Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 645 Cooperation and Joint Fight

"Well, the importance of this gem has far exceeded our previous expectations. We didn't discover the energy contained in this gem before because everyone's level was too low at that time. This gem can only be used by strong people with Qi Condensation Level 7 or above. If the level is low, it is impossible to manipulate and use these gems. These gems can not only improve the strength of the user, but also according to our research, these gems seem to be related to ending this doomsday zombie riot. Now, not only are we looking for these gems, but even the Ye family is looking for these gems. Fortunately, the Ye family already has two gems, and we must get the other gem in front of them." Lei Ben nodded and said to Xiao Qiang.

At this time, Sun Jiang also came to the side of the stone table with the brewed tea, put a cup of tea in front of everyone, and then stood aside with his hands crossed. When Sun Jiang came over, the little wolf lying at Xiao Qiang's feet couldn't help sneezing, and then continued to lie at Xiao Qiang's feet and take a nap.

"Yeah, then Xiao Qiang and I went to that place to get the gem back. Xiao Qiang is so strong that even I can't see through him. If we work together, it shouldn't be a problem to defeat the zombie. However, when we deal with the Ye family, do you need me to help you kill the guards of the Ye family outside?" After hearing what Lei Ben said, the drunkard nodded and said.

"Haha, no need. With these people here, some zombies around don't dare to come over, which saves us a lot of trouble. Our strength was not enough before, but now with Xiao Qiang joining us, we are more confident in fighting against the Ye family. Brother Xiao, I heard that the Ye family attacked the Longshan base. I wonder what ideas Brother Xiao has to deal with the Ye family." Lei asked Xiao Qiang.

"I plan to start taking action against the Ye family at the wedding held by the Ye family for Ye Dong in a month." Xiao Qiang listened to the conversation between the two without saying a word, and slowly tasted the tea. When he heard Lei Lao's question, he slowly held the cup and began to speak to Lei Lao.

"Okay, Xiao Lao is young and promising. If you need us to do something, just ask. If Xiao Lao wants to deal with the Ye family, we will fully support him. If you need any help, just tell us." When Lei Lao heard Xiao Qiang's words, he patted Xiao Qiang on the shoulder very generously.

"No, we are cooperating. I don't think I need to say much about the current strength of the Ye family. Although I don't know how powerful those gems are, the Ye family now has two gems in hand. Although I have a grudge against the Ye family, my purpose is not to bring the Legion and Andu to the scope of the Longshan Base. If Lei Lao only wants our Longshan Base to take the lead in dealing with the Ye family, I don't think there is any need for us to cooperate." Xiao Qiang heard Lei Lao's words, obviously wanting his Longshan Base to take the lead in dealing with the Ye family, and he also spoke.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang slowly placed the teacup in his hand on the stone table, pretended to stand up, and walked out with Xiaolang without saying hello to a few people. After these days of training, Xiao Qiang is no longer the Xiao Qiang of the original character. Xiao Qiang in the end of the world has also seen too much human nature in the end of the world. Listening to the meaning of Lei Ben's words, it is obvious that he wants to use his Longshan Base as a gun. In the end times, even though Xiao Qiang knew that Lei Ben was very prestigious in the army, and even though he knew that Lei Ben was a very powerful figure, if Xiao Qiang wanted to deal with the Ye family now, there was no need for him to cooperate with them. Only his own strength was the real strength.

"Old Lei, don't try it. I tell you, this kid is really powerful now. If you really make him angry, I can't pull him back." The drunkard shouted anxiously.

As he spoke, Lei Ben winked at Sun Jiang on the side, and Sun Jiang did a front flip and arrived in front of Xiao Qiang. He stretched out his hand to block Xiao Qiang's way. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang raised his mouth slightly, and the little wolf on the side showed his sharp teeth and was ready to attack Sun Jiang at any time.

"Hahaha, he is indeed the person that Lao Mi told us to pay attention to. People with such temper are just what I like. If we want to deal with the Ye family, we must have such people. Come back quickly, come back quickly, Brother Xiao, I was just testing you just now." Lei Ben said frankly.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang glanced at Sun Jiang in front of him, and then smiled at Sun Jiang. While Sun Jiang was still surprised, Xiao Qiang had already turned around, laughing loudly, walked to the side of the stone table and sat down.

"Please don't test me again, Lei Lao, I don't like being tested. So, can we discuss how to deal with the Ye family now?" Xiao Qiang smiled slightly and said to Lei Ben.

"Okay, although we are here now, we have been looking for that powerful gem. We originally planned to wait until we have the gem and my legs will be a little better. We are also planning to join forces with your Longshan base and some Snobbish, I can launch an attack on the Ye family. However, my unsatisfactory legs have not improved at all for such a long time. However, now that I have such a powerful assistant like you, I can attack the Ye family in a month. The probability of victory is much higher if you launch an attack, so brother Xiao, please tell me what your plan is?" Lei Ben said to Xiao Qiang.

"In that case, please tell me, Mr. Lei, how much snobbery your subordinates can use now?" Xiao Qiang nodded and asked Lei Ben.

"The legion base in the level 3 city has defected to Longshan base after learning that the Ye family controls the legion. In the level 2 city, most people don't know that I have to deal with the Ye family. Only a small number of senior officers still know that I To deal with the Ye family, in this case, at least half of the people in the level 2 city army base can follow us to deal with the Ye family. In addition to these, there is also Xu Gan's exclusive escort team in Binhai City. Hidden, the number is about 300, but the strength is pretty good. As for the families in Andu City, although they have been hit hard after the apocalypse, each family still has its own guard team. Among these families, there are 5.6 families that we have good relations with, and they will definitely be on our side when the time comes. Of course, the most important thing is that he, Sun Jiang, has a set of black gold equipment. After the Ye family controls the army. , just followed him to the villa here, but his strength is very strong, let him go with you to get the gem in Binhai City later," Lei Ben said to Xiao Qiang while thinking. Xu Gan also nodded.

When Lei Ben said that he would send Sun Jiang to go with them to get the gems, Xiao Qiang smiled softly. If Lei Ben didn't say anything, Xiao Qiang planned to talk to Lei Ben and get Lei Ben to agree to let Sun Jiang Go with yourself.

"So what are the strengths of the Ye family?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask Lei Ben.

"The main strength of the Ye family is the Ye family's own bodyguards and the secretly cultivated troops. This troop was secretly built by the Ye family when the meteorite fell. Although the strength is not special, Outstanding people, but the advantage is that these people are all mutants, with a total number of about 300 people. The strength of the Ye family's guard team is very strong. Although the number is not large, the advantage is that they are strong, and as far as we know Yes, there are several people from the Ye family with dual cultivation among these escorts. Moreover, the Ye family has two black gold weapons, one of which is a puppet needle, and the user is Jiu Qiansui from Company M. The other one is a puppet needle. The user of the black gold weapon is Ye Feng of the Ye family, who is now in charge of M Company. Moreover, the Ye family seems to have the number one black gold weapon, but they have done a very good job of keeping this weapon secret. I didn't find out either," Lei Ben said to Xiao Qiang.

"Not only that, the Ye family is also conducting human experiments with the roll of kraft paper formula from the Black Wind Base. They want to use that formula to conduct research on a batch of living dead like the Black Wind Base. My own troops." Xiao Qiang looked around at the people in front of him.

"Really? Does the Ye family dare to do this? Isn't he afraid that other families will not support him?" Lei Ben said in shock when he heard Xiao Qiang's words.

"Yes, according to the news from the people at Longshan Base, the Ye family is indeed secretly conducting such experiments." Xiao Qiang nodded and said.

"Hmph, this Ye family has simply gone too far. Didn't you know how much opposition everyone had when the Black Wind Base conducted this experiment? Now they dare to do such a thing without fear of the base. Will the people join forces to deal with them? Damn it, now my legs are injured by them, otherwise I will have to take people to fight with their Ye family." After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, Lei Ben clapped his hands angrily. The table spoke.

"Hmm, Mr. Lei, if we want to deal with the Ye family, we still need more support. In this way, during this month, you will contact the people you are good friends with in the legion and the family members. , I hope they can support us when the time comes, and at the same time, we should also contact more people, the Legion, M Company, other bases or families. The more people support us, the better." Xiao Qiang Diandian. He raised his head and told the people in front of him his plan.

"Okay, sure. If everyone knows what the Ye family has done, not many people will support them. Moreover, I still have in my hand the Ye family who originally sent people to M Company's research institute to conduct research on the meteorite. The evidence of the robbery is that the Ye family destroyed the meteorite and caused the turmoil in the end of the world. I can give it to you later." Lei Ben nodded in agreement and took another sip of tea.

"Hmm, then the wine man, I, and Sun Jiang beside you will go and get the gem in a while. Then we will discuss the subsequent plan in detail, and then we will act together." Xiao Qiang nodded and continued.

In the following half an hour, several people discussed the detailed plan, and the day to attack the Ye family was set on the day when the Ye family arranged a wedding for Ye Dong. On that day, the Ye family seemed to want to show their strength to the big snobs in the end of the world, and announced to the snobs in the end of the world that they were the most powerful snobs in the end of the world, so the Ye family invited the big and small snobs in the end of the world to Andu.

"Okay, then our plan is set like this first. This is a walkie-talkie commonly used in our Longshan base. We can communicate at any time." Xiao Qiang took out two walkie-talkies from his backpack and handed them to the two of them.

"Yeah, okay, this equipment looks much better than the one produced by M Company. From a small walkie-talkie, you can see that the logistics of your Longshan base are very good. Then we will see how your attack force is. With such things, it is no wonder that your Longshan base can develop into what it is now." Xu Gan took the things and couldn't help praising Xiao Qiang.

"By the way, Xiao Qiang, I have another gem here. You lower your head and put your ear close to me. I will tell you the whereabouts of this gem, and you can take it back." Lei Ben also waved to Xiao Qiang and said.

"Mr. Lei, this is not appropriate. It is better for you to keep something as valuable as a gem. How can I take your things? And, if this gem is not left here, the Ye family will not dare to do anything to you. How can you tell me?" Xiao Qiang waved his hands after hearing this.

"Just come here when I ask you to. Now you are being polite. I have a hunch that the Ye family will soon do something to us. Instead of this, I would rather give this gem to you. I feel more at ease. You work hard, and the person that Professor Mi likes is definitely right." Lei Ben said carelessly.

Hearing Lei Ben's words, Xiao Qiang stopped refusing and crouched down to Lei Ben's side. Lei Ben spoke very softly, and even the three people beside him did not hear what Lei Ben said.

"Okay, I will definitely get the gem. Please rest assured, Mr. Lei. I will go with Jiu Lao and Sun Jiang to get the gem in the warehouse first." Xiao Qiang stood up and prepared to go outside with Jiu Lao.

"Wait, Xu Gan has something to say to you alone. You two go to the house to talk. Jiu Lao and I will drink and play chess here. When you come out, you three can go get the gem." Lei Ben said again.

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