Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 655: Eliminating Zombies

"Fortunately, I met you when the energy of the time stone was enough to support the last situation. Therefore, this is why I was so disappointed when you didn't train so hard before. But now it seems that you are A person who can do things for everyone in the apocalypse. Others include Lin Fei, but at that time he only focused on his own training, even though Lin Fei quickly achieved it with the help of the system. Qi Gathering Level 9, but in the apocalypse at that time, various forces were fighting each other, and were eventually defeated by the zombies. Others, such as Ye Kun, although the Ye family had united a lot of snobbery, they didn't care about the apocalypse at all. The ordinary people in the country ultimately let the snobbish people fight and did not help people build their homes. There are many others who failed for various reasons." Xiao Cong continued.

"Oh, oh, so that's how it is. It's really hard for you two now. Now, you can have a good rest at Longshan Base." Xiao Qiang nodded and said.

"Well, this is the time gem. Although the energy of these gems has weakened, the energy will be full in a few years, so keep it well. Now, you guys are dealing with zombies, We can have a good rest." Xiao Cong shook his head and looked at Professor Mi affectionately.

"By the way, Professor Mi, I have another question. When I was dealing with Ye Kun, Ye Kun said that a more powerful person would appear. I have been worried about that powerful person for such a long time. Did Ye Kun just say it suddenly?" Xiao Qiang asked Professor Mi after remembering Ye Kun's words.

"According to the research on meteorites, there does seem to be such a thing. It is said that there is a super zombie that will come to the post-apocalyptic continent. It is very powerful, but I don't know whether it is true or not. Everyone is paying attention to the situation at that time. Considering the news about the zombies on the meteorite, I didn’t do much in-depth research on the matter mentioned above. However, I can continue to study this matter with Yang Xue after studying how to deal with the zombies. Research." Professor Mi said to Xiao Qiang.

Afterwards, Xiao Qiang explained Professor Mi and Xiao Cong to everyone. Yang Xue naturally seemed very happy. After that, Professor Mi followed Xiao Cong to study with Yang Xue at the Longshan Base.

After another three years, the number of zombies became less and less due to the elimination of mutants led by Xiao Qiang, and the space for people's activities further expanded. The mutants led by Xiao Qiang also slowly formed a specialized unit under Xu Gan's call, and Xu Gan also intentionally or unintentionally let the mutants go behind the scenes, and set up a special unit composed of ordinary people. formed an army. But Xiao Qiang knew that Xu Gan had a secret army composed of very powerful mutants, but Xiao Qiang didn't care too much and told other mutants not to have any objections. Most of the mutants Concentrated in Longshan base. Xu Gan also has very good leadership skills and promulgated a series of very convenient policies, which won the hearts of everyone. Gradually, more and more ordinary people no longer remember the time when Xiao Qiang led the Longshan Base. All of them were people in the apocalypse, but Xiao Qiang didn't care. Xiao Qiang himself didn't want to be a leader. And Xu Gan also respected Xiao Qiang and the mutants very much. Every time he came to the Longshan base, he kept a very low profile, and if a meeting was to be held, he would try his best to let Xiao Qiang in front of the mutants. Sitting on the main seat at the same time as himself, Xiao Qiang naturally chose to let Xu Gan be the leader, and he only led the mutants to deal with zombies.

With the help of Professor Mi, the team at the institute finally used those pieces of kraft paper to develop a potion that could completely deal with zombies. The materials used in these potions were very special and could only produce a small amount of potions, so Professor Mi also An instrument was created that could volatilize this potion, and gems could be used to distribute this potion throughout the apocalyptic continent, and all five gems had no energy for the time being. Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, all the zombies in the apocalypse were eliminated, and people were able to rebuild their homes.

Two years after the zombies were eliminated, the mutants each used their own powers to help people rebuild their homes. Of course, there were also some mutants who used their powers to bully ordinary people, but they were all subdued by Xiao Qiang and his men. The core leadership team headed by Xu Gan began to promulgate a series of policies and began to use this as a reason to restrict the actions of mutants. In addition, he also ordered the development of a potion and chain specifically for mutants, which can make mutants temporarily incapacitated.

With the gradual improvement of the human homeland and people's lives becoming more and more orderly, these mutants are slowly making more people feel threatened, and more and more people are beginning to propose some sanctions against mutants. The introduction of some measures has indeed greatly restricted the actions of mutants, and has become more and more strict on mutants. Many mutants came to Xiao Qiang for suggestions and expressed their dissatisfaction, but they were all temporarily stopped by Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang also felt that treating mutants was a bit too much and wanted to talk to Xu Gan, but Xu Gan refused because he was too busy.

On this day, Xiao Qiang was discussing with many mutants in the Longshan base. Suddenly, a 100,000-person army surrounded the Longshan base. These people were not only equipped with various black gold weapons, but also The potions and chains that can subdue mutants, and the people who lead this army are the people from Xu Gan's secret mutant army. The leader is a person with level 9 strength. When Xiao Qiang followed Lin Fei and the others to the front door, he saw Xiong Shi arguing with them. Xiong Shi was not very good at talking, but now he saw that several mutants had been subdued by the medicine they used. He fell to the ground, and his face turned red due to the argument. If Xiao Qiang hadn't been stressing to Xiong Shi not to do anything easily, Xiong Shi would have definitely started fighting with those people by now. Xiao Qiang walked to Xiong Shi's side and gently He patted Xiong Shi gently to signal Xiong Shi to calm down.

"What do you mean by bringing so many people around Longshan Base? Is it Xu Gan's intention? Also, what do you mean by injuring these people?" Xiao Qiang asked the leader. road.

"Xiao Qiang, I respect you very much for what you have done in the apocalypse, but now that there are no zombies, the threat from mutants to people will increase. There have been many cases of mutants injuring ordinary people. . Today, you people are gathered here, do you want to plan something famous?" The man said to Xiao Qiang respectfully.

"Aren't you a member of the mutants? If we are a threat, aren't you? Now, we have been discussing measures to deal with mutants. Why have we sent the wrong ones to surround this place now? Where is Xu Gan? Is Xu Gan Where's the one at the back?" Xiao Qiang asked anxiously.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the man was also shocked by Xiao Qiang's momentum. He unconsciously turned his head to the back, then turned to face Xiao Qiang and said: "Sorry, Xiao Qiang, there are some things I have to do." I can’t make the decision, I can only do these things according to orders.”

As he spoke, the man slowly raised his palms. The members of the legions behind him all raised guns and cannons made of black gold. Among these black gold guns and cannonballs, It was equipped with a potion that could temporarily incapacitate the mutants. The people in the legion pointed their guns at the mutants in Longshan Base. Those mutants also took out their own weapons or used their own powers.

"Stop it!" Xiao Qiang's whole body quickly turned into a ball of flame, flying into the air and shouting.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang punched and rushed towards the man's position. The man wanted to block, but he was knocked unconscious by Xiao Qiang after just blocking. Now Xiao Qiang's strength has been upgraded to a super strong man, the only super strong man in this apocalyptic continent. Therefore, when Xiao Qiang, a super strong man, took the lead in attacking with all his strength, that person could not survive even one move. After Xiao Qiang knocked out the man, he rushed through the legion crowd. Some of the legion members raised their machine guns and fired the potions around Xiao Qiang, but before they could reach Xiao Qiang, he was punched Blast to pieces. Then Xiao Qiang issued a strong pressure, and all the guns in the hands of those nearby were shattered. Then Xiao Qiang passed through the crowd and headed towards Xu Gan's position behind. Those people all automatically moved for Xiao Qiang got out of the way, and no one dared to stop Xiao Qiang anymore.

Later, Xiao Qiang and Xu Gan chatted in the house for two hours. After coming out of the house, Xu Gan ordered those in the legion to retreat. Professor Mi also sent news that there will indeed be super zombies attacking the post-apocalyptic continent. After that, a series of measures related to mutants were promulgated, including the establishment of a mutant department. Those who are willing to join the mutants can stay in the department, and those who are unwilling to join the mutant department must also be registered. However, You are free to find some jobs, and there are many detailed measures for mutants. One of them is that mutants are not allowed to use mutant abilities to deal with ordinary people. Although there are many measures, the general meaning is to treat mutants as ordinary people. If they do not use superpowers, they can enjoy equal treatment as ordinary people. At this point, the matter regarding mutants was finally decided after Xiao Qiang showed his superpower strength and had in-depth discussions with Xu Gan. After Xiao Qiang stabilized, he resigned from the mutant department. The mutant department was also moved to Andu and was jointly managed by Xu Gan and Lei Benlai. With Xu Gan's special approval, the Longshan base was renamed Longshan Park and assigned to Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan lived in Longshan Park. The other people originally thought of quitting along with Xiao Qiang, but they were persuaded by Xiao Qiang. As for those Wujin weapons, they were recovered by Xiao Qiang and placed in the Longshan Park Lake. No one can easily use these weapons without Xiao Qiang's consent, of course, except for the Wujin people.

In the following five years, Xiao Qiang lived with Lin Bingyan in Longshan Park. They farmed and raised animals all day long. They also opened up a part of the scenic area for tourists to visit, but the villa was occupied by Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan. The two lived comfortably and naturally did not have to worry about their livelihood. The Ye family started doing business again and joined the army. In addition, Xu Gan would send people to ask Xiao Qiang and his wife regularly if they needed anything. Rather than saying that Xiao Qiang resigned from the position of the mutant department, it would be better to say that Xiao Qiang took the initiative to come here to guard the black gold weapons so that people in the end times could feel more at ease. Although there were many strong people secretly monitoring Xiao Qiang outside Longshan Park, Xiao Qiang did not care. Slowly, with the construction of people's homes, people only knew that there was a young couple in Longshan Park, but they did not know that this was Xiao Qiang. Yang Xue followed Professor Mi and Xiao Cong to set up a new M company. Because of its large amount of black technology, the new M company soon became one of the best companies. Yang Xue also confirmed her relationship with Yu Feng. Xiao Shutong and Wu Jinren naturally followed Yang Xue. Xiao Shutong went to school, while Wu Jinren stayed in the company to help. Wang Peng continued to stay in the mutant unit and became a shooting instructor for the personnel. Yang Shan also stayed in the mutant unit and served as a team leader. Sister Rourou opened a large hospital and served as the director of the hospital. Xiong Shi relied on his own strength to work on the construction site. Shen Ku returned to the Shen family and continued to be his son. From time to time, he would go to Sister Rourou's hospital to chat with her. Lin Fei's two black gold knives were recovered, and he began his journey in this doomsday continent with his Qiushui knife. Of course, he would talk to Lin Miaomiao in Sister Rourou's hospital from time to time. As for the other team leaders of Longshan Base, they continued to stay in the mutant team.

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