Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 652: Level 9 Qi Gathering Singles

"It's funny, I'm not. I'm here to deal with your Ye family today, but you asked us to let you go out to Andu. Isn't it funny?" Xiao Qiang smiled and said to Ye Kun.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang's foot suddenly exerted force and killed Ye Dong. This moment shocked everyone in the field.

"Ding, if the host kills a powerful human with level 5 Qi Gathering, he will be rewarded with 100 million experience points, which can be exchanged for 100 million points, and he will be rewarded with 2 high-level puppet talismans."

"Ding, the host has upgraded to Qi Gathering Level 8, and will be rewarded with a high-end black gold suit."

"Bring out all the weapons from the arsenal, and bring out all the living dead. Let these people be killed here today." Ye Kun said angrily to everyone in the Ye family.

"Report, the warehouse has been captured by the people from Longshan Base. Now the 3,000 living dead have been surrounded by their Longshan team, and both sides have been opened." A member of the Ye family's escort team ran over and faced

Hearing what the man said, Ye Kun roared angrily and launched an attack on Xiao Qiang's position. After seeing Ye Kun launch the attack, other members of the Ye family also started fighting with the people at Longshan Base. After Ye Kun rushed towards Xiao Qiang, he was blocked by Jiu Lao and Lei Ben. Lei Ben, like Jiu Lao, was a strong man with Qi gathering level 7. Lei Ben was also a human with dual cultivation, and the weapon he used was A black gold hammer can amplify the power of Lei Ben's own lightning abilities several times through the hammer. Although Ye Kun is a powerful human with level 8 Qi Gathering, when faced with the two of them joining forces, he can't defeat them for a while.

The three of them instantly got into a fight, and the others each found their opponents and started fighting. Ye Chen was a Qi-gathering level 7 powerhouse, and was surrounded by Shen Ku and Sun Jiang. Both of them were now holding hands. With a level 6 strength, the three of them were fighting together. Ye Feng of the Ye family, a powerful person with Qi Gathering Level 7, the user of the black-gold spider claws, the spider claws are tied to the body, and many long black-gold tentacles stretch out from Ye Feng's back. Some of the high technologies studied by Company M allowed Ye Feng to easily control the spider's tentacles to block and attack. This Ye Feng had just used his Black Gold Tentacles, and was stopped by Lin Fei, who had been upgraded to Qi Gathering Level 7 and owned two Black Gold Swords and an Autumn Water Sword. The two of them fought in one place, and the movements of the two It was the loudest in the field, Wu Jin collided and made a "bang bang" sound.

Raymond also faced off against a strong man with Qi Gathering level 2, using his Wujin shield to fight with him. At this time, except for the top-ranked Wujin weapon that was secretly hidden by the Ye family, no one showed up. The rest of the people who own Wujin are all in the Ye family's manor at the moment. Xiaolang and Green Snake, on the other hand, fought with Mei She and Green Snake from Company M.

"A year ago, you people from the Ye family said that the steel armor was not maneuverable and flexible enough. Now, let me show you how powerful the steel armor with a core is." Yang Xue faced a Qi Gatherer The Level 3 Ye family member maneuvered his full steel armor into a circle in the air and spoke to the man.

As he spoke, Yang Xue easily dodged the man's attack in the air and reached the position behind the man. A beam of laser was quickly shot out of the steel armor's hand, killing the level 3 Qi Gatherer. members of the Ye family killed.

"A year ago, your Ye family said that my archery skills were straight forward. After this year's training, I will let you see the results of my archery skills." Wang Peng said while also controlling the aircraft to fly in the air.

As he spoke, Wang Peng fully opened his senses, covering the entire Ye family's manor. He held the crescent moon bow in one hand and fully pulled the bow string with the other hand. "Swish, swish, swish," ten arrows shot downward from the bowstring in an instant. The position was spread out, but Wang Peng kept moving, quickly pulling out the bow string again, and ten arrows were shot out. This time, the ten arrows shot accurately collided with the ten arrows shot in front. , changed the positions of the ten arrows, but Wang Peng continued to shoot arrows, shooting ten arrows in succession. A total of 100 arrows were shot by Wang Peng almost instantly, and each arrow The arrows were all collided, changing the angle of the arrows, and shot at everyone in the Ye family at an extremely tricky angle. This time, the people of the Ye family in the field were very difficult to resist. Even strong men with level 3 Qi gathering were killed, causing the Ye family to suffer a lot. The forces in the field who were still following the Ye family began to sigh secretly. The strength of Longshan Base was too strong. Fortunately, they didn't go against Longshan Base just now.

"A year ago, you said that I had all the strength in the world. Now let me show you the skills I have practiced this year." Xiong Shi also said to everyone in the Ye family present.

After a year of training, Xiong Shi has upgraded to Qi Gathering Level 3. Not only that, he has also learned fighting skills from Lin Fei and others, and has become much smarter in fighting. At this moment, Xiong Shi punched out, and the man from the Ye family on the opposite side held his fist. He smiled softly. Xiong Shi slid behind the man, hugged him, roared, and used his own strength. With his superpower, his whole body instantly became like a small building. He grabbed the person and fell to the ground hard.

"A year ago, you people from the Ye family said that I was only fast but lacked strength. Today I want to show you how powerful my speed is with strength." Yang Shan, who is now at the second level of Qi Gathering, faced the crowd. everyone said.

As he spoke, Yang Shan opened up his speed and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant. Many people in the scene did not react. Yang Shan had already rushed behind a group of guards of the Ye family, and rushed forward. Knocking down many Ye family guards with awakening levels, including a particularly heavy guard, highlighted Yang Shan's targeted strength-strengthening training this year.

"A year ago, your Ye family said that although my spatial powers are powerful, they can only be used in conjunction with others. Now I will let you see the power of my powers when used independently." Sister Rourou blocked Lin. In front of Bingyan, she saw two Ye family guards rushing over and said.

Sister Rourou is now a strong person at Level 2 Qi Gathering. During this year, besides managing her own medical team, Sister Rourou has been thinking about how to use her own powers. As she spoke, Rourou raised one hand up, and there was already an extra space cover similar to a transparent panel in her hand, which resisted the attack of a long knife. She flicked her other hand forward, and a space cover appeared. It was thrown out, forming a sharp space around a guard, killing that person. After blocking the man's long knife attack, Sister Rourou pushed her hand forward, and the space cover opened. After the space appeared to accommodate the man, it was closed again, which meant that the man had been struck. kill. After the kill, Sister Rourou gently fiddled with her long hair, and then showed her long legs wearing black stockings forward.

"Uncle, a year ago, people from the Ye family said that although I was very strong, I was too young. They lied to me at that time. Now, I will not be fooled by them. Who should I deal with?" Shu Tong stood beside Lin Bingyan, holding Lin Bingyan's hand and asking Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, we found a powerful human with level 9 Qi gathering!"

Xiao Qiang turned on the eye recognition scan and found that Xiao Shutong was already a strong Qi Gathering Level 9. He couldn't help but secretly lamented that he had just been upgraded to Qi Gathering Level 8 after working so hard for a year to kill zombies. With such strength, Xiao Shutong has easily upgraded to level 9 Qi gathering strength.

"Awesome, Xiao Shutong, he is already at the 9th level of Qi Gathering, which is higher than the strength levels we have here. Okay, then you should protect your sister Bingyan, and I can do it as long as you protect Bingyan. Deal with them." Xiao Qiang said.

"Okay, then I will deal with whoever the uncle asks me to deal with." Xiao Shutong said to Xiao Qiang. As he spoke, one of Xiao Shutong's hands squeezed Lin Bingyan's hand, and the other hand It is filled with red and scarlet power.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang was about to step forward to help everyone in the field deal with the Ye family, but he saw Jiu Qiansui walking in front of him and blocking Xiao Qiang.

"The more people bully the less people, right? Let me show you that in this apocalypse, top strength is still relied on." Jiu Qiansui pointed at Xiao Qiang and said in a circle around the field.

As he spoke, Nine Thousand Years Old's ten fingers rotated slightly, and black gold threads rushed out from Nine Thousand Years Old's fingers. Then, these Black Gold threads rushed into the backpack behind Jiu Thousand Years Old. In Chitose's backpack, there are various puppets that Jiuqiantose stored using high technology. The front ends of these black-gold silk threads all had black-gold needles, which were inserted into the bodies of those puppets. A large row of puppets, a total of 100 puppets, arrived side by side behind the nine-thousand-year-old body. Although Jiu Qiansui is only at level 5 of Qi Gathering, he has already mastered the technique of manipulating puppets. Now he can easily control 100 puppets, and among these puppets, there are also people with level 6 Qi Gathering strength. A puppet. Back then, at the age of nine thousand, one man controlled 100 puppets to destroy a small base.

Xiao Qiang smiled softly when he saw this, and then said: "In this year, although I have focused on improving my own strength, I have dealt with more zombies, and even used the puppet talisman to capture some puppets. There are not many zombies, only about 200, and their strongest strength is only mutation level 3, but they are more than enough to fight against these puppets of yours."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang waved his hands gently, and more than 200 puppet zombies were retrieved from the system, and they stood side by side behind Xiao Qiang, full of momentum. At this time, not only the people of the Ye family were shocked, but even Xu Gan frowned slightly, sighing that Xiao Qiang was too powerful. Not only were there so many good players in Longshan Base, but he even had Qi Gathering 9 A super strong man himself has so many puppet zombies.

Xiao Qiang gave the order to attack these zombies, and they all rushed towards the puppets of Jiu Qian Sui, but Jiu Qian Sui still had to control his black gold needle and control the 100 puppets to fight.

"Hahaha, that's awesome. It's a wise decision to agree with you. Well, I am also a person with black gold weapons, so I have to show my strength." Raymond took the time to look at Xiao Qiang's position. He spoke.

As he spoke, Raymond blocked the front with force and handed out his black gold shield. With a "bang", the black gold spear of the opponent struck the black gold shield and broke. Meng took the opportunity to move forward and used the black gold shield to knock the man in front of him away.

"A year ago, your Ye family said that my leg skills only had beautiful moves, but did not focus on improving strength and speed. The most important thing is that I was defeated in front of so many beauties in the base. Let you see how powerful my leg skills are." Shen Ku and Sun Jiang dealt with Ye Chen together, and said as soon as they opened their mouths.

As he spoke, Shen Ku actually flew into the air, using the high-speed movement of his legs to fly into the air. Then he kicked Ye Chen with a side kick. His legs kicked hundreds of times in an instant. Under this powerful side kick, Ye Chen also retreated repeatedly. After seeing this, Sun Jiang rushed to the position behind Ye Chen in his black gold coat and punched Ye Chen to kill him.

"A year ago, your Ye family said that my strength was OK, but the level was too low. Now, after a year of continuous training, I have upgraded to the strength of Qi Condensation Level 7. Although your black gold spider claw is very powerful, please try my move of the Great Thousand Worlds." Lin Fei held a knife in each hand, and the other knife was inserted in his waist, and said to Ye Feng who rushed over.

After speaking, Lin Fei took off the knife from his waist and held it in his mouth, rushing towards Ye Feng. The two quickly crossed each other. After a moment, Ye Feng was killed by Lin Fei, and the black gold spider claw scattered on the ground. After a year of training, Lin Fei has reached the strength of Qi Condensation Level 7. Facing Ye Feng, who is also at the strength of Qi Condensation Level 7, Lin Fei defeated him strongly. It can be said that even if Lin Fei now encounters a strong man with the strength of Qi Condensation Level 8, he can fight.

The little wolf and the green snake also easily won against the green snake and the charming snake of the Ye family. After all, the little wolf's current strength is comparable to the strength of a human with level 8 Qi. After defeating the two, the green snake stood in front of his master, the green snake and the charming snake, and begged for mercy. The little wolf had been getting along with the green snake for these days, and had already regarded the green snake as his younger brother. Facing the green snake's begging for mercy, the little wolf did not continue to attack the two people.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, and the proficiency has been upgraded to the perfect level."

After Xiao Qiang took out the zombie puppets from the system, he used the Flying Thunder God technique and instantly rushed to the various fighting positions in the field. For a year, Xiao Qiang kept fighting with the zombies, and his moves had become very sharp. Xiao Qiang appeared in every fighting position and was basically able to quickly subdue the opponent. After a moment of effort, only Lei Ben and the drunkard were left in the field to fight against Ye Kun. After upgrading to the Qi Gathering Level, the difference between each level is very large. Even if Lei Ben and Jiu Lao joined forces, they still lost to Ye Kun. Especially after Ye Kun saw that the people of the Ye family were defeated by everyone, his attack became faster. For a while, Jiu Lao and Jiu Lao still lost to Ye Kun.

"Jiu Lao, Lei Lao, you two take a break first, let me deal with Ye Kun." Xiao Qiang shouted to the field after dealing with the others.

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