Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 647 Fighting with it

In fact, long before the Ye family wanted to drive Lei Lao out of the army, they sent Ye family masters to surround Sun Jiang in advance and injured him, and then sent someone to disguise as Sun Jiang and lurk beside Lei Lao, trying to get the whereabouts of the gem from Lei Lao's mouth. Unexpectedly, Lei Lao's mouth was very tight. Although Sun Jiang tried every way, Lei Lao did not tell him the whereabouts of the gem, so this person could only continue to pretend to be Sun Jiang and stay by Lei Lao's side. The reason why Xiao Qiang knew that he was not Sun Jiang was that in order to prevent Lei Lao from knowing, the Ye family sent the real Sun Jiang to Lake City, M Company, which was far away from here. Lake City was where Yu Feng was. At that time, the situation was reported to Xiao Qiang, but the Ye family also sent several special masters to guard Sun Jiang. Xiao Qiang asked Yu Feng not to rescue Sun Jiang for the time being and wait for his notification before rescuing him. Therefore, when Lei Lao said that the person next to him was this Sun Jiang, Xiao Qiang already knew everything. Moreover, when Lei Lao told Xiao Qiang the whereabouts of his own gem, he also told Xiao Qiang to be careful of this person.

"Hahaha, okay, then I will tell you how I found out that you are not him. First of all, Xiaolang's nose is very sensitive. When passing by you, Xiaolang sneezed many times and smelled the very faint smell on you. Secondly, although your appearance and every move are very similar to Sun Jiang, Lei Lao has been with Sun Jiang for such a long time, and he can also feel a little difference between you and the real Sun Jiang. So, I suspect that you are not Sun Jiang. Also, this change of appearance should also be your ability. If I am not mistaken, before the people from the Black Wind Base attacked the Longshan Base last time, someone entered the Longshan Base to attack me, and that person should also be you." Xiao Qiang paced back and forth and said to the person lying on the ground.

"Haha, you dare to take action at this time just relying on such little evidence. You really deserve to be the leader of Longshan Base. That's right, it was me who attacked you at that time. My name is Qingshe. My supernatural power can indeed change my appearance. I am a member of M Company and now work for the Ye family." Qingshe slowly stood up and her voice became a girl's voice, saying to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang smiled lightly and didn't say anything more. Naturally, he would not tell Qingshe that Yu Feng in M ​​Company was on his side, and the real Sun Jiang was now in Lake City, which was under Yu Feng's control. Qingshe slowly stood up and used her supernatural power. Qingshe's appearance slowly changed into that of a woman. She looked very handsome, but the makeup on her face was very thick. She was wearing a leather jacket and her figure was also very hot, but she was still wearing Sun Jiang's black gold coat.

"Okay, now you are seriously injured, take off Sun Jiang's black gold coat obediently, I will send you to Longshan Base, and wait until we deal with the Ye family, if you can survive, maybe I can spare you." Xiao Qiang said to the green snake after seeing its appearance.

"Hmph, dreaming, you don't know how strong the Ye family is, even Lei Ben is not the opponent of the Ye family, you are a defeated general who was beaten by the Ye family, and you dare to shout here." The green snake snorted coldly and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang's mouth corners rose slightly, it seems that this green snake still has some strength, and he originally wanted to spare her life, but she actually talked about the Ye family's attack on Longshan Base, which Xiao Qiang could not tolerate. He turned his hand slightly, and was ready to attack the green snake. But at this moment, a long wolf howl suddenly came out from the little wolf's mouth. Then, the wall on the side suddenly collapsed with a "crash", and a very huge green snake rushed in, rushing towards Xiao Qiang and others. This snake was the pet of the green snake, and she was called the green snake by everyone in M ​​Company. The little wolf howled, and when he saw the green snake rushing in, his body size suddenly grew rapidly, and it was much larger than a bear. He rushed up and bit the green snake. While the green snake was talking, one hand was holding the wall, and the other hand was waving, and many small snakes came out of the green snake's sleeves. Most of these small snakes were the same as the small snakes that attacked Xiao Qiang last time. Although they were small in size, they were very poisonous. They crawled along the ground and attacked Xiao Qiang and the drunkard.

"Drunkard, you are responsible for dealing with these little snakes. I will catch this green snake. Be careful. These little snakes are very poisonous. Don't let them bite you." Xiao Qiang said to the drunkard while holding a dagger.

"Hey, I will deal with the green snakes, okay? I am the most afraid of these snakes. Hey." After hearing Xiao Qiang's voice, the drunkard shouted to Xiao Qiang.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, and the current proficiency is perfect."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang threw the dagger behind the green snake, used the Flying Thunder God technique, passed over the little snakes crawling on the ground, and ducked behind the green snake, holding it with one hand. He took out the dagger and chopped it down on the green snake's body, with a crisp "dang" sound. It turned out that the green snake had already touched the button of the black gold coat, and the black gold coat covered the green snake's entire body. The green snake turned towards Xiao Qiang's body with one claw. After the green snake was injured, although its movement speed had slowed down a lot, the power of the black gold coat was still there. Xiao Qiang hurriedly jumped back to avoid the attack, took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system, and hit the green snake. The wine man looked at the little snake crawling towards him, and while he kept complaining to Xiao Qiang, he stepped back, and then poured all the wine from his wine gourd onto himself and the little snakes. The middle of the snake. It can also be seen from this that the wine man is also very afraid of these snakes, otherwise he would not think of using his favorite wine to deal with these little snakes. After pouring the wine on the ground, the wine man threw the wine gourd in his hand towards the ground. The sparks from the wine gourd and the ground ignited the highly concentrated wine. In an instant, the little snakes running over were attracted. Burn. Even though the wine gourd of the wine man is not very big, it can store quite a lot of wine.

"Xiao Qiang, you stinky boy, you have to pay me back the wine later. I said I dealt with that green snake, but you insist on letting me deal with these little snakes, but you spent so much wine on me. "The wine man said to Xiao Qiang after seeing his wine lit.

Hearing what the drunkard said, Xiao Qiang could only smile lightly. In fact, the reason why he asked the drunkard to deal with those little snakes was because he himself was also afraid of snakes. Holding the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella, he was fighting with the Green Snake at a side. Although the Green Snake's strength was far inferior to Xiao Qiang's, Xiao Qiang's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella was unable to cause too much damage to the Green Snake due to the black gold coat protecting his whole body. Huge damage, so Xiao Qiang asked the wine man: "Jiu man, how should I get this black gold coat off the green snake? When I take down the green snake, I will help you deal with those Little snake, with this black gold coat blocking it, it’s hard to deal with the green snake.”

"You brat, let me deal with that green snake. I heard Mr. Lei mention it twice. The switch on the black gold coat seems to be under the green snake's armpit. As long as the switch under the green snake's armpit is touched, Just to be able to take off the clothes from the green snake." The wine man saw the remaining little snakes rushing over again, jumped towards the window next to him, and said to Xiao Qiang.

Seeing that after being burned by his own wine, there were still many small snakes growing on the ground, the wine man took his wine gourd back to his waist, stretched out his hands, and actually stretched out from the wine man's hand. Many sharp threads came out. Xiao Qiang only knew that as a member of the Merchant Alliance and one of the earliest mutants in the apocalypse, Jiu Lao was a strong man with dual abilities and abilities, but he had never seen Jiu Lao use his powers. It turns out that this drunkard's power is actually a line power. After these sharp threads were shot out from the wine man's hands, they attacked the small snakes on the ground. Under the control of the wine man, the sharp silk threads cut the small snakes apart. After a while, All the little snakes on the ground were killed by the drunkard. The drunkard took back his powers, and the threads returned to the drunkard's hands. The drunkard breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the little wolf next to him, and found that the little wolf was indeed a super pet. The huge wolf The green snake has been suppressed by the little wolf, and there are traces of bites from the little wolf all over the body. Although a lot of hair on the little wolf's body has been lost by the green snake, the little wolf has been beaten. The green snake was unable to resist. The little wolf shrunk his body and slapped the green snake's head with his claws, but the green snake did not dare to resist.

"Door 4 - open!"

After Xiao Qiang heard the wine man talking about the opening and closing of Wujin's coat, he opened the four doors, and the speed became much faster. Seeing the green snake waving its claws, Xiao Qiang quickly grabbed the green snake's arm with one hand, ran behind the green snake, grabbed the green snake's other arm, and then used the Thousand Chance Umbrella to lift it. The Green Snake's arms were restrained with the Thousand Chance Umbrella. Xiao Qiang held the Green Snake's arms with one hand, and the other hand quickly touched the switch between the Green Snake's armpits, and the black gold coat was released. It was taken off from Green Snake's body and dropped to the side, revealing Green Snake's hot figure wearing leather clothes, and the smooth flesh around her waist was also exposed.

Xiao Qiang pushed forward slightly, and the Green Snake, which was already seriously injured and had no longer the black gold coat, fell to the ground. Xiao Qiang looked at the Green Snake, and the Green Snake also had no power to resist. The wine man and Xiaolang arrived at the green snake and walked towards the green snake step by step. Xiao Qiang picked up the black gold coat from the ground and put it back into the system.

"Hey, you're like this now, so don't resist anymore. Since you were sent by the Ye family to do such an important task, you must be considered a core member of them. Then I'm going to ask you now, and you will know. If you tell the truth about the Ye family, I can spare you, do you know?" Xiao Qiang turned around and asked the green snake.

"I want to do good things. Since I have already helped the Ye family, and the Ye family treats me well, how can I invest in your Longshan base? Hum, you can do whatever you want." Green Snake looked at Xiao Qiang said.

"Oh, forget it, your information is not that important. Since you still value friendship so much, I will take you to the Longshan base and let you think about it carefully. What is the value of the Ye family? It's not worth your while to serve them." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang walked towards Green Snake's position.

However, at this moment, the scene in front of Xiao Qiang suddenly changed into the scene in Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang was standing in front of the villa. The familiar faces in the base were busy one by one. Wang Liang was running around directing everyone to move the materials they found, while Li Wei was busy making fire and cooking. Lin Fei was shirtless and waving his three-handled knife aside, and Shen Ku was sitting lazily on a table. On the sofa, Lin Fei and Lin Fei were bickering, and Big Bear stood beside him like a hill, as well as Yang Xue, Sister Rourou, and Xiao Shutong. . . He greeted him enthusiastically. The most important thing was that Lin Bingyan was wearing clean sportswear, smiled at him and ran over. Xiao Qiang was immersed in the joyful atmosphere of Longshan Base. , opened his hands and rushed towards Lin Bingyan to hug her. Not returning to Longshan Base for nearly a year, especially Bingyan, made Xiao Qiang simply forget where he was at the moment. At this time, a flame slowly burned out of Xiao Qiang's body, and finally Xiao Qiang's hand felt some pain. Then, Xiao Qiang woke up suddenly, slowly opened his eyes, and found that In front of him was a sharp black gold sword.

Xiao Qiang suddenly understood. He had been affected by an illusion. The first time he went out to search Company M's warehouse, he was subjected to such an illusion. At that time, thanks to the drunkard, he was beside him. Only then did he help himself break the illusion. The flames just now were the fire-based skills practiced by Xiao Qiang, which had been upgraded to the full level by Xiao Qiang. Therefore, when encountering illusions and feeling that there was danger, the flames would rise to remind Xiao Qiang. . After thinking of this, Xiao Qiang hurriedly started the fire system skills and rotated the flames around his body. Then look to the side,

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