Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 651: Fighting against the Ye Family

Last time, when Ye Dong was about to force his way into Lin Bingyan's bedroom, it was she who found an opportunity to send someone to tell Ye Kun, which stopped Ye Dong from doing so. However, in normal times, this person did not reveal to Lin Bingyan any information about her being in the Longshan base. On the surface, Lin Bingyan only thought that she was sent by the Ye family to monitor her, so she did not treat her very well. When Lin Bingyan heard the noise, she looked at the door next to her. After finding that it was her, she turned her head and continued to look out the window.

"Sister Bingyan, there is something I need to tell you quickly. You have to prepare in advance." After closing the door, the man quietly walked to Lin Bingyan's side and said.

"What? Is it time to go to the wedding scene?" Lin Bingyan said coldly without even looking at the man.

"Sister Bingyan, it's time to go to the wedding, but I have something to tell you, so I'll keep it short. I'm a member of the intelligence team at Longshan Base. Today, Longshan Base will take action against the Ye family. Brother Qiang will come over and take you back to Longshan Base. This is my token. This high-level protection amulet was given to you by Brother Qiang. There is also this high-level suit. Please put it on, Sister Bingyan, and then put on the wedding dress outside." The man took out an exquisite black and gold token, and then took out the amulet paper and the suit and handed them to Lin Bingyan.

Originally, Lin Bingyan was a little skeptical when she saw the token, but when she saw the suit, she believed the woman's words, just because Xiao Qiang drew a Doraemon image on the suit. Lin Bingyan gently stroked the Doraemon drawn by Xiao Qiang. Such childish behavior would only be done to her by the person she called Doraemon.

After a while, Lin Bingyan, who had changed her clothes, followed the woman out of the house. The Ye family members waiting outside the house found that the ice beauty Lin Bingyan, who had not smiled for a year, was smiling and slowly following the woman to the wedding scene.

On the spacious stage of the wedding scene, a famous band before the end of the world was playing songs hard, and the people under the stage were looking for acquaintances to talk. Sitting in the front were some people from the Ye family, including Ye Kun, the head of the Ye family. Those families and snobs who were on good terms with the Ye family came to congratulate Ye Kun. When Ye Chen came to report to Ye Kun that the two bases of the level 2 city were taken by the Longshan base, and the people from the Longshan base and Lei Ben came over, Ye Kun's face changed slightly. After glaring at Ye Chen, he resumed his smile and continued to greet other snobs. He secretly asked people to call all the members of the guard team to guard around. Lei Ben and his companions were in the army before, so they sat in the front position. The Longshan base was arranged to sit in the back position. There were some members of the Ye family's guard team behind the seats of the people in the Longshan base, but the people in the Longshan base didn't care at all. They sat together and talked happily. Lin Fei and Shen Ku even had to fight from time to time. Wang Peng asked the Longshan team to approach the Ye family's manor through the intercom, and ordered the members of the assassination team and the intelligence team to capture the Ye family's warehouse. At this moment, the snobbery of the Ye family was only left in the field.

"Everyone, welcome to come from afar to attend Ye Dong's wedding. Now, please invite the two new people to come on stage." Ye Kun said to everyone with a smile on his face on the stage.

As Ye Kun said, Ye Dong walked out from one side of the stage with a smile on his face, and Lin Bingyan also walked out from the other side of the stage with a smile on her face, looking down at the position of the people in the Longshan base. The people of the Ye family were also a little surprised to see that Lin Bingyan, who had never smiled before, actually smiled. When everyone in Longshan Base saw Lin Bingyan coming out, they all greeted her, and Lin Bingyan also waved to everyone.

"Next, the groom will put the ring on the bride." Because Lin Bingyan had always been cold before, many steps were reduced at the wedding, and Ye Kun said to everyone.

"Hahaha, Bingyan, we haven't seen each other for a year, I really miss you."

"Bingyan, why do I feel that you have lost weight, but you are more beautiful."

"What? You put the ring on our Bingyan, didn't you notice that our Bingyan didn't even think about reaching out."

. . .

Offstage, Ye Kun had just finished speaking, and everyone in Longshan Base was talking loudly, while Lin Bingyan was only concerned with greeting everyone in Longshan Base. This caused everyone who attended the wedding to turn their heads and look towards the location of the Longshan Base, and they were still whispering.

"Humph, who dares to come to our Ye family to cause trouble at our wedding? Come on, kick all of them out." Ye Kun was also a little angry when he saw this, and pointed at everyone in the Longshan Base and shouted.

"I dare!" At this moment, a loud voice came from the air and said.

When the people at Longshan Base heard this voice, they all looked up at the sky with joy, while the people of the Ye family felt a little annoyed. What happened today had already made them very angry. When Lin Bingyan heard this familiar voice, tears flowed unconsciously from the corners of her eyes. This voice was the voice of the person that Lin Bingyan missed every day in this year, Lin Bingyan's little Ding Dong. He did it and fulfilled his promise. When the one-year period arrived, he really ran to the Ye family.

With this voice, several figures appeared in the sky. Xiao Qiang, Xiao Lang, and Jiu Lao landed steadily on the wedding platform from the air. Xiao Qiang slowly walked towards Lin Bingyan, gently touched Lin Bingyan's head, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Lin Bingyan's eyes with his hands.

"I'm here to take you back to Longshan Base." Xiao Qiang said softly to Lin Bingyan.

"Yeah." Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang and nodded gently. All the worries before were dissipated in Xiao Qiang's words. Lin Bingyan missed Xiao Qiang too much. As long as Xiao Qiang said he would take her back, no matter how many difficulties there were ahead, Lin Bingyan was willing to follow Xiao Qiang to overcome them.

"Xiao Qiang, you, a defeated general, dared to come to my Ye family to make trouble. Have you forgotten how I trampled you under your feet at your Longshan base? Now you dare to come here." Ye Dong pointed at Xiao Qiang and shouted loudly.

"Ding, a human with a level 5 Qi gathering power was found!"

Hearing Ye Dong's words, Xiao Qiang smiled gently at Lin Bingyan, and then the whole person's figure instantly disappeared from the original place and appeared above Ye Dong's head. He stretched out five fingers and stretched them towards Ye Dong's head. Ye Dong was also a person with a dual cultivation physique, and his reaction speed was also very fast. He stretched out his hand to block, but both the strength and speed were far behind Xiao Qiang now. Xiao Qiang held Ye Dong's head, and with a "bang", he pressed Ye Dong's head onto the stage built for the wedding, knocking a hole in the stage. Ye Dong kept struggling, but was held tightly by Xiao Qiang.

The sudden appearance of Xiao Qiang and his men made everyone in the field stand up and look at the situation on the stage, while the Ye family's guards all drew their weapons, ready to attack the people in Longshan Base, and rushed towards Xiao Qiang and his men on the field. Seeing this, Ye Kun and Ye Chen, who were closest to Ye Dong, were about to attack Xiao Qiang, but Jiu Lao and Xiao Lang blocked Xiao Qiang on both sides, protecting Xiao Qiang in the middle. At this moment, everyone in Longshan Base also rushed to the bottom of the stage and confronted the people of the Ye family. Sister Rourou used her special ability, followed Yang Xue and Xiao Shutong through the space to reach Lin Bingyan's side, and together with the woman from the intelligence team, protected Lin Bingyan in an unknown place around her. At this time, the members of the Longshan team had already arrived at the four locations of the Ye family manor and surrounded the Ye family manor. Several captains of the Longshan team led people into the Ye family manor and surrounded everyone in the field.

After seeing this, Ye Kun waved his hand to signal the people of the Ye family not to rush forward, and said to Xiao Qiang: "Xiao Qiang, what do you mean by this? In the end times, why did you openly bring people to my Ye family manor and point these weapons at everyone in the field?"

"That's right, didn't your Longshan base always advocate that we survivors should unite in the end times? What are you doing now?" A leader of a family that has a good relationship with the Ye family also echoed.

Hearing what the two said, those families that have a good relationship with the Ye family began to criticize the Longshan base.

"Okay, what is the noisy look like? I, Lei Ben, will say a few words." At this time, a loud voice came from the back of the crowd.

Then, Lei Ben slowly stood up, followed Xu Gan and Sun Jiang through the crowd and walked towards the center of the venue. Looking at the people below from the stage, Lei Ben still had some weight. After hearing Lei Ben's words, everyone stopped talking and waited for Lei Ben to continue speaking. The wound on Lei Ben's body was cured by the medicine Xiao Qiang obtained from the system.

"Okay, now I'll say a few words. Speaking of unity, why didn't you mention that I was driven out of the legion by your Ye family? Why didn't you mention that I was sent by your Ye family to attack in the villa. Also, I think there is a video that you may need to watch." Lei Ben spoke loudly to everyone.

As he spoke, Sun Jiang walked to the computer and inserted a delicate USB flash drive into the computer. A video was played on the computer. The video was secretly shot. It can be clearly seen that after Ye Kun knew that Xu Gan was competent, he ordered to rush into the M company's research institute, causing the zombie outbreak of the end of the world. Everyone looked at each other after watching the video, and finally looked at the people of the Ye family.

"What are you doing? Didn't you survive? Although we rushed into the research institute, didn't our Ye family help you? Let your families and snobs survive in the end times and have so many resources." Ye Chen pointed at these people and said.

"Oh? Is that so? Then what about your Ye family using the brown paper formula to make the living dead? You are still on the side of the Ye family. Be careful that the Ye family will use you to do experiments on the living dead." Xiao Qiang stood up and stepped on Ye Dong with his feet, and spoke to those family members in a deep voice.

While talking, Xiao Qiang also took out a few things from his backpack. One of them was a kraft paper formula, which Xiao Qiang took out when he sneaked into the Ye family's research institute a few days ago. As a result, Xiao Qiang also completed the collection task and obtained the core of the steel armor, a leather ring worn on his hand, with a round button in the middle. Xiao Qiang didn't know how to use it, so he threw the kraft paper formula and the core to Yang Xue's position. Yang Xue took it and looked at it, and seemed very happy. She gave Xiao Qiang a thumbs up, put the kraft paper away, and put the core on her hand.

Wang Peng also took out a USB flash drive from his arms, walked to the computer and inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and played a video, which was also secretly shot. It showed that Ye Chen arrived at the Ye family's living dead research institute to arrange things, and he could clearly see the people next to him who were used for research. The person who took the video was a member of the Ye family guard team, but he also had another identity as a member of the intelligence team. Ye Chen looked at the member who filmed the film angrily, and the member also walked to the Longshan team with his weapon.

"Humph, the Ye family is actually imitating the behavior of the Black Wind Base that was criticized by everyone. My Shen family is the first to oppose it." After the film was broadcast, the head of the Shen family stood up and spoke to everyone in the field.

This Shen family is actually Shen Ku's family. Before, the Longshan Base had reached an alliance with the Shen family. Today, after the film was broadcast, the Shen family took the lead in resisting the Ye family.

After seeing this film, those snobs who were originally on good terms with the Ye family but were kept in the dark by the Ye family's research on the living dead stood up and expressed their desire to resist the Ye family. Some snobs who did not want to get involved with it withdrew from the field and went to the side to observe the situation in the field.

"Okay, Xiao Qiang, you are awesome. A year ago, it was just a small base in a level 4 city. Now, in a year, even the Ye family can fight against it. However, in this end times, it is not enough to have more people, but strength. Today, my Ye family will no longer bother with you. This city of Andu will be given to you. Let Ye Dong pass this way, otherwise I will kill you." Ye Kun smiled lightly and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, a human with a level 8 Qi gathering powerhouse is found!"

As Ye Kun spoke, he exuded the aura of a level 8 Qi gathering powerhouse on his body. Everyone on the field immediately felt a pressure coming down. Jiu Lao and Lei Ben joined forces to resist the pressure, which made everyone on the field feel a little more comfortable.

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