Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 80: Battle (IV)

Xiao Qiang was in even worse condition at this time. He failed to surprise the zombie king and was in a bitter battle. Not only did the zombies around him keep surrounding him, but the two level 4 zombies also separated one to fight Xiao Qiang, and the other followed the zombie king closely.

"Da Da", Xiao Qiang was fighting the zombies while listening to the movement from Lin Bingyan's side. After hearing the last two gunshots, there was no movement behind.

Xiao Qiang cried out in his heart that it was not good, knowing that Lin Bingyan and the others had run out of bullets, and they were about to withdraw from the encirclement after stabbing a few times.

Suddenly, the giant-armed zombie swung a punch directly, and Xiao Qiang had to raise the Thousand Machine Umbrella to block the punch.

He was shocked and took a step back. A pill slipped directly from Xiao Qiang's hand. He held it with his index finger, flicked his thumb upwards lightly, opened his mouth to receive it, and swallowed it into his stomach.

This pill was exactly the Triple Rage Pill. Xiao Qiang was worried about the situation of Lin Bingyan and the others. He was trapped in a tough battle and could not get out. He took out the pill directly from the system and swallowed it in one gulp.

A majestic momentum emanated from Xiao Qiang's body. Xiao Qiang felt the changes in his body and his physical strength became abundant. He was in high spirits and had to take advantage of the 1 minute of the Triple Rage Pill to solve the zombie king.

This time, Xiao Qiang changed from passive to active. He pushed the ground with his feet and flew more than 6 meters high, jumped over the zombies, and stabbed the zombie king with the Thousand Machine Umbrella in one hand.

"Dang", another giant zombie blocked the attack with his arm horizontally. Xiao Qiang had expected it. He exerted force again and directly cut through the zombie's arm. The sharp Thousand Machine Umbrella also cut a piece of meat directly from its arm.

After landing, zombies immediately surrounded him. Xiao Qiang rotated the Thousand Machine Umbrella around his waist, which was also a skill in the primary stick technique. The zombies around him were swept by the sharp tip of the umbrella, and pieces of dirty blood immediately came out, and they fell to the ground.

But this was not enough to kill these zombies, and Xiao Qiang didn't care about these. The two level 4 zombies had already attacked Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang fought with the two level 4 zombies while constantly harvesting the experience points of low-level zombies.

For a while, Xiao Qiang couldn't solve the two level 4 zombies. The two sides were deadlocked. Xiao Qiang had no choice for the time being. He could only hold the Thousand Machine Umbrella with both hands and attack the zombies like a flood.

Elsewhere, Li Chong and Li Ke besieged the zombie beast, two to one, but still couldn't take advantage. After fighting for so long, the two were already exhausted and panting, but the zombie beast was tireless and continued to attack the two.

Li Ke raised his black claws and collided with the claws of the zombie dog. Li Chong seized the opportunity and picked up the axe and chopped directly at the zombie dog's head.

The zombie beast pulled out and stood opposite the two of them, with a foul-smelling liquid in its mouth, its nose twitching, its white eyeballs swirling around fiercely, confronting the two of them.

Lin Bingyan's pistol had long run out of bullets. At this moment, she picked up an iron rod from the ground and was fighting with a zombie. There was still a layer of ice armor around her body, which looked glittering.

Although Lin Bingyan had practiced Taekwondo, she was helpless because girls were weak. Lin Bingyan was forced to retreat while fighting, dodging the zombie's claws, and smashing the zombie's head with the iron rod in her hand.

At this time, Lin Bingyan had already stood not far from the zombie. The zombie beast glanced at Lin Bingyan, pounced directly, and threw Lin Bingyan to the ground.

This side opened its mouth and bit Lin Bingyan's arm fiercely. But it only saw that it bit on the ice armor, splashing a layer of ice chips, but did not penetrate the ice armor. The zombie beast did not stand up, and directly attacked the ice armor one by one, as if it was determined to kill Lin Bingyan.

While Lin Bingyan stretched out her hand to block it, she stretched out her other hand and put it directly on the dog's belly.

"Ice thorns!" Lin Bingyan shouted softly, and saw the ice armor on her arm gradually move, revealing the snow-white skin, and the ice layer gradually formed a dagger-shaped ice knife towards the center of her palm.

The suddenly formed ice thorns directly cut a hole in the belly of the zombie dog. Lin Bingyan used force to directly cut a wound.

Dirty blood continued to flow out of the wound, and even the intestines were mixed with blood and drooped out.

Feeling the wound here, the zombie dog gave up the ice armor that was about to be bitten to pieces, and staggered to the side.

But Lin Bingyan's stab had affected the speed of the zombie beast. At this time, Li Chong had already rushed over from the side. An axe went down and hit the zombie beast's head directly, knocking it out.

In mid-air, he met Li Ke who jumped high, and directly tore the head of the zombie beast from its body with his claws from its neck.

The head of the zombie dog fell to the ground, and its mouth moved a few times, and then there was no movement.

"Are you okay? Sister Bingyan, your ability is too amazing, it's really eye-opening." Li Chong helped Lin Bingyan up, looking at Lin Bingyan with envy in his eyes.

"I also discovered these abilities in today's fight." Lin Bingyan took off her ice armor and tidied her clothes and said.

"It's not over yet, go to the spring yard and be ready to retreat at any time." Li Ke still maintained the cat form, holding the heads of two zombies with his claws, and shouted to several people.

Here, without the interference of the zombie beast, and Xiao Qiang attracting firepower from the zombie group, the pressure on several people was reduced a lot, and they retreated to the spring yard while fighting.

Xiao Qiang was not so relaxed among the zombies. Although he had taken triple rage pills, he was still under great pressure facing two level four zombies and the low-level zombies that kept surrounding him.

The ground around him was full of zombie corpses, and Xiao Qiang's experience was constantly increasing. Xiao Qiang fought while looking for opportunities, thinking about how to kill the zombie king directly.

"Da Da Da" "Dong Dong", suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire from the bottom of the mountain.

Xiao Qiang made some time and looked down the mountain, and saw a car driving up the mountain with its headlights on.

The zombies around him, under the command of the zombie king, kept running down the mountain to block the car that suddenly came out.

Without so many low-level zombies to hold him back, Xiao Qiang's pressure suddenly decreased.

He shot a level 4 zombie aside, and his body suddenly rose up, the whole person spiraled, and stabbed directly at another zombie.

This time, Xiao Qiang used all his strength, holding the determination to kill with one blow. He was originally a level 6 strength, and after taking 3 times the violent pill, his strength increased dramatically.

A shot was fired, piercing the zombie's arm across his chest. Xiao Qiang took a few steps forward, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella pierced through his arm and went straight through his chest.

A stream of blood gushed out from the zombie's chest. Xiao Qiang pulled out the Thousand Machine Umbrella and smashed the zombie's head with a stick, knocking it to the ground.

Although the zombie's arm was pierced with a hole, it was still alive. The two zombies attacked Xiao Qiang and stood together again.

"Brother, you are so good, I'll help you." Suddenly, a man ran up from the mountain and chopped the zombie's back with a knife.

Xiao Qiang saw the man clearly. He was wearing a dark green military uniform, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a square face, and a height of 1.85 meters, a head taller than Xiao Qiang. Holding two knives, he looked at Xiao Qiang and greeted him.

"Ding, a strong level 5 human was found."

"Thank you, brother." Xiao Qiang said.

With one more person, Xiao Qiang felt much more relaxed, facing the zombie with a pierced chest alone.

Xiao Qiang fired several shots, each shot was fierce, aiming at the zombie's vital point.

In a moment, the zombie's body was full of wounds. Xiao Qiang, who had taken the third-level violent pill, was already in a state of crushing a level 4 zombie.

"Puff", after a few more moves, Xiao Qiang inserted the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand directly into the zombie's neck, and with a strong stroke, a big zombie head flew out.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +1000, exchange point +2000. Get..."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for upgrading, the current level is level 7, reward..."

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