Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 639 Ye Family Ye Chen

Three Longshan teams were left in Wenzhou City to prevent the people from the Black Wind Base from counterattacking, and the rest returned to the Longshan Base. Since then, Longshan Base has owned 4 level 4 cities, and its strength has been greatly improved. These 4 cities are connected and dependent on each other, and they protect each other. Any snobbery wants to If one of the cities is attacked, the other cities can quickly send members of the Longshan team to provide support. Therefore, more and more people have joined the Longshan base to eliminate zombies. in the team.

After Liu Xuan of Heifeng Base received the news, although he seemed very angry, due to the increasingly anxious relationship between M Company and the Legion, he did not launch another attack on Longshan Base. However, when Liu Xuan knew that Liu Hang had been killed by Xiao Qiang, he sent experts from the Black Wind Base to look for Xiao Qiang. In the following time, however, these experts sent out either could not find Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang, or he was killed after finding Xiao Qiang. No one knows how hard Xiao Qiang has practiced this year, and no one knows how much Xiao Qiang’s strength has changed in this year. How strong it must be, of course, this is all what happened during this year.

At this time, after Wenzhou City was captured by Longshan Base, Blackwind Base withdrew from the level 4 city of Huzhou City, thus holding on to the level 3 cities of Zhongzhou and Xunzhou. Now, because the actions of the Black Wind Base have angered these other snobbery in the apocalypse, the people of the Black Wind Base can only carry out activities in these two level 3 cities. As for Huzhou City, after the people from the Black Wind Base retreated, the people from Company M quickly captured Huzhou City without any discussion with the Legion and other snobbery groups. For this reason, everyone was in a fuss. They broke up happily, especially the people in the legion, and even decided not to carry out activities with M Company in the future. However, the upper management of the legion did not make any reaction. Later, after being forced by other legion members to say more and more, , it was the upper management who condemned the behavior of M Company, but M Company, which had the support of the Ye family, did not care at all. Moreover, after the Black Wind Base focused entirely on the two level 3 cities, the legion The people still continued to attack the Black Wind Base, but M Company did not continue to attack the Black Wind Base. Especially Hucheng, led by Li Zhong and Li Lei, focused on this The purpose of collecting black gold in the last days and transporting it to the snobbish Ye family in Andu is unknown. However, due to the actions of Li Zhong and Li Lei, they searched for black gold everywhere crazily, and therefore, and There were many conflicts among the people at Longshan Base, but no bigger conflicts occurred.

After another three months, the Zhongzhou City where the Black Wind Base was located was jointly attacked by the Longshan Base and the Legion, driving out all the snobbery in Zhongzhou City where the Black Wind Base was located. Among them, the intelligence team of Longshan Base and Xiao Qiang's secret help were naturally indispensable. Even the ability to break through the Black Wind Base mainly relied on Xiao Qiang's sudden attack on Zhongzhou City. Therefore, under the coordination of Zhao Jun and others, the people of the legion decided to hand over Zhongzhou City to the people of the Longshan Base. However, the Longshan Base would need to provide free seeds in the system to the legion and provide 1,000 sets. black gold suit. Since then, the strength of Longshan Base has expanded again, and Longshan Base has a place among level 3 cities. Moreover, through this cooperation with people in the legion, the people in the legion have a very good impression of Longshan Base, and the two sides have also established a very good cooperative relationship. Although the top leaders of the legion did not show up to discuss with Longshan Base There were some conversations, but the fighting middle-level and grassroots personnel in the legion had a good relationship with the Longshan Base, and both sides decided to continue to attack Xunzhou City, the base camp of the Black Wind Base, and also called on the people in the apocalypse. Other forces joined in.

However, the personnel of Company M did not respond to the call of the Legion and Longshan Base again. Instead, they collected black gold more and more rapidly. On many occasions, they even relied on the strong strength of Company M to collect black gold from other bases and bases. The hunter team's black gold laboratory is searching. Moreover, the conflict with Longshan Base is getting bigger and bigger, and Li Zhong even took the opportunity to send experts to attack Longshan team members of Longshan Base many times.

One day, a masked man suddenly broke into Lake City and quickly killed Li Zhong and Li Lei with extremely sharp methods and a good knowledge of their positions. The Ye family was shocked, but no one in Hucheng knew what method the masked man used, or who killed Li Zhong and Li Lei. However, the Ye family only conducted a brief investigation and had no intention of pursuing it further. After all, the Ye family was still frantically collecting black gold as its main task. Later, the Ye family sent a member of the Ye family to Lake City to take charge of the battle. After this person arrived, he became even more frantic in collecting black gold, forcing the people of Company M in Lake City to snatch the black gold everywhere, and Regardless of the life and death of these survivors in the base, a large number of M Company residents ran out of Lake City every day and went to Longshan Base. Originally, these people were ordinary people at the lowest level in Company M. At first, before the Ye family came, Company M would give them some food, but after the Ye family came, they would only They were forced to work, regardless of whether they had enough to eat or whether they had the strength to work. Not only these ordinary people, but the people in Lake City headed by Yu Feng became increasingly dissatisfied with the Ye family's practices. After another disagreement, Yu Feng led his men to angrily He wanted to join the Longshan Base, but after meeting Wang Peng, Wang Peng followed what Xiao Qiang told him and asked Yu Feng to lead his people back to Lake City. Then he could cooperate with the Longshan Base. personnel.

Two months later, M Company's actions have offended most people in the apocalypse, and people are increasingly criticizing M Company in the Apocalypse Alliance. The snobbery led by Legion has been discussed with people from Company M more than once. At first, the people from Company M were able to restrain themselves after being talked to by the leaders of Legion. However, gradually, Company M also began to have doubts about Legion’s words. He turned a deaf ear to it. On the surface, he could still cope with the Legion's words, but secretly, he was even more unscrupulous in searching for black gold and transporting it to the Ye family. On many occasions, he even blatantly robbed other snobby people of their black gold. For this reason, the personnel of the Longshan base have had many conflicts with the people of Company M, and there have even been fights. The most infuriating thing is that Company M actually chose to cooperate with the Black Wind Base to retrieve the items in the warehouse because there was a warehouse of the former Company in Xunzhou, where the Black Wind Base is located. For this reason, Company M even secretly transported a lot of weapons and food to the Black Wind Base. At this time, the Heifeng Base in Xunzhou City was surrounded by people from the Longshan Base and the Legion. Company M even secretly sent experts to the Heifeng Base to help them, but they were discovered by the people from the Legion and the Longshan Base. After that, Company M did not care about the rebuke from both sides. For this, everyone in Longshan Base felt very angry. However, this was a critical period in the fight with Black Wind Base, so they could only endure it temporarily and wait until After cleaning up the Black Wind Base, we will deal with Company M.

"Why? Why on earth are you doing this? You have already got the gem, or I got it for you, why are you doing this to me?" Liu Hang, the leader of the Black Wind Base, said In a luxurious office, Liu Hang lay on the ground covered in blood, eyes wide open, looking at the big man standing in the office and asking.

This big man's name is Ye Chen, and he is Ye Dong's father. Previously, the Ye family assigned people from Company M to cooperate with the Black Wind Base in order to obtain the gems in the warehouse in Xunzhou City. That night, facing the siege of the Legion and Longshan Base, it was obvious that the Black Wind Base could no longer sustain itself. The living dead studied by the Black Wind Base were under constant harassment by people sent by the Longshan Base. Therefore, the strength of these living dead is not too strong. Faced with the joint siege of Longshan Base and the Legion, the people of Heifeng Base are no match at all. That night, Liu Hang originally followed The two parties agreed that Liu Hang would help the Ye family get the gem, and then hand over the black gold knife and the kraft paper formula in the Black Wind base to the Ye family. The Ye family could agree to give Liu Hang He was brought back to Andu, but at this moment Liu Hang had just handed the kraft paper formula and gems into Ye Chen's hands, but Ye Chen suddenly took out his cell phone, and when Liu Hang wasn't paying attention, he quickly swung it out with his palm. Liu Hang was beaten to the ground.

"Your identity is too eye-catching, and the reputation of the Black Wind Base is already too bad. Therefore, if those outside bring you back to Andu and discover it, they will definitely join forces. In the end of the world, all the snobbery will come together to deal with the Ye family. Although the Ye family is already very powerful, they don't want to become enemies with other forces so early. In this case, it will not be that easy to snatch the black gold. It went well. Besides, the fewer people know about the gem, the better. So, thank you very much for helping us find this gem. If you hand over the black gold sword now, I will consider saving your life." Ye Chen smiled softly, looked at Liu Hang lying on the ground, and said to Liu Hang.

"My identity is trustworthy. Ye Chen, please don't forget that the experiment on the living dead was originally proposed by you. Now that this matter has been exposed, do you want to escape responsibility? Brother Ye , This is what I just said is wrong. I can hand over the Wujin Sword to you, but can you take me to Andu? Although the Black Wind Base has been defeated, I still have the strength. I can still Work for the Ye family. If you don't take me to Andu, I will tell them everything the Ye family has done, and I will also give them the black gold sword." Liu Hang, who was on the bed, looked at Ye Chen in front of him and said fiercely.

"Haha, you dare to threaten me at this time." Ye Chen grinned and said to Liu Hang.

As he spoke, Liu Hang took a step forward and stepped heavily on Liu Hang's leg. "Ah~" came out of Liu Hang's mouth, and the intense pain made Liu Hang couldn't help but scream.

"Report, a masked man suddenly broke into the base. He has already fought with the masters of our base, and people from Longshan Base and Legion outside have also begun to attack the base. Go out and take a look, that masked man The man is too strong, and the people in our base can hardly resist it." Suddenly, there was a sound from outside, and people from the Black Wind Base came running to report the news to Liu Hang.

After hearing the news, Ye Chen also knew that there was no way to delay any longer. Fortunately, he had already got the gems and the kraft paper formula in his hands, and the black gold knife was nowhere to be found. Therefore, Ye Chen hit Liu Hang with one palm, and the leader of the Black Wind Base was killed by Ye Chen from the Ye family. Ye Chen took the gems and the kraft paper formula back into his pocket, and jumped out of the window with a slight leap.

The Black Wind Base no longer had Liu Hang's command, and Xiao Qiang still broke into the Black Wind Base wearing a mask and defeated the operatives in the Black Wind Base. Therefore, this time, both sides did not waste any time. He rushed into the Heifeng base in Xunzhou City with too much force. However, when everyone rushed into the Heifeng base, Xiao Qiang had already led Xiaolang to continue to attack. Went to kill zombies. On the ground was Liu Hang's killed body. After everyone searched, they could not find the last part of the kraft paper formula in the Black Wind Base, but it was in Liu Hang's bedroom. , and found the Ghost Sword made of black gold. Naturally, the sword was given to Lin Fei to use, so that Lin Fei, who had three swords, could use the three-sword technique.

After the Black Wind Base was completely defeated, Xunzhou City still followed the previously established rules and handed over the city to Longshan Base.

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