Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 637 Under Pressure

"Double gravity!"

The man in black used his superpower on Xiao Qiang, and Xiao Qiang instantly endured double gravity. His body, which had just been arched, instantly fell down. Xiao Qiang then slowly arched his body again, relying on the support of his head to sit up. Seeing this, Ye Dong looked at the position of the man in black again. The man in black was frightened after being seen by Ye Dong, and hurriedly used his superpower again.

"Ten times gravity!"

The man in black increased the strength of his superpower. At this moment, Xiao Qiang was enduring ten times his own gravity. Xiao Qiang, who was already seriously injured and had difficulty moving, fell heavily to the ground with a "bang". Seeing this, Ye Dong nodded with satisfaction, but Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth and arched his body again, trying to sit up. Ye Dong was a little annoyed now. He looked at the man in black fiercely. The man in black shuddered all over. The man in black knew Ye Dong's method and immediately increased the gravity again.

"Hundred times gravity!"

"Bang", this time not only did Xiao Qiang's body hit the ground heavily, but also a hole was smashed on the ground. Xiao Qiang struggled to get up again, but Xiao Cong's voice sounded in the system: "Host, don't get up again. If you continue like this, you will be killed by them."

Xiao Qiang did not answer Xiao Cong's words. He resisted the pressure with a firm look in his eyes and continued to get up.

Lin Bingyan found something unusual and moved the dagger closer to her neck again, looking directly at Ye Dong's position. Because of too much force, the dagger left a mark on Lin Bingyan's neck, and some blood came out along Lin Bingyan's neck.

"Tell your men to stop, or I will immediately kill myself here with this dagger. You'd better not question my words." Lin Bingyan looked at Ye Dong and said.

"Dingdang, the time I spent with you was the happiest time of my life. After the end of the world, I thought I could go out with you to fight zombies every day. We were happy every day when we got together. But fate is like this. I still can't escape the fate of marrying into the Ye family. This is my fate. Dingdang, forget me. The snobbery of the Ye family is beyond your imagination, even in the end of the world. Don't look for me anymore. Just leave it like this." Lin Bingyan walked to Xiao Qiang and said softly.

While speaking, Lin Bingyan looked ahead and didn't look at Xiao Qiang at all. It's not that Lin Bingyan didn't want to look, but after looking, Lin Bingyan was afraid that she couldn't help it, couldn't help but touch Xiao Qiang's head gently, couldn't help but wipe the tears from Xiao Qiang's eyes, and couldn't help but stay in Longshan Base. But Lin Bingyan couldn't. These people were too powerful. If she didn't follow them, not only Xiao Qiang, but also the others in Longshan Base would be killed. Hearing Lin Bingyan's words, Xiao Qiang, who had not shed tears under the continuous heavy blows, now had two lines of tears slowly sliding down his eyes. Xiao Qiang's mouth slowly opened, wanting to speak, but found that he couldn't even speak at this moment.

"I will go with you, but you have to promise me that you are not allowed to disturb the people in Longshan Base again. After a year, I will marry you." Lin Bingyan turned around, looked at Ye Dong coldly and said.

"Of course, I came here for you, not to kill this group of low-level city trash." Ye Dong spread his hands, the corners of his mouth rose, and smiled at Lin Bingyan with a slight and proud smile.

"Don't touch his things. Put everything down." Lin Bingyan saw that Lin Lao was holding Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella and Little Wolf in his hands, and said loudly to Ye Dong.

"Okay, no problem. In the end times, if you are not strong enough, no matter how many good things you have, no matter how good your battle pets are, they are useless." Ye Dong gestured to Lin Lao to throw the things aside.

As he spoke, Lin Bingyan took the dagger Xiao Qiang gave her, wiped off the blood on it, and carefully put it on her sleeve. Then she took a step forward with several people. Under the control of the black-clothed man's supernatural power, the bodies of several people gradually became very light, and then slowly floated into the air. Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Bingyan was surrounded by these people and floated away. Flying in the air, Lin Bingyan couldn't help but look back at Xiao Qiang's position. Just by looking at this, Lin Bingyan knew that Xiao Qiang must not give up, and her little Doraemon would definitely find her back in the future. Because Xiao Qiang, who was lying on the ground and couldn't even lift his eyelids after being beaten, slowly raised his arm. There was still blood on the finger that was stepped on by Ye Dong. He stretched out one finger and stubbornly told Lin Bingyan that one year later, at their wedding, Xiao Qiang would definitely appear there and find Lin Bingyan.

After seeing this, everyone in Longshan Base was not seriously injured. Although they knew that the opponent was very strong, and although they were defeated by the opponent almost without any effort this time, at this moment, the finger that Xiao Qiang stretched out was the belief of everyone in Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang was not defeated, and Longshan Base was not defeated. As long as Xiao Qiang was still holding on, everyone would follow Xiao Qiang's footsteps. If they were not strong enough, they would have to double their training in the future. One year later, at the wedding arranged by the so-called Ye Dong and Ye family, everyone would definitely follow Xiao Qiang and find Lin Bingyan.

In the following week, the gate of Longshan Base was closed. During this week, the black gold exchange in Longshan Base was also temporarily closed. Not only Longshan Base, but also the surrounding Tongzhou City and Huzhou City The city's bases are all closed. Although Longshan Base has not released any news to the outside world, snobs everywhere in the apocalypse still got some information. Longshan Base, which just had three level 4 cities, was described by everyone in the apocalypse as the fourth level in the apocalypse. The snobbish Longshan base was actually attacked by the Ye family of Andu, who only sent 4 people to injure all the masters of the Longshan base. No one could fight back at all. The most important thing was that Xiao Qiang Lin Bingyan's girlfriend was taken to Andu by the Ye family's young master. On top of the equipment of the Doomsday Alliance, other snobbery groups were noisy. They were mainly divided into two groups. One part supported Longshan Base, and the other part wanted to ridicule Longshan Base on top of the Doomsday Alliance. Although the two waves of them were noisy on the Doomsday Alliance, Longshan Base did not say anything above it.

During this week, the atmosphere in Longshan Base became much more depressing. Sister Rourou and her medical team became much busier. Most of the experts at Longshan Base were seriously injured and everyone was recuperating in their rooms. The people in the patrol team are much more vigilant. The people with live ammunition are not only in the Longshan Base, but also in the periphery of the Longshan Base. There are many Longshan Base personnel to prevent other snobbish people, such as the people from the Black Wind Base, from taking advantage of this period. Time to attack the Longshan base.

After Xiao Qiang was seriously injured by Ye Dong and the others, he was bandaged by Sister Rourou. Basically, his whole body was bandaged tightly. After being bandaged, Xiao Qiang locked himself in the bedroom. For a whole week, Xiao Qiang did not let anyone in, including Sister Rourou who wanted to come in to change Xiao Qiang's dressing. Within a week, Xiao Qiang closed the curtains in the house and stayed in the bedroom of the villa with the little wolf who was also bandaged. Everyone took turns wanting to go in and comfort Xiao Qiang. But without exception, Xiao Qiang did not let them in. Everyone was helpless and could only send people to take turns waiting at the door of the bedroom. As long as Xiao Qiang made any movement, they would be notified immediately. And Xiao Qiang didn't do anything during this week. He just took out his mobile phone blankly. Inside the mobile phone was a photo of Xiao Qiang wearing a suit and Lin Bingyan wearing a wedding dress. Xiao Qiang just stared blankly. Looking at such a photo, tears have wet the gauze wrapped around his face many times. Xiao Qiang is aware of the concern of the friends outside the door, but Xiao Qiang just wants to stay quietly at this moment. In this bedroom, Xiao Qiang didn't know how to face them at the base. A week later, under the treatment of various drugs in the system, Xiao Qiang's body finally improved a lot and he was able to move. On this day, Xiao Qiang removed all the bandages on his body, tidied them up briefly, and took out a special mask from the system.

In the middle of the night, everyone else in the Longshan base had gone to bed. Xiao Qiang had already made this decision, put the written note on the table, and prepared to take Xiaolang outside. At this moment, a familiar voice sounded outside Xiao Qiang's door.

"Xiaoqiang, you have been an honest child since you were a child. In the eyes of others, you are a very well-behaved and very introverted child. But your mother knows that you just don't care so much about small things, but you care about big things. You are a very thoughtful child, a loving and righteous child. Once you decide something, you will stick to it no matter how difficult it is. Bingyan is a very good child. I can see that. This child also really likes you. Bingyan has a good personality, is beautiful, and is also very kind to me and your father. We both agree with you two. Bingyan is also what we consider our son. Daughter-in-law, there is nothing we can do to help you in these last days. We don’t know who those powerful people are, but I know that you will definitely bring Bingyan back when you go out alone. , be sure to pay attention to safety," Xiao Qiang's mother said to Xiao Qiang while lying on the crack of the door.

After Xiao Qiang's mother said these words, she knew that Xiao Qiang heard what she said and slowly returned to her bedroom. Xiao Qiang leaned against the door. Although he didn't speak, he already burst into tears when he heard his mother's instructions to him. A moment later, when Xiao Qiang knew that his mother had returned to the bedroom, he led Xiaolang around the guards at Longshan Base, and quietly walked outside, one person and one wolf.

Early the next morning, Xiao Qiang's bedroom was already surrounded by senior staff from the Longshan base. Many people were still wrapped in thick gauze. They also came here because of the piece of paper Xiao Qiang left on the table. Zhang’s note. Wang Liang's back was facing everyone, his eyes were looking out the window, and he still held a note written by Xiao Qiang in his hand. There were only 4 words written on the note, "See you in a year." Although everyone in Longshan Base did not know that Xiao Qiang was going Where are you going and what are you going to do? Everyone's mood is a little complicated, but they have a clear goal. During this year, they must continue to strengthen their own strength. At the wedding, he followed Xiao Qiang to get Lin Bingyan back. From then on, during this year, Wang Liang and Han Feng were in charge of the affairs of the Longshan Base. All standards were still in accordance with what Xiao Qiang had previously set. All survivors in the apocalypse could join the Longshan Base. Moreover, Longshan While everyone in the base was also clearing away zombies, everyone entered into crazy training, especially the top 10 strong men in Longshan Base. In the duel with the Ye family, they were not only defeated, but also defeated. Those people pointed out their shortcomings one after another, so you gritted your teeth and trained very hard during this year. As for Xiao Shutong, everyone also knew that Xiao Shutong had a power of scarlet power. This kind of power is very powerful and special, which is why Xiao Shutong can still be very strong even if he doesn't exercise much.

After Xiao Qiang left the base, he followed Xiaolang to one city after another, killing zombies to gain experience. At the same time, he accumulated his own practical experience in fighting zombies. Ye Dong and the others were right, and Xiao Qiang also realized that he relied too much on puppet zombies and various foreign objects, so that with the help of such a powerful system, his level was still not very high. Therefore, when Xiao Qiang went out this time, he was looking for zombies everywhere, constantly looking for zombies, killing them, and increasing his experience value. In the past, when Xiao Qiang practiced most crazily, he would just kill zombies crazily during the day and then rest at night. However, this time, Xiao Qiang kept killing zombies. No matter day or night, he could only give himself up to the zombies. After being very tired, Xiao Qiang stopped killing. After taking a rest, he continued to upgrade. There are many small bases and hunter-killer teams. During this year, you can often see one person and one wolf sweating and killing zombies among the zombies under the moonlight.

Although Xiao Qiang has not been back to Longshan base this year,

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