Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 72: The convoy was attacked, revenge under the moon

With this thought, Xiao Qiang greeted a few people, quickened his pace, and rushed to the place where several cars were parked.

As far as the eye could see, the ground was in a mess, with bloodstains and corpses everywhere. The ground was also covered with bullet holes and marks from knives and guns. There was even a car that rolled over directly on the ground. Apparently after a fierce fight, Wang Liang saw a few people coming and walked up to them and briefly explained the situation to them.

It turned out that just now, Xiao Qiang asked these people to drive there first, and the first part of the road went smoothly, and they did not encounter zombies. When we got here, a bunch of zombies suddenly appeared in front of us. There were probably more than 50 of them. They blocked the road and the car couldn't get past it, so we had to fight.

To say that there are still a few strong men left in this convoy, the fight will not be so brutal. But there was also a zombie among the zombies. It was broad and powerful, and it directly overturned a car to the ground.

"Thanks to Xiaoxue, we finally got rid of that zombie." Wang Liang glanced at Yang Xue and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Everyone tried their best. They were all seriously injured. Fortunately, they only had skin injuries and were not bitten by the zombies." Yang Xue seemed to intentionally change the subject and directly took over the conversation.

"Uncle, you're finally here. Xiao Shutong thought you weren't coming." Xiao Shutong pulled Yang Xue's hand and said to Xiao Qiang with a look of shock on his face and red eyes.

"Are you scared? Don't worry. Uncle will never leave you again. Uncle is here to protect you." Xiao Qiang knelt down, touched Xiao Shutong's head, and comforted softly.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang glanced at the rather large zombie lying on the ground. A small hole about 5 centimeters in diameter penetrated the zombie's head, which was quite neat.

Xiao Qiang turned on his eyes and scanned them.

"Ding, we found an ordinary level 3 zombie."

It turned out to be a level 3 zombie, no wonder it suffered heavy losses. Looking at the people sitting on the ground, they all suffered different injuries. After a rough count, there were 30 people left.

"Uncle Li died. Xiao Chong and Aunt Wang were very sad. They sat on the ground and refused to leave." Wang Liang looked at Xiao Qiang and whispered.

Xiao Qiang looked at the overturned car. Li Chong was holding the body in his arms and sobbing continuously. Thinking of the past, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel touched, and his eyes turned red. He walked up to Li Chong and patted Li Chong's shoulder with his hand.

Li Chong raised his head. He was close to collapse. He looked at Xiao Qiang with tears on his face and shouted: "Brother Qiang, I want to go back. I want to kill zombies. I want to fight these zombies. I want to avenge my father."

As he spoke, he picked up the ax beside him and rushed towards the back.

Xiao Qiang grabbed Li Chong, pressed him on the car, and said loudly: "I know you feel sad. Uncle Li is gone, and I feel bad too. But what's the use of going back now? If you take Fight with your life, I can kill a group of zombies. After that, you will be happy, but who will take care of your mother, and who will take care of these people behind you."

Listening to Xiao Qiang's roar, Li Chong gradually calmed down, squatted down, and kept sobbing.

"We are going to kill the zombies. They killed so many of us tonight. This revenge must be avenged. Remember, we at Longshan Base do not have the habit of avenging overnight. Everyone, listen up, women, children and the elderly are injured. Take two cars and continue to the spring. The zombies are about to catch up. I will leave five people here to snipe the zombies and avenge the dead people. When the zombies retreat, we can bury those who died tonight." He straightened up, took a deep breath, and spoke to the people around him.

"I stayed."

"I'll stay too."

"You're injured, go away, I'll fight the zombies."

. . . . . .

Everyone was affected by Xiao Qiang's words and enthusiastically asked to stay and fight the zombies.

Finally, after taking a look at everyone's injuries, Xiao Qiang, Wang Liang, Li Chong, Wang Lei and Zhang Jin stayed.

Under the command of Xiao Qiang, the five people found some branches from nearby. These branches were already a little wet after being rained. Xiao Qiang released some gasoline from the car and poured them on them. Then he turned the car over and pushed it down, lying in the middle of the road.

Under the moonlight, five people stood in a row, and long shadows were cast on the burning objects in front.

Xiao Qiang deliberately took out 5 grenades and gave each person one grenade. Not only that, but he also borrowed pistols from Yang Xue and Lin Bingyan. In this regard, Xiao Qiang has only one request: not to leave any bullets in the gun, and finally throw the grenade out to kill as many zombies as it can.

After a while, the five people had already seen the zombies. Xiao Qiang calculated the distance in his heart,

", fight!" Xiao Qiang roared, taking the lead in raising his crossbow and shooting into the head of the zombie running at the front, knocking the zombie backwards. The zombies behind him didn't care at all, stepping on the zombie's body and running forward with a roar, but the giant-armed zombie was not seen during this time.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +4, exchange points +2."

"Click, click, click..." The sound of the gun suddenly sounded like beans falling, and angry bullets continued to be shot from the hole of the gun.

Among them, Wang Liang was the most lively. He stood in front of several people holding a machine gun and kept pulling the trigger. The zombies in front fell in pieces under the suppression of firepower.

Li Chong and Zhang Jin each had a pistol, and they didn't do much aiming. There were too many zombies, so they could kill many zombies by pulling the trigger directly forward.

Only Wang Lei was left without a long-range weapon and holding a grenade, watching the other four people anxiously.

Two minutes later, the gunfire gradually became quieter. Wang Liang's bullets were used up first. He put his machine gun on his back and held the grenade while waiting for Xiao Qiang's order.

"Bang" Zhang Jin's last bullet hit the eyeball of a zombie. The five people had used up their bullets. He held the fuse with his left hand, his eyes full of determination and anger.

Seeing that some zombies had already crossed the overturned car, Xiao Qiang roared, "Throw", and then took the lead in throwing the grenade at the car.

"Bang" an explosion sounded, and the flames directly ignited the gasoline. With a "bang", the car also exploded. The sky-high flames shone on the determined faces of the five people, forming a wall of fire directly between the zombie group and the five people.

"Bang..." Then four more explosions sounded, directly setting off a bloody rain among the zombie group.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +4, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +50, exchange points +50."

... . . . . .

Listening to the prompt sound coming from the mind, taking advantage of this moment, the five people have already got on the car and set off.

In fact, Xiao Qiang also knew that if he used all these grenades, the experience would increase faster and the strength would become stronger.

But that would not be Xiao Qiang's style, and it would also go against Xiao Qiang's original intention. Doing so can not only motivate his teammates, but also vent their anger. Otherwise, what happened that night would be a big blow to them, especially Li Chong.

There was no conversation along the way. The few people did not encounter zombies again, and soon arrived at the house where the spring was.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Wang Peng lying on the wall of the courtyard and carefully guarding. Wang Peng has always been very cautious, and he did not relax at this moment.

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