Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 75 Surprising Discovery

"Yeah, I'm afraid it's more than that. With such a large group of zombies, the initial estimate is that the scale must be more than 5,000. There should be zombies from other places, but I don't know how they gathered here." Xiao Qiang touched his chin and said while thinking.

"Brother Qiang, I sensed that there are zombies wandering on the road on the mountain east of the main entrance of Longshan Park." In a short moment, Wang Peng's face was covered with sweat beads, his hands supported his knees, and he was panting while speaking.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang hurried over to support Wang Peng and said with a smile: "Well done, Wang Peng, I'll take over the next step, you take a rest in the car."

Several people quickly got in the car and drove to the place Wang Peng said. The mountain over there is not high and winding. Because it is close to the main entrance, many landscapes are designed.

From a distance, several people saw two zombies wandering aimlessly on the roadside, with their arms drooping, their necks stretched forward, and a large piece of their faces bitten off, revealing black rotten flesh.

Hearing the sound of the car coming, the two zombies raised their claws, opened their mouths and howled, and rushed towards the car.

"Puff" Xiao Qiang had already drawn his crossbow, using the technical essentials of elementary shooting, and accurately shot the crossbow arrow into the zombie's head on the slowly moving pickup truck.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

The death of this zombie did not affect the running speed of the other zombie at all, and it still moved towards the car fearlessly.

If in ancient times, such a fearless army was raised, wouldn't it be easy to attack the city and capture the stronghold. Xiao Qiang thought while

reloading a crossbow arrow, aiming again, and killing the other zombie.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

After dealing with these two zombies, the car drove to the foot of the mountain, and the four people could already hear the constant howling of zombies.

The four people turned the car around and stopped on the side of the road. This is also the experience Xiao Qiang learned in the end of the world, which is convenient for escaping faster when encountering dangerous situations.

After getting off the car, several people climbed up the mountain lightly. Wang Peng drove all the way to sense, but it seemed much more relaxed at this time. It was just used to be on guard to see if there were zombies within 10 meters around him.

After a while, several people had climbed up the hillside and looked at the other side of the mountain. In the square halfway up the mountain, a group of zombies stood together.

At this time, Xiao Qiang's eyesight had become very good. Standing on the hillside, he could clearly recognize the giant-armed zombie halfway up the mountain, and there was a zombie of similar size next to it. The other zombies were not particularly outstanding, except that there was a zombie beast around the two giant zombies, which looked like a dog.

"Why do I feel like they are having a meeting? So many zombies are gathered together but they are not moving. Although there are zombies howling from time to time, you can see that there is a space in the middle for these zombies to stand." Wang Peng said softly to several people while observing the bottom.

"And, Xiao Qiang, did you see the zombie in the middle? These zombies seem to all listen to him. Also, don't you think that our base is also a distance away from Lin'an Village, how did these zombies get here?" Yang Xue had tied up her hair and said to Xiao Qiang.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang looked at the zombie in the middle. At first glance, the zombie was no different from an ordinary zombie. Its height and weight were not particularly outstanding, and it was even a little weak. And there was no mutation in its limbs, and there was no abnormality.

But after Yang Xue's reminder, Xiao Qiang found that the zombie was standing between two giant zombies, and the dog-shaped zombie beast stood behind it, constantly sticking out its tongue. If this kind of position were in the human world, the one in the middle would undoubtedly be the leader, but among the zombies, Xiao Qiang couldn't figure it out now.

Staring at the zombie in the middle, Xiao Qiang was about to use the binocular recognition function to detect it, when suddenly the zombie turned its head, his eyes lit up, and looked directly in Xiao Qiang's direction. Xiao Qiang hurriedly lowered his head, feeling that he was being stared at, and his intuition told him that they had been discovered.

You know, several people were hiding on the top of the mountain, lying in the grass, secretly looking down, and didn't dare to make any sound.

"That zombie is really not simple." Although he hadn't used the detection function yet, Xiao Qiang thought to himself, while getting up quickly, and said to the three people beside him: "Run, we should be discovered."

The other three were shocked, and they didn't have time to ask more questions, so they picked up their weapons and ran down the mountain.

Several people ran to the bottom of the mountain in one breath, walked to the car, and did not see the zombies chasing behind them.

"Brother Qiang, could it be that you are seeing things? There are no zombies chasing behind us." Wang Peng held the car door, looked back, and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang also had doubts in his heart, but the look of the zombie just now, Xiao Qiang felt it clearly, just that look, Xiao Qiang's hair stood up. There is a sense of oppression, that is the feeling of oppression from a strong man.

"Anyway, what we saw today was too unexpected. We have always thought that zombies are a group of monsters that have lost their intelligence. But now it seems that some of them will stop zombies from attacking humans." Xiao Qiang looked at the direction of the mountain with a worried face and said.

"This is too unreasonable, is this possible? This..." Wang Lei also looked unbelievable and asked.

"The appearance of zombies is unreasonable in itself. This world is already very unreasonable. No one knows what the future will be like." Xiao Qiang said.

"What should we do now? Can we stay in Longshan Base?" Yang Xue looked at Xiao Qiang and asked.

"The world is so big. I'm afraid there are zombies everywhere. They have occupied our original homes and now they are occupying our base. We will not leave. We will leave when they come. I'm afraid we will not even have a place to stand. Here, we will fight a tug-of-war with these monsters. This battle will be the first battle of our base." Xiao Qiang's eyes revealed determination, and he said passionately at this moment.

"Yes, Brother Qiang, I support you. Fight with these monsters." Wang Peng raised the crescent bow in his hand and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Let's go back now. If the prediction is correct, these zombies will find us tonight. Let's discuss and do a good job of defense and retreat." Xiao Qiang thought for a while and said.

Before leaving, I'll give you two treasures first. Xiao Qiang thought as he took out two mines from the system, pulled the fuse, and placed them in the middle of the grass beside the road.

"Let's go!" After finishing all this, Xiao Qiang walked towards the car.

Only the other three people were left, staring at Xiao Qiang in amazement, as if they were looking at a magician.

When they were going back, they passed by the villa, got off the car and loaded most of the food in the kitchen, and pulled out the gasoline barrels from the warehouse, filling the back of the pickup truck, and then headed towards the spring.

It was almost noon when they arrived near the spring. Seeing that they were not far from the spring, someone on patrol jumped out to say hello.

Xiao Qiang was very satisfied. It seemed that Wang Liang had made a good arrangement. He learned from his mistakes and intentionally expanded the warning range several times.

It was already May, and it was a bit hot at noon. Fortunately, everyone was guarding the spring, which was very cool.

As soon as Xiao Qiang got off the car, he arranged for Li Wei to organize people to deliver food to everyone, even those on duty on the road. After a night of running around, everyone was already starving, and they sat together in groups of 3 or 5 to eat and drink.

Xiao Qiang gathered several people in charge of the base together, and Wang Peng repeated what he saw and heard in the morning to everyone, and they were all surprised.

"Li Wei, keep the food you brought well and distribute it in moderation. We don't know when we can go down the mountain." Xiao Qiang spoke first after Wang Peng finished speaking.

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