Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 64: Initial establishment of system, base attacked

At night, during dinner time, Xiao Qiang gathered several people to sit aside and discuss the system while eating.

After the farce in the afternoon, everyone was somewhat embarrassed. The originally lively scene seemed a little deserted at this moment.

"In the future, there will definitely be more and more people in our base. I was negligent in the past, which caused the misunderstanding in the afternoon. If you have any good ideas, you can say it. However, I would like to mention that we must unite in our base." Xiao Qiang broke the silence and said to several people.

"Xiao Qiang, don't say that. It was our fault in the afternoon. After we went back, we also discussed it and realized our mistakes." Li Ke said.

"We are all destined to meet, so there is nothing wrong." Wang Liang spoke to ease the embarrassment.

"Then the name of our base has been chosen, but the name of the leader has not been decided yet." Li Wei was also bold and spoke first at this moment.

"Why not call him captain, just like in the comic One Piece, and the concept is exactly the same as Xiao Qiang's." Lin Bingyan said.

"Yeah, I think it's okay. We have discussed it privately. Let's set up a deputy captain and a captain. For the time being, we can divide it into three teams. Team one is responsible for going out to find supplies, which requires some strong people; Team two is responsible for daily patrols and protecting the safety of our base; Team three is responsible for logistics, including the management of supplies." Wang Peng is also an anime fan, and he is usually careful. At this moment, he expressed his initial thoughts.

"Then how about Xiao Qiang being the captain and Wang Liang being the deputy captain?" Li Chong asked.

"What about the captain?"

"Brother Li Ke will be the deputy captain. You showed off your skills this afternoon."

. . . . . . .

After opening the conversation box, everyone started talking. Xiao Qiang was very happy. Although there are few people now, sooner or later his base will grow stronger, and the customization of these systems can also help the base reduce conflicts like today. Of course, except for the title of captain, Xiao Qiang is very satisfied, but seeing Lin Bingyan so happy, he couldn't bear to refuse.

After a while, everyone had drawn up a rough rule. Xiao Qiang was the "captain", Wang Liang was the "deputy captain", Li Ke was the captain of the first team, Li Chong was the captain of the second team, and Li Wei was the captain of the third team. All the personnel were disbanded. In addition, some reward and punishment systems were formulated, but now the materials are limited and there are few things that can be rewarded.

After discussing the system, Wang Liang read it out, and everyone agreed.

Since then, this matter has finally had a result, and Xiao Qiang's heart has finally fallen. The things in the base are basically handed over to Wang Liang to deal with, and Xiao Qiang himself can better focus on dealing with zombies.

It was late at night, Xiao Qiang tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and kept thinking about how to deal with the zombies in Lin'an Village.

"Dinglingling, dinglingling" Suddenly a mobile phone rang. At this time, naturally no one would call, there was only one situation, the alarm set by Yang Xue was activated.

Yang Xue had told everyone in the base the location of the alarm line, so it was not an accident. So the intruders at this moment were either someone else or zombies.

Xiao Qiang heard the bell ringing and hurriedly got dressed and stood up. "Ah" a heart-wrenching roar came, Xiao Qiang hurriedly walked out of the bedroom and turned on the lights in the villa. At this moment, Wang Peng and others had already run out.

"What's the situation?" Xiao Qiang hurriedly asked Wang Peng.

Wang Peng turned on his perception and said to Xiao Qiang with a panicked face: "Not good, a large number of zombies broke into the base, and they are not far from our villa."

Hearing Wang Peng's words, Xiao Qiang went straight into Wang Liang's bedroom. "Da Da Da" Wang Liang was at the window, holding a machine gun and shooting out of the window.

Xiao Qiang glanced out the window and saw a dense group of zombies, at least several thousand, only 20.30 meters away from the villa. Fortunately, there was the alarm set by Yang Xue and the night duty system that he insisted on. Otherwise, they would have been surrounded by zombies and would have been killed by the zombies, Xiao Qiang thought to himself.

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