Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 82: Battle (VI)

"The zombies suddenly broke out, and we received an order from a satellite phone call to set up a base. This base was also built in a hurry. A large number of survivors came every day, and we would drive out to search every day. At the beginning, everyone was happy, and the base It's quite harmonious."

Wu Ze took a sip of water and continued.

"Later, I believe you all know that some mutated strong men also appeared among humans. At first, everyone still followed the rules of the army. Later, a large wave of people came, claiming to be people from Xuzhou New World Technology Company. Some of them were very powerful. Outstanding, he took control of the entire base, and also disrupted the original organization. He proposed a classification of humans and zombies, selected mutants among humans, and reorganized the team.

"Everyone was dissatisfied at first, but since it was the end of the world, we didn't have any big conflicts. In addition, although they were strong, they managed them in an orderly manner, as if they had arrangements before. We had no choice but to follow them . What’s deplorable is that in the past month, they have become more and more exaggerated.”

Xiao Qiang felt confused in his heart, but he couldn't find any clue.

"Then how are their levels divided?" Xiao Qiang has many questions, but he doesn't know where to start. He can only take a look to see if their levels are the same as what Xiao Cong told him.

"Human beings are divided into strong level, supernatural level, awakened level, and super strong ones; zombies are divided into ordinary level, infected level, mutant level, and super zombies." Wu Ze said calmly.

"It's just that some of them said that there is a higher level, but we can't access that level now. For example, I am at the strong level 5. Your skills should be much higher than mine, right?" Wu Ze added.

"The level classification is the same, but Wu Ze said that there are higher levels above this. But Xiao Cong didn't tell himself that there are levels above. Is it because my own level is too low. Upgrade, upgrade, this world can be I can’t understand it anymore. It seems I need to upgrade as soon as possible to answer these questions.”

With this thought in his mind, Xiao Qiang said: "So is there any communication now? Can you get in touch with other cities?"

Speaking of this, Wu Ze frowned and said: "Basic communications are all cut off, but those in the technology company seem to have unique communication equipment in their hands, and they are not allowed to be used by us."

Xiao Qiang nodded, feeling even more mysterious about this sudden company.

"Xiao Qiang, it's time to eat." Li Wei shouted to Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang shook his head and followed Wu Ze.

It was late at night, and everyone who had been busy all night had already fallen asleep, leaving only the firelight in the yard still swaying in the dark night.

Xiao Qiang tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and walked out of the spring courtyard. Not far away, you can still see the light from the flashlights of patrollers.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, what happened in the past two months has been bothering Xiao Qiang. Coupled with this new technology company, everything seems to be premeditated.

Xiao Qiang was puzzled. Was this zombie man-made or was it really an accident?

Hearing a noise behind him, Xiao Qiang turned his head. It was Lin Bingyan.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet? Aren't you tired after playing all night?" Lin Bingyan took off her coat as she spoke.

Put the coat on Xiao Qiang's body. It turned out that Xiao Qiang had been shirtless since his shirt was damaged.

Compared with when they first met, Xiao Qiang is now much stronger. On top of his bronze skin, his strong chest muscles are extremely developed, and his whole body exudes masculine charm. After his body became stronger, he didn't feel cold anymore.

"Thanks, I can't sleep, what about you? Why aren't you still asleep?" Xiao Qiang said.

"I was asleep, but I came out to take a look when I heard some noise. I saw you shirtless, standing under the tree in a daze. If before the end of the world, you would have attracted many little girls just with your muscles." Lin Bingyan joked.

Xiao Qiang was a little dazed, looking at the muscles on his body. Just two months ago, he was just a weak otaku. After getting the system, in this apocalyptic world, within two months, I felt like a different person.

"Will that attract you?" Xiao Qiang replied.

Lin Bingyan nodded, blinked her big eyes, and said, "Of course! Even before the zombies broke out, you were very charming."

Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan, his heart beating rapidly.

"Just now, when you rushed into the zombie group by yourself, I was worried to death. I regret that I am too weak to fight alongside you." Lin Bingyan said.

"You are a girl. Girls are meant to be protected. Besides, you are not weak either. Not only can you do Taekwondo, but you also have ice powers."

After a pause, Xiao Qiang leaned over and said, "Except for his marksmanship, he's almost there!"

After saying this, Xiao Qiang ran away quickly.

"Ha, if you dare to laugh at me, I won't hit you." As she spoke, Lin Bingyan raised her pink fist and chased Xiao Qiang.

There was no words all night, and at dawn, Xiao Qiang led everyone back to the villa.

Under Wang Liang's organization, everyone got busy, tidying up the house, cleaning the floor, and the zombie corpses scattered everywhere had to be burned as soon as possible.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang was leading Wu Ze around Longshan Park.

"In addition to the buildings just now, there is also a breeding garden here. You see, unfortunately the number is too small now, and everyone dare not eat it casually." The two stood outside the breeding garden, Xiao Qiang pointed to the breeding garden, and faced Wu Ze introduced.

"How about we choose this place as our base, isn't it good?" Xiao Qiang said.

"Very good, close to the main road, but few zombies, and there is a large area of ​​land. As a doomsday base, it is perfect. Except for the lack of weapons and weak defense, but with your strong strength, this place is not to be trifled with in the future." Wu Ze praised without hesitation.

"Then Brother Ze, are you willing to join us?" Xiao Qiang asked directly without saying much.

"Although you and I have not met for a long time, we have similar interests. I like your direct personality. If I were alone, I would definitely join here. But I have many brothers under my command in Tongjiang Base, and there are many surviving people in the base. I can't abandon them." Wu Ze sighed and said.

Xiao Qiang felt sorry. In the doomsday, Xiao Qiang always wanted to form his own power and his own strong troops. Especially after last night, Xiao Qiang's idea became even stronger.

"Then Brother Ze, you can bring them together." Xiao Qiang did not give up and continued.

"I also want to come here. I have long been fed up with the practices of those people in technology companies, but I am helpless because I am too weak. However, there are many people in the base, and it is not realistic to move all of them here. If there is a chance, I will definitely come. I know that you are different from them, and you will definitely build this base." Wu Ze replied.

Seeing that Wu Ze said this, Xiao Qiang didn't say anything more, but just emphasized that Wu Ze must come here if he has the chance.

After lunch, Wu Ze led his three cars to return to Tongjiang Base.

"Xiao Qiang, these are the supplies we swept, you can leave some." Wu Ze opened the trunk and said.

Xiao Qiang looked over and saw that the trunk was full of supplies from various supermarkets, filling up three trunks.

"No, brother Ze, we still have a lot of food here, and you have a lot of people there, so you should keep it." Xiao Qiang refused.

Wu Ze nodded, called Wu Feng on the side, and gave a few instructions. Wu Feng walked to the car.

"Since you don't want food, we have some weapons here, you can take them." Wu Ze said.

As he spoke, Wu Feng and his men beside him moved down two boxes of bullets and gave him five machine guns.

"Don't refuse these. In the end times, humans should help each other. We have quite a few weapons guarding the military camp, so I'll leave them to you." Wu Ze said.

"Then I won't refuse. We are just short of weapons here." Xiao Qiang said.

"Yes, then we'll set off. Take care of yourself." Wu Ze waved to Xiao Qiang and said as he got in the car.

"Be careful on the road. If you have a chance, you must come over." Xiao Qiang waved his hand and said.

In the afternoon, Xiao Qiang found a secluded place alone and prepared to look at his rewards.

"Xiao Cong, take a look at my various rewards. By the way, it's best to distribute the rewards to be related to base defense." Xiao Qiang sat under the shade of a tree and said to Xiao Cong in his mind.

"That's not a problem. This system is very humane. Everything is for the host to become stronger. The host has three kinds of rewards, namely:

Two rewards for killing ordinary level 4 zombies, and rewards for upgrading to level 7.

One reward for killing a level 4 zombie is: one lookout tower (intermediate) - made of pure iron, with telescopic equipment, which can observe the situation within 1,000 square meters around;

Five traps (intermediate) - traps, 2 square meters, with spikes in the hole;

Three steel helmets. "

Another reward for killing a level 4 zombie is: one machine gun turret (intermediate) - made of pure iron, can move by itself, and shoot while moving.

The reward for upgrading to level 7 is: . . . "

"Wait a minute," Xiao Qiang interrupted Xiao Cong and said, "Why is there only this kind of reward for this zombie?"

"This zombie was killed by the host after he was upgraded to level 7, so the reward will naturally be less. "

Xiao Qiang curled his lips, not knowing what to say, the system is the best.

"The upgrade reward for the strong man at level 7 is: Broken Palm (Advanced)--One palm out, thousands of annihilation. This palm is extremely powerful, and the strength is concentrated on a single palm. The palm exerts force and can hit through the air, consuming 1200 strength points at a time;

Triple Exchange Point Card (Intermediate)--After use, within 1 hour, the experience can be gained 3 times;

Ability Level Tester (Intermediate)--Can detect the level of any strong man below the awakening level;

Golden Silk Armor (Intermediate)--Ancient weapon, defense against swords, guns, axes, no problem. "Xiao Cong said.

There is actually an advanced technique. This is the first time Xiao Qiang has seen an advanced technique. He can't help but be a little excited. Now he has a big killer.

"Xiao Cong, then show me my current attributes! ”

“Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 500 (50 for an average adult) Physical Strength: 510 (50 for an average adult)

Skills: Wolf Tooth Staff, Dragon Body Skill (Entry Level: Proficiency 16/100), Hundred Eight Thunders (Entry Level: Proficiency 8/100) Assault (Entry Level: Proficiency 11/100) Tiger Claw Skill (Entry Level: Proficiency 5/100) Broken Palm (Entry Level: Proficiency 0/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Three Gates Open

Mall Permission: Level 1 (Can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open Lottery Permission Level 1 (10/500)

Overall Evaluation: Strong Level 7. Strength Value 2200/2500 Experience Value: 920/20000 Exchange Points: 14760 points.

Own a bone spur dagger, a thousand-machine umbrella, jumping shoes, a lookout tower, 5 hollow holes, a machine gun turret, a triple exchange point card, a capability level test machine, and a gold silk armor. "Xiao Cong showed it.

This time, although the base was damaged a lot, after two nights of fighting, Xiao Qiang not only upgraded two levels, but also had a lot more items.

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