Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 71 Wang Peng's perception ability explodes, and he shoots an arrow to capture the zombi

Although these two villagers were not capable people, they were strong and healthy, otherwise they would not have chosen to walk with the others. However, they did not even have the chance to attack at this moment, and were killed by the zombie.

"Ah~~" Li Ke let out a long roar, and his entire body changed again, becoming a cat.

He kicked the ground with his feet, leaving two deep pits on the ground, and jumped directly towards the zombie. His claws moved forward and he was about to grab the zombie's head.

The zombie jumped back lightly and disappeared into the soil. Li Ke dug in the hole where the zombie disappeared, but he didn't catch anything.

"Be careful behind you." Wang Peng shouted towards where Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan were.

Xiao Qiang felt something moving behind him, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella was swung directly from the top of his head to his back. The zombie's claws collided with the Thousand Machine Umbrella, making a "clang" sound.

Xiao Qiang turned around, pushed Lin Bingyan aside, turned the umbrella into a spear, and used his feet to stab forward directly.

At this time, the rain was too heavy, and the rain kept flowing down from the hair, blurring the eyes.

As expected, Xiao Qiang missed another attack, and the zombie dug a hole and escaped from underground again.

With a "bang", the zombie appeared again, as if to kill several people at the lakeside, constantly appearing from the ground and attacking several people.

This time, the zombie chose another villager again. At this moment, the villager was holding an axe, looking around, and being careful.

Suddenly, the zombie just drilled out from the bottom of the soil, and the soil was splashing, and stood in front of the villager.

The villager was shocked, stunned, raised the axe, and was about to hit the zombie. Unexpectedly, this zombie was faster, and the long claws were about to touch the villager's neck.

"Raid", at the critical moment, Xiao Qiang didn't want the tragedy to happen again, so he directly used the "raid" skill and flashed to the villager's side. He knocked him out. With the other hand, he grabbed the zombie's claws and threw them to a nearby tree. The zombie fell down.

At this time, Xiao Qiang finally saw clearly that the zombie was thin and small, and the rest of the body was no different from ordinary zombies. But the pair of claws were long, hard and conspicuous.

Li Ke, who was standing by, saw the zombie being thrown aside at a very fast speed, kicking the ground with his feet continuously and jumping high. He raised his claws and stabbed at the zombie's head.

But the zombie was faster, and the whole body was like an excavator, drilling into the soil and disappeared. Li Ke's claws scratched the ground, leaving several deep claw marks on the ground.

In this way, zombies appeared from the soil from time to time and attacked several people, but fortunately there were no casualties again.

Gradually, several people could not help but get impatient. From the time the zombies appeared to now, they killed two villagers, and they didn't even hurt the zombies, let alone kill them. They were helpless against the zombies. But fortunately, the rain gradually became smaller and the sky gradually cleared up.

Several people kept shining flashlights on the ground, alerting the surrounding situation. Fortunately, the rain stopped, and the moon gradually emerged from the dark clouds, and the vision of several people became better.

Suddenly, Wang Peng, who had not made a move, could be seen clearly under the moonlight. Wang Peng's face was covered with sweat beads, and he was highly focused. He hid behind the tree and bent his bow and shot an arrow.

With a "whoosh", the arrow feather left the string and shot directly at the position behind Lin Bingyan.

The others were startled and looked at Wang Peng in disbelief, because it seemed that there was nothing behind Lin Bingyan at the moment, and several people wanted to understand what Wang Peng meant.

There was a sound of arrow feathers hitting the flesh, and everyone turned their heads again, only to see that the zombie had already jumped out of the soil behind Lin Bingyan, who was originally nothing, and the arrow feathers were accurately inserted into the zombie's left arm.

It turned out that Wang Peng had not made a move just now. Hiding behind the tree, he calmly analyzed the zombie's route, and at the same time concentrated all his attention to sense the appearance of the zombie. Finally, he sensed that the zombie was moving quickly behind Lin Bingyan, accurately predicted, and shot an arrow directly, which led to the scene just now.

Lin Bingyan took the lead, raised her pistol, and fired the bullets directly at the zombie.

"Bang bang bang bang bang." Lin Bingyan fired five shots in a row, and the zombie ran to avoid it, but only one shot hit the zombie's right leg. Lin Bingyan's shooting skills were still as bad as before.

Xiao Qiang gave a thumbs up in the direction of Wang Peng, and then Wang Peng saw a figure flash by, and Xiao Qiang disappeared instantly. In the blink of an eye, he was behind Lin Bingyan. Xiao Qiang knew that this was the best opportunity to kill the zombie, so he ran at full speed.

With a "puff", Xiao Qiang stopped and inserted the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand fiercely to make the zombie, which had drilled half of the hole, retreat, making it unable to move forward. When Lin Bingyan fired just now, the zombie was ready to dig the ground to escape. At this moment, thanks to Wang Peng's arrow, it could only dig with a single claw, which affected its speed a lot.

Here, Li Ke, who had transformed into a cat, had also arrived, stretched out his claws, and used his hands to force five blood holes on the zombie's hind legs. Then, he directly dragged the zombie out of the hole upside down and threw it hard onto the big tree behind Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang kept moving, kicked his legs backwards, raised the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand and stretched it forward parallel to his body, and his whole body flew backwards horizontally like a spiral. The Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand went straight through the zombie's body and nailed it to the tree trunk. Xiao Qiang steadied himself, walked in front of the zombie, pulled out the bone spur dagger, and stabbed it into its head, killing the zombie who was still struggling on the tree.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience +2000, exchange points +2000. Obtain..."

Hearing this prompt, Xiao Qiang breathed a sigh of relief. The zombie was finally dealt with.

Similarly, Xiao Qiang didn't care to hear about any rewards, because under the moonlight, the figures of the zombies chasing behind him were clearly visible.

He pulled out the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella and walked to Wang Peng. At this moment, Wang Peng was so tired that he collapsed on the ground. His face was covered with sweat. He was panting heavily. His weak lips were already a little white. It seemed that he had turned on his perception. An extremely physically demanding job.

Xiao Qiang stretched out his palm towards Wang Peng, showed his trademark silly smile, looked at Wang Peng and said: "Thanks to you just now, otherwise we would have to stay here tonight. How about it? Can we still leave? There are zombies behind us. We’ll catch up here soon.”

Wang Peng rested for a while, and his expression gradually softened a lot. Swallowing deeply, he took Xiao Qiang's hand, stood up and said, "It's all thanks to me that I can walk. In the end, it's not you who is responsible for the zombies."

"By the way, Brother Li Ke, your ability is so powerful, and you can even transform. Have you given your transformation a good name? Why don't I think of one for you." Several people hurried forward, Wang Peng curiously looked at Li Ke who had turned into a human form and asked. In fact, Wang Peng and Xiao Qiang had just entered college, so they naturally felt fresh after seeing these new things.

Li Ke didn't feel impatient either, and he had a pleasant chat with Wang Peng along the way.

Behind a few people, speedy level 2 zombies caught up with them from time to time, but they were all easily dealt with by Xiao Qiang. After reaching level 6 tonight, Xiao Qiang felt that his strength and speed had become much stronger. It seems that as Xiao Cong said, the shortcut to becoming stronger is to kill more zombies. This is when Xiao Qiang did not bother to look at the reward items for killing and upgrading.

Not long after, Xiao Qiang and the others could see the flashing car lights ahead. I was wondering, there was still some distance ahead from the spring water place, the vehicle was parked here, maybe it had encountered a zombie.

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