Qiang couldn't bear it any longer. He screamed out in pain, and his whole body was shaken. fly.

As the only child of the Ye family, Ye Dong not only had a variety of elixirs to train him, but also a lot of treasures such as armors. Therefore, Ye Dong also quickly got rid of Xiao. Qiang's talisman attacks, attacking Xiao Qiang, and the rest of the people are using their skills or their own weapons to continue to resist against these talismans. After a while, the remaining three people also rushed out of the smoke.

The man in black with the black gold machete in his hand rushed over and struck Ye Dong's body with the knife, but Ye Dong reached out to stop him. At this time, in front of Lin Bingyan, Ye Dong, the boyfriend whom Lin Bingyan admitted, He also wanted to humiliate Xiao Qiang so that the gap between the two could be clearly demonstrated in front of Lin Bingyan. However, Ye Dong ordered Mr. Lin to cut off Xiao Qiang's other arm with a stick, causing all of Xiao Qiang's arms and legs to be broken by the blow. After doing these things, Mr. Lin slowly retreated back towards Lin Bingyan's position.

"There are a lot of talismans, but they are used in your hands. Rubbish is rubbish. You are the only one who wants to steal women from me. You, the trash from a low-level city, want to steal women from me." Ye. With an evil smile on his face, Dong faced Xiao Qiang with disdain and kicked Xiao Qiang's back one after another, while speaking.

"Ouch", a wolf roar came, and the little wolf limped over from a distance, and rushed towards Ye Dong's position. However, before he could reach Ye Dong, the man in black rushed towards him. In the past, the knife hit Xiaolang's body hard, hitting Xiaolang's body hard against the wall of the cafeteria. Not only Xiaolang, but also the captain of the Longshan team, Jiang Kai, Qiao Tong, Xu Miao and others also rushed forward and rushed towards Ye Dong. At this time, Ye Dong stepped on Xiao Qiang's bruised and swollen face with one foot. He didn't even bother to look at the captains of Longshan Base. The two men in black had already rushed up to confront the captains of Longshan Base. Basically, With just one move, these people can be seriously injured, but even if they are seriously injured, these people still keep rushing forward. Even Lin Fei was seriously injured, but he still struggled to stand up and use his own skills to attack Ye Dong.

However, the actions of these people at Longshan Base angered Ye Dong even more. He did not want to see the "trash" in his eyes being cared for by so many people, and having so many people pay for him without hesitation, even if he knew that he would Their strength is far from the opponents of people like themselves, but they still charge forward. The more these people rushed forward, the more Ye Dong wanted to humiliate Xiao Qiang. He kept kicking Xiao Qiang's body randomly with one foot, leaving Xiao Qiang covered in blood. At the same time, he kicked Xiao Qiang with one foot. He also stepped heavily on Xiao Qiang's head and looked at Lin Bingyan with a smile on his face.

"Don't come here, don't come here again." Xiao Qiang shouted at everyone when he saw that everyone in the base was seriously injured, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

At this time, Lin Bingyan was already feeling very distressed when she saw Xiao Qiang like this. She sat on the ground and kept trying to rush over here. Fortunately, sister Rourou hugged Lin Bingyan tightly to prevent her from passing by. , but Mr. Lin was approaching Lin Bingyan step by step, preparing to take Lin Bingyan away. At this moment, everyone in Longshan Base was in a critical situation. Facing this powerful enemy, everyone seemed helpless even if they rushed forward desperately, and were easily defeated by the four people.

"Don't bully my uncle!" At the moment when everyone was in despair, a childish voice suddenly sounded.

When these people first attacked, Xiao Shutong was pulled by Li Wei to retreat with the crowd. I don't know why Xiao Shutong came here. A crying pear blossom screamed at the center of the field. Everyone in the field was surprised to find that Xiao Shutong was floating in the air at this moment, and there was some faint red light twining around Xiao Shutong, spinning around Xiao Shutong's body. While shouting, Xiao Shutong waved his immature little hand forward, and red light began to appear around Ye Dong who was stepping on Xiao Qiang's head, wrapping Ye Dong tightly, and then Ye Dong's body continued to Floating towards the air, those red rays of light enveloped Ye Dong and continued to attack Ye Dong's body. The outermost layer of Ye Dong's clothes had been shattered by the red rays of light. Ye Dong kept trying to struggle, but these red rays of light tightly bound Ye Dong, making it impossible for Ye Dong to break free.

When the two men in black saw this, they rushed over to help, but Xiao Shutong just waved his other hand. The two men in black were also wrapped in red light, and their bodies floated into the air. The black gold machete of one of the men in black also had cracks under the attack of the red light.

"No, no, little beauty, please, don't continue, I was wrong, we were wrong, we shouldn't have come to Longshan Base, don't use this supernatural power to attack us." Ye Dong's face was swollen and red by the attack of the red light, and he actually begged for mercy from Xiao Shutong.

Seeing this, everyone in Longshan Base couldn't help but shake their heads at Ye Dong. This change was too fast. He was arrogant just now, but now he couldn't beat Xiao Shutong, so he immediately changed his appearance and began to beg for mercy from Xiao Shutong. It's a pity that Ye Dong still has such strong strength. He can bend and stretch, but compared with Xiao Qiang's backbone, it's far worse. Xiao Qiang has been beaten like this now, and he didn't beg for mercy from them.

"Okay, I won't hit you. You leave Longshan Base. You are not welcome here. You are not allowed to bully uncles anymore." Xiao Shutong was still a child after all. Seeing Ye Dong's realistic performance of begging for mercy, he really believed what Ye Dong said and said to Ye Dong.

"I promise, as long as you let us go, we will leave your Longshan Base immediately and will never bully Xiao Qiang again." Ye Dong looked like he was about to kneel down and admit his mistake to Xiao Shutong. He said to Xiao Shutong.

"Okay, I'm sorry for hurting you guys. I'll let you down now." Xiao Shutong said to Ye Dong when he saw Ye Dong's look.

Hearing Xiao Shutong's words, everyone in Longshan Base was about to remind Xiao Shutong, but they saw Xiao Shutong's fingers slightly turning, which had already slowed down the power of the red light. At this moment, when Lin Lao saw Xiao Shutong relax his vigilance, he appeared behind Xiao Shutong with a "whoosh". While Xiao Shutong was slowing down the power of the red light, he knocked Xiao Shutong's neck with his palm. Xiao Shutong fainted, and the red light disappeared instantly. Ye Dong and the other two landed steadily on the ground. Thanks to Xiao Shutong's protection from the red light, otherwise Lin Lao's attack would not just make Xiao Shutong faint.

"Xiao Shutong!" Yang Xue shouted angrily after seeing Xiao Shutong fainted.

Yang Xue rose up from the crowd angrily, and gently overlapped her hands with her steel armor. A powerful blue laser beam shot out from Yang Xue's palm and shot towards Lin Lao's body. Elder Lin frowned slightly, and was about to pick up his black-gold long stick to resist, but he saw that the man in black holding the black-gold machete had already blocked in front of Elder Lin. Xiao Qiang moved the black-gold machete horizontally and blocked the attack of the blue laser beam. Although the blue laser beam failed to penetrate the black-gold machete, the whole body of the man in black was pushed by the power of the laser and kept sliding backwards. Elder Lin saw this and quickly jumped behind the man in black, pushing his hands on the man in black to help him resist the powerful force of the laser beam. With a "bang", the laser beam was blocked by the two of them, but the black-gold machete of the man in black, which was originally broken by Xiao Shutong, broke into pieces. After Yang Xue had delivered such a powerful blow, the energy stored in the steel armor was also consumed. Yang Xue was about to fall from the air. Sister Rourou quickly used her space ability to help Yang Xue land on the ground.

"Hmph, kill them all." Ye Dong snorted coldly, rubbed his neck, and ordered the man in black and Lin Lao.

"Ah~" Several people were about to attack the people in Longshan Base, but they heard Xiao Qiang, who was lying on the ground, roar.

Everyone looked over and saw that Xiao Qiang, whose legs and hands were broken and covered in blood, was slowly using his head to support the ground. His body slowly moved and the whole person slowly sat on the ground. His face was bruised and swollen, but his eyes were still full of brilliance and glared at Ye Dong in front of him.

"Don't touch anyone from Longshan Base. If you have the guts, come at me." Xiao Qiang's mouth was spurting blood, but he still said it word by word.

"Okay, you are quite courageous. You are a waste from a low-level city, and you dare to snatch a woman from me. I want to see how long you can hold on." Ye Dong didn't expect Xiao Qiang to be able to sit up at this time. He hadn't beaten Xiao Qiang yet, so he was very angry.

As he spoke, Ye Dong had already walked to Xiao Qiang's side, turned his head to look at everyone in Longshan Base, especially where Lin Bingyan was, and then kicked Xiao Qiang. With a "puff", Xiao Qiang spurted out a large mouthful of blood, but he didn't fall down. This made Ye Dong even more angry. He kicked Xiao Qiang to the ground several times in a row, and then kept hitting him.

"Stop hitting me, Xiao Qiang, stop hitting me, Xiao Dingdang, stop hitting me." Lin Bingyan collapsed on the ground, her face wet with tears, she looked towards Xiao Qiang's position weakly and shouted.

Suddenly, Lin Bingyan stopped crying, her right arm turned slightly, a dagger had slipped from Lin Bingyan's sleeve and fell into Lin Bingyan's hand. As if she had made a decision, Lin Bingyan slowly stood up and walked towards Xiao Qiang's position step by step.

"Bingyan, don't go over there." Sister Rourou saw this and reached out to pull Lin Bingyan.

"Don't move, Ye Dong, and tell your people to stop too." Lin Bingyan turned around and shouted at everyone, and while speaking, the dagger in her hand was against her neck.

"Okay, okay, we won't move, Bingyan, don't be impulsive, there will always be a way, we will always have a way." Sister Rourou quickly retracted her steps and said to Lin Bingyan.

"There is no way, Sister Rourou, they are too strong, we can't deal with them at all. If this goes on, the whole base will be killed because of me, which is not what I want to see, Sister Rourou, this matter started because of me, and I should handle it well. You should be good in the base in the future." Lin Bingyan said while sobbing.

"Bingyan, it doesn't matter, we are not only from the same base, we are also friends. In the end times, everyone has lived happily together for so long, even if they kill us, what does it matter." Sister Rourou said softly to Lin Bingyan.

Following Lin Bingyan's move, the fights in the field had stopped. After hearing what Sister Rourou said, everyone in Longshan Base nodded gently to Lin Bingyan, indicating that everyone in Longshan Base was a family. Lin Bingyan glanced at everyone's faces gently, not daring to look at these familiar faces, and turned around hurriedly.

"But I don't want to!" Lin Bingyan didn't face everyone, and said softly and walked towards Xiao Qiang's position.

"Bingyan, don't!" Xiao Qiang's words were almost unclear, and he looked at Lin Bingyan and said.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang, who had been hit continuously and beaten to a pulp, sat up slowly again. Seeing this, Ye Dong gently signaled the man in black next to him to take action.

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