Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 88 Level Suppression

Xiao Qiang raised the still bleeding bone spur dagger, but he had just aimed at the zombies, but now he was going to aim at his fellow human beings.

With two "clang clang" sounds, Xiao Qiang gently blocked the attack. He didn't expect that the thorn whip was harder than Xiao Qiang imagined. Even with the sharpness of the bone spur dagger, he couldn't cut the thorns with one blow.

Looking at the two retracted thorns, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but be a little dazed. He stared at Xue Ying in front of him and asked in confusion: "I think I just saved you just now, and it was when you were pulled by your captain to block the gun."

Xiao Qiang felt a little incredible. He couldn't believe that the person he had just saved would actually attack him. At the same time, he stared at Xue Ying and observed.

Xue Ying, who was wearing thick makeup and had a long braid, didn't look pretty, but she looked a little worldly.

She was wearing a pair of work shoes, black leather pants, and a pair of round balls that were about to come out from under the black short vest on her upper body. A deep cleavage was particularly conspicuous.

Seeing Xiao Qiang trapped by the earthen shackles, several people were not in a hurry to attack. Xue Ying turned the long whip into two hands and replied: "What a joke, just because you saved me once, I betrayed Brother Bai. I am Brother Bai's man. Brother Bai is so strong, I will do whatever he asks me to do."

Xiao Qiang shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Alas, have you been brainwashed or something? He has used you as a shield, but you are still like this. You are really loyal."

"Stop talking nonsense, saying so much useless. In the doomsday, whoever has the strength is the boss, and strength is the truth. I am stronger than you, so she will follow me. You killed the zombie with the dagger in your hand. If you know what's good for you, hand over the dagger obediently." Bai Lingfeng took out a pistol while talking, aiming at Xiao Qiang and said.

Just now, several people were knocked down, so naturally they didn't see Xiao Qiang's body movements. When they stood up, they only saw Xiao Qiang constantly using the bone spur dagger to break the zombies' defense, so they didn't know Xiao Qiang's strength.

They just thought that the dagger was powerful, and they also wanted to take the dagger and take it to the black market, which could also be exchanged for a lot of resources.

Xiao Qiang looked at Bai Lingfeng who was getting closer and closer, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. He sneered and said, "What a strength is respected, then I'll show you who is the master."

While speaking, Xiao Qiang had already moved.

He exerted force with his legs and broke free from the "earth binding". He was at full speed and was in front of Bai Lingfeng in an instant, but he was a few points faster than the fourth-level zombie just now.

Bai Lingfeng looked at Xiao Qiang who was so close, and was surprised. He raised his right hand and was about to shoot at Xiao Qiang.

But Xiao Qiang was faster and grabbed Bai Lingfeng's wrist with one hand, making him point the muzzle of the gun to the ground. Bai Lingfeng only felt a huge force coming from his hand. His hand was held. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't move.

With a "crack", Xiao Qiang broke his wrist directly, and the gun fell to the ground. Bai Lingfeng screamed in pain.

Bai Lingfeng was at least a Level 5 strongman, but under Xiao Qiang's attack, one of his hands was crippled. The level of suppression can be seen from this, and the higher you go, the greater the gap between each level will be.

On the other side, the Level 3 strongman had already rushed up, raised his long knife, and chopped at Xiao Qiang's head.

Xiao Qiang slightly turned sideways and dodged the attack. His body swayed, and he was behind the Level 3 strongman in an instant. The bone spur dagger gently scratched, and the Level 3 strongman fell to the ground, his eyes still widened, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Ding, kill a strong level 3 human, experience +10, exchange points +10. Get a long knife and a bag of beef jerky as rewards."

"Ding Dong, in view of the host's first kill of a human, the achievement is rewarded with a sniper rifle (intermediate) and a skill fusion card."

"Earth Binding" Without waiting for Xiao Qiang to react, Zhang Lu used his unique skills again. On the other side, Xue Ying's long whip was already attacking Xiao Qiang directly.

However, this time, Xiao Qiang did not give him the opportunity to be tied up. With a light jump, Xiao Qiang, wearing jumping shoes, jumped directly to a height of 5.6 meters, holding the bone spur dagger in his hand, and stabbed at Zhang Lu.

"Earth Armor" Unexpectedly, Zhang Lu was wrapped in earth all over his body, forming a layer of armor, just like what Lin Bingyan formed with ice.

The bone spur dagger was inserted into Zhang Lu's armor, but it only raised a burst of earth dust, and it could not go in any further.

Xiao Qiang sighed at the magic of the superpowers while putting away the bone spur dagger. He took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella directly from the system, turned it into a spear, and stabbed it into the earth fist that Zhang Lu stretched out.

With a "puff", the Thousand Chance Umbrella directly penetrated the earth armor, passed through Zhang Lu's outstretched right hand, and directly penetrated his body.

Zhang Lu twitched unwillingly twice, fell to the ground, and then there was no movement. The strange thing was that the layer of armor formed by the earth on his body gradually disappeared, revealing Zhang Lu's face.

"Ding, kill a human with superpower level 3, experience value +10, exchange point +10. Get a reward of 500 grams of black gold (intermediate)."

Fortunately, it was only superpower level 3, otherwise it would be a big enemy in the future. Fortunately, I have a treasure like the Thousand Chance Umbrella in my hand, otherwise this layer of earth armor alone would be enough to worry Xiao Qiang.

Just after I finished dealing with Zhang Lu, I suddenly heard the sound of an engine behind me.

Xiao Qiang turned around and saw that it was Bai Lingfeng who was starting the car and preparing to run away. Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel disgusted. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​attacking him. Seeing that several people working together were no match for him, he left his teammates and thought about running away first.

"I don't know how such a person can be a captain. Is it true that strength is respected in this end of the world?" Xiao Qiang stood there and shook his head.

"Raid", Xiao Qiang naturally didn't want to give him a chance to escape, and directly used the raid technique.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the raid proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, and the proficiency is 17/100."

While Xiao Qiang was speaking, the whole person had already reached the door of the car. Reaching out to the car, he grabbed Bai Lingfeng's hair who was about to step on the accelerator, and pulled his hair and threw him directly onto the road on the side.

Bai Lingfeng had just landed on the ground, and Xiao Qiang had already arrived in front of Bai Lingfeng, pointing the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand at Bai Lingfeng lying on the ground.

"Brother, spare my life, spare my life, I will give you whatever you want." Bai Lingfeng begged for mercy, but his eyes were rolling around, looking back and winking.

Xiao Qiang naturally noticed his little action, but he ignored the back, and lightly swiped the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, killing Bai Lingfeng without giving him a chance to speak.

"Ding, killed a strong level 5 human, experience value +300, exchange point +300. Received a reward pistol, 10,000 exchange points, and a Black Wind Base Pass Card."

Xiao Qiang had just killed Bai Lingfeng, and the two thorn whips behind him had already touched Xiao Qiang's body and rushed straight to his back.

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