People's adaptability is always extraordinary, even in the end of the world--Excerpts from Yang Xue's notes.

In the next two months, the group of zombies disappeared and never came again.

After this loss, Xiao Qiang has not been idle for the past two months. He led everyone to renovate the defense of the villa, raised the defense to a higher level, and built walls in some key parts. A passage was built to connect the hotel with the villa.

More than 10 cars were found on the road. Now even if zombies come, the base has enough cars to use.

As for the corpses of the zombies, they were either buried or burned, which took a lot of effort.

The hollows were placed around the villa and the hotel, and marked to prevent humans from entering by mistake.

The observation tower was placed near the main road of the villa, and a machine gun turret was arranged below. People were arranged to rotate at all times day and night. The observation tower is ten meters high, and above it is a 5-square-meter-wide room with telescopes and other equipment placed inside.

Between the hotel and the villa, a martial arts field was renovated, with an ability level test machine and many fitness equipment placed. It is worth mentioning that Wang Peng and Li Ke have reached the 4th level of superpowers, and Li Chong has also reached the 4th level of strong.

During this period, Xiao Qiang led several people to Lin'an Village, but there were only a few zombies left in the village, and no trace of the zombie king was found.

Xiao Qiang naturally refused to miss such an opportunity and transported all the supplies he could get to the base. The task of transporting supplies was naturally completed. Not only that, he also went to the place where Xiao Shutong was found last time and filled all the remaining gasoline.

The completion of the task allowed Xiao Qiang to obtain a generator (intermediate), 1 jin of random rapid growth seeds (intermediate), and an iron gate.

With two generators, the base's electricity consumption will not be too tight.

After the iron gate was installed, the open park of Longshan Base also had an additional barrier.

The most amazing thing is that one pound of seeds, after sowing, matured in just two weeks. With the vegetables obtained from Lin'an Village, everyone in the base finally didn't have to worry about fresh vegetables.

Nearly 30 workers and survivors from Liutong County also came to join them. Xiao Qiang was naturally very welcome. Among them, there were 5 strong people at level 3.

From them, Xiao Qiang also learned that a base was also established in Liutong County, but it was established by some pre-apocalyptic gangs, so it is now also full of smoke and miasma. Several people could not bear the humiliation and escaped.

For a time, Xiao Qiang's base was not only well-stocked, but also greatly supplemented with personnel.

Now, it has been 4 months since the zombie outbreak, and more and more mutants have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. And the world pattern has also changed greatly.

Many bases have been established on the land of this apocalypse. There are military, underworld, and many strong people like Xiao Qiang who have established it themselves. Of course, there are two most powerful forces among them. One is the military force, which also represents the agency of the new world. Its name is New World. The other is a mysterious organization composed of various gangsters and prisoners in prisons after the outbreak of the apocalypse. It has emerged and is very powerful. It is called the Black Alliance.

Above these two forces, an M company unexpectedly emerged. With its strong strength and deep background, it has become the most mysterious force in this apocalyptic land. The people of M company have M tattoos on their arms. For a time, they have become a symbol of noble status in this apocalyptic land. In the apocalyptic land, there is even a saying that people from M company should never be provoked.

It is worth mentioning that the New World Agency has re-divided the city. There are 4 levels in total, 2 level 1 cities, 5 level 2 cities, 5 level 3 cities, and 6 level 4 cities. Before the apocalypse, Xuzhou City, where Xiao Qiang lived, was a level 4 city.

Among them, the New World Agency and the Black Alliance each occupied a level 2 city as the headquarters of their base. Rumor has it that the headquarters of M Company occupies a level 1 city alone, and its strength is so strong that people can't help but look at it.

The New World Agency once launched an attack on a level 1 city occupied by zombies, but unfortunately, there were many evolved strong ones among the zombies. Not only did they fail to capture it, but they also lost a lot of strong ones.

It turned out that two weeks ago, the signal was suddenly restored, and these messages began to be broadcast among the survivors. The New World allows people to build their own bases to facilitate more survivors to save themselves.

Not only that, a large trading market has been established in each city to facilitate people to buy and sell and get what they need.

Moreover, after the zombie outbreak, human technology seems to have improved a lot. Some items that only appeared in science fiction TV before have gradually been used by people and even appeared in the trading market. These technological products are said to be made by the mysterious M Company.

Moreover, according to the broadcast, the bones of ordinary zombies above level 4 evolve into black gold, which can be used as sharp weapons, so they can also be sold. Even, there is a probability that mutant pills will appear in the bodies of infected zombies above level 4. If humans take them, there is also a probability that they will mutate and become strong.

So in addition to these numerous bases, there are even hunting teams.

These teams have no interest in joining any base, or are just employed by the base. They wander around various cities occupied by zombies, kill zombies, search for supplies, and then sell them to obtain the resources they want.

The order of the new world has also been disrupted. Not only do zombies eat people, but also disputes and even gunfights occur between human bases over supplies.

The whole world is in chaos and there is no order.

In the new world, strength is respected.

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