Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 650 Everyone at Longshan Base

"Yes, Sister Rourou is right. When we meet that brat Xiao Qiang, I will scold him with you. Come, try the juice I made." Shen Ku held the plate and handed a glass of fresh juice on the plate to Sister Rourou.

"Thank you!" Sister Rourou took the glass of juice, raised her beautiful legs in black stockings, and smiled sweetly at Shen Ku, which made Shen Ku very happy.

"Miss Yang, this glass is for you." Shen Ku picked up another glass of juice on the table and handed it to Yang Xue who was sitting by the window.

"Thank you!" Yang Xue took the juice and placed it in front of the table. She smiled at Shen Ku and continued to study the recipes.

Although Shen Ku is very strong, even comparable to Lin Fei, and was called one of the three major combat forces in Longshan Base, Shen Ku is very gentle when it comes to girls. He often says that he is willing to serve these girls, and often makes the beauties in Longshan Base laugh.

As he spoke, Shen Ku came to the side of Xiao Shutong, handed a cup of hot milk on the plate to Xiao Shutong, and gently touched Xiao Shutong's head, saying: "You are a child, you should drink more milk, so that you can grow better."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Shen Ku." Xiao Shutong took the milk and said to Shen Ku.

"Huh, what are you doing? Do you want to be kicked again?" Shen Ku walked in front of Lin Fei and said provocatively.

Hearing what Shen Ku said, Lin Fei didn't say much, drew out a knife and chopped at Shen Ku's body, while Shen Ku held the plate in his hand, stretched out a foot and collided with Lin Fei's long knife. Seeing this, everyone was already used to the fight between the two. At first, everyone wanted to stop them, but later they found that no one could hurt anyone in the fight, and the two would basically fight as soon as they met. The most important thing was that it would help them to upgrade their levels, so later everyone stopped persuading them.

"Okay, okay, don't fight anymore. If you keep fighting, our car will be torn down by you two. Let's follow the rules later. When we deal with the Ye family, you two can compete again." Yang Shan hurriedly walked between the two and said to them.

Hearing Yang Shan's words, the two also fought separately. Han Feng laughed after seeing this.

"Xiong Shi, don't step on the accelerator so hard when you hear that you will see Xiao Qiang in a while. Drive slower. When we get to the Ye family, Xiao Qiang won't be there yet." Sister Rourou saw Xiong Shi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, step on the accelerator hard, and quickly spoke to Xiong Shi.

Outside the black gold gate of the Ye family's manor, early in the morning, Ye Dong's father Ye Chen led people to the door to welcome the various snobbish people invited in the end of the world, while Ye Dong's grandfather Ye Kun sat in the living room of the main building of the Ye family, waiting for the snobbish people from the end of the world to visit him in the living room. Ye Chen seemed very happy. In more than a year, the Ye family not only controlled M Company, but also drove Lei Ben out of the legion and completely controlled the legion. Now the Ye family has firmly become the most powerful snobbish people in the end of the world. Of course, although there is the Longshan base constantly confronting them, even their leader Xiao Qiang has not appeared in the Longshan base for a year. They have accumulated so much black gold, and they also have two gems. The most important thing is that the most powerful black gold weapon can be used. Even if the Longshan base comes to make trouble today, they can resist it. Of course, what Ye Chen doesn't know is that the two level 2 city bases have all been taken down by the Longshan base last night. Now they are only left with the snobbish people near the manor in Andu City.

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen saw several people getting off a commercial vehicle. One of them was a little older and was sitting in a wheelchair. A young man was pushing him from behind. There was also a young man in his 30s who seemed to be talking to him about a game of chess. The two were talking very lively. When they arrived next to Ye Chen, they did not stop to say hello. These three people were Lei Ben, Xu Gan, and Sun Jiang, who was wearing a black gold coat. At that time, Lei Ben and Xu Gan were brought out of the villa by Lin Fei and others and were in the Longshan base. When Sun Jiang returned to the Longshan base, he was brought out by Yu Feng. After taking down the legion last night, today they came to the Ye family as planned.

"Hello, Mr. Lei. I didn't expect you to come. You didn't even say hello when you left Binhai last time. Your legs and feet are not very good. You are not in the army anymore. You are the only one left by your side. If you want to come, just let me know so that I can send a car to take you here." Seeing that Lei Ben didn't see him at all, Ye Chen took a step forward and arrived in front of Lei Ben, saying to him with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, if your legs and feet are not in good condition, you have to thank your Ye family for taking care of you in Binhai. If there is something exciting to watch today, how can I not come? However, it seems that there is a piece of news that you haven't received yet." Lei Ben was not angry, and said to Ye Chen with a smile.

At this moment, members of the Ye family's escort team ran over and whispered a few words into Ye Chen's ear. Although the members of the escort team pretended to be whispering, their voices were not quiet. What the escort said was that the two bases in level 2 cities had been captured by Longshan Base. After hearing these words, Ye Chen's expression suddenly changed. However, it was difficult to get angry because there were so many people present. However, he found that after the member of the escort team finished speaking, everyone around him seemed to have heard it. , he could only suppress the anger in his heart, and his face quickly returned to a smile. But facing the member of the escort, he glared at him fiercely. The member of the escort retreated very aggrievedly, but a smile secretly appeared on his lips. This member of the escort team was a member of Wang Peng's intelligence team. It was Wang Peng who arranged for this member of the escort team to tell Ye Chen the news and help Lei Ben deal with Ye Chen.

"Xu Gan, did you hear just now? It seems that the legion is no longer his, hahahaha." Lei Ben said to Xu Gan very loudly.

Hearing Lei Ben's words, Xu Gan also echoed what Lei Ben said, and even Sun Jiang behind him smiled softly.

When Ye Chen saw this, there were many snobbish people around him who pursed their lips and snickered secretly. Ye Chen said: "It's just a level 2 city base. Our Ye family has transferred all the experts back to us. Gave them one.”

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, Lei Ben followed Xu Gan and Sun Jiang and walked towards the courtyard. As he walked, Lei Ben said to Xu Gan: "You have to go in quickly and sit in a good seat. There’s going to be a lot of fun in a while, so just go in and have some food and then watch the fun.”

Seeing the three people walking towards the garden, Ye Chen gave the three people a hard look on their backs, called a member of the Ye family's guard team over, and said in a low voice: "Send someone to keep an eye on them, this time it will be a big surprise." We can’t let them run away. After the wedding is over, we will send people to kill the three of them.”

"Longshan Base is here!" Ye Chen had just finished speaking when he heard the escort shouting.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen saw more than 10 people getting out of a car. Under the leadership of Han Feng, they walked towards Ye Chen's position. When they arrived at Ye Chen's position, Han Feng and others stood in front of Ye Chen. The members of the Ye family's escort team also gathered around nervously, surrounding the more than 10 people from the Longshan base, attracting other The powerful people all looked this way, and Ye Chen quickly waved his hand to signal the members of the escort team to disperse.

"Longshan Base, you are so brave. You are so brave to come to Andu." Ye Chen took a step forward and said to Han Feng at the front.

"Ye Chen, how are you? Do you still like this gift that our Longshan Base gave you?" Han Feng smiled slightly, referring to the two level 2 city bases that Longshan Base had just acquired, facing Ye Chen. Chen said.

"It's just two bases in level 2 cities. In this apocalypse, strength is the most important thing. Where is your leader? He didn't know where he went after being beaten by our Ye family last time. You guys He still has the courage to come here and is not afraid of other snobbish jokes in this apocalyptic world." Ye Chen snorted and said to Han Feng.

"Then you don't have to worry about it. What's the matter? Didn't your Ye family invite all the snobbery in this apocalypse to come to you? Our Longshan base will naturally come over, and ah, there will be a big gift soon. I want to give it to you." Han Feng said with a gentle smile.

As he spoke, Han Feng led everyone towards the manor without waiting for Ye Chen to answer. Xiong Shi walked at the front, and his huge body blocked the two Ye family guards in front. The person in the middle of the crowd knocked aside and squeezed out a way for everyone. A group of people followed Xiong Shi and rushed into the manor.

In the Ye family's manor, there is a house in a remote location that is not that big and the decoration is not luxurious. A year ago, Ye Dong brought back a girl from the Longshan base with several people from the Ye family. After the girl arrived at the Ye family's manor, she chose to live in the house here. Since arriving here, although the Ye family has been very strict with girls, as long as they leave the manor, someone will follow them, even in their own house.

In this room, if you want to see some people, you must get the permission of the Ye family before you can see them. Even if the people you want to see are some of your own family members, the rest of the Ye family are placed near the manor. In one of the villas, many people were secretly watching. Since the girl arrived in the small house, she has not left the house very much. Apart from occasionally seeing her family throughout the day, the girl spends most of the time practicing in the practice room in the house. Moreover, since the girl arrived here, she has been stern and has never smiled at anyone. She only occasionally looked at the location of Longshan Base in a daze. Girls are also called "Ice Beauty" by everyone. This girl is Lin Bingyan in Longshan Base.

Ye Dong also came here many times, thinking of various ways to make the girl happy, but the girl still didn't talk to him much, just echoed what Ye Dong said. Ye Dong seemed very anxious many times, and even wanted to use force on the girl, but the girl took out a dagger and put it on her neck, and Ye Kun also stopped Ye Dong. Although the Lin family was controlled by the Ye family, the Lin family still had a lot of prestige in the army and some friendly families. If the Lin family was really annoyed, it would lose a lot of support. But it was also true that the wedding that the Ye family said would be held a year later was held, and Ye Dong insisted.

On this day, under the service of the Ye family, someone put on a wedding dress and put on makeup in Lin Bingyan's house early in the morning. Afterwards, Lin Bingyan was the only one left in the room. Lin Bingyan looked out the window and was in a daze alone.

"Dingdang, you said you would show up at the wedding held by the Ye family in a year. Now, a year has passed. Will you really show up? I haven't seen you for a year. How are you now? I want you to show up here and take me back to Longshan Base, but I don't want you to show up. The people in the Ye family are too powerful. I have been training hard this year. I finally upgraded to the third level of Qi Gathering, but I still can't fight back against the people in the Ye family. Alas, Dingdang, I want to see you, but I don't want you to come. I don't know. I really miss you, Dingdang." Lin Bingyan stared blankly at the distance outside the window and thought.

For a year, Lin Bingyan locked herself in the practice room every day and trained hard, just to be able to fight against the Ye family and provide more help to Xiao Qiang during this year.

At this time, the door creaked, and then a person came in from outside and closed the door gently. This person is a member of the Ye family's guard team. Although she is a woman, her strength is not low. She is one level higher than Lin Bingyan. Although the Ye family said that they sent her to serve Lin Bingyan, they also sent her to monitor Lin Bingyan. However, what the Ye family and Lin Bingyan did not expect was that this girl had another identity, that is, a member of Wang Peng's intelligence team, and the highest-ranking person sent to the Ye family by the Longshan base's intelligence team. Because she was sent by the Ye family to monitor Lin Bingyan, Wang Peng only contacted her in a single line, and if there was no emergency, he would not contact her casually. He only gave her one task, which was to protect Lin Bingyan's safety.

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