Xiao Qiang glanced behind him and saw that the other people had all run away. He pushed forward with force and forced several zombies to retreat. Seeing that a large number of zombies were about to arrive, he did a backflip and flipped over the giant zombie's head.

Over there, the angry Li Ke turned into a cat, climbed up the wall, and caught up with the zombie.

On the roof, the zombie did not run away, raised his claws, and fought with Li Ke.

"Dang" the two claws collided in the air. I didn't expect that Li Ke, who turned into a cat, could actually collide with the zombie with his claws.

One person and one corpse, the speed was extremely fast, and they had fought dozens of rounds under the moonlight.

The two separated as soon as they touched each other. Li Ke's cat eyes could see the zombies very clearly under the moonlight. He stretched out his claws, took off his glasses and put them in his trouser pocket, shook his neck, took a deep breath, and the whole person shot towards the zombie like an arrow from a bow.

The zombie jumped high and barely dodged the attack, but Li Ke, who had already missed it, swung his tail slightly and slapped the zombie backwards, throwing it out.

The zombie stood up, his arms hanging down, making a miserable "jiejie" sound. Under the moonlight, Li Ke saw that the zombie's limbs grew longer and bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, the whole body lay on the ground, and the body looked smaller and smaller.

The feet pushed the ground hard, with the claws in front, and the whole spiral spun directly towards Li Ke. Suddenly, Li Ke was knocked off the roof without being able to dodge.

In a panic, Li Ke stretched out his claws and left deep finger marks on the wall, and then he stabilized his body.

The zombie over there flew directly from the roof, and his palms seemed to have suction cups, clinging to the wall of the hotel. Seeing where Li Ke was, he jumped over and punched him, shattering the aluminum alloy window fence and sending rocks flying. This showed how powerful the zombie was.

Li Ke took the opportunity to climb to the roof and dodge the attack. Soon, the zombie also climbed to the roof with its long limbs, lowered its arms, and laughed at Li Ke.

Under the moonlight, Li Ke shrugged his nose, spat out blood, and stared at the zombie in front of him.

The whole person's face began to change, his nose shrank slightly, some hair appeared on his face, and sharp teeth grew in his mouth. Not only that, his feet also began to change, like cat claws, the sharp claws directly broke the shoes, and he looked like a large cat.

With a slight smile on his lips, he bent his legs and rushed directly to the zombie, more than twice as fast as before.

Before the zombie could react, Li Ke pierced through the zombie's belly with one claw.

The zombie roared "Ah", and the man and the zombie started fighting again.

Both of them were very fast. Under the moonlight, they could see figures colliding on the roof. They had fought for 20 rounds in a flash.

On this side, Li Ke was panting, with several terrible scratches on his body. The blood had stained his shirt, and the sweat and blood on his face were mixed together; on the other side, the zombie was not in a good condition either. One of his arms had been cut off by Li Ke at the shoulder.

At the stalemate, with a "bang", the iron cover at the entrance of the stairs flew up directly. Li Ke looked over and saw Xiao Qiang climbing up the stairs with the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Li Ke saw Xiao Qiang, stood up and asked.

"Wow, you look so handsome like this, is this your ability?" Xiao Qiang said in surprise when he saw Li Ke's appearance.

"Be careful." Before Li Ke could reply, the zombies over there saw Xiao Qiang, and once again, they spiraled and attacked Xiao Qiang.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang raised his eyebrows slightly, lowered his whole body, bent his knees slightly, and tilted his head to barely avoid the attack.

"I'll take this experience." Xiao Qiang thought to himself as he looked at the zombies flying over his head.


Li Ke was about to step forward to help, but his eyes blurred. He saw Xiao Qiang, who was hiding under the zombie, suddenly appeared out of thin air on the back of the zombie. He grabbed the zombie's long hair with one hand and pressed the zombie to the ground. With the other hand, he had taken out the bone spur dagger and inserted it into the back of the zombie's head. A stream of dirty blood gushed out, and the zombie twitched twice, and there was no movement.

It turned out that after Xiao Qiang jumped out of the encirclement of the zombie group, he heard the sound of fighting upstairs. Worried about Li Ke's safety, he did not run away, but ran directly upstairs.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for his raid proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, proficiency 6/100."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +1000, exchange points +2000. Get..."

Xiao Qiang didn't have time to hear Xiao Cong's words, because he had heard the sound of the zombies chasing from the corridor. Now, it is impossible to go down the stairs again. There is no way, Xiao Qiang looked downstairs, dense zombies kept shaking above the hotel, some rushed upstairs, and the other part continued to chase in the direction where the car drove away.

"Xiao Qiang, run quickly, I will stop these zombies, you have a way to go downstairs." Li Ke also heard the zombies chasing upstairs getting closer and closer, and said to Xiao Qiang while covering his bleeding wound.

"Let's go together, go directly from the roof." Xiao Qiang walked to Li Ke's side, and he had already thought of a way to escape, and said to Li Ke.

"I'm injured. I was bitten by that zombie. In a short while, I will become a monster like him. While I'm still awake, I'll help you block them for a while. I'll ask you to take care of the people in our village in the future." Li Ke lost a lot of blood. At this moment, he took a deep breath and said to Xiao Qiang weakly.

In fact, although Xiao Qiang's strength has increased a lot after he reached level 6. But the reason why he was able to kill the level 4 zombie so easily just now was also thanks to Li Ke's life-threatening fight in front of him, which broke off one of the zombie's arms, causing the zombie to lose balance and react much slower. Xiao Qiang was able to take the opportunity to use the "surprise attack" technique to deal with the zombie.

After Li Ke finished speaking, he didn't care whether Xiao Qiang agreed or not. He directly lifted up his two feet that had become cat legs, exerted a little force, and kicked Xiao Qiang to the edge of the roof. Then, he suddenly stood up, took a deep breath, and directly broke into the group of zombies that had already come up to the roof.

As soon as he made a move, Li Ke was in a desperate posture, thinking that he could delay more time for Xiao Qiang. He directly inserted his hands into the heads of two zombies, regardless of the serious injuries on his body, and kept jumping high in the zombie group, sweeping the approaching zombies with his claws and tail.

Suddenly, Li Ke's claws, which had just been inserted into the zombie in front of him, were hit from behind, and the whole person fell to the ground. The zombies around him quickly surrounded him, staring at Li Ke with bloodthirsty eyes, and countless claws seemed to want to divide Li Ke. Among them, the giant zombie was the most conspicuous, occupying the position of three or four zombies, with a pair of giant arms raised high, about to hit Li Ke's head.

Li Ke took a look at the situation around him, and the pain in his body came again, and he was powerless to resist.

Li Ke was too lazy to raise his claws to block, and the fatigue on his body came again, and his eyelids kept fighting. He simply closed his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, waiting for the zombie's giant arm to hit him.

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