Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 84 New Mission

At night, in the villa at Longshan Base.

Waiting for dinner time, Xiao Qiang returned to the bedroom alone.

Just now, Xiao Qiang heard a "ding" sound in the system, and a new task had been received.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang summoned Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Cong, repeat the task just now?" Xiao Qiang said.

"Okay host, now issue the task: occupy Liutong County, the first stage, go to Liutong County alone to explore. Mission success rewards: Gongfa Upgrade Card (Intermediate), Xiaoyuan Defense Pill (Intermediate), Invisibility Talisman (Intermediate)." Xiao Cong still spoke in a relaxed tone, a little Lolita voice.

"How can this task be divided? This is still the first stage. How many stages are there in total? And how to count the occupation of Liutong County? There is a human base there." Xiao Qiang heard Xiao Cong's narration and asked another series of questions.

"Because later, this system will gradually assign some difficult tasks to the host, and these tasks take a long time. Therefore, this system is very humane to divide the tasks for the host. Not only will there be rewards for each stage, but also "clearance" rewards for all completed. There are a total of 3 stages of tasks assigned now."

After answering a question, Xiao Cong paused and continued: "As for the judgment of task completion, it is naturally up to this system to decide. Of course, Xiao Cong will not let you do anything that harms the world. You have also heard from them that the base in Liutong County is already a mess, so even if a conflict occurs, the host can rest assured."

"Yeah, okay, I know." Xiao Qiang replied, and prepared to get up and go downstairs to eat.

"By the way, host, you still have an achievement reward, do you want to collect it now?" Xiao Cong stopped Xiao Qiang and said.

"Come on, come on, of course I have to collect it, there is another achievement, what is it this time?" Based on the principle of not letting it go for nothing, Xiao Qiang said happily.

"Because the host's base resisted the zombies' attack and was reinforced again, the achievement was obtained. The rewards are: 1 card of proficiency +50 (intermediate), strength pill (intermediate), 10,000 exchange points, 10 gasoline bottles, 1 Gatling machine gun (with 1,000 bullets) (intermediate)." Xiao Cong said.

"The proficiency must naturally be added to my only high-level skill;

10,000 exchange points are also good, and the exchange points are for emergency use;

Strength pill, although it takes less than a week for the strength value to recover after I reach level 7, it is not bad to prevent critical situations;

As for the Gatling, it is just right to put it on the machine gun turret and match it with the observation tower, so that the defense of the base is better." While listening to the rewards, Xiao Qiang has already figured out how to use it in his mind.

"Xiao Cong, by the way, help me take a look at my attributes." Xiao Qiang said.

"No problem, host. Attributes: Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 500 (ordinary adult is 50) Physical Strength: 510 (ordinary adult is 50)

Skills: Wolf Tooth Staff, Dragon Body Skill (entry level: proficiency 30/100), Hundred Eight Thunders (entry level: proficiency 15/100) Raid (entry level: proficiency 1 Gong (entry level: proficiency 10/100) Palm Break (entry level: proficiency 53/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Three Gates Open

Mall Permission: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permission level 1 (10/500)

Comprehensive evaluation: Strong Level 7. Strength value 2500/2500 Experience value: 920/20000 Exchange points: 24760 points.

Own a bone spur dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, a triple exchange point card, a gold silk armor, and 10 gasoline bottles. "Xiao Cong displayed the attribute panel.

After collecting these rewards, Xiao Qiang walked downstairs with satisfaction.

In the villa courtyard, everyone had already sat together with a fire and started eating.

Although there are many more people in the base now, everyone still chooses to gather together when eating.

First, you can count the number of people to ensure everyone's safety. Second, everyone thinks it's lively. After a day's work, it's fun to talk and laugh together when you finish work.

In the evening, they drank rice porridge. Xiao Qiang held the bowl and sat among several people.

He said: "Tomorrow I will set off for Liutong County to explore there."

Everyone looked at Xiao Qiang, and Wang Peng said: "Then prepare in the evening. Who are you going to take this time?"

" I'll go alone." Xiao Qiang said.

"Go alone? That's too dangerous, we'll go with you." The speaker was Lin Bingyan, who was wearing a light blue denim top, looking more youthful and beautiful.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to check it out this time, there won't be much danger." Xiao Qiang also wanted to take Lin Bingyan with him, so that he could not only enjoy the visual experience, but also develop feelings for her over time. But there was no way, the task given by the system was to go alone.

"Brother Liang, after I go out, I'll let you take charge of the base." Xiao Qiang turned his head and looked at Wang Liang and said.

"Yeah, don't worry." Wang Liang replied.

After dinner, Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan wandered around the park.

Under the moonlight, Lin Bingyan saw Youqian and pulled Xiao Qiang to sit on the bench and swing.

"The moon is so round tonight." The two sat together, Lin Bingyan had not spoken, and Xiao Qiang said awkwardly.

Turning his head, he saw Lin Bingyan looking at him. Under her beautiful eyes, her small mouth was hesitant to speak.

"Xiao Qiang, you must be careful when you go out by yourself." Lin Bingyan said.

"Yeah, don't worry, I might be able to bring you a gift when the time comes." Xiao Qiang joked to reassure Lin Bingyan.

"I mean, I will worry about you, so you must come back safely, do you understand?" Lin Bingyan still looked at Xiao Qiang seriously and said seriously.

Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan with surprise, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He stuttered: "Oh, oh. OK."

At the same time, he blushed a little and thought to himself: "Is this a confession? Or is it just a worry between friends? What should I say?"

For a moment, Xiao Qiang's heart was like a galloping horse, with emotions surging and extremely nervous.

Looking at Lin Bingyan again, she was wearing flat canvas shoes, black loose 7-point pants on her legs, a white T-shirt on her upper body, and a blue denim coat on the outside. The whole person looks elegant, clean, and youthful.

The most important thing is that with this exquisite face, even if these clothes are just picked up from the village store. Under the moonlight, they are also very beautiful and moving.

Looking at Lin Bingyan, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a little confused and his heart was restless.

When Xiao Qiang was about to speak, suddenly, Xiao Qiang felt a fragrance coming and a gentle touch on his face. It turned out to be Lin Bingyan, who suddenly approached Xiao Qiang and kissed Xiao Qiang's cheek with her pink lips.

Then, before Xiao Qiang could react, Lin Bingyan had blushed and ran towards the villa. In fact, although Lin Bingyan had a good family background and was a school flower, she had never been in love.

On the way back to the villa, Xiao Qiang was dizzy, and the seeds of love had slowly sprouted between the two.

Before the end of the world, Xiao Qiang had never been in love, and this time he was suddenly kissed by such a big beauty.

Back in the villa, Xiao Qiang's face was still full of uncontrollable happiness, with his mouth wide open, and he couldn't stop laughing.

He kept recalling the scene just now. When he entered the villa, he ignored Li Wei and the others who were sitting on the sofa, and went upstairs on his own, which made Li Wei and the others look confused.

It was late at night, and the entire Longshan base was silent. Except for the patrols arranged everywhere, the flashlights were still flashing, and the whole villa was dark.

"Ding ding ding" Suddenly, Xiao Qiang, who was sleeping soundly, heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Xiao Qiang rubbed his eyes, turned on the light in the room, and asked softly.

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