Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 65 Zombies surround the base, Wang Peng shows off his power by shooting arrows

Xiao Qiang took a look, turned around hurriedly, grabbed Wang Liang who was still shooting from the window, and shouted: "Go downstairs, get in the car and run."

When going downstairs, Xiao Qiang saw Yang Xue holding Xiao Shutong in her arms, wearing a pair of gloves on her right hand. In a panic, Xiao Qiang didn't have time to pay attention to these.

"Xiao Chong, check the number of people, take everyone in the car, and don't leave anyone behind." Xiao Qiang saw the number of zombies and knew that the villa would be besieged sooner or later. As he spoke, he quickly took out his crossbow.

There were already several fast zombies in the corner, bypassing the villa and rushing into the yard.

"Swoosh" Xiao Qiang raised his crossbow, aimed at a zombie and shot, and the arrow feather accurately pierced the zombie's head.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Da Da", Lin Bingyan and Wang Liang each held a weapon. Standing next to Xiao Qiang, one on the left and one on the right, shooting zombies on both sides.

"Brother Qiang, they are all in the car, only the three of you are left." Li Chong helped Uncle Cui into the Mercedes-Benz, sat in the driver's seat, and shouted at Xiao Qiang.

"Hurry up and get in the car, keep your foot on the accelerator, run over there, stop at the hotel, I'll open the door." Xiao Qiang said to Wang Liang and the others, and pointed forward.

Because the villa courtyard was small and there was no buffering space, it was impossible to directly break open the villa's iron gate. The direction Xiao Qiang pointed to was deep in Longshan Park, where the road passed the hotel. Xiao Qiang predicted that this group of zombies entered from the gate of Longshan Park, so they also fled in the opposite direction.

Xiao Qiang opened the gate of the villa, and the two cars drove out of the villa.

"Don't stop, drive at full speed, I can catch up with you." Xiao Qiang, who was standing in the yard, saw the two cars driving out of the villa and gradually slowing down, wanting to wait for him to get in the car, and the zombies on both sides had gradually surrounded them, and he shouted quickly.

"Xiao Qiang, get in the car." Lin Bingyan was behind the pickup truck, taking out a pistol and firing, while shouting at Xiao Qiang.

"Here they come!" Xiao Qiang shot an arrow from a crossbow and put it away.

Seeing the zombies approaching, the crossbow was too slow to shoot, Xiao Qiang pulled out the bone spur dagger, and shot at full speed. Two zombies at the door rushed over. Xiao Qiang rolled on the ground, and the dagger in his hand passed through the neck of a zombie.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

After getting up, Xiao Qiang chased in the direction of the pickup truck without looking back.

Xiao Qiang ran at full speed, and was even faster than the pickup truck. He soon left most of the zombies far behind, but there were still a few zombies with extremely fast speeds following behind him.

Just as he was about to catch up with the car, a huge zombie suddenly rushed out from the road next to him, suddenly jumped out, and hit Xiao Qiang directly. With a "bang", Xiao Qiang was hit before he could block, and was knocked to the green belt on the side of the road.

With a "squeak", the people in the pickup truck in front saw the situation and braked hurriedly, leaving a long black mark on the ground.

Under the moonlight, Wang Peng took out the crescent bow and stepped on the pickup truck with one foot. Pull the bow to the full. If you look closely, you will find that Wang Peng's crescent bow has three arrow feathers at the same time.

This is also the project that Wang Peng has been practicing recently. Shooting two arrows is a sure thing, but shooting three arrows at the same time is not yet practiced. At this moment, seeing Xiao Qiang being knocked out by the zombies, in danger, he also took out three bows and arrows directly, aiming at the zombies from top to bottom.

Under the moonlight, Wang Peng cast a long shadow on the ground. Wang Peng held his breath and concentrated his attention. With a "whoosh", the reflection of the bowstring on the ground was recovered, and the three arrow feathers disappeared immediately.

Three arrows were inserted from the side of the zombie. The giant zombie raised his arms to block them. With two "clang clang" sounds, some sparks appeared, and he actually blocked the two arrows above.

The lower arrow was inserted from the zombie's left leg, directly penetrated the right leg, and pierced the zombie's two legs directly. Black blood flowed out along the arrows on the legs.

This arrow was enough to show Wang Peng's strength and accuracy. If the zombie's arms were not too strong, the zombie would have been killed at this moment.

The zombie roared, stretched out his hand to pull out the arrows on his legs, and pretended to rush towards the pickup truck.

On this side, Wang Peng's crescent bow did not stop, and shot three arrows in succession in the direction of the zombie, one after another, but shot at three different parts of the zombie.

In ancient times, people shot eagles with bows, and today Wang Peng shoots zombies under the moonlight.

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