The zombie was enraged by several people, and stood up in a rage, breaking free from the restraints under his feet.

Although the whole body was heavy, the zombie jumped up lightly. It jumped high and rushed towards one of the level 3 strong humans, clenched its five fingers, and punched him in the head.

The level 3 strong human didn't even have time to block, and his head was smashed by the zombie's huge force.

The enraged zombie still didn't stop, and attacked another level 3 strong human next to him again.

Seeing this, Bai Lingfeng put away the axe in his hand, pulled out a pistol from his waist, and fired continuously at the zombie's head.

The level 4 zombie turned around and blocked the bullets one by one with his arms, and let out a low howl.

"Hit it quickly, hit it quickly." Zhang Lu saw the zombie looking at him, and shouted at the others while shooting.

"Earth Bind", Zhang Lu shouted, and the land around the zombie quickly gathered in a spiral shape to bind the zombie's bare feet.

This time, the chain formed out of thin air with soil did not bind the zombie.

The zombie jumped lightly, and the whole body flew into the air, raised his arms above his head, and smashed towards Bai Lingfeng.

I don't know whether Bai Lingfeng was too late to block it, or felt that he couldn't block it at all.

In a panic, he actually pulled Xue Ying to block in front of him. Xue Ying exclaimed, and only had time to protect his hands in front of his chest.

At the critical moment, the zombie's arms were about to hit Xue Ying. Suddenly, a person flew out from the upper side and kicked the zombie's head directly. The whole body of the zombie flew out and hit the electric pole on the side of the road.

This zombie was originally large in size. After the mutation, its height and weight increased a lot. The whole body weighed at least 300 pounds. Who else could kick it away with one kick if not Xiao Qiang?

It turned out that Xiao Qiang had seen it clearly from upstairs. Seeing that the few people were no match for the zombies, he was ready to come down to help. At this moment, he saw that Bai Lingfeng actually pulled Xue Ying, a girl, to block him. He couldn't help but jump down from the upstairs in anger.

After kicking the zombie away, Xiao Qiang turned around and glanced at Bai Lingfeng.

"Thank you very much, what's your name, brother?" Bai Lingfeng pushed Xue Ying away, and asked Xiao Qiang with a smile on his fair face.

"My name is Xiao Qiang. This zombie is not dead yet. You guys should be careful." Xiao Qiang said unhappily, and while speaking, he stared at the place where the zombie fell.

Sure enough, the zombie stood up from the ground with a shake, but his head was deformed, and dirty blood kept flowing out of the wound, forming a long streak on his face.

"Keep fighting!" Bai Lingfeng looked at Xiao Qiang coldly from behind, and shouted loudly to the people around him.

"Earth Bind." Zhang Lu continued to use his own skills, and the chains formed by the earth quickly formed, but this time they were a little longer, tightly surrounding the legs of the zombie in place.

Although Xue Ying was pulled by Bai Lingfeng to block a shot, he still obeyed the order at this moment, and his hands turned into long thorn whips, and went to the upper body of the zombie, firmly controlling its hands.

At this time, Bai Lingfeng and another strong man at level 3, each holding a weapon, rushed towards the tied zombie and chopped it.

Unexpectedly, the two had only ordinary weapons in their hands, and even if they chopped on the zombie's head, they did not cause fatal injuries.

The zombie was trapped in the corner of the street, and his body kept struggling. Finally, he roared, moved his body suddenly, and broke free from the restraints on his body. The four people were also thrown fiercely into the houses around.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang directly took out the bone spur dagger from the system.

"Dragon Body Skill", Xiao Qiang was at full speed and rushed towards the zombie at full speed.

"Ding, Dragon Movement Skill proficiency +1, current proficiency 31/100"

Relying on the Dragon Movement Skill, Xiao Qiang moved his feet, dodged the zombie's attack, and went directly behind the zombie.

He raised the bone spur dagger high and stabbed it into the zombie's head. With one knife, the fourth-level zombie reacted quickly, and its head tilted slightly. Xiao Qiang's dagger cut off the zombie's ear.

Xiao Qiang's hands kept moving, one after another, and he kept attacking the zombie's head. Finally, the zombie couldn't resist Xiao Qiang's attack and fell to the ground.

"Ding, kill an ordinary fourth-level zombie, experience value +700, exchange points +1500. Get Meifeng Dagger (Intermediate)."

Listening to the prompt sound coming from the ear, the other four people have also gathered.

In fact, this battle shows that Xiao Qiang has the power of the system. The bone spur dagger was not the most powerful weapon Xiao Qiang obtained from the system, but it could easily break through the zombie defense that several people could not break through.

"Brother, you are so good." Bai Lingfeng said as he walked towards Xiao Qiang, his eyes fixed on the bone spur dagger in Xiao Qiang's hand.

Xiao Qiang did not have a good impression of this man, and said unhappily: "Nothing, it's still thanks to the zombies you consumed before."

"Since brother said so, then look at this zombie, how should we distribute it." Although Bai Lingfeng's words were directed at Xiao Qiang, his body had already walked towards the zombie corpse.

Xiao Qiang had heard from the New World broadcast that the bones of ordinary level 4 zombies would turn into black gold, which was also very valuable in the black market.

But no matter how precious it was, Xiao Qiang would take it seriously, after all, he had the system in his hand and he had a Thousand Chance Umbrella made of black gold.

However, Xiao Qiang was not satisfied with Bai Lingfeng himself, and he had just performed.

Xiao Qiang said, "I killed this zombie, so it belongs to me."

Bai Lingfeng seemed a little surprised when he heard what Xiao Qiang said, but he immediately recovered his composure and looked at Xiao Qiang and said, "Brother, you are alone too, why don't you join us?"

"Besides, how about that little girl playing with me?" Bai Lingfeng approached Xiao Qiang and whispered, looking at Xue Ying beside him while speaking.

Xiao Qiang was a little disgusted and replied directly, "I'm not interested."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang pretended to walk towards the zombie.

"Since you are so unprofessional, you will die here today." Seeing that persuading Xiao Qiang was fruitless, Bai Lingfeng spoke directly and viciously.

"Oh? Just you?" Xiao Qiang looked at Bai Lingfeng with contempt, and the contempt in his eyes was obvious.

At this moment, it was already afternoon, and the weather was particularly good today. The afterglow of the sunset sprinkled on the faces of several people, forming a long shadow on the ground.

"It's us, do it!" Bai Lingfeng was extremely angry and said with gritted teeth.

"Earth Binding" Following Bai Lingfeng's order, Zhang Lu took the lead.

Xiao Qiang only felt a sense of restraint in his legs, trapping him in place, and a force came from his legs, dragging him down firmly. He gently moved his legs, but he couldn't move.

Then, what Xiao Qiang didn't expect was that Xue Ying also attacked him, his hands turned into long thorn whips, like two long snakes, attacking Xiao Qiang.

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