Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 654 Professor Mi

"Yes, it's gems. You have the speed gem and another gem, but I guess it's the soul gem. Although I've only heard of the soul gem, I guess if it wasn't for the soul gem, the Wujin people wouldn't be so like us humans. I didn't want to use gems, but if you use them, the speed is really too fast, so I can only use gems." Xiao Qiang took two steps forward slowly and said to Ye Kun.

"Yes, you guessed it right, it's the soul gem and the speed gem, but it's a pity, maybe the power of the soul gem was provided to the Wujin people, the soul gem has no power now. Otherwise, with the speed gem, I might not lose to you this time. What are your two gems? What kind of gems are they? How can you suddenly dodge my punch with the speed gem?" Ye Kun held his chest and said.

"These two, one is the power gem. The punch just now was the power of this gem. The other one is the space gem, which is a bit similar to the ability of our base sister Rourou, but compared to our power, the power of this gem is much greater, so it can use this gem to teleport to another location at the moment you rush behind me." Xiao Qiang explained.

"Huh, good, amazing, I worked hard to get two gems, I didn't expect you to get two gems so easily with the help of someone, but in the end of the world, everything is based on strength. Today, I am surrounded by so many of you, and I have nothing to say." Ye Kun glanced at the crowd around him and said.

"You are wrong. Many people say that in the end of the world, strength should be the main thing, but the more the end of the world, the more we need to take care of each other. Only in this way can we better drive away the zombies and build our human home." Xiao Qiang said softly.

"Okay, you have a way to develop your Longshan base to what it is now. Now that you are surrounded by so many people, are you willing to fight me with your strongest move? We don't use gems. If you agree, these two gems will be given to you." Ye Kun said to Xiao Qiang.

"No problem, please." Xiao Qiang said and threw the two gems into Lin Bingyan's arms.

Seeing this, Ye Kun also held his two gems in Lei Ben's hands. When everyone heard Xiao Qiang's words, they wanted to dissuade Xiao Qiang, but seeing that Xiao Qiang was ready to compete with Ye Kun, they stepped back to make room for the two.

As he spoke, Ye Kun used his supernatural power. In an instant, the surrounding metals gathered around Ye Kun again, and because so many metals moved at high speed, a huge vortex formed in front of Ye Kun, with metals mixed in it. Then, those metals turned into spike-shaped objects under Ye Kun's control, densely covering this vortex.

"The seventh gate - open! Daytime Tiger"

"Flame Lotus!"

After seeing this, Xiao Qiang's whole body turned into a ball of flames, rising into the air, and used his own moves. The dense metal spikes in the huge metal vortex attacked Xiao Qiang's body. Xiao Qiang punched out, and the tiger covered with flames rushed up. With a loud "boom", the moves of the two collided. After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated, and Xiao Qiang slowly stood on the ground, his head covered with sweat, and he kept panting. Xiao Qiang's move was also very physically demanding. However, Ye Kun fell to the ground, his whole body was covered with flames, and he fell into the flames. Ye Kun slowly got up, and his body was gradually engulfed by the flames, but Ye Kun still raised his palm towards Xiao Qiang with all his strength.

"Xiao Qiang, you win, but what you don't know is that I didn't get the black gold man or prepare those black gold weapons to deal with you. A more powerful person will eventually approach this side, and then you will know how powerful he is." Ye Kun roared at Xiao Qiang.

As Ye Kun finished speaking, Ye Kun was also killed by Xiao Qiang, and the fight against the Ye family came to an end. In this fight, Xiao Qiang's Longshan Base can be said to have won a great victory. Among them, Jiu Qiansui, who had the puppet needle, was defeated after Xiao Qiang threw out more than 200 puppet zombies. He was also seriously injured and was taken care of by the team members of Longshan Base. And the black gold spider claw was taken away by Xu Gan. The black gold man was also very happy to chat with Xiao Shutong, and he listened to Xiao Shutong completely. Of the five gems in the apocalypse, four fell into Xiao Qiang's hands. Although one of the gems temporarily lost its energy because it was used by the Wujin people, according to Yang Xue, the gem will slowly recover its energy. There are also a large number of cannons and guns made of black gold in the Ye family's warehouse. The Ye family also made a lot of them, and there is still a lot of black gold collected by the Ye family. It seems that there is really the powerful person that Ye Kun mentioned. However, Yang Xue's research has not found any signs yet.

In the following months, in Andu, under the discussion of Lei Ben and Xu Gan, they began to contact snobbery groups large and small, and everyone re-formed a new major alliance in order to eliminate zombies. Build a home for mankind. Xiao Qiang, who was very popular in the apocalypse, declined to be the leader of the Grand Alliance after the formation of the Grand Alliance and with the unanimous support of everyone. Instead, he strongly recommended Xu Ganlai to be the leader of the Grand Alliance. All he had to do was lead everyone to deal with the zombies, and he personally convinced everyone at Longshan Base. Xu Gan proposed that he could serve as the leader of this major alliance, but Xiao Qiang also wanted to be the leader, but the division of labor between the two was different. Xu Gan was responsible for the reconstruction of the human homeland, while Xiao Qiang was responsible for Lead everyone to deal with these zombies in this apocalyptic world. Xu Gan's approach also made it difficult for everyone who originally insisted on Xiao Qiang to be the leader to refute, and the sincere Xu Gan also gained a lot of favor. However, Xiao Qiang didn't care at all. He didn't want to be a leader, and it was Xiao Qiang who knew Xu Gan. In many meetings, Xu Gan was shown to be the top leader. This also made Xu Gan feel very satisfied.

After more than a year, Xiao Qiang finally returned to Longshan Base, and he also brought Lin Bingyan back to Longshan Base. In the following months, Xiao Qiang asked Han Feng and Lei Benlai to lead the team in the apocalypse to eliminate zombies. With the establishment of the Grand Alliance, Xu Gan and Xiao Qiang re-divided the team structure. They no longer differentiated between the Longshan Base and the Legion, but a unified team. Xu Gan also made people start counting, intentionally or unintentionally. With the information about these mutants, Xiao Qiang naturally knew what Xu Gan meant, but he did not stop Xu Gan. Xiao Qiang stayed idle in the Longshan base for several months. He stayed with Lin Bingyan in the Longshan base every day. When he had nothing to do, he would have dinner and chat with his friends, and his life was very comfortable. Later, under the constant urging of Lei Ben and the wine man, and Lin Bingyan also asked Xiao Qiang to go out to deal with the zombies, Xiao Qiang led everyone out to deal with the zombies together.

In the following two years, Xiao Qiang and the others continued to eliminate zombies, and the space for human life became larger and larger. Xu Gan promulgated many policies, based on the emphasis on human nature, which greatly improved the living standards of people in the end of the world, and even restored the homes built by humans to the order before the end of the world. Xiao Qiang is also very satisfied. Xu Gan is indeed very capable as a leader and can bring many good benefits to everyone. This is also an important reason why Xiao Qiang is willing to give up his position as leader. In the past two years, Xu Gan's status has become higher and higher, and he gradually gained high prestige in the human homeland. However, Xiao Qiang did not care and followed the teams to clear out zombies every day. Moreover, Xu Gan also deliberately Unintentionally, as the number of zombies decreased, they began to reduce the number of people in the team, and strictly controlled the weapons of people in the living area, slowly turning into only allowing mutants to deal with zombies. Fortunately, the highest level among these zombies is only mutation level 5, so everyone can still deal with it.

And Xu Gan also gradually completed the information about all the mutants in the apocalypse and kept it. Although some mutants expressed dissatisfaction with this, fortunately Xiao Qiang helped to persuade them, and everyone did not make too big a fuss. . After two years, Xiao Qiang finally upgraded to level 9 Qi gathering strength on this day. Xiao Cong had told Xiao Qiang a long time ago that when Xiao Qiang reaches level 9 of Qi Gathering, he will tell Xiao Qiang something very important.

At this time, Xiao Cong already looked like an old man, about the same age as Lei Ben and the others. However, he was well-maintained and was very beautiful when he was young. Therefore, he also had that kind of dignified temperament. After meeting Xiao Cong face to face, naturally he won't joke like before.

"Sister Xiao Cong, now that I have upgraded to Qi Gathering Level 9, you can tell me the whereabouts of that gem." Xiao Qiang entered the system and spoke to Sister Xiao Cong.

"Congratulations, Xiao Qiang, you have upgraded to level 9 Qi Gathering strength, and you are doing better and better at clearing out zombies. There are few people in the entire apocalyptic continent who are your opponents, and you are also the top Now, I can tell you all these things, but before that, I want to tell you that as you upgrade to Qi Gathering Level 9, the system will no longer follow you and you will become super strong. If you don't, you have to rely on your own efforts. Also, I want to introduce someone to you. Of course, the reason why I have to wait for you to upgrade to Qi Gathering Level 9 is because you have enough strength to help the two of us. Show up, and now please take out all the gems you have, then let's begin." Sister Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang very seriously.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang took up his posture, and started to activate his full-level fire skills. Then he felt a powerful force coming to fight against him. Xiao Qiang hurriedly followed Sister Xiao Cong's prompts. He used all his strength. About half an hour later, Xiao Qiang was already tired and panting, with beads of sweat pouring out on his forehead, and he sat on the edge of the bed to rest.

"Hello, Xiao Qiang, I'm Professor Mi." A kind voice said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang heard the voice and slowly raised his head. Two old people appeared in front of Xiao Qiang. One was Xiao Cong, whom Xiao Qiang was familiar with. The other was about the same age as Xiao Cong and was stretching. The old man who took action to explain to Xiao Qiang that he was Professor Mi.

It turned out that after the meteorite landed, with Professor Mi's continuous in-depth research and the snobbery of various families infiltrating the power of the meteorite, Professor Mi also had a premonition that a large zombie riot would break out, so in order to deal with such a riot , Professor Mi began to think about how to deal with this riot. Originally, Professor Mi wanted to become a mutant himself. However, no matter what method he used, Professor Mi did not have the physique to become a mutant, and there was no way to become a mutant. Therefore, Professor Mi could only find another way to use the Wujin on the meteorite, as well as some of the weapons and high technology explained above, to make ten Wujin weapons, and create the system that Xiao Qiang carried before. Moreover, with Professor Mi's in-depth research and the situation at that time becoming increasingly out of Professor Mi's control, he discovered the power of those five gems. Professor Mi discovered that one of them is a time gem. This gem allows people to alternate in time, and if it is matched with the 4 gems, even ordinary people can use the energy of the gems to do things. Therefore, Professor Mi used the five gems to continuously travel, looking for the person with the highest probability, and wanted to give the system to that person, so that this person could help people in the apocalypse and help people rebuild their homes.

"This gem is so powerful, and it can also know the probability, so is my probability the highest? That's why you chose me to use this system?" After Xiao Qiang heard this, he interrupted Professor Mi If so, he asked doubtfully.

"Where is that? Through the power of gems and the high-tech analytical instruments developed by Professor Mi, the probability of selecting such a few people is relatively high. Professor Mi has analyzed the apocalypse in a short period of time. All the survivors, and for the remaining ones with higher probability, you just include them, but it can't be so accurate. This requires Professor Mi to use the time gem to constantly shuttle back and forth to verify everyone. But now it seems that although you are the last one to be selected for verification, your probability seems to be the highest, probably with a percentage of 37.1. The highest percentage of others is only 37. Maybe it is because of your personality. Because you will get everyone's support, now that you are at level 9, you are only one step away from being super powerful. Maybe you can really help people rebuild their homes," Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang. illustrate.

"The probability is so low. Doesn't it mean that Professor Mi and you have to go through these things every time you test someone? It will be too hard for you two. But who are the other people?" Xiao Qiang thought of Professor Mi and Xiao Cong constantly using several gems to conduct tests. Some of them were shocked by the two people's hard work and asked in surprise.

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