Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 85 Yang Xue's Tattoo

"It's me. Open the door. I'm looking for you if I need anything." A cold and gentle voice came from outside, and Xiao Qiang recognized Yang Xue's voice.

Xiao Qiang put on his clothes, opened the door, and let Yang Xue in.

Since it is already June, the weather is gradually getting hotter.

Yang Xue only wore a black lace one-piece nightgown. The hem of the fluffy nightgown did not reach her knees. At her feet were a pair of women's black slippers. Under her long shawl hair, she had a cold but handsome face.

He entered the room and sat on a chair, exposing his snow-white thighs.

"Why did you come into my room so late? You're still wearing a nightgown. Are you confessing your love to me like Lin Bingyan? What if something happens to her later? I'm not that strong in determination?"

Xiao Qiang stood aside, looking at the big white legs in full view, thinking about it, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Yang Xue sat on the chair without speaking. When she heard the sound of Xiao Qiang swallowing saliva, she rolled her eyes sideways and looked down at the same time.

I grabbed my nightgown.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Xiao Qiang sat on the bed and asked, "It's so late, what's going on?"

"Do you want to go alone tomorrow? I can go with you, and I won't drag you down." Yang Xue stared at Xiao Qiang and said with a slightly gentler tone.

"No, I'm just going there to investigate tomorrow, not searching for supplies." Xiao Qiang thought for a while and replied.

"What's going on? One by one, the beauties have to follow me. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. The system tasks have regulations." Xiao Qiang thought to himself.

"Yeah, but you must pay attention to safety. If you encounter danger, just run away if you can't fight." Yang Xue continued.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention." Xiao Qiang said.

"That's good." After speaking, Yang Xue stood up and walked out.

"Huh?" Xiao Qiang looked at Yang Xue and asked in question, meaning, just come over and say this.

When Yang Xue heard Xiao Qiang's words, she turned around, stared at Xiao Qiang seriously with bright eyes and said, "You have a special power, so be sure to pay attention to safety. There are still many things to do in the future."

Xiao Qiang has always had a feeling that Yang Xue seems to know that he has a system, and Yang Xue is also mysterious.

Hearing Yang Xue's words, Xiao Qiang nodded and sent Yang Xue out of the room.

Before going out, Xiao Qiang caught a glimpse of Yang Xue's exposed shoulder. There was a tattoo, which was hidden under the cover of clothes.

Xiao Qiang didn't think much about it. Nowadays, society is so open, and it is not particularly unusual for female college students to get tattoos.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, Xiao Qiang said goodbye to everyone and drove his pickup truck to Liutong County alone.

Liutong County is located on the west side of the base. Due to its rich underground mineral resources, it is also the richest county in Xuzhou City.

Although it is only a county town, there are many high-rise buildings and various shopping malls with rich resources.

Xiao Qiang drove his car on the road, and a passage had been cleared in the middle. There were still abandoned cars and wandering zombies on both sides of the road.

Hearing the sound of Xiao Qiang's car, zombies kept chasing the car. Xiao Qiang ignored it and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, heading towards Liutong County in a hurry.

Not long after, Xiao Qiang had arrived in Liutong County. Xiao Qiang slowed down the car, and the number of zombies gradually increased wherever he saw it.

There was a gas station at the entrance of Liutong County, and Xiao Qiang decided to park his car there first.

After getting out of the car, Xiao Qiang looked at the tall buildings around him and couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

Before the end of the world, the originally bustling city now became quiet, with not even a moving car on the road.

These most valuable high-rise buildings before the end of the world have no value now and stand alone on the road.

Right now, the streets are filled with these tall buildings. But no one lives inside.

If you randomly select someone to choose between steamed buns and high-rise buildings, they will choose steamed buns without hesitation.

After coming back to his senses, Xiao Qiang looked at the entire gas station. There were scratches and collapsed items everywhere, and it looked like he had gone through a struggle.

One oiler even collapsed to the ground. Xiao Qiang walked over, turned on the switch, and tried to see if the oil could be released.

"Tick-tock", only two drops of black oil flowed out from the fuel pipe and fell on the cement floor.

It seems that the oil here has been swept away by other survivors. This was also expected by Xiao Qiang. After all, it was closer to the exit and easier to obtain.

Xiao Qiang ignored the gas tank and walked straight into the house. The shelves in the house also collapsed to the ground and became a mess. Only all the items on the shelves were cleared away, leaving only a few bottles of glass water scattered on the ground.

Seeing that the gas station had no use value, Xiao Qiang walked out of the house, drove the pickup truck and continued moving forward.

Under the bright sunshine, the once civilized city has been occupied by zombies, and the stench of rotting corpses is still lingering in the air.

While walking on the road, Xiao Qiang deliberately slowed down the car. There were more and more zombies on the road. From time to time, zombies rushed towards the car. Xiao Qiang freed up his hands to kill the zombies with a bone spur dagger from the window while driving.

In the apocalypse, there is no need to worry about breaking the rules. On such a wide road, there is only Xiao Qiang's car and many pickup trucks. At this moment, as long as there is no danger, you can drive however you want.

At this time, there were some small shops and some residential areas on both sides of the road, but most of them were snack bars. After such a long time, the things inside must have been moldy and spoiled. Xiao Qiang was not interested. He slowly killed zombies while driving forward.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."


. . .

From time to time, the killing prompt sound came from my ears. After Xiao Qiang reached level 7, he killed an ordinary level 2 zombie again, and the experience became 2 points, the same as killing a level 1 zombie. In this way, 2 experience points should be the minimum experience gained by killing a zombie.

Continuing to walk forward, when he arrived at a square, Xiao Qiang saw that it was full of wandering zombies. Roughly estimated, there were also thousands of them.

Unable to find a suitable store to search for supplies, Xiao Qiang simply got out of the car and prepared to practice with these zombies.

Taking out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system, Xiao Qiang stretched his hands and feet. Since the last villa raid, Xiao Qiang hadn't fought zombies for a long time. Now it was just right to use these zombies to find the feeling.

There was also a 3x exchange point card in his hand. According to the current situation, the higher the level, the fewer exchange points he would get from killing zombies. Of course, the sooner he used it, the better. Use the exchange point card directly, and in the next hour, the exchange points he got will be 3 times.

Transforming the Thousand Chance Umbrella into a spear, Xiao Qiang shouted and broke into the group of zombies in the square.

The whole person was like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves, constantly harvesting in the entire zombie group. After upgrading to level 7, dealing with these low-level zombies was like cutting melons and vegetables.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +6."

. . .

Xiao Qiang used the Thousand Chance Umbrella more and more skillfully, sometimes turning it into a spear, sometimes into a stick. When encountering a group of zombies attacking, Xiao Qiang directly opened the Thousand Chance Umbrella to block and defend.

Xiao Qiang kept dodging and moving among the zombies, and wherever he went, zombies would fall to the ground.

On the entire square, there was also a large area of ​​zombie corpses and the ground stained black and red by dirty blood.

Xiao Qiang kept harvesting zombies on the square, turning them into his own experience points and exchange points.

Here, Xiao Qiang had just pierced a level 2 zombie with his spear, and a zombie with long claws next to him had already attacked.

Pulling out the Thousand Chance Umbrella, Xiao Qiang directly blocked it horizontally. With a "clang" sound, the long nails collided with the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

With just this one fight, Xiao Qiang had already realized that the zombie in front of him was more powerful than other low-level zombies.

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