Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 78: War (Part 2)

"Retreat!" Xiao Qiang roared and led a few people to retreat towards the third line of defense again.

Seeing several people coming over, Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang with concern and asked, "How are you doing? Are you not hurt?"

"Fortunately, no." Xiao Qiang smiled at Lin Bingyan and said.

At this time, many zombies had already stepped on the second line of firewood and ran towards a few people. But Xiao Qiang felt that it was not enough to light the fire, so he said to several people: "Pistol shooting."

"Bang, bang, bang" bullets and bows and arrows kept shooting at the zombies running at the front.

Suddenly, among them, there was a zombie running very fast. All of a sudden, he reached the front with his palm raised, and his sharp claws went straight to Zhang Jin's throat.

Zhang Jin had no time to react. At the critical moment, a spear and a sharp claw collided. But Xiao Qiang, seeing the critical situation, directly handed over the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

He threw the zombie away with a forceful swing, and at the same time shouted to Wang Peng, "Light the fire!"

Once again, the pile of firewood at the second line of defense soared into the sky.

Only this time, suddenly several people saw the burning firewood and were knocked to pieces. A passage was opened directly.

In the firelight, two black shadows rushed out, and Xiao Qiang saw clearly that they were the two giant zombies, with their arms raised high in front of them to clear the way.

"Dong dong" sounded twice, and the explosion of landmines sounded again.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

Only this time, the number of zombies killed was much smaller. What's even more pity is that the two giant zombies used their arms to block, but their arms were bleeding a little from the explosion. At this moment, they were also rushing to the front.

Xiao Qiang secretly said something bad. Seeing that there was no second line of defense to stop them, most of the zombies rushed over. What was even more thrilling was that there were quite a few of them on fire at the moment, rushing towards a few people. If these zombies are allowed to rush in, the gasoline will be directly ignited, and the people outside the third line of defense will also be in great danger.

"Shoot, shoot." Xiao Qiang roared.

For a while, the sound of "cracking" shooting continued. Now with two machine guns, the fire suppression force was stronger, and the zombie group was unable to move forward.

Thousands of zombies, with holes punched in their bodies under the impact of bullets, kept falling down. However, this did not affect it at all. The zombies behind were still charging forward, and it was so dark that it was impossible to see their heads.

Seeing the zombies rushing up again, Xiao Qiang said: Fight back while fighting. "

While speaking, Xiao Qiang picked up the four gasoline barrels behind the people, two in each hand, and threw them high into the air.

"Fight", he yelled at Wang Peng, who was already ready. The crescent bow was raised high, and three arrow feathers were placed directly on it, each one igniting fire.

The hand is loose, the arrow is off the string, and under the firelight, the vision is not bad. The arrow fletches were aimed directly at the oil drums in the air, and one of the arrow fletches directly penetrated two oil drums.

At this moment, it can be seen that Wang Peng's archery skills have improved after last night's hard battle.

With a "bang" sound, four oil barrels exploded in the air instantly, like a waterfall, tilting directly downwards, raining fire on the zombies' heads, and countless fire points sprinkled on the zombies, including the two giant zombies. .

With a "squeak" sound, Xiao Qiang saw that the oil barrel was blocking the zombie group. He was about to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly a monster jumped out from beside him and headed straight for Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang raised the Thousand Planes Umbrella and blocked it sideways, recognizing that it was the zombie dog he saw in the morning.

"Ding, we found a level 3 zombie beast." After turning on the recognition of both eyes, a message came from his mind.

"Come on. I'll stop him." Xiao Qiang shouted to everyone while fighting the zombie dog.

This level 3 zombie beast is extremely ferocious, not only extremely powerful, but also very fast.

Xiao Qiang relied on the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand to constantly resist the bites of the zombie dogs.

While Xiao Qiang was fighting with the zombies, the others quickly retreated, leaving a distance of 100 meters from the third line of defense.

Suddenly, the two giant zombies, still on fire, rushed over with a large number of zombies behind them.

There was a "bang", the fire met the gasoline and ignited at the touch, and the firewood on the third line of defense instantly caught fire.

"Xiao Qiang", several people behind him roared when they saw this scene, and the fire instantly surrounded Xiao Qiang.

"Run", a person suddenly jumped out of the fire. He jumped more than 5 meters high and jumped directly out of the circle of fire.

After landing, he quickly ran towards a few people.

Several people saw clearly and recognized that this was Xiao Qiang.

"Quickly, get some water." Wang Liang shouted anxiously when he saw that Xiao Qiang's clothes had been ignited by fire and the fire was spreading.

"Let me come." Lin Bingyan shouted softly and ran towards Xiao Qiang.

While running, Lin Bingyan's entire body had changed. A layer of ice mist gradually rose around her body, and then a layer of light blue ice crystals was attached to her body, including her face.

Xiao Qiang watched Lin Bingyan running towards him, but his speed could no longer be stopped, so he had no choice but to hug Lin Bingyan and fall to the side of the soft grass.

Oddly enough, Xiao Qiang hugged Lin Bingyan and felt a cold air coming from his whole body. This cold air directly wrapped the fire on Xiao Qiang's clothes and finally extinguished it.

A moment later, Xiao Qiang was lying on the ground on the grass, and Lin Bingyan's whole body was lying on Xiao Qiang's body.

Feeling the soft feeling coming from his chest, and looking at the beautiful face in front of him, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a little distracted. If the situation was not so critical at this moment, Xiao Qiang would really like to lie on the grass and not get up.

Seeing Xiao Qiang staring at her, Lin Bingyan's face turned red and she said, "Are you okay?"

"Oh, no, it's okay. Thank you just now." Xiao Qiang stood up as he spoke.

At this moment, looking at his shirt that was almost burned by the fire, Xiao Qiang tore it off, revealing his solid muscles.

"Dong dong", the last two landmines were also detonated.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience +1000, exchange points +1000."

. . .

It seems that the level 3 zombie just now has also been killed in the explosion.

Although a lot of zombies were killed this time, this was already the last line of defense set up by a few people, and now they could only fight the zombies head-on.

Looking at the endless group of zombies in front of him, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

There are too many zombies behind, and the two giant zombies and the zombie beasts have not been dealt with yet.

The muzzle of the gun kept flashing with fire, and angry bullets kept firing at the advancing zombie group.

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