Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 70: Underground zombies attack, Lin Bingyan shows her abilities

"Let's go!" As he spoke, Xiao Qiang took out another grenade from the system and threw it downwards, clearing a path to the green belt. When the mission was completed, there were a total of 10 grenades, and Xiao Qiang was reluctant to use them, but the situation was critical, and this was the fifth one he used tonight.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +4, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +50, exchange point +50."

. . . . . .

The explosion cleared a path for the two of them for a short time. The two did not dare to hesitate and jumped directly from the pavilion, hitting the zombies while running towards the green belts on both sides of the road.

The zombies behind them quickly gathered around again, fearlessly surrounding the place where the explosion had just occurred.

The two of them plunged into the green belt, and they did not have time to see the road clearly, but just kept running in the direction of the car. There were lone zombies on the road from time to time, but they were easily dealt with by the two.

I don't know how long they ran. With their speed, they didn't stop until they ran to a small forest. There were no zombies around them. They sat on the ground and leaned against a big tree to catch their breath.

"Brother Ke, keep an eye on the surroundings. I'll get you the antidote." Xiao Qiang took a breath and said to Li Ke.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang closed his eyes and pretended to meditate, but in fact he found Xiao Cong in his mind.

"Xiao Cong, is there any medicine to cure zombie poison in this mall?" As soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Qiang went straight to the point and asked Xiao Cong.

"At present, the host's level is still low, and only level 1 permissions can be opened. There are several potions to choose from:

Primary detoxification pills - taken 10 minutes after being bitten by a zombie, it can detoxify the corpse. It costs 1500 exchange points.

Detoxification potion - can be applied externally or internally, applied to the wound, effective within 20 minutes. It costs 2500 exchange points.

There is also a slightly better one, the body-tempering detoxification potion..." The little loli told Xiao Qiang all the potions that he could buy in the mall.

"Stop, stop, stop, Xiao Cong, I want the detoxification potion, and then a bottle of hemostatic and external injury stuff." Xiao Qiang looked at the increasing exchange points, and calculated the time when Li Ke was bitten, and couldn't help interrupting. This is really spending money like water and making money like a snail.

"Okay, a bottle of detoxification potion, plus a bottle of primary hemostatic agent, a total of 2800 exchange points." Xiao Cong replied according to Xiao Qiang's instructions.

"Here, for you." Xiao Qiang opened his eyes, pretended to take out a medicine bottle from his pocket, and handed it to Li Ke.

Li Ke took the medicine bottle and swallowed the antidote in one gulp. His mind gradually became clear, and the slowly decaying skin began to return to smoothness, and the blackened skin became shiny again. The corpse poison had been resolved.

Xiao Qiang took some hemostatics himself and gave some to Li Ke. The wounds on his body stopped bleeding and slowly began to scar.

The two had almost rested. Looking at Li Ke who had turned into a human form, Xiao Qiang said, "Let's go, let's go find them. I don't know how they are."

As they spoke, the two walked out of the woods and onto the road. The road was already pitch black, and the moonlight was also covered by dark clouds at this moment. From time to time, cold wind blew. Seeing that it was about to rain, Xiao Qiang looked forward and saw some light flashing not far ahead.

Xiao Qiang took out a flashlight from the system, and the two looked for the light in the distance. Soon, they found a few people, Wang Peng and his group, whom Xiao Qiang had asked to go first.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Xiao Qiang learned that they had been chasing the car all the way, and zombies were chasing them from time to time. They had fought for a while. Seeing a flash of light behind them, they stopped.

"Bingyan, why didn't you take the car?" Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan among them, so he asked.

"I didn't get in the car just now, and I was going to run with you. I asked Xiao Chong to drive away to protect them." Lin Bingyan raised her pistol and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang nodded, looking at the people on the road, their faces were covered with blood, and it seemed that they had a hard time on the road.

"Let's go quickly. The zombies behind us are about to catch up." Xiao Qiang said to the people beside him.

After that, the few people did not dare to delay, and strode towards the direction of the car. At this moment, sporadic drizzles began to fall from the sky.

"Be careful!" Wang Peng, who was walking in front, suddenly shouted. While speaking, he raised the crescent bow in his hand high and kept aiming at the surroundings.

With a "bang", the ground between the few people suddenly exploded, and several people were knocked to the ground.

A zombie suddenly jumped out from under the ground, jumped high, and landed in the middle of the few people.

The flashlight swept across the zombie's face, and Xiao Qiang recognized that this zombie was the one he encountered in Lin'an Village that day.

The zombie looked around, roared, and rushed directly towards the fallen Lin Bingyan. The zombie's sharp teeth were about to bite Lin Bingyan's arm. At the critical moment, Xiao Qiang had no time to rush over to help.

"Bingyan, be careful!" Xiao Qiang roared at the critical moment.

Seeing that the zombie's teeth were about to bite Lin Bingyan's arm, suddenly, Lin Bingyan shouted softly.

"Ice armor." The flashlight swept over, and Xiao Qiang saw that the raindrops falling on Lin Bingyan's hands were slowly freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, a layer of light blue ice crystals attached to Lin Bingyan's arm, wrapping up the entire arm. When the flashlight was shone on it, it emitted

The zombie bit down, and its sharp teeth collided with the arm, making a "clang" sound. The sharp teeth that were invincible did not penetrate the ice armor, leaving only a shallow layer of teeth marks on it.

With the other hand, he raised the pistol and shot directly at the zombie. Unexpectedly, the zombie reacted very quickly. Seeing that the shot failed, the moment Lin Bingyan raised her hand, her body flashed and had already drilled into the soil.

Xiao Qiang came over and helped Lin Bingyan up.

At this moment, the layer of ice crystals on Lin Bingyan's body had slowly melted and turned into water droplets again.

"Are you okay, Bingyan? Are you injured?" Although Xiao Qiang saw it clearly just now, he still asked with concern.

Lin Bingyan shook her head, patted the dirt off her body, and said, "Fortunately, I'm fine."

"These people are so powerful, each of them is like a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. This Lin Bingyan can actually melt ice when it meets water. Even the sharp teeth of zombies can't bite through it. Fortunately, there was no excessive behavior at the beginning." Li Ke, who was standing aside, saw this and couldn't help but secretly smack his lips in his heart, sighing at the strength of these people.

"Wang Peng, can you sense where the zombies are?" Xiao Qiang asked.

Wang Peng has been perceiving, holding the crescent bow in his hand. He shook his head when he heard Xiao Qiang's question, and said, "I can't sense it for the time being. It seems that it escaped from underground. I don't know when it will come back."

Xiao Qiang nodded, looked at the 6 or 7 people beside him, and said, "Let's go quickly. Everyone, be careful on the road. The zombies behind will catch up with us soon."

Several people continued to move forward, and the speed was even faster than before. However, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was even pouring. It was inevitable that several people would be caught in the rain, so Xiao Qiang simply took out the Thousand Machine Umbrella and held it up for Lin Bingyan.

This made Xiao Cong in the system unable to help but complain: "Master Host, you actually use such a magical weapon to pick up girls."

Xiao Qiang curled his lips, but did not dare to retort, so he had to urge several people to speed up.

When they reached the lake, everyone could already see the flashing lights of cars in the distance, but the rain showed no sign of stopping. The mud washed from the muddy grass on the road made the road extremely smooth. Some of them fell down, and their bodies were also mixed with rain and mud, making them dirty and messy.

With a "bang", the soil burst instantly, and the zombie was so fast that even Wang Peng did not have time to warn him. The zombies had jumped out of the soil and appeared directly behind the two villagers. The villagers only had time to turn their heads slightly, and a bloody hole was already pierced through their necks by the zombies' long nails. They whimpered twice, but were unable to speak. They only spewed out foam mixed with blood, and were already dead.

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