Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 86 Hunting Team

Xiao Qiang jumped high and jumped out of the zombies' encirclement.

He put the Thousand Machine Umbrella directly into the system and stretched out his palms in front of his chest.

Xiao Qiang wanted to test the power of the Shattering Palm. The energy in his body kept running. According to the tricks learned from the system, he concentrated all the strength of his body in his palms.

"Bang", a loud noise came out, and Xiao Qiang swung his palms forward.

"Shattering Palm", a loud shout.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the mastery of Shattering Palm +1, the current level is entry level, and the mastery is 54/100."

Xiao Qiang saw that the zombie in front of him was torn into pieces in an instant, and a blood dance was aroused, filling the air.

The aftermath of the palm power also affected the zombies around him, and a large number of zombies surrounding Xiao Qiang fell down.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +200, exchange point +600."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +6."

... . .

As expected of a high-level skill, it is indeed powerful. Although it consumes 1200 points of energy, it not only kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, but also kills dozens of ordinary low-level zombies around.

"Ding, the trial card of triple exchange points has expired."

In just over an hour, most of the zombies have been cleared by Xiao Qiang. At this time, Xiao Qiang is not like before, who was tired and panting after fighting for a while. After reaching level 7, as his physical fitness improves, his physical strength has become much more durable.

Looking at the remaining zombies, Xiao Qiang moved his feet slightly, turned into a phantom, rushed into the zombie group, and continued to fight.

Fortunately, the highest level of this group of zombies is the ordinary level 3 zombies. Xiao Qiang was like a rotten wood in the zombie group. It took another hour to clear the zombies in the square.

Sitting on the stone bench in the square, Xiao Qiang summoned Xiao Cong and said, "Xiao Cong, help me see how many experience points and exchange points I have now."

"Okay, host. Experience value: 7312/20000, exchange points 43760."

It is worthy of being a 3x exchange point card. In just one morning, the exchange points have increased by nearly 20,000 points.

The weather in June is still a bit hot. The sun shines directly on Xiao Qiang's face, and sweat keeps falling. The zombie corpses all around have begun to rot under the sun, emitting bursts of foul smell.

Xiao Qiang got up and planned to find a place to rest and have lunch.

Driving to the main road in the city, Xiao Qiang didn't dare to walk on the main road. With so many zombies, the car couldn't move. Even if he could walk, Xiao Qiang didn't dare to take the risk.

Xiao Qiang took a detour and walked on the road beside him. He stopped at a two-story clothing store. Xiao Qiang decided to take a rest here.

He got off the car. Fortunately, there were not many zombies on this road. Hearing the movement from Xiao Qiang, several zombies howled and rushed over.

With a slight shake in his hand, he had taken out the bone spur dagger from the system. Standing in front of the door, he was too lazy to even shake his body and killed these level 1 zombies.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."


. . . . . . .

Listening to the killing prompt sound, Xiao Qiang has stepped into the clothing store, and after entering, he did not forget to close and lock the door to prevent zombies from suddenly breaking in.

In the end times, it is better to be careful.

This is a sportswear store. Since the end times have come for more than 4 months, a thin layer of dust has already walked on the clothes in the store.

Xiao Qiang found a set of clothes that suited him in the store, walked to the second floor, changed his blood-stained clothes, cleaned up simply, and sat on the lounge chair.

Then, Xiao Qiang exchanged a lot of food, chicken legs, bread, etc. from the system store, and even exchanged a bowl of steaming beef noodles. After Xiao Qiang upgraded, his appetite also increased a lot.

And these foods cost Xiao Qiang less than 300 exchange points in total. Compared with weapons, these ordinary foods are much cheaper.

Xiao Qiang was tired all morning, and now looking at the food on the ground, his appetite increased greatly, and he ate it alone.

The midday sun shines directly on the ground. At this moment, the power has been cut off here, so the air conditioner is naturally unusable.

Xiao Qiang just finished his meal and felt a little hot, so he spent another 30 exchange points and asked for a bottle of iced lemon tea.

Lying comfortably on the lounge chair, drinking cold drinks to cool down, while fantasizing.

"If I were alone, it would be pretty good to survive in this doomsday. I could guard the system, kill zombies, get some exchange points, and live a good life."

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang shook his head again.

"Let alone other things, just Lin Bingyan and Yang Xue, two school beauties, Xiao Qiang can't give up, not to mention Xiao Qiang also enjoys the respectful eyes of others. The feeling of being recognized by everyone is also very fulfilling."

You know, a otaku like Xiao Qiang was very inconspicuous before the end of the world. Let alone Lin Bingyan's level, even ordinary little girls would not notice Xiao Qiang.

Thinking about it, Xiao Qiang felt sleepy and lay on the lounge chair and gradually fell asleep.

Just when he was confused, Xiao Qiang suddenly heard the sound of collision and fighting downstairs, and heard the sound of human voices.

Xiao Qiang was startled, sat up, walked to the window, and looked down.

There were 5 people outside, constantly attacking a zombie. It seemed to be a hunting team.

This was also the first time Xiao Qiang encountered a hunting team, 4 men and 1 woman. Holding various weapons in their hands, they were discussing while surrounding the zombies in the middle.

Xiao Qiang hid his body, quietly opened his eyes to identify, and scanned them one by one.

Among the 5 people, there was a strong man of level 5, 2 strong men of level 4, and two strong men of level 3 with superpowers.

The besieged zombie turned out to be an ordinary level 4 zombie. Tall, with strong arms, and white eyes constantly staring at the humans around him

Xiao Qiang wanted to check the hunting team and how to kill the zombies, so he didn't make a sound and watched the situation quietly upstairs.

The strongest among the five was the Level 5 Strongman. From the conversation between the five, Xiao Qiang also learned that this person was named Bai Lingfeng. He looked fair and clean, but Xiao Qiang always felt that he looked a bit sinister.

Although there were five people, they still couldn't gain the upper hand against a zombie that could rival the Level 8 Strongman. They were very passive. In addition, the weapons in the hands of the five were just ordinary iron, which couldn't even break the zombie's defense.

It was the two superpowers that made Xiao Qiang's eyes light up.

The male superpower was named Zhang Lu. He moved his hand slightly and shouted "Earth Bind" softly. A rope formed by earth appeared under the zombie's feet. It was wrapped around the zombie's ankles twice, tightly tying the zombie's feet, and it couldn't move for the time being.

On the other side, the female superpower was named Xue Ying. When she saw the zombie trapped, she moved her body slightly, and her arms became thinner and longer, and finally turned into two long thorn whips. She shouted softly, raised her hands, and crossed them to hit the zombie's chest. The hard thorns on the whip left two red marks on the zombie's body.

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