Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 73: Boom boom boom, big rewards

The moon has gradually receded, and the east has begun to reveal white beads.

Everyone in the courtyard sat together in twos and threes. After being exposed to the rain all night and avoiding zombies all night, everyone was already exhausted. However, in order to prevent the zombies from being attracted to them, they did not dare to light a fire and could only wring them dry. The moisture in the clothes just stays on the body.

Xiao Qiang sat down leaning on the door frame and watched Wang Liang directing everyone to take turns on duty. He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, and a sense of loss suddenly filled his heart.

All this time, the Longshan base has not been attacked, and Xiao Qiang is living a step-by-step life. But tonight's zombie attack will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Xiao Qiang and the newly established Longshan base.

"If the sentry had been spread out over a wider area."

"If I can become stronger."

"If I had found more cars, if I had followed the cars, would Uncle Li have survived?"

. . . .

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but fell into deep annoyance. Looking at the Longshan base full of injuries and illnesses in front of him, thinking of the people who had passed away, he could no longer hold back in his heart. Tears could not stop rolling in his eyes, one by one. fell down.

Seeing this, Lin Bingyan on the side walked over, knelt down, and gently put her hand on Xiao Qiang's shoulder. Xiao Qiang turned his head. At this time, Lin Bingyan still had wet hair, looking a little pitiful. Under her long double eyelids, her beautiful eyes exuded concern.

"It's all my fault. If I had done better, wouldn't everyone be so hurt?" Xiao Qiang sobbed and looked at Lin Bingyan and said.

"Xiao Qiang, you did a great job. It's a pity that no one can survive in this ruthless apocalypse, and casualties are inevitable when fighting zombies." Lin Bingyan opened her red lips slightly and comforted Xiao Qiang in a low voice.

"Brother Qiang, I don't blame you. I would also like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to kill so many zombies for revenge." Li Chong also walked over and stood in front of Xiao Qiang and said.

"Xiao Qiang, I believe in you, and we all believe in you, and this is not your fault. You can react immediately, escape from the zombie siege, and then quickly organize people to escape, and you can withstand the crisis. , I, Li Ke, admire you. Zombies are rampant, and casualties are inevitable, but you must cheer up and lead us to continue killing zombies and find our homeland. "Li Ke also gathered around and spoke to Xiao Qiang with rare sincerity. said.

"Yes, Xiao Qiang, it's not your fault."

"We believe in you, Xiao Qiang. You will definitely be able to lead our base to grow."

. . .

Everyone gathered around, stood beside Xiao Qiang, and spoke.

"Uncle, uncle, don't cry. Shu Tong also believes in uncle. Uncle, you have to cheer up. It's not easy to find a partner if you cry in front of girls." Xiao Shu Tong came over and whispered to Xiao Qiang'er. Said the side. However, it was still heard by the people around, making everyone burst into laughter.

Xiao Qiang wiped away his tears, touched Xiao Shutong's head, stood up and said to everyone: "Thank you for your trust, thank you very much."

"Everyone take a rest first and wait until dawn to make plans. Brother Liang, arrange for more people to be on duty, and the distance can be longer. For the injured, please wait for me to get some medicine later, and Bingyan and Li Wei will be responsible for applying it to them. For the time being. Don't make a fire, it's almost dawn. Let's make a fire after dawn to keep warm and dry our clothes." Xiao Qiang cheered up and started giving detailed instructions again.

After speaking, everyone dispersed and got busy. Xiao Qiang first bought a few bottles of hemostatic powder and cold medicine from the system, gave them to Lin Bingyan, and asked her to distribute them and guard the spring water. Xiao Qiang did not need to buy water from the system.

"Xiao Cong, show me the reward." Xiao Qiang did this, squatted aside, closed his eyes and summoned Xiao Cong.

Xiao Cong appeared in Xiao Qiang's mind and replied: "Okay, Lord Host, Lord Host has a total of 3 types of rewards, which are:

Two rewards for killing ordinary level 4 zombies, and a reward for upgrading to strong level 6 zombies.

The rewards for killing level 4 bouncing zombies are: high-tech carbon fiber bouncing shoes (intermediate) - light in texture, a high-tech product in the apocalypse, ordinary people can jump up to 3 meters when wearing them;

Potion for strengthening limbs (intermediate level) - taken orally, it can regenerate the broken tendons of limbs and make them stronger.

2 rechargeable walkie-talkies with a coverage range of 500 meters. "

"This reward is much less than when I killed the long-tongued zombie, and the quality is also much worse." Xiaoqiang couldn't help but complain in his heart when he saw the reward.

"That's natural. At first, the host was a strong person at level 4, but now he is a strong person at level 6. The rewards are naturally different." Xiao Cong explained in detail that this reward is also related to the level exceeded.

"Continue to report to the host the reward for killing zombies that escape from the ground: stainless steel black claw sheath right hand (intermediate level) - made of fine steel, ordinary swords and axes can chop continuously, and are ergonomic. There are two in total. After being put together, the power will be even greater. very.

Elementary climbing skills, alarm (intermediate level) - can monitor all zombies and enemies within 2000 square meters. "

The reward this time was very user-friendly. As soon as his base was attacked, he was rewarded with a siren. In this way, the monitoring range would be wider.

And that black claw sheath just happened to be given to Li Ke, so that after transforming into a cat form, his power will be even stronger. While listening to the rewards, Xiao Qiang had already thought about how to use and distribute these rewards.

Ignoring Xiao Qiang's thoughts on how to distribute, Xiao Cong's loli voice sounded and continued: "Host, the current level is strong level 6, and the reward items are: binocular night vision function - can see objects clearly in the dark, achieving the effect of night vision.

Reward one crooked light machine gun (intermediate) - with 1,000 bullets, the gun body is heavy, and the recoil is relatively large, please use it with caution.

10 mines (intermediate). 1 primary lottery, 1 intermediate lottery."

"Not bad, not bad, this upgrade reward is still very good. And when I was fighting just now, I was already envious of Li Ke's cat form and the ability to see at night, and now the system has given it to me." Xiao Qiang was so happy that he couldn't help drooling when he saw the reward.

"Host, Xiao Cong needs to remind you that you have this system, but you actually envy the function of a kitten. It's really embarrassing for this system." Xiao Cong interrupted Xiao Qiang, flipped his eyelids, and joked.

Li Ke is such a strong person, but he is called a kitten by the system. I wonder if he will be furious if he knows this.

"Xiao Cong, check how many exchange points I have? I want to buy some bullets."

"The host's current exchange points are: 13760 points. What do you need to buy?"

Xiao Qiang scratched his head. He didn't expect that after a night of fighting, he would have so many exchange points, and that's after buying antidotes and hemostatics.

"Buy 600 pistol bullets and 300 machine gun bullets." Xiao Qiang said.

In this zombie raid, Xiao Qiang also saw the power of hot weapons. Although he can fight, others don't have his strength. If everyone had a gun at that time, there would not be so many casualties tonight.

"Host, a total of 12,000 exchange points were spent."

Seeing that his exchange points of more than 10,000 were reduced to more than 1,000 points in an instant, he couldn't help but twitch in his heart. These bullets are not for Xiao Qiang to use, so they will not be converted into Xiao Qiang's experience at all. No wonder, before the end of the world, arms dealers were so rich. Each round of ammunition they fired was exchange points they had earned with great difficulty.

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