Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 649 Level 2 City

As Xiao Qiang's strength continued to increase, Xiao Qiang also discovered that Xiao Cong's image slowly began to age, just like Xiao Cong changed from a child to a young girl at the beginning. Nowadays, Xiao Cong looks like a woman in her 40s, but Xiao Cong's appearance has not changed, but she has become taller, so she still looks very elegant. Xiao Qiang also calls Xiao Cong sister Xiao Cong with great respect. And according to Xiao Cong himself, this is not the final image of Xiao Cong. Xiao Cong's actual age is already over 50 years old. But when Xiao Qiang continued to ask whether Xiao Cong was a real person, Xiao Cong no longer Tell Xiao Qiang that he will tell Xiao Qiang this situation when he becomes stronger in the future.

"Hmm, how about it? I definitely can't sleep now. I'm going to see Bingyan tomorrow. But you have to deal with those people from the Ye family tomorrow, so you have to go to bed soon. Your current attributes are: "Little Cong said to Xiao Qiang. As his image grew bigger, Xiao Cong also became very kind.

After a year, Xiao Qiang has been upgraded from the original awakening level to the current Qi gathering level, and he is also a master of Qi gathering level 7, so Xiao Qiang can naturally feel the power of those gems. Moreover, Xiao Qiang will soon be upgraded to a master of Qi Gathering Level 8. The reason why Xiao Qiang has not upgraded to Qi Gathering Level 8 is to make them think that he is a Gathering Qi Master when he deals with the Ye family tomorrow. Qi level 7, this allows them to incorrectly estimate their own strength, and when encountering dangerous situations, they can quickly upgrade to Qi level 9 strength. In order to defeat the Ye family tomorrow, Xiao Qiang has been preparing for a year and made a lot of preparations, just to be able to better bring Lin Bingyan back to the Longshan base tomorrow.

"Sister Xiao Cong, I can't sleep now. Please chat with me for a while. You said that after this year's experience, I am no longer what I was a year ago. Now my body is covered with scars, and my face is wind-blown." The weather has worn off a lot, do you think Bingyan won’t like me anymore?” Xiao Qiang lay next to Xiaolang, entered the system and spoke to Bingyan.

"Hahaha, you brat, I didn't expect you to have such thoughts. Let me tell you, true feelings will not fade over time, nor will they become more vicissitudes of life because of you. I will not like you. I believe this is the relationship between you and Bingyan, and Bingyan really likes you." Sister Xiao Cong smiled softly and said.

"Hehe, by the way, Miss Xiao Cong, where is the last gem? It won't be hidden by the Ye family. If they have three gems, it would be really awesome. Then what if tomorrow? If you fall in love with them, you may not be able to defeat them?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask Sister Xiao Cong.

"As for that gem, I can only tell you that when you reach level 9 of Qi Gathering, I will tell you the whereabouts of the gem and about the system. As for dealing with the Ye family tomorrow, here Throughout the year, I have always said that you did not work hard enough as a freshman, but during this year, I have been advising you to take a break. I know how hard you have worked to upgrade this year. You have the strength of Qi Gathering Level 7, all your skills have been upgraded to the full level, and you have obtained so many treasures from the system. Moreover, I always felt that you were too concerned about the upgrades of the people around you, but now I see it. You have so many powerful partners around you, and you are about to reach level 8 of Qi Gathering. You should believe in your own strength and just work hard to deal with the Ye family tomorrow. I believe in you." Sister Cong looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Okay, thank you Sister Xiaocong for your encouragement and affirmation. I will definitely work hard tomorrow. Also, what do you think the black gold weapon of the Ye family is? Is it really that powerful? The Ye family is so Is the crazy collection of black gold really for that black gold weapon? Xu Gan said that the Ye family collected black gold for that black gold weapon, and asked me to find the warehouse where the Ye family collected black gold." Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"The black gold weapon of the Ye family. I can't tell you more detailed information about that black gold weapon for the time being. You still need to explore. However, what I can tell you is that the Ye family has collected so much black gold. It's not all because of that black gold weapon. Although that black gold weapon consumes a huge amount of black gold, the Ye family conquered Company M. There are many high-tech weapons produced using meteorites in Company M. , such as laser guns, laser cannons, etc. These weapons are powerful, but they also require a considerable amount of black gold. In addition, although Xu Gan really wants to do something for everyone, he is not what you think. It's so simple, but fortunately you don't want to compete with him to be the leader. If you really don't want to be the leader in this apocalypse, you have to let Xu Gan know deliberately many times, so as not to cause any trouble. He is suspicious, otherwise he must be a big enemy of yours," Sister Xiao Cong said patiently.

Hearing Sister Xiao Cong's reminder, Xiao Qiang smiled lightly and said, "I have a preliminary judgment about Xu Gan's character, but I am not interested in competing with him for leadership. After I bring Bing Yan back to Longshan Base, I can let him be in charge of this apocalypse, and I will take my friends to eliminate the zombies in this apocalypse. In fact, I believe in him. He is suitable to be a leader. If he is the leader, he will definitely be able to lead everyone better, and everyone will be able to get a good development in this apocalypse. Even in the future After the zombies are cleared, he will be more suitable, so he will pay attention. "

"You kid, you are quite broad-minded. With your current strength, plus the strength of Longshan Base, and the prestige you have established in the end times, if you can deal with the Ye family, this leader is very easy, you can do without it, but this is you, and, perhaps it is because of your character that Longshan Base can develop to its current state, and it is also because of your character that maybe the old man Mi chose you. "Sister Xiaocong sighed to Xiao Qiang.

"Sister Xiaocong, speaking of Professor Mi, although I have never met Professor Mi, I feel that you are like a real person. You and Professor Mi are not lovers, right, hahaha." Xiao Qiang asked with a smile on his face.

"You stinky boy, you dare to tease me, hum, I won't chat with you, stinky boy, I'm going to sleep." Sister Xiaocong's face suddenly turned red, and she said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang also exited the system, looking at the starry sky. After chatting with Sister Xiao Cong, Xiao Qiang's mind became much calmer. Listening to the snoring of Jiu Lao and Xiao Lang, Xiao Qiang slowly fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Wang Peng's excited voice began to come out of Xiao Qiang's intercom. The Longshan team took advantage of the cover of night to successfully attack the two bases. Now the two level 2 cities are also Longshan bases. When attacking the legion, with the cooperation of Lei Lao's people within the legion, it was relatively smooth at the beginning, but the legion's well-trainedness soon showed up, and they began to counterattack against the Longshan squad. Since the attacking legion only arranged three Longshan squads here, the number of people was not much advantage compared to the legion's base, so even with the help of some people in the legion, the attack still encountered some difficulties. But then, Sun Jiang, who was wearing a black gold coat, appeared. As soon as he appeared, he shouted loudly, revealing his identity, and then told those people that it was Lei Ben who made the legion base surrender, and he killed several people who surrendered to the Ye family with fierce means, and the legion base was successfully taken. As for M Company, Longshan Base was well prepared and sent out 7 Longshan teams, with a total of more than 70,000 people to attack M Company. In addition, Lin Fei, Shen Ku, Cao Yu and other masters were all there, and the masters of M Company were also transferred to the Ye family in Andu City. The people of M Company were not as well-trained as the legion. Therefore, although there were many people on the side of M Company, they were quickly captured by the people of Longshan Base. In each level 2 city, 3 Longshan teams were left to take care of these people and bases. The remaining 4 Longshan teams approached Andu City according to Xiao Qiang's request and stayed at the periphery of Andu City. After hearing the news, Xiao Qiang breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, the Ye family was left with only the snobbish concentrated in Andu, waiting to deal with the Ye family tomorrow.

In the morning, Andu City was very lively. The Ye family not only invited all the big and small families and snobs in the end of the world to come here to attend the wedding held by the Ye family for Ye Dong and Lin Bingyan, but also sent a lot of food to the ordinary survivors in Andu City.

The wedding was held in a super villa in the suburbs of Andu City. It is not so much a villa as a manor. In this manor, there are more than 10 houses. Those who are good friends with the Ye family or belong to the Ye family live here after arriving in Andu in advance, while those who are weaker live in some houses outside the manor. In this manor, there is a huge artificial lake and a spacious lawn, and the wedding was chosen on the lawn here. Early in the morning, the people used by the Ye family began to get busy, setting up tables, getting chairs, and building a luxurious big screen. Even in the end of the world, the Ye family still carefully prepared a rich variety of food and good wine, which were spread all over the long table. Not only that, they also arranged microphones and speakers, and invited the best chorus band before the end of the world to perform songs for them.

The Ye family also knew that someone would definitely come to make trouble today, so they also strengthened the guards at various locations in the manor. On the main road at the entrance of Andu City, there were more than 1,000 people who originally belonged to M Company, guarding the outermost position, each of them was armed with live ammunition, and set up three checkpoints, in order to prevent other forces from bringing too many people and large-scale lethal equipment into the Ye family in Andu City. Originally, they also thought about confiscating the weapons of future people first, but in the end of the world, who would give them the weapons they carried with them, so they could only confiscate the weapons of the small snobs. Even if the big snobs swaggered into Andu City with weapons, they did not dare to stop them.

Outside the manor wall, the people who originally belonged to the Ye family surrounded the manor. Inside the manor, the Ye family's mutant guards of more than 300 people were guarding everywhere. Once there was a slight disturbance, these people would quickly take action. As for the few strong mutants that the Ye family secretly cultivated after the meteorite landed, they were hidden in various places, and these people belonged to the real strength of the Ye family.

Since it is not appropriate to bring too many people to the Ye family, on the surface, only the top ten strong men of the Longshan base plus Han Feng and dozens of others came to the Ye family in Andu City openly. The others were hiding in the dark or mixed with the snobs who were on good terms with the Longshan base, or hiding in the outer area of ​​Andu City with the members of the Longshan team. Longshan Base not only sent personnel here, but also joined forces with many hunter teams that were friendly with Longshan Base to go to Andu City to deal with the Ye family. The Ye family also sent invitations to all the snobs in the end of the world.

"There are about 300 people on this road. After everyone enters Andu City, we must quickly take these main intersections and gradually approach the Andu Ye family. In addition, don't hurt other irrelevant people." The car just passed the checkpoint set up by the M company by the Ye family, and Wang Peng warned the Longshan team.

"Wang Peng, will Xiao Qiang really show up today? Today is the day when the Ye family wants to marry Lin Bingyan. If that boy doesn't show up, Bingyan will be married to the Ye family." Sister Rourou sat on the doomsday chariot after seeing Wang Peng finished speaking, and said to Wang Peng.

"Sister Rourou, Brother Qiang will definitely show up." Wang Peng said confidently.

"That's fine. When I see this brat, I will definitely give him a good scolding. He hasn't shown up for a year and has only contacted you. Does he still consider us as his friends? He left such a big Longshan base with only one person and went out to enjoy himself." Sister Rourou complained to everyone. As Sister Rourou spoke, her broad chest trembled up and down.

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