Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 644 The whereabouts of important gemstones

"Yes, although there is no evidence that it was done by the Ye family, the Ye family's wolfish ambition is already very obvious. However, you are also very clear about the Ye family. There is no need to be so angry. Listen to me continue to talk to you." The drunkard nodded and continued.

It turned out that before the end of the world, it coincided with the election of important leaders on this end-of-the-world continent. The person presiding over the legion was a young man in his 30s named Xu Gan. In the past year or so, he has done many things that are deeply supported by everyone, so his support rate is also very high. The Ye family supports Ye Kun, Ye Dong's grandfather, but Ye Kun's reputation before the end of the world was not so good, so his support rate was not very high. If Xu Gan can win the election, then Ye Kun will gradually withdraw from the core position of the legion. It just so happened that the meteorite incident was already known to many people in Andu at that time, and the Ye family arranged people to enter the laboratory, causing this end-of-the-world riot. However, some families and many people in Andu have established bases in half of the city in advance. Therefore, half of the city in Andu is still inhabited by many large families and survivors before the end of the world, while the other half has become zombies. Even if there are survivors, they have fled to other places. Xiao Qiang has not been to Andu City, so he is not clear about this situation. The other families in Andu thanked the Ye family for telling them about the base in advance, but they did not know that the end of the world was caused by the Ye family, so they expressed great gratitude to the Ye family for leading them to establish a base in advance. The reason why the Ye family protected these families in advance was that they were attracted by the strength of these families. As for the other ordinary survivors, they were just protected by the base established by the Ye family when they protected these families. With the support of these powerful families, coupled with some methods used by the Ye family, M Company and the Legion were quickly taken down.

After Lei Ben was injured, he found the drunkard, and the drunkard began to look for the most powerful thing on the meteorite in the end of the world. The five gems are the power gem, the speed gem, the time gem, the space gem, and the soul gem. These five gems contain great power, and only a few people know the existence of these five gems. At the beginning, no one knew how powerful these gems were, and even the other high-tech contained in the meteorite was too obvious, so no one noticed these gems. And these gems were also transported to the research institutes of M Company everywhere along with the meteorite. However, after people studied these gems, they did not find out, and they were treated as ordinary black gold and placed in the corners of various research institutes. It was not until Professor Mi's research on the kraft paper on the meteorite became more and more in-depth that he realized that these five gems were very powerful things, so he began to pay attention to them and quickly reported to his superiors. However, these gems have been scattered to various locations, and Professor Mi only has one gem by his side. Moreover, at this time, the Ye family led people to break the glass box that caused people to mutate, and the doomsday zombies broke out.

So far, according to the information obtained by the wine man, one of them was obtained by M Company in the warehouse search mission that Xiao Qiang participated in, and now it has fallen into the hands of the Ye family, and another one was obtained by the Ye family from the city where the Black Wind Base was located at that time. Now, the Ye family already has two gems. Another one is in the hands of Lei Ben, but only Lei Ben knows the specific storage location. This is why the Ye family did not kill Lei Ben, but only injured him, and also wanted to ask Lei Ben about the whereabouts of the gem. As for the other two, there is no whereabouts now. Lei Ben entrusted the wine man to come outside to search, and recently, the wine man finally found the trace of the gem in a warehouse of M Company in Binhai City based on some distribution of M Company warehouses before the end of the world. However, there is a very powerful zombie guarding there, and the wine man also wants to ask Lei Ben's opinion. As for why Jiu Lao came to look for Xiao Qiang, it was because Professor Mi had told Jiu Lao to pay attention to a man named Xiao Qiang. Jiu Lao then began to pay attention to Xiao Qiang. After getting along with him at the beginning, Jiu Lao found that although Xiao Qiang's strength was not very good at the beginning, he was a very good person, and he also had a unique charm, and he was surrounded by a group of very down-to-earth friends to help. And this month, Jiu Lao found Xiao Qiang again and found that Xiao Qiang's strength had increased a lot. Now with Xiao Qiang's strength, even Jiu Lao couldn't see how powerful Xiao Qiang was. Now I understand why Professor Mi asked me to pay attention to Xiao Qiang, who was unknown in the 4th level city at the beginning. Now, Xiao Qiang has not only developed and expanded the Longshan base a lot, and can compete with the Ye family, but Xiao Qiang has also been taking in survivors in the end of the world and started to eliminate zombies. Maybe Xiao Qiang can really lead the humans in the end of the world back to the human home.

After hearing what Jiu Lao said, Xiao Qiang was also very thoughtful. Professor Mi was really amazing. Not only did he create such an amazing system for him to use, but he also provided him with such an amazing helper like Jiu Lao. The more Xiao Qiang thought about it, the more he wanted to know who Professor Mi was. As for the news about Professor Mi, he could only ask Xiao Cong.

As they talked, the two drove into a villa complex in Binhai City. This was a famous wealthy area in Binhai City before the end of the world. In these villas, you can enjoy the sea view in the distance, and these villas are also located in the suburbs of Binhai City. However, after the end of the world, this place is not within the scope of the Legion's base, and Xiao Qiang doesn't know what the drunkard is guiding him to do here.

"Okay, the car will stop here. I will take you to meet a few people later. The car is too noisy and will be discovered by the people guarding outside." After the drunkard arrived not far from the villa complex, he signaled Xiao Qiang to stop the car and said.

"Ding, a human with a level 3 Qi Gathering Power was found!"

"Ding, a human with a level 2 Qi Gathering Power was found!"

"Ding, a human with a level 1 Qi Gathering Power was found!"

. . . . . .

"Yeah, the people guarding outside are quite strong. The lowest strength is at level 1. If I'm not mistaken, these should all be people from the Ye family, right?" Xiao Qiang relied on his extraordinary eyesight to look around and said while scanning.

"Yes, that's right. How about it, can you keep up with me and avoid the eyes and ears of these people? And you, don't shout, I don't want to conflict with them now." The drunkard said to Xiao Qiang and the little wolf behind him.

"No problem, please let the drunkard lead the way." Xiao Qiang nodded and said softly.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the drunkard smiled, and then the drunkard's speed was full, and he rushed to the front position at once, and his footsteps were also very light. The speed of the drunkard was so fast that even his figure could not be caught, but Xiao Qiang could see it very clearly. Then, he also turned on his own speed, and followed the drunkard with Xiaolang to rush to the front position. The guards of the Ye family naturally did not find the traces of the two along the way.

A moment later, Xiao Qiang followed the drunkard into a spacious villa. As soon as he entered the villa, he heard a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, drunkard, it's been a month. You come here now, you must have brought some good news. How about it, have you brought any good wine this month?" The two had just entered the door, and a voice of one person spoke to the two people.

"I brought it, I brought it. I brought the person that Professor Mi said. He has a lot of good wine on him, and the whereabouts of the gems are already known." The drunkard said as he walked towards the position of the man.

Xiao Qiang followed the drunkard and found that there were 3 people in the yard. One of them was sitting in a wheelchair. He was a little old, but he was in very good spirits. The words just now came from his mouth. Opposite him was a young man in his 30s, who looked very handsome. There was a chessboard on the table in front of the two of them, and it seemed that the two of them were playing chess. Next to the two of them, there was another young man, who was serious and upright, standing straight and looking at Xiao Qiang with vigilant eyes.

"Oh, is that so? That's great. You've worked so hard this time, Jiu Lao. Come in quickly, let's see what the person that Professor Mi specifically told him to look like." The young man in his 30s also stood up and said.

"Come, let me introduce you to a few of you. This is Xiao Qiang, the leader of the Longshan base, and the person that Professor Mi told me to pay more attention to." Xiao Qiang was about to use the scanning function to check the strength of the people in front of him, and was pulled by Jiu Lao to the front of them and said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I thought the person that Lao Mi had told him would be so handsome, but he looks just average. However, since he is the person that Lao Mi had told him, I believe him. Please sit down, Xiao Jiang, go get my treasured tea leaves and make a pot of good tea." The old man put his hand on his chin and stared at Xiao Qiang's face and said.

Hearing this man's words, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but roll his eyes, but it was true that compared with the other two young men in the room, Xiao Qiang had been training in major cities in the end of the world for almost a year, and his face did look more vicissitudes.

"Little Xiao Qiang meets Lei Ben Lei Lao." However, Xiao Qiang still said politely to the old man in front of him with both hands clasped.

"Not bad, Drunkard hasn't even introduced me to you yet, but you can recognize who I am. It's also easier to guess who I am, since my legs are too obvious. Please sit down. Then guess who he is?" Lei Ben laughed heartily, motioned Xiao Qiang and Drunkard to sit at the table, and pointed at the young man in his 30s sitting opposite him.

While he was talking, the standing young man went into the house to make tea under Lei Ben's instructions. When passing by Xiao Qiang, he still looked at Xiao Qiang with deep meaning. It was very subtle, but Xiao Qiang was still aware of it. Xiao Qiang and Jiu Lao sat at the other two ends of the stone table, and the four of them sat around the table. In fact, Xiao Qiang had just arrived at the villas here and began to guess who the drunkard was bringing him to see. There were so many Ye family guards guarding the outside. Although the location where they came was Binhai City, where the legion base was located, the villa was not in the legion base. Moreover, this person's legs were injured and he was sitting in a wheelchair. The young man standing next to him Also called him Xiaojiang. It is not difficult to guess that this person is Lei Ben, the leader of the original legion, and the young man next to him is also the person Lei Ben values ​​​​most, named Sun Jiang, who owns one of the 10 black gold weapons.

However, when he heard Lei Ben asking who the person sitting opposite the stone table was, Xiao Qiang began to think. The young man opposite also smiled and let Xiao Qiang look at him casually, and cooperated with Xiao Qiang. Let Xiao Qiang guess who he is. Xiao Qiang thought about it for a while, and then suddenly remembered something. He patted his forehead and said, "I just saw you and thought you looked a bit familiar. Now that I've looked at you carefully, I finally remembered it. It's the end of the world." I've seen you on TV before. If I guessed correctly, you are Xu Gan, the leader supported by the legion, right? Oops, Leader Xu, I really didn't expect to meet you. ah."

After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, the man also laughed loudly, then patted Xiao Qiang's shoulder very intimately, and said: "He is still a big leader. Now, I, like our Mr. Lei, have been The Ye family has been dismissed. If Mr. Lei didn't know the whereabouts of a gem, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to play chess and chat with you now. Drunkard, tell me about finding the gem this time. How are things going?"

"Well, this time, I first found Xiao Qiang, and the two of us searched for the whereabouts of the gem in Binhai City based on the clues. Of course, Xiao Qiang didn't know the existence of the gem at the beginning. Today I finally asked, and when I thought about it, I had found the gem, so I led Xiao Qiang here to discuss with us how to deal with the Ye family. This gem is stored on the floor of a department store. In the secret research base of Company M, there were only a large number of zombies there and the building collapsed a lot. It took us so long to search for it. We found a mutated level 3 animal there that was about to reach mutation level 4. Zombies, that's why they didn't break in easily." The wine man got ready and told the two of them what he had discovered.

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