Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 648: Qi Gathering Level 7 Strength

The drunkard was obviously under an illusion. He held his wine gourd and kept pouring wine into his mouth. However, there was no wine in the gourd. However, the drunkard kept praising "good wine" and "good wine". Looking at the wolf next to him, he was gnawing on a piece of iron next to him. His saliva was about to flow down. It looked like he was eating meat. The iron block was also bitten with holes everywhere under the wolf's sharp teeth. Xiao Qiang also hurriedly woke them up. After waking up, the two looked at Xiao Qiang with a confused look on their faces. And looking to the side again, there was no trace of the green snake. Instead, the pet snake was left behind by them in a hurry. Its body had shrunk to its normal size.

"It seems that I encountered that charming snake. I have known for a long time that there are two snakes in M ​​Company, one is a green snake and the other is a charming snake. I didn't expect that I was tricked by this charming snake today and let the green snake run away." The drunkard shook his head and said to Xiao Qiang.

"The illusion of this charming snake is too powerful. The key is that the scenes in the illusion are what people think in their hearts, and it is inevitable to be tricked. The green snake ran away, but fortunately we got the gem and Sun Jiang's black gold coat. But if the green snake ran away, it would definitely tell the Ye family about our alliance with Lei Lao. In this way, although the Ye family can guess that we will take action at the wedding, now that they are sure, they will definitely send experts to sit in the battle. Moreover, in this case, Lei Lao and Xu Gan may also be in danger. I have to notify the people in Longshan Base and let them send people to protect Lei Lao." Xiao Qiang pondered and said to the drunkard.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang carefully picked up the green snake, took out a box from the system, and stored the green snake. Although Xiao Qiang was afraid of snakes, this snake was very powerful after all, so Xiao Qiang brought the snake with him, and with Xiaolang, Xiao Qiang was not worried about whether he could tame the snake and let the snake help him.

"Well, now we have a gem in our hands. Now we can take out the gem from Lei Lao. Then we will have two gems in our hands. At least the number of gems is equal to that of the Ye family." After seeing Xiao Qiang put away the little snake, the drunkard walked to Xiao Qiang and said.

At night, Xiao Qiang listened to the snoring of the drunkard and the little wolf, took out the two gems from the system, felt the powerful power coming from the gems, and looked at the two gems carefully. Although the two gems were crystal clear and the colors were different, they looked no different from ordinary gems. They seemed to be ordinary decorations sold in shopping malls. No wonder they were thrown aside after being found to be useless. If Xiao Qiang could not feel the power coming from the gems now, he would not have thought that the gems had such a powerful power.

After carefully putting the gems back into the system, Xiao Qiang picked up the intercom and talked to Wang Peng. Xiao Qiang had already told those people in Longshan Base whom he trusted about the plan to attack the Ye family. This time, Xiao Qiang told Wang Peng to let Yu Feng ensure the safety of Sun Jiang. If the Ye family wanted to attack Sun Jiang, Yu Feng could rescue Sun Jiang in advance. At the same time, let Wang Peng secretly contact the big and small bases in the end of the world, and the more people support him, the better. Another thing is to let Wang Peng arrange personnel to go to Lei Lao in Binhai City to protect Lei Lao.

In the following time, Xiao Qiang stayed with Jiu Lao. The two of them were looking for the whereabouts of the remaining gem while Xiao Qiang continued to upgrade and contacted other snobbish places. Two weeks later, the Ye family couldn't hold back and finally attacked Lei Lao and Xu Gan. On a dark night, dozens of masters sneaked into Lei Lao's villa, while Lei Lao and Xu Gan were playing chess calmly. Two people rushed out of the villa, one of them was using three knives, and the other was very good at leg skills. The two of them were still arguing with the people of the Ye family, and even from time to time they would fight each other. However, the strength of the two people was very strong, and those who rushed in were killed by the two. These two people were two of the three major combat forces of Longshan Base, Lin Fei and Shen Ku. After Wang Peng knew the importance of Lei Lao, he sent these two people to come to Lei Lao's side for protection. After killing those people of the Ye family, Wang Peng sent a car to take Lei Lao and Xu Gan back to the secret small base established by Longshan Base in Binhai City. The guards belonging to Xu Gan who were hiding around them quietly retreated after seeing that the two were safe, hiding their whereabouts. Although Lin Fei and Shen Ku noticed these people, Xiao Qiang specifically reminded them, so Lin Fei and Shen Ku did not say much.

Two weeks later, Jiu Lao and Xiao Qiang still hadn't found the whereabouts of the last gem, but according to the news from the intelligence team, it seemed that the Ye family hadn't found the whereabouts of the gem either. Moreover, after Longshan Base constantly communicated with the small forces in the end of the world, these small snobs and hunter teams who had been bullied by the Ye family also expressed their willingness to follow Longshan Base to deal with the Ye family. Moreover, more and more survivors of the end of the world joined Longshan Base, and the personnel of Longshan Base were strengthened by Longshan, while the Ye family didn't care about it at all, but in order to use the remaining kraft paper formula to experiment on the human body. The Ye family began to block the personnel of Andu, Binhai City and Shenzhou, not allowing these people to go out at will. Longshan Base did not hesitate to expose the members of the intelligence team, and with the joint efforts of these intelligence team members, more survivors were able to run to Longshan Base. The Ye family became more nervous about the search for black gold. People outside speculated that it was related to the most powerful black gold weapon. The many Longshan teams and masters in the Longshan base were also approaching the stone city closest to Andu. The gunpowder smell on both sides became stronger and stronger, and the fight was almost imminent.

That night, Yu Feng's Lake City M Company announced its withdrawal from the Ye family and joined the Longshan base. The people sent by the Ye family were also killed by Yu Feng and the masters of the Longshan base. After the news reached the Ye family, Ye Chen was also very angry and said that after Ye Dong's wedding was over, he would take the masters of the Ye family to find Yu Feng to settle accounts. What Ye Chen didn't know was that the Longshan team of the Longshan base had already been led by the team leader to quietly surround the Binhai base where the legion was located and Shenzhou City where M company was located, just waiting to attack them later. The reason for choosing this time is that Longshan Base wants to dismantle the snobbery of the Ye family on the day of the Ye family's wedding to avenge the humiliation when the Ye family went to Longshan Base. Another important reason is that according to the news sent back by the intelligence team, in order to ensure the normal progress of the wedding and not be disturbed by Xiao Qiang and Lei Lao, the Ye family transferred all the masters to Andu City. They did not expect that Longshan Base would launch an attack at the same time, or the Ye family only thought that they had Andu City, and these two bases were not so important to them. Among them, there are 3 Longshan teams surrounded by the Legion Base, and 7 surrounded by M Company. This is because the Legion’s people have been secretly told by Lei Lao that many people are willing to withdraw from the Ye family and said that they will help Longshan Base to attack the Legion’s base when the fight breaks out. Therefore, the Legion is relatively relaxed. This time, Longshan Base sent out all Longshan teams to try to take down this base in one fell swoop, and the cities of Longshan Base are protected by patrol teams.

Xiao Qiang and Jiu Lao brought Xiao Lang to Andu City as planned. Andu City was separated by a high wall in the middle. After the outbreak of the apocalypse, the Ye family sent people to wrap the outer layer of the wall with black gold to resist the zombies. At night, Xiao Qiang and Jiu Lao stayed in the zombie area. After a simple meal, the two of them roasted a fire around the match pile.

"No more drinking. We will fight the Ye family tomorrow, so as not to be drunk and unable to beat the Ye family. How about it, brat, we will fight the Ye family tomorrow. Are you nervous?" Jiu Lao picked up the wine gourd and smelled it, then spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Thank you, Jiu Lao. Let's have a good drink after the fight tomorrow." Xiao Qiang felt grateful when he saw Jiu Lao. Jiu Lao could have been free and easy, but because he wanted to help him, he had to deal with the Ye family together. At this moment, in order to be in a good state to deal with the Ye family, he didn't even drink the wine he had to drink every day.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang shook his head gently at Jiu Lao. He was not nervous about dealing with the Ye family. He had been waiting for this day for a year. However, he was going to see Lin Bingyan, whom he had been thinking about day and night, tomorrow. Xiao Qiang was still very nervous about this. He gently took off the mask from his face. After a year, Xiao Qiang could finally take off the mask and finally be himself and use the name Xiao Qiang. In a year, Xiao Qiang had not returned to Longshan Base once, just to defeat the Ye family tomorrow and return to Longshan Base with Lin Bingyan. During this year, Xiao Qiang did not dare to relax at all and kept killing zombies. Only Xiao Qiang himself knew the thrill of it.

How many times has Xiao Qiang been surrounded by zombies? How many times has Xiao Qiang been beaten by powerful zombies and covered in blood? But in order to become stronger, to defeat the Ye family, to avenge the shame brought to him by the Ye family, and to bring Lin Bingyan back to Longshan Base with dignity, Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth and persisted. Xiao Qiang wanted to return to Longshan Base, but Xiao Qiang knew very well that although Longshan Base was warm, only by training outside could he become stronger. Many times, Xiao Qiang woke up from the dream that Lin Bingyan was taken away by the Ye family again and again. Even though he is much stronger now, Xiao Qiang resisted going to Andu to find Lin Bingyan. All of this is to defeat the Ye family and bring Lin Bingyan back with dignity tomorrow. In a year, Xiao Qiang went through what kind of training, which can be seen from his calloused hands, and Xiao Qiang's body was already covered with scars. However, feeling the current strength, the suffering in this year is worth it.

"Okay, no problem, you kid probably can't sleep tonight, and there are a lot of news to be sent back from Longshan Base. I will go to bed first, and you kid should go to bed early too." The drunkard said as he went to sleep next to Xiaolang.

Xiao Qiang nodded, and in order not to disturb the drunkard and Xiaolang, he walked to the window alone, took out the intercom and asked Wang Peng: "Wang Peng, how are the preparations for attacking the two level 2 city bases now?"

"Brother Qiang, the ambush is already ready. If it gets a little later, the brothers can take action. This time we have sent a total of more than 100,000 people, and we will definitely be able to take down the bases of these two level 2 cities in one fell swoop." Wang Peng's voice came from the other end of the intercom.

"Okay, we must make good arrangements, try to reduce casualties, and take it down quickly. After taking it down, leave the people guarding the base, and the rest of the people will approach Andu City. Be sure to be concealed and don't be discovered by the Ye family when you go to Andu City." Xiao Qiang looked at Andu City outside and said to Wang Peng.

"It's okay, Brother Qiang, you also have to pay attention to safety." Wang Peng said on the other end of the intercom.

"Sister Xiao Cong, can you help me check my current attributes?" Xiao Qiang couldn't sleep now, so he entered the system and said to Xiao Cong.

"Host: Xiao Qiang

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (max level), Thunder Claw (max level), Flying Thunder God (max level), Shattering Palm (max level), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (max level), Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix (max level) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Sixth Gate Fire Heart Technique (max level)

Mall Permission: Level 3 (can purchase high-level items) Open Lottery Permission Level 3

Overall Evaluation: Qi Gathering Level 7. Experience Value: 59999960/60000000 Exchange Points 102000000.

Battle Pet: Howling Moon Wolf (juvenile) Comparable to the strength of Awakening Level 8."

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