Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 74 Return to the Villa

In the end times, crisis always accompanies us. Never let down your guard! --Excerpt from Yang Xue's notes.

"Host, you can actually use all these exchange points to invest in yourself. If you make yourself stronger, your level can be raised faster." Xiao Cong said after listening to Xiao Qiang's inner thoughts.

"That doesn't suit my style. I still like to have teammates around me. In this way, even if I'm not at the base, they can still have the strength to fight. Otherwise, if I'm alone, wouldn't this world be too boring?" Xiao Qiang looked at Xiao Cong with deep eyes.

"Okay, host, make your own decision. Xiao Cong supports you." Xiao Cong looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

In his heart, Xiao Cong said to himself: "Since he believes in you, why should I think so much? Just respect the decision you make."

Of course, Xiao Qiang couldn't hear such words.

"Then show me my attributes, Xiao Cong." Xiao Qiang continued to speak.

"Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 300 (50 for an average adult) Physical Strength: 330 (50 for an average adult)

Skills: Wolf Tooth Staff, Dragon Body Skill (Entry Level: Proficiency 13/100), Hundred Eight Thunders (Entry Level: Proficiency 8/100) Assault (Entry Level: Proficiency 8/100) Tiger Claw Skill (Entry Level: Proficiency 5/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Three Gates Open

Mall Permission: Level 1 (Can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open Lottery Permission Level 1 (3/500)

Overall Evaluation: Strong Level 6. Strength Value 700/1500 Experience value: 7030/12000 Exchange points: 1760 points.

Owns a bone spur dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, and a crooked handle submachine gun. 3x violent pill, 1 black claw set, 10 mines, 1 bottle of strong limbs potion, and a pair of jumping shoes. 1 primary lottery, 1 intermediate lottery. "This time, Xiao Qiang's attributes are fully displayed on the panel.

Xiao Qiang looked at his attribute values ​​and was very satisfied. Not only did his body become stronger, but the items he owned also gradually increased. He felt more confident in dealing with this group of sudden zombies.

After finishing all this, Xiao Qiang opened his eyes. At this time, the sky was already bright. Xiao Qiang glanced at the time and it was already 6 o'clock in the morning.

"Ding Dong, the host's double experience card time has expired. During this period, a total of 4236 experience points have been obtained."

A reminder sounded in his mind, and Xiao Qiang felt a little regretful. He originally thought that he would have a fierce battle with the group of zombies, but in fact, he was running away for most of the past hour.

"Uh... sneeze." The wet clothes were really uncomfortable on his body, and Xiao Qiang couldn't help sneezing.

Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang wake up, walked over, spread out her palm, and in her hand was a cold pill. "Take one too, don't catch a cold."

"Yeah, how is the situation now." Xiao Qiang took the pill and swallowed it, and then took the spring water handed by Lin Bingyan, drank two big gulps, stood up and stretched, and asked.

"Wang Liang and the others are on duty, and no zombies came out behind. There are no traces of zombies in the vicinity for the time being, and I don't know where they went." Lin Bingyan has not rested all the time and told Xiao Qiang what she knew.

"Yes, Bingyan, you should also take a rest. Here are 300 bullets. Keep them." Xiao Qiang handed several boxes of bullets to Lin Bingyan while speaking.

Xiao Qiang stood up and went outside for a walk. He distributed bullets and machine guns to everyone. Wang Liang and others were already used to Xiao Qiang's ability. They were just happy with the bullets in their hands and didn't ask much.

When Xiao Qiang took out the black claw and handed it to Li Ke, Li Ke looked incredible. He held the black claw and looked at it for a long time. He was very happy. He also felt that he couldn't understand Xiao Qiang more and more, but he was also attracted by the black claw. He was afraid that Xiao Qiang would regret it, so he didn't ask much.

"Brother Liang, you take everyone to hide here first. You can make a fire and let everyone warm up by the fire, but you must organize the personnel to be on duty and keep a distance. If there is something, contact through the intercom. I will take a few people to the villa to see what the situation is now."

Xiao Qiang summoned a few people and handed the intercom obtained from the system to Wang Liang, and said.

"Okay, don't worry. But, isn't it too dangerous for you to go there now?" Wang Liang nodded and replied thoughtfully.

"I expect the zombies to retreat. If we don't find out the situation, we will be unable to sleep or eat." Xiao Qiang said.

"Then I'll go with you. I run fast. If I encounter danger, even if I can't defeat them, I can still escape." Li Ke, wearing black claws, volunteered to say to Xiao Qiang.

"No, you have to stay here to protect them. I'll take Wang Peng and Wang Lei with me." Xiao Qiang said.

"I'll go with you." Yang Xue, who had been silent, still had a cold face and spoke at this moment.

Xiao Qiang always felt that Yang Xue was mysterious and independent, and had no objection to Yang Xue's request. Xiao Qiang nodded and looked at Yang Xue and found that the metal gloves on his hands were gone.

Everyone picked up a pile of firewood. Because it was still a little damp, they poured some gasoline on it and lit it. Everyone gathered around and felt a little warmer.

Xiao Qiang and his three companions dried their clothes, and Wang Lei drove a pickup truck to the villa to investigate.

Along the way, the few people looked over and saw traces of the battle left over from last night. Especially where the few people threw grenades last night, the ground sank into a big pit, and the car was blown up and lay in the middle of the road. The few people had to take a detour.

When they were about to reach the hotel, Xiao Qiang asked Wang Lei to slow down the car, and also asked Wang Peng to turn on his perception to explore whether there were zombies ahead.

Seeing Wang Peng shook his head and parked the car in front of the hotel, the four people got out of the car with their weapons.

There were also several potholes in front of the hotel, which were caused by the grenades thrown by Xiao Qiang. Everyone entered the hotel and searched. There were zombie corpses and overturned objects everywhere.

At this moment, the few people didn't care to clean up. Seeing that there were no zombies in the hotel, they exited and continued to get in the car and walked forward.

Until the vicinity of the villa, Wang Peng kept turning on his perception, but he never found any zombies.

After parking the car in front of the villa, Xiao Qiang got out of the car, holding the bone spur dagger tightly, and walked into the villa. At this moment, the villa was already turned upside down. There were still several zombie bodies lying in the living room and the yard. Except for the faces that had begun to rot, the skin on their bodies was fine. However, the clothes on their bodies were already worn out. Some of the peasant women zombies were lying on the ground, and their upper breasts were also hanging outside. This made Xiao Qiang, who was a otaku in his previous life, blush.

Yang Xue, who was standing aside, saw this scene, looked at Xiao Qiang meaningfully, and laughed softly.

Xiao Qiang walked to the kitchen. The remaining vegetables in the kitchen were already stained with blood. Only some packaged foods from the supermarket were still clean.

Several people returned to the yard, and it seemed that the others did not find the zombies.

"It's really strange. These zombies come and go as they say. They didn't even find a zombie, but they seemed to be well-trained." Wang Lei said to them with a confused look on his face.

"If there is a leader in a place where humans gather, there may be powerful zombies, and it is not impossible to lead them." Yang Xue lifted her hair over her ears and spoke.

Xiao Qiang glanced at Yang Xue, not knowing how she could always keep such a cold face, but she looked so beautiful.

"Wang Peng, can you expand your perception range and see if you can find the traces of these zombies. Such a large group of zombies can't disappear so cleanly." Xiao Qiang thought about it and now he can only rely on Wang Peng's perception ability.

Wang Peng nodded, put away the crescent bow, and concentrated on sensing the movements of the zombies.

"Brother Qiang, I think these zombies seem to be from our Lin'an Village." Wang Lei looked at the zombies on the ground and spoke slowly.

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