Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 638: Attacking Wenzhou City

However, the people in Longshan Base were still able to continuously receive various items sent by Xiao Qiang during this year, and with the more diligent training of Lin Fei and others, the strength of Longshan Base did not decline too seriously in this doomsday, but it became more and more firmly the fourth most powerful in the doomsday. However, the people in Longshan Base did not have too much joy because of this. After all, the scene of the four people from the Ye family suppressing Longshan Base was still vivid in their minds.

Xiao Qiang went to various cities to kill zombies crazily to upgrade, and since Xiao Qiang left Longshan Base, he has been wearing his mask and also used the alias Zhang Wei, so there are fewer legends about Xiao Qiang in the doomsday. In the Doomsday Alliance, there are more and more various statements about Xiao Qiang, but as time goes by, the discussion about Xiao Qiang is becoming less and less. For all kinds of discussions, everyone in Longshan Base did not respond. Everyone was holding back their energy to avenge the previous shame at the Ye family's wedding a year later. However, Wang Peng still asked the members of the intelligence team to keep an eye on Xiao Qiang's movements and be able to protect him at any time when Xiao Qiang was in danger. The members of the intelligence team and the assassination team have also expanded to a team of more than 600 people during this period. There are members of the intelligence team of Longshan Base everywhere in the Doomsday Continent. There is even a member of the intelligence team who has awakened to level 3. He successfully infiltrated the Andu Ye family and became a member of the Ye family's guard team, and sent back a message about Lin Bingyan. After Lin Bingyan was brought back to the Ye family, she was detained in a separate villa. Even Lin Bingyan's meeting with her parents had to be approved by the Ye family. Lin Bingyan also locked herself in the yard of the villa all day, concentrating on practicing her own skills and her own level.

Since the Ye family appeared in the Longshan base, this super family in Andu has been presented to the eyes of everyone in the end times. Two months later, the Ye family began to gradually control M Company. Due to some practices of the Ye family, many people in M ​​Company were very dissatisfied with M Company and had many contradictions. On the contrary, people like Li Zhong were very flattering to the Ye family. Li Zhong's family also gradually became the top leader of the third-level city Hucheng, and suppressed other people who did not get along well with them. Not only that, the Ye family became more and more excessive after controlling M Company. In this end times... The land searched for good items everywhere, and asked some small snobs to join M Company. However, the Andu Ye family seemed to have mastered many advanced technologies on the meteorite, and M Company has also grown a lot. Therefore, many snobs have joined M Company, not only these small snobs, but also the legion. Because Ye Dong's grandfather is the second leader in the legion, the legion did not care about M Company's practices in some matters, which also made the people in the legion very dissatisfied. Zhao Jun was once again in the practice of M Company, and angrily led his own people to join Longshan Base. Although the Ye family has become much stronger after controlling M Company, the Ye family does not think about managing the survivors in the end of the world. Instead, they searched for good things everywhere, especially black gold, and transported them to Andu. They also relied on their own strength to bully other snobs everywhere.

Moreover, not only these small bases in the apocalypse, but even the Black Wind Base has had many conflicts with M Company. M Company also called on the snobs in the apocalypse to jointly deal with the Black Wind Base. Since the Black Wind Base's experiments on the living dead are known in the apocalypse, although M Company is not very good, many people still joined the team to fight against the Black Wind Base.

Among them, Wenzhou, which belongs to the Legion, was captured by the Black Wind Base, and the Legion also joined the team to fight against the Black Wind Base. The people on both sides fell into a stalemate in the level 4 city of Huzhou. Both sides sent many masters to fight in Huzhou City. Longshan Base has never joined M Company's team against the Black Wind Base due to its relationship with the Ye family. The Chamber of Commerce, which claims to have 3 masters, has turned a deaf ear to some of M Company's practices since the Ye family took over M Company, and the prestige of the Chamber of Commerce has also been greatly weakened.

Three months later, under the continuous cleanup of the Longshan team, the large-scale zombies in Xuzhou City have been basically eliminated, and only a few sporadic zombies are still active in Xuzhou City. Upon hearing the news, other survivors in the end of the world rushed to Xuzhou City to survive. At first, these people thought that Xuzhou City was the location of the Longshan Base, so they all came to the Longshan Base together to send some good things, but Wang Liang told these people that they could live in Xuzhou City at will and did not need to pay any protection fees to the Longshan Base, but one thing was that they had to abide by the rules of the Longshan Base here. As a result, Xuzhou City gradually became the most populous city in the end of the world, and more and more masters chose to join the Longshan Base, which also became the reason why the Black Wind Base did not dare to attack the Longshan Base.

After the Longshan Base had almost eliminated the zombies in Xuzhou City, it began to mainly eliminate the zombies in Tongzhou City, and the number of each Longshan team was also expanded from the original to 10,000 people, plus Xiao Qiang sent from time to time. Equipped with pills, the strength of the Longshan team has also increased a lot. During this period, the Black Wind Base had many conflicts with the people at the Longshan Base. The two sides also fought many times, but fortunately there was no major fight. Moreover, people from the Black Wind Base have recently sent many experts to harass the Langzhou City base, and there are also a lot more living dead in Langzhou City. It seems that the Black Wind Base is not only attacked by M Company After arriving in Huzhou City, they also wanted to take advantage of this to deal with Langzhou City. Therefore, Han Feng also brought four members of the Longshan team, as well as Lin Fei and other experts to Langzhou City to take charge.

On this day, in Wenzhou City, a person who appeared to be a guard of the Black Wind Base, but was actually a member of Wang Peng's intelligence team, was going to the toilet in a remote location in the base. Suddenly he felt a movement behind him, and then He hurriedly looked back, but there was nothing behind him. When the man turned around, he found that there was an extra note in his pocket. After checking around, the man found that there was no one from the Black Wind Base nearby, so he quickly took out the note and came to check. There were only a few simple words on the note. In addition to these words, there was a pattern on it. The words on the note told Wang Peng to attack Wenzhou at 10 o'clock tonight. The man thought about it. Although he didn't know the identity of the person who stuffed the note to him, he definitely knew the identity of the members of his intelligence team, so he didn't dare to delay. He quickly and truthfully reported these situations to Wang Peng in Langzhou City through the intercom. After Wang Peng heard the news, especially after the man truthfully reported the pattern on the note to Wang Peng, Wang Peng became the He smiled softly, and without any doubt, he hurriedly looked for Han Feng and others to discuss. This pattern was what Wang Peng and Xiao Qiang had discussed before. It was a secret communication pattern exclusive to the two of them. Only the two of them knew it. Therefore, when Wang Peng heard what the person described about the pattern, he believed it. information.

At night, the escorts in Wenzhou City had just had dinner when they received news of an attack by a mysterious man. Many of the masters of the Lei Group had been injured by the mysterious man. The escorts The crowd quickly went to check where the man was attacking. After the person who belonged to the Longshan Base Intelligence Team reported the news to Wang Peng, Wang Peng told him to always pay attention to various trends in Wenzhou City and to report any news to Wang Peng immediately. report. Therefore, this man quickly picked up his weapon and followed the others to check it out. When they arrived at the entrance, they saw that the gate of the Wenzhou City base had been beaten out of shape, and there was an attack pattern on top of the gate. At the entrance, there was a ball of fire in the center, and there was a beast next to it. It was surrounded by the masters of the Lei Group. There were many members of the Wenzhou City Lei Group on the ground. On the other hand, the man in the center of the field is very powerful. Even if he is besieged by many experts from the Lei Group, he can still appear very calm, and his strength can firmly suppress these members of the Lei Group.

After seeing this, the members of the intelligence team also understood the meaning of the words described on the note, and quickly and quietly retreated from the surrounding crowd and found a remote location. At this time, the people from the Wenzhou City Base They were all attracted by the masked man who appeared at the main entrance. The members of the intelligence team quickly took the opportunity to report the situation here to Wang Peng and others who were waiting outside. After reporting the situation, the man followed Wang Peng's instructions and quietly went to find Liu Hang's location in Wenzhou City. After discovering Liu Hang's location, the members of the intelligence team hurriedly returned to their positions at the main entrance. At this time, most of the experts from Wenzhou City's Lei Group had been defeated by the masked man, and only Lei Yi was still suffering. It was painful to hold on, but it was very obvious that Lei Yi was no match for the masked man. After the members of the intelligence team returned to the center of the venue, they quietly made a gesture to the masked man in the venue and told the masked man Liu Hang's location. The man quickly defeated Lei Yi, then turned into a ball of fire and rushed towards Liu Hang's position. A moment later, he carried Liu Hang to the front of everyone at the Wenzhou City base, throwing him away. Arrived above the ground. Liu Hang, seeing that the person coming was too strong, he quickly escaped in a car with his bodyguards, but a member of the intelligence team told Xiao Qiang

Xiao Qiang easily found Liu Hang's position and captured Liu Hang.

"Liu Hang, the son of Liu Xuan, the leader of your Black Wind Base, was sent to Wenzhou City Base to be your leader. Now someone is attacking your base. When encountering some danger, he doesn't want to lead you to fight against the enemy together, but wants to escape when encountering a little danger. You follow such people and still work for them. After the end of the world, the Black Wind Base does not want to lead you to fight against zombies together, but uses the survivors for experiments. Considering that you just follow their orders, you will not be held accountable for your previous actions. In the future, if you do anything bad in this end of the world, you will end up like him." Since Ye Dong came to Longshan Base, Xiao Qiang understood that in this end of the world, it is important to get the support and help of many people, but personal strength must be strong. Sometimes the strength of one person is more important than a group of people. Just like now, Xiao Qiang's legs turned into flames and floated in the air. He glanced at the guards of the Black Wind Base in Wenzhou City around him and spoke.

Xiao Qiang brought Xiao Lang to kill all the masters of Lei's team. How could these ordinary guards of the Black Wind Base dare to confront Xiao Qiang? Moreover, some of them were forced to join the Black Wind Base guards by the Black Wind Base. After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, and with the lead of the member of the intelligence group, these guards of the Black Wind Base threw their weapons to the ground. After Liu Hang was thrown to the ground by Xiao Qiang, his fat body curled up and kept trembling on the ground. Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, he was even more afraid of sweating on his face.

"Broken Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 3434/10000."

Xiao Qiang slammed down with a palm and killed Liu Hang who was curled up on the ground.

"Little Wolf, let's go." After killing Liu Hang, Xiao Qiang shouted to Little Wolf and rushed out of the Wenzhou City base.

Xiao Qiang was frantically killing zombies in various cities and upgrading, but he was still paying attention to the things in the end times, and he got more information than before. When he learned that the experts sent by the Black Wind Base were fighting against the Legion and M Company in Huzhou City, and Liu Hang had quietly arrived at the Wenzhou City Base, Xiao Qiang came up with such a countermeasure, allowing the Longshan Base to take over Wenzhou City.

When Wang Peng and his men rushed to the Wenzhou City Base, they did not encounter any resistance, and they had already included the Wenzhou City Base in the scope of the Longshan Base. The only pity was that Wang Peng and his men did not see Xiao Qiang.

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