Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 77: Battle (I)

After moving his hands and feet, the pain was gone.

Looking up, there was no change on the surface, his arms did not become thicker, and even his muscles did not increase.

But Xiao Qiang could feel that his limbs became more flexible, and his limbs felt much stronger, and his body was better at exerting force. In this case, if he used the "Hundred Eight Thunders" again, the power would definitely be much greater than before.

Xiao Qiang was satisfied and felt that this sin was not in vain. He walked towards the yard of the spring.

"You're awake, Xiao Qiang." Lin Bingyan stood in the yard and saw Xiao Qiang walking over and said.

"Well, how is the situation?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Go and see for yourself in a while. I'm going to call you for dinner. Come on." Lin Bingyan said, still wearing the coat Xiao Qiang gave her, and stretched out her hand to pull Xiao Qiang aside.

In the afternoon, all the remaining people in the Longshan base went out, using local materials, cutting a large amount of firewood, piling it on the road, and pouring gasoline on it to help combustion. The length directly filled the main road and extended a section on the green belt. There were three such roadblocks, each 50 meters apart, with a gap in the middle for several people to escape.

After dinner, Xiao Qiang looked at the road and saw the work done in the afternoon. He became more and more sure of Wang Liang's ability, which was better than he expected.

Before the first roadblock, Xiao Qiang took out two mines, pulled the fuse, and tied them in the middle of the road.

Like this, several more were set up in the middle of the roadblocks, and all the mines were used up.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Qiang stood inside the first roadblock. At this time, several people had been waiting for 1 hour, and the alarms around them had not made any sound.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +25, exchange point +50."


. . .

Xiao Qiang suddenly heard a killing prompt in his mind. When he came to his senses, he knew that it was the landmine he had buried in the morning that killed the zombies, so the zombies were coming soon.

The sky gradually darkened, and everyone lit a few torches. The mountain wind blew, and it was a little cold. Everyone was quiet. The smell of gasoline on the firewood stimulated the smell of several people, and the tense atmosphere before the war permeated among people.

After waiting for another hour, just when several people were getting impatient.

"Squeak..." The alarm made a harsh sound and flashed red light at the same time.

Xiao Qiang turned off the alarm and put it away. When the others heard the sound, they also cheered up, held their weapons tightly, and looked ahead.

In a moment, everyone heard the howling of "Ah Ah".

Then, a fast-running zombie appeared in everyone's field of vision.

With two "dong dong" sounds, the vanguard of the zombie group directly touched the fuse, and the mine exploded directly, and limbs flew all over the place.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."


. . .

"Retreat," Xiao Qiang said directly when he saw the explosion.

This was also the countermeasure that several people had discussed before. Wang Lei led four people to guard the spring and protect the people in the yard to prevent any accidents.

At this moment, Wang Lei also sat directly on the door frame of the yard, holding a large iron axe in his hand, majestic and alert to the situation around him.

In front of the gate of the yard, three cars adjusted their fronts, filled up with gas, and were ready to retreat at any time.

The others were divided into three groups, Wang Liang, Yang Xue and Lin Bingyan, plus Li Chong, and the four stood behind the last roadblock.

Lin Bingyan had to touch her magazine from time to time, staring nervously at the back of Xiao Qiang in front of her.

Yang Xue didn't know when the iron gloves appeared on her hands again, still holding the pistol.

Li Chong and Wang Liang each held a machine gun, which was also the last line of defense, so they also arranged heavy weapons at the end.

The middle line of defense was guarded by selected villagers, including Zhang Jin and Hu San, who were the weakest but also the safest.

The front was guarded by Xiao Qiang, Wang Peng and Li Ke, who were lightly armed and easy to move.

Because there was an alarm, Wang Peng didn't have to turn on his perception, so he could focus all his energy on shooting.

On the other side, Li Ke was injured after the bloody battle last night, but after the hemostatic agent given by Xiao Qiang, his injuries were not serious. Although he did not transform into a cat at this moment, he was wearing the black claw given by Xiao Qiang on his right hand.

Xiao Qiang said to retreat, and the three quickly retreated to the second line of defense.

The zombie group, which was delayed by the landmine, immediately stepped on the broken limbs of their companions and rushed up.

Several fast-running zombies broke away from the group, crossed the first line of defense, and attacked the second obstacle where several people were standing.

Seeing that the large number of zombies had not yet reached the first obstacle and could not be ignited, several people could only pick up weapons to fight.

Li Ke turned on the cat form, only changed his hands into cat claws, and extended one claw, and then with the black claw set, he directly scratched a hole in the chest of the zombie and threw it aside. Then, Zhang Jin picked up the machete in his hand and directly slashed across the zombie's head.

This was also one of the countermeasures discussed by several people. In the second round of battle, Xiao Qiang and the other two were in front, catching the zombie on the ground, and then Zhang Jin and the other two gave a fatal blow, which could save time.

Facing the attack of the zombie group, several people cooperated tacitly and did not show any panic. Of course, among them, Xiao Qiang basically killed them with one blow.

This is the difference between being prepared tonight and being suddenly attacked last night.

Seeing this, Lin Bingyan and others behind the third line of defense wanted to step forward and help them many times, but they held back when they remembered Xiao Qiang's instructions. In fact, this is also to prevent the sudden appearance of underground zombies like yesterday.

In front, Xiao Qiang saw that there were already many zombies reaching the first line of defense, and he also knocked a passage through the firewood pile.

"Shoot!" Xiao Qiang killed a zombie with a spear and yelled at Wang Peng.

Wang Peng lit the tip of the arrow feather on fire and aimed at the firewood pile in front. With a "whoosh", the arrow feather left the string and ignited the firewood in front. The flames shot up into the sky, and countless zombies were instantly ignited, struggling and howling in the flames. The zombies in the back were still fearless and continued to move forward.

"Dong dong" There were two more explosions. The fire directly ignited the fuse, and the mine was detonated, which dealt another heavy blow to the zombie group.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +25, exchange point +50."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."


. . .

Although the zombies killed in the fire were not counted on Xiao Qiang's head, the explosion of the mine also killed a large number of zombies.

The fire was on for a long time, and several people could feel the temperature of the fire from a distance. There was a constant pungent smell of burning. Looking at the scene in front of them, it was a bit nauseating. But Xiao Qiang had already seen that many zombies rushed through the first line of defense and came to the second line. The burning firewood pile in the first line was obviously unable to stop the zombies.

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