Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 67 Jumping zombies attack, Xiao Qiang fights against the zombies

In the afternoon, after Xiao Qiang showed his skills in front of everyone, Li Ke and others also trusted him a lot, and now they also listened to Xiao Qiang's advice.

Xiao Qiang glanced at everyone, jumped off the car directly, thought for a while, and said loudly: "All women, old people and children, get on the car immediately, and the rest of the people, take weapons, try to get on the car if you can, and the rest run to the direction of the spring to hide."

After listening to Xiao Qiang's words, everyone had no objection. After all, Xiao Qiang's strength is obvious to all, and this arrangement also follows the courtesy before the end of the world. More importantly, Xiao Qiang set an example and took himself out of the ranks of people riding in the car.

Everyone took action immediately, the elderly and women got on the car quickly, and the others returned to the hotel to get weapons, and some were even fully armed, wearing mining lamps and helmets, holding steel forks and other weapons.

"It seems that everyone's awareness of vigilance is still quite high, after all, they are all people who rushed out of the zombie group." Xiao Qiang looked at the busy crowd and couldn't help thinking.

He turned around and looked at the people around him and said, "Brother Liang, Wang Lei, Yang Xue and Bing Yan, the four of you will follow the car and protect the people in the car to prevent accidents."

Little Shu Tong held Yang Xue's hand, blinked his big eyes, and said to Xiao Qiang, "Uncle, aren't you going with us?"

Xiao Qiang looked at Shu Tong, bent down, smiled and touched the head of little Shu Tong and said, "You follow Sister Yang Xue first. Uncle runs fast and will catch up with you in a while."

After speaking, he turned to Liu Jie on the side. When he first came that day, Xiao Qiang had tested that Liu Jie was a level 1 superpower. He said, "Liu Jie, you are also a little man. Take good care of them on the road."

"Yeah, okay, don't worry, cough cough." Liu Jie coughed twice and assured Xiao Qiang.

"Be careful yourself, don't show off when encountering problems." It was Yang Xue who spoke. It was rare for her to put away her cold face and look at Xiao Qiang with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Xiao Qiang nodded, and then noticed the gloves Yang Xue was wearing. They were made of metal, with red and silver paint. They looked extremely hard, but the iron joints moved easily with the movement of the fingers, without the cumbersome feeling of metal.

While he was staring at the gloves, Wang Peng, who had been alert and aware of the surroundings, shouted, "Scatter quickly, there are zombies up there."

Hearing this shout, the already nervous people immediately looked up.

When Xiao Qiang heard this shout, he drew out the Thousand Machine Umbrella while looking up, and turned it into a spear.

Under the moonlight, it was vaguely recognizable. A zombie stood on the roof, with a thin body, but abnormally developed limbs, extremely uncoordinated body proportions, and even a little hunched. With long hair on his head, it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

The zombie laughed and looked at the crowd downstairs. If there weren't so many people downstairs, it would be a bit creepy under the moonlight.

Suddenly, the zombie jumped directly from the roof of the hotel and jumped directly into the crowd. The force of the fall stirred up a layer of dust.

This hotel has a total of 6 floors, and the roof is at least 15 meters away from the ground. The zombie actually jumped down directly like this, but it was unharmed.

The zombie that jumped down the building grabbed the two villagers next to it, leaving five blood holes on the necks of the two villagers. The blood flowed out along the five claw marks, and there was no life.

"Go!" Xiao Qiang roared, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, took two steps forward, dived, and stabbed the zombie.

With a "clang", Xiao Qiang's stab was empty, and the zombie disappeared on the spot. Xiao Qiang's spear directly pierced into the concrete floor.

But the zombie actually jumped directly to the window of the 4th floor of the hotel, looking at Xiao Qiang below, and laughed "hehe".

Xiao Qiang frowned slightly, looking at the zombie, feeling a little difficult to deal with. After upgrading, although his jumping ability has increased, he can't jump directly to the height of the 3rd floor.

With a "whoosh", an arrow shot out from the crescent bow and accurately ran towards the zombie's head. The person who shot the arrow was Wang Peng.

Seeing the arrow coming, the zombie used force on his legs and jumped directly from the 3rd floor of the hotel to the roof again.

"Brother Qiang, it's not good, the zombies behind are catching up." After shooting an arrow, Wang Peng sensed that the zombies behind him had caught up and shouted to Xiao Qiang.

"Drive quickly and run towards the direction of the spring." Xiao Qiang pushed a person into the car and shouted to Wang Liang and others who were driving.

"Boom boom", Wang Liang and his men didn't dare to hesitate, stepped on the accelerator, and ran towards the spring.

Li Ke, who was standing by, saw his villagers being killed by zombies, and he couldn't help but get angry and directly activated his supernatural power.

Li Ke's hands continued to grow hair, his nails gradually became longer and sharper, and pads grew on his palms. What was strange was that a tail grew out of his buttocks, and when it slapped the ground, it actually cracked the concrete floor directly. The most amazing thing was that Li Ke's eyeballs gradually changed, and finally they looked like two cat eyes.

After Li Ke transformed, he ran very fast and ran to the downstairs of the hotel in two steps. With a whoosh, he soared into the air, and with his hands attached, he actually climbed up directly along the outer wall of the hotel. His body was like a cat, and he had already climbed to the roof of the hotel in a few steps.

Xiao Qiang was about to call Li Ke, but he saw a group of zombies behind him, led by a giant zombie, running towards Xiao Qiang and his men.

"Run!" Xiao Qiang shouted at the people behind him, then he raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella and rushed towards the group of zombies.

With a "clang" sound, Xiao Qiang jumped up, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella collided with the giant zombie's arms from top to bottom, and sparks flew.

"Dragon Body Movement", Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, and used his skills to constantly wander among the zombies, killing the zombies beside him while paying attention to the giant zombie's attack. Using all his strength, Xiao Qiang relied on the power of the Thousand Machine Umbrella to drag the zombie group at the intersection.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the Dragon Body Movement proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, and the proficiency is 12/100."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +25, exchange point +50."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . . . . . . . . .

The killing prompt sounded continuously. After upgrading, the experience of killing level 2 zombies was directly reduced by half.

More and more zombies followed behind, which greatly consumed Xiao Qiang's physical strength and endurance.

This giant zombie was incredibly powerful. Every time the Thousand Machine Umbrella collided with it, Xiao Qiang's palms were numb. Xiao Qiang jumped up and kicked twice, forcing the giant zombie back. He raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella horizontally and just blocked the three zombies on the right, but a zombie on the left was about to pounce. "Hundred Eight Thunders", Xiao Qiang shouted, concentrated his strength on his left fist, and punched out, directly smashing the zombie's claws and penetrating heavily through the zombie's head.

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