Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 79: Battle (Part 3)

The crowd didn't know how long the fight lasted until the zombies piled up a small hill in front of them, and the dirty black bloodstains continued to flow down the mountain along the road. The zombies behind stepped on the dirty black bloodstains and continued to rush forward.

At this time, the fire in front had gradually extinguished, and only a few small piles were still burning on the roadside. There were not many bullets left in the guns of the few people, and they were ready to pick up cold weapons to fight these zombies in close combat.

"Dragon Body Skill" Suddenly, Xiao Qiang, who had been motionless beside him, moved, and this move was to attack the zombies directly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host Dragon Body Skill proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, proficiency 14/100."

It turned out that Xiao Qiang had been observing and looking for the zombie king he saw in the morning, thinking of solving him directly.

With the night vision that had just been turned on, Xiao Qiang really found the zombie in the zombie group not far away.

Xiao Qiang didn't say anything more. With his dragon-like body movements, he just dodged the zombies on the road and soon came close to the leader zombie.

He pulled out the bone spur dagger and was about to stab the zombie's head. With a "clang", a giant arm stretched out and collided with the bone spur dagger. Even the bone spur dagger failed to pierce the zombie's giant arm.

However, Xiao Qiang saw it clearly. After two explosions and the attack of gasoline, the zombie's arms were already covered with wounds, and the whole face was burnt, with a piece of meat falling off, which looked even more terrifying.

After failing to hit the target, Xiao Qiang jumped high, jumped out of the zombie group, and retreated to the grass on the side.

As soon as his feet stepped on the grass, Xiao Qiang used the "raid" technique again. The whole person's eyes changed, and the back of the head of the leader zombie was in front of him.

Xiao Qiang used the "raid" technique many times and had long been accustomed to the magical effect of this technique.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the assault proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, proficiency 7/100."

"I didn't expect to be able to kill this zombie king so easily. After killing this zombie, I will use psychedelic drugs in the zombie group. Disperse these many zombies, so that this siege crisis can be resolved. I don't know how to kill this zombie king." Xiao Qiang, who had already flashed behind the zombie king, was imagining while holding a bone spur dagger and stabbing at the back of the zombie's head.

The gunshots not far from the ear continued to ring, but the frequency seemed to be much slower. It seemed that the bullets in the hands of several people were not many.

Seeing that the tip of the dagger was about to sink into the back of the zombie's head, Xiao Qiang suddenly glimpsed from the corner of his eye that a thick arm stretched out from the side. This was really a sandbag-sized fist, and it was about to attack Xiao Qiang's face.

In a hurry, Xiao Qiang pulled his hands to protect his head. A huge force came from his arms, and the whole person was directly blasted onto the lawn. Thanks to the use of the limb strengthening potion in the afternoon, the muscles became thick and strong, and he was able to hold the bone spur dagger firmly in his hand.

Xiao Qiang stood up and shook his numb arms. After all, this level 4 zombie is equivalent to a level 8 human. This zombie king is worthy of being a leader. He actually uses two level 4 zombies as bodyguards.

At this time, the low-level zombies on the side have already surrounded them. Xiao Qiang did not dare to be careless. He took out the Thousand Machine Umbrella and waved it among the zombies.

But there were too many zombies. Xiao Qiang had just killed a zombie with a spear, and the zombies on the other side had already pounced on Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang lowered his body, exerted force with both hands, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella swept fiercely at the legs of the surrounding zombies. In an instant, with Xiao Qiang as the center, a large number of zombies fell down.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . .

The killing prompt sound also kept ringing. As the experience value increased rapidly, Xiao Qiang's physical strength was also rapidly decreasing.

Here, Xiao Qiang failed to sneak attack and was surrounded by the zombies, and fell into a bitter battle. On the other side, Lin Bingyan and others had already used up all the bullets in their machine guns. Only the pistols in the hands of two girls had dozens of bullets left. Everyone was already engaged in hand-to-hand combat and fighting with the zombies.

Not only that, this group of zombies was endless and fearless. Just after one group was beaten, another group rushed up. There were even many zombies that rushed past several people and ran towards the spring courtyard to fight with Wang Lei and others.

At this time, there were roughly more than 2,000 zombies left.

At this time, the level 3 zombie beast rushed directly at Lin Bingyan, comparable to the zombie beast of human level 6. The speed was so fast that several people didn't react, and Lin Bingyan was thrown to the ground.

"Puff", the zombie dog opened its mouth, its teeth were long and sharp, and there was an unknown liquid in its mouth, which was smelly. The white eyeballs looked directly at Lin Bingyan under it, and it was about to bite her shoulders.

Everyone exclaimed, shouted "Not good", and ran towards Lin Bingyan.

Li Ke directly turned on the full form. Under the moonlight, his eyeballs gradually became dark, and two brown cross cat patterns appeared in the middle. The tail stretched out directly from the pants and rolled into a circle in the air. The hands and feet turned into cat claws, and with black claws, the whole right hand seemed to be immersed in ink, which looked solid and sharp.

With a "smash", Li Ke disappeared from the spot, and instantly rushed to the front of the zombie beast, raised his claws and scratched the zombie's head.

This dog is indeed a level 3 zombie beast, and the whole body retreated instantly and hid to the side.

Li Ke looked at Lin Bingyan on the ground. Her whole body was covered in a layer of light blue ice armor. The sharp teeth of the zombie beast just now only left a tooth mark on it.

Lin Bingyan got up from the ground, and the attached ice layer also moved with her body. Li Ke was surprised to see that no matter how Lin Bingyan moved, the ice layer was always attached to her skin, which did not affect her movements, but could defend against the zombies' bites.

Seeing that Lin Bingyan was fine, Li Ke breathed a sigh of relief and jumped towards the zombie beast. A dog and a cat immediately fought together.

But this level 3 zombie is comparable to a level 6 human strongman, and the zombie beast is stronger than this human zombie.

As soon as the two sides fought, the difference was immediately determined. Whether it was strength or speed, Li Ke was already at a disadvantage at this moment.

Over there, Li Chong saw that Li Ke was gradually unable to hold on, so he threw the machine gun aside, pulled out the axe at his waist, chopped off the head of the zombie in front of him with great force, pulled himself out, and fought with Li Ke.

Two people fighting one, still at a disadvantage, but fortunately they managed to stabilize the situation and fight with the zombie beast.

On the other side, outside the spring courtyard, Wang Lei and his five companions were also in a bitter battle, holding weapons and tightly guarding the door, not giving up an inch.

Among them, Wang Lei was the most eye-catching, with a big hammer in each hand, and no rules. He stood in front of the door, and whenever a zombie rushed over, he would hit it on the head, smashing the zombie's brain and making dirty blood.

In the yard, Liu Jie held Xiao Shutong's hand tightly, staring at the situation outside, his thin body trembling uncontrollably, and making a "cough cough" sound from his mouth. But if you look closely, you will find that the bones of Liu Jie's other hand are eager to come out.

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