Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 646 Green Snake Disguise

After a while, the wine man glanced at the two Xiao Qiang in the room, opened the wine gourd and took a sip of wine. He turned the chess piece in his hand and randomly placed a chess piece on the chessboard.

"You don't have any interest in playing chess anymore. Do you really want to know what Xu Gan and that brat were talking about?" Lei Ben asked after noticing the drunkard's absent-mindedness.

"You can probably guess what they are talking about. This kid Xu Gan has ideas and is enterprising. If there had not been an outbreak of zombies, he would have done well under his leadership. This kid Xiao Qiang is very kind-hearted. He is very considerate of others and is not very competitive about these rights. If the Ye family hadn't taken action against the Longshan base, Xiao Qiang's heart would have been much softer than it is now. Xu Gan's move was really too much. Think about it." The wine man looked at the two people in the room and said thoughtfully.

"Yes, I can see that Xiao Qiang, a child, doesn't care that much about these things, but he cares very much about the girl who was snatched away by the Ye family. However, Xiao Qiang, this brat, is very caring. Charming, with the support of so many strong men around him, there are many people in our legion who are willing to join him in Longshan Base. He does not have such thoughts, and there is no guarantee that those in his Longshan Base do not have such thoughts. "Lei Ben also frowned slightly and said to the wine man.

"Mr. Lei, I can guarantee that Xiao Qiang is definitely not that kind of person. He only wants to lead everyone to eliminate the zombies in this apocalyptic world. He has no other ideas. I would like to ask Mr. Lei to discuss this with Xu Gan in the future. Please tell me more about the leadership communication process." The wine man stood up in a panic, raised his hands and said respectfully to Mr. Lei.

"Drinker, sit down quickly. Look at what you look like. I can tell that you really like Xiao Qiang. I also like him very much. Even though I just met Xiao Qiang. But this child's character is indeed what you said. I will tell Xu Gan about this later." Mr. Lei waved to the wine man to sit down quickly.

At this time, in Xu Gan's second-floor living room, Xu Gan stood with his back to Xiao Qiang, standing outside the window, looking at the house outside the window and said to Xiao Qiang: "If there is no zombie riot now, I'm afraid those countermeasures can be implemented now. I can definitely guarantee that those countermeasures were considered by my team after careful selection. If implemented, people's lives will definitely be able to enter a high level again. level."

As he spoke, Xu Gan turned around, his face full of pity and regret, and walked slowly towards Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang smiled and signaled Xu Gan to continue talking.

"It's a pity that in order to compete for the so-called leader, the Ye family did not hesitate to trigger such an apocalyptic riot, causing zombies to be rampant everywhere now. However, fortunately, there are people like Brother Xiao here who can lead everyone to deal with the zombies and build our country I really admire the home of mankind, and I am willing to use my existing resources to support Brother Xiao in leading everyone to build a home for mankind," Xu Gan said, looking at Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang heard what Xu Gan said and knew what Xu Gan was looking for. He smiled softly and said, "Before the end of the world, I was just an ordinary college student. I wanted to find a job after graduation." Work, and then find an ordinary wife to marry. Later, after the apocalypse broke out, he became a mutant and met a few friends, hoping to establish a base with a few of his friends to help the apocalypse. There is a place for the survivors, but it is unimaginable that many forces in the apocalypse do not want to deal with zombies, but attack bases everywhere. As a last resort, Longshan Base can only resist those bases. I'm not interested in leadership. I just have the strength. If it weren't for the brothers at Longshan Base who help manage Longshan Base, if I were to manage Longshan Base, Longshan Base would definitely not be what it is today. Those ideas you have in the end of the world. I knew a lot before that you should be a good leader. I will lead people to eliminate the zombies in this apocalypse, and that’s it. If one day I can deal with the zombies, I will never be a leader. I know that I But I can't manage so many cities. Until then, I just want to lead Bingyan to a quiet place, live a good life, and stay with Bingyan. And the gang at my Longshan base. Brother, you don’t have to worry. I know them and they know me. If I don’t want to do something, they will never do it forcefully.”

When Xu Gan heard Xiao Qiang's words, he inadvertently breathed a sigh of relief, but soon returned to normal, and said to Xiao Qiang: "Brother Xiao is such a big-hearted person. Together, you and I can definitely bring this to an end." The zombies will be eliminated and this apocalypse will be a good one. If Brother Xiao has any requests, just ask for them. I will try my best to satisfy any requests that Brother Xiao makes. "

Xiao Qiang was naturally aware of Xu Gan's appearance, but Xiao Qiang was noncommittal and continued to say to Xu Gan: "I have a question, and I hope you can answer it. May I ask, if one day the zombies are completely eliminated It’s over, how should you treat us mutants?”

"Establish a special department to register all mutants. Those who are willing to serve the country can join the special department established by the country. If you don't want to join, you can do any job. There is no difference from ordinary people. Guaranteed We will not deal with them specifically, the cunning rabbit will die, and the lackey will not happen. But no matter who it is, no matter how strong it is, even Brother Xiao, if it breaks the law, everyone is fair before the law. "Xu Gan stared into Xiao Qiang's eyes without being humble or arrogant.

Xu Gan's meaning was already obvious. These mutants would not be inherited. To be precise, they were the only mutants. If the zombies are eliminated and everyone's life returns to normal, these mutants will definitely be the most unstable factor, and Xu Gan will set up special departments. If these mutants are willing to join these departments, Xu Gan A department can be set up to pay monthly wages to these mutants. Those who do not want to join these departments also need to register each mutant. After all, the superpowers of these mutants are very dangerous compared to ordinary people. If these people break the law, Xu Gan will not Give them any preferential treatment. The meaning of this sentence is that Xu Gan will not treat these people differently, at least in many places, he will treat them as ordinary people, and will not wait until all zombies are eliminated before dealing with them. And Xu Gan was also very frank. When mutants are so important now, Xu Gan can say that even if Xiao Qiang breaks the law, he must be treated according to the law, so Xiao Qiang is willing to believe that Xu Gan will be fair in the future. Treat them well, at least Xiao Qiang believes it now.

"Okay, I, Xiao Qiang, will be the first to clear out these zombies. Under your leadership, we will make our place better and better. I hope you will remember what you said today." Xiao Qiang stretched out his palm to say Xu Gan stretched it out.

When Xu Gan saw this, he also laughed out loud. He stretched out his palm and held it tightly with Xiao Qiang. Maybe he felt that it was not enough, so he stretched out his hand and hugged Xiao Qiang and said: "Okay, okay, I I will definitely remember what I said today. It’s such a pleasure to work with Brother Xiao. When all the zombies are eliminated, I will have a good drink with Brother Xiao.”

Later, Xu Gan took Xiao Qiang to talk about the current construction and development of these bases. It has to be said that some of Xu Gan's opinions are much better than everyone else in Longshan Base, so Xiao Qiang is also very satisfied with the following. It was Xu Ganlai who led everyone in the construction, and Xiao Qiang also had a very pleasant chat with Xu Gan. The drunkard who was playing chess with Mr. Lei outside the house saw the two people hugging each other and chatting happily. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and followed Mr. Lei attentively to play chess.

After Xiao Qiang and Xu Gan finished chatting, he said goodbye to the wine man and Sun Jiang and Lei Lao and went to the M Company's warehouse in Binhai City to get the gem. In that warehouse, there was a powerful mutant level 4 zombie, and not only that, there were many zombies in the warehouse. However, the three masters joined forces, and there was a super pet wolf wolf standing by to act as a deterrent to these zombies. Therefore, the three of them broke through the zombie siege along the way and arrived at the M Company warehouse. They met That zombie that mutated to level 4.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 5 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills infected level 2 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, the host kills infected level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

The three of them surrounded the zombie that had mutated to level 4. Xiao Qiang intentionally or unintentionally did not use all his strength. At the same time, he also signaled the little wolf to rest. I wonder if Xiao Qiang specifically told the drunkard, and so did the drunkard. Intentionally or unintentionally, Sun Jiang took the lead in attacking the zombie.

And Xiao Qiang can be regarded as seeing the power of Sun Jiang's Wujin equipment. I saw that Sun Jiang touched a button on the equipment, and the equipment quickly enveloped Sun Jiang's whole body, but the outside situation could be clearly seen from the inside of the equipment. After using this equipment, Sun Jiang's physical attributes have also been greatly improved. His five claws are also very sharp, but he moves very quickly, constantly jumping around to attack the zombie. However, because Jiu Lao and Xiao Qiang deliberately let Sun Jiang take charge, Sun Jiang was thrown away by zombies many times, and Sun Jiang was also injured. Then, surrounded by three people, they also killed the zombie. Of course, in line with the principle of not wasting experience, when Xiao Qiang saw that Sun Jiang was also injured, he winked at the drunkard. After that, the two of them took action together, and Xiao Qiang gave the mutant level 4 zombie the final blow and collected the experience points.

"Ding, if the host kills a mutant level 4 zombie, the experience value will be +50 million, the exchange points will be +50 million, and the reward will be 10,000 kilograms of black gold."

After killing the Level 4 mutated zombie, the drunkard went to a room in the warehouse and took out the gem. The gem was placed in a delicate wooden box, and there was a lock on the outside of the box. . After the wine man came out with the box containing the gems, he waved it in front of Xiao Qiang and the other two, then walked up to Sun Jiang and handed the box to Sun Jiang's hands.

"You have seen Mr. Lei's gem. Come and see if it is the kind of gem you are talking about." The wine man put the wooden box into Sun Jiang's hand and said.

While talking, the drunkard walked towards Xiao Qiang's position. Sun Jiang heard what the drunkard said, and a barely perceptible smile appeared on his face. He turned his head slightly, glanced at the position of the drunkard and Xiao Qiang, and then gently opened the wooden box. "Bang" explosion, unexpectedly, Sun Jiang had just opened the wooden box, and the explosion sounded. Since he had already defeated the zombie, Sun Jiang did not take too much precautions against the two. Instead, he was very happy to see the gem in his hand, and he did not even touch the button of the black gold coat. After the explosion, Sun Jiang was blown away by the explosion, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He fell to the ground and struggled with his chest covered. Sun Jiang looked at the wooden box in his hand that was also blown apart by the explosion. There was no trace of the gem in the box, and there were only a few burning detonating talismans.

"Detonating Talisman? Why, why did you two use detonating talismans to harm me?" Looking at the two people walking towards him, Sun Jiang sat on the ground and kept backing away and asked.

"Drunkard, hahahaha, you put too much here, puff, this smoke is all over the place, did you put away the gems?" Xiao Qiang stood next to the drunkard and said to him with a laugh.

"I put it away, didn't I think he still had a black gold weapon on him? I didn't expect that our acting skills were so good that he didn't even find it, and he didn't even use the black gold coat. But, you see, he can act better than us, and he is still acting now." The drunkard also said with a smile.

"Okay, stop acting, I knew you were not Sun Jiang, why are you still pretending here? If I guessed correctly, you should be sent by the Ye family to stay with Lei Lao and Xu Gan. Tell me, who are you?" Xiao Qiang realized something shocking, the person lying on the ground was not Sun Jiang, Lei Lao's favorite in the legion.

"Humph, I'm indeed not Sun Jiang. But can you tell me how you found out that I'm not Sun Jiang?" Seeing that he was exposed by Xiao Qiang, the "Sun Jiang" lying on the ground no longer concealed it and asked Xiao Qiang.

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