Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 81: Battle (V)

"Ding dong, the host's triple violent pill time has expired."

This period may sound like a long story, but in fact it is short-lived. It is time to use the Level 3 Violent Pill, and Xiao Qiang instantly feels that most of his body's strength has been drained. But fortunately, after killing level 4 zombies, he was promoted to level 1 and is now strong level 7.

After Xiao Qiang finished dealing with this zombie, he attacked another level 4 zombie. Although this big man in military uniform is only a level 5 strongman, he has excellent fighting skills and can fight with these level 4 zombies.

Xiao Qiang walked directly behind the zombie, shot out, and stabbed the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella into the back of the zombie's head.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience +700, exchange points +1500. Obtain..."

After upgrading, the experience and redemption points gained from killing level 4 zombies have been reduced.

After killing two level four zombies, Xiao Qiang was exhausted physically and mentally after fighting in the middle of the night. Looking around, I saw the zombie king standing

On a high slope, there were only a few zombies around. The zombie king's small body was hiding behind a few zombies, with a pair of white eyeballs staring at Xiao Qiang.

"Raid", the strength value increased again, Xiao Qiang directly used the technique. The fatigue on his body and the pain from his wounds made Xiao Qiang want to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

"No," Xiao Qiang appeared behind the Zombie King again. This time, there were no two level four zombies to hinder him. There were no zombies that could stop Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang had shortened the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand to the size of a dagger. He clenched his hands and raised it above his head. With lightning speed, he thrust the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella towards the back of the zombie's head. The Zombie King just stood there, completely stunned. Not knowing the danger behind you.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

Xiao Qiang inserted the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella into the zombie's head, and the zombie collapsed to the ground without even having time to react.

"Level 1 zombie, no matter how weak this zombie king is, it can't be just a level 1 zombie, right?" Xiao Qiang was filled with doubts as he listened to the kill prompt in his mind.

But at this time, the three surrounding zombies had turned around and attacked Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang didn't even need to stretch the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella, his body shook, and the daggers shot out. After a few flashes of light and shadow, three zombies were already lying on the ground, and the killing sound was also remembered.

Xiao Qiang took out the flashlight from the system and shone it on the zombie king's face, and was immediately surprised.

It turns out that this zombie is not the zombie king.

Just now, the firelight was dim, and this fake zombie king had a very similar body shape and face.

Even though Xiao Qiang now has night vision, he mistakenly recognized the zombie king in a hurry.

But looking around, there were no zombies around the two of them. All the zombies were already running down the mountain, blocking the convoy going up the mountain.

"Did this zombie king just run away? In that case, this zombie king is too cunning." Xiao Qiang stood next to the zombie corpse, touching his chin with one hand, staring at the zombie in a daze.

With a few "squeaks", the lights of the three cars shone on the open space on their side, and Xiao Qiang turned around.

I saw three vehicles parked side by side on the road, including a military pickup truck.

A total of 14 people got out of the three vehicles, all armed with light machine guns.

Get off the car and stand quickly, forming two lines, and the person on the far left shouts

: "Stand at attention, take a break. Salute!" He said to the person who helped Xiao Qiang earlier.

"Reporting to the team leader, the zombies at the foot of the mountain suddenly ran away, scattered in all directions, and disappeared. Our people had a brief fight. It was dark and there was no pursuit. Only two people were slightly injured and were not bitten by the zombies."

The man put away the knife, nodded, walked to Xiao Qiang and said, "Little brother, I think you have good skills. My name is Wu Ze, and I am now the team leader of the Tongjiang District base in Xuzhou City. You are here Are you alone?"

"Hello Brother Wu, I'm Xiao Qiang. We have more than 30 people here, and they are all over the mountain." Xiao Qiang looked at Wu Ze and wanted to get acquainted, so he said.

Before walking up the mountain, Xiao Qiang met their deputy team leader, the man who saluted earlier, named Wu Feng. Xiao Qiang's eyes were scanned as a level 3 superpower.

Wu Ze specifically asked him to stay put and be vigilant to prevent zombie attacks. Xiao Qiang couldn't help but look at Wu Ze again.

The two of them chatted while walking towards the mountain.

Through chatting, Xiao Qiang learned that Wu Ze was a soldier. After the zombie outbreak, he received orders to set up a base.

But unfortunately, a zombie attack also broke out in the military camp, causing heavy losses. They could only be broken into pieces and fight independently. Three bases were established in Xuzhou City to recruit surviving humans and build the last fortress of humanity.

The base where Wu Ze is located is located in Tongjiang District before the end of the world, hence the name Tongjiang Base.

Xuzhou City has a total of 4 districts and currently only has 3 bases. It seems that the military camp has also suffered serious attacks and there is not enough manpower.

Wu Ze's team was ordered to go out to search for supplies today. When he returned, he heard gunshots in Longshan Park and drove over to help. In the meantime, Wu Ze relied on his own strength to pass through the zombies, and then he helped Xiao Qiang.

Halfway down the road, the two happened to meet Lin Bingyan and others who were looking for Xiao Qiang.

"This is Brother Wu. Thanks to their help just now, we were able to help us break the siege of this zombie." Xiao Qiang wanted to win over Wu Ze, and he also intended to increase his contribution when introducing him.

Several people and Wu Ze greeted each other and walked into the Quanshui courtyard.

"Brother Qiang, these zombies suddenly ran away while being beaten. Fortunately, you guys were holding them in front, so there were no casualties on our side." Wang Lei said when he saw Xiao Qiang and others approaching.

Xiao Qiang nodded, "Let's all spend the night in this spring courtyard tonight. You can light a fire, but you still need to be more vigilant and arrange for rotating guards to continue to expand the area."

"Xiaowei, cook some food. Everyone is tired after a long night. Let's eat something first. Remember to cook more. Brother Wu Ze has more than 10 brothers here."

"Brother Liang, please work hard and arrange personnel as soon as possible. Start guarding now. Although most of the zombies have been killed. But the zombie king ran away, so I am still a little worried."

"Bingyan, Yang Xue, take a look at everyone's injuries. If anyone is bitten by a zombie, please notify me immediately."

"Brother, go ahead..."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang stood in the courtyard and gave a series of instructions to the people in charge. The courtyard suddenly became busy, and Wu Ze's team was called to the spring courtyard.

Wu Ze gave instructions to the 14 people. Half of them went out on patrol, while the other half found a place to rest in the courtyard.

Xiao Qiang and Wu Ze were sitting next to the firewood pile, chatting.

"It's already so late. Brother Ze, why don't you rest here tonight and set off tomorrow. I don't know, your base still stipulates like the previous army that you have to go back at night?" Xiao Qiang handed over a bottle of water. , said.

"In the apocalypse, people die every day. It is extremely risky for us to go out to search for supplies. This time, when we went out, there were more than 50 brothers. Although we raided a supermarket, we also suffered losses. There are quite a few brothers. It doesn't matter if I stay here tonight. Moreover, the current base is no longer what it used to be, and the inside is no longer the same. It's quite authoritative." As Wu Ze spoke, a trace of anger appeared on his face as he thought about it, and he also changed the topic and asked.

"No, it's just that in the apocalypse, everyone depends on each other and has established such a base. If they can trust me, I have to shoulder this trust." Xiao Qiang looked at Wu Ze and said seriously.

"Yeah, it's just that you are weak after all and don't have heavy weapons. If you want, you can go back with me tomorrow. But the base, maybe... Hey, the base is also in a mess now." Wu Ze is honest. , said.

"We won't go there. In the apocalypse, we still like to make our own decisions, which is more comfortable. However, what is the situation at the base over there now." Xiao Qiang said, he has a system, how can he still Need to go to someone else's base.


Wu Ze let out a long sigh and continued.

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