Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 89 Kneeling and begging for mercy

"Dangdang", there was no thorn piercing the flesh, but there were two sounds of metal collision. Two golden metal lock patterns were revealed from Xiao Qiang's torn shirt.

Xue Ying behind him heard it, and was confused and panicked. He didn't expect that his sharp thorn arms didn't sneak attack Xiao Qiang's upper body.

It turned out that Xiao Qiang was wearing a gold silk armor on his upper body, which was obtained after the last upgrade reward.

Just now, Xiao Qiang had seen the two people's small movements, but he wanted to try the defensive ability of the gold silk armor, so he didn't choose to dodge. In fact, this is also because Xiao Qiang is confident in his own strength, and he is sure that he can use a surprise attack to get away after the thorns break through the gold silk armor.

But fortunately, it is worthy of being a system product. This intermediate armor can already defend against the full force of the 3rd level superpower.

"It seems that I still need to upgrade quickly. When the level 2 mall is opened, I can buy intermediate items." Xiao Qiang thought as he walked towards Xue Ying step by step.

Xue Ying over there had long since dared not attack. Even the powerful level 5 Bai Lingfeng whom he admired was under Xiao Qiang's command and had no ability to resist.

Seeing Xiao Qiang approaching step by step, Xue Ying was so scared that he trembled like a sieve. He fell to his knees with a "thump".

He kept begging for mercy: "I was also threatened by him. I was originally a working girl. The end of the world came and I met him. He not only raped me, but also wanted me to join his team."

While speaking, he kept kowtowing.

"I was threatened by him. If I don't listen to him, he will be killed by me. Please let me go, please." Xue Ying looked at Xiao Qiang in front of him and kept begging for mercy.

While begging for mercy, his face was already tearful.

While speaking, he saw that Xiao Qiang did not respond and was still looking at him. She actually tore off her vest, and her two breasts jumped out without restraint, but she was not wearing a bra.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but stare at her with his eyes wide open, white and big, and kept jumping and rising and falling as Xue Ying cried.

"Brother, as long as you let me go, I'm yours, and you can do whatever you want." While speaking, Xue Ying's curly hair had already spread out, and she looked at Xiao Qiang with a pitiful look.

While speaking, Xue Ying knelt in front of Xiao Qiang, hugged Xiao Qiang's right leg with both hands, and her breasts kept rubbing against Xiao Qiang's legs. She looked at Xiao Qiang with tears in her eyes, full of begging for mercy, and there was no longer the majestic look just now.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiang couldn't help swallowing his saliva, forcing himself to calm down, and his heart was moved with sympathy.

"Alas" Xiao Qiang sighed and took off his sports shirt directly.

Seeing this scene, Xue Ying breathed a sigh of relief and was ready to take off his upper body completely.

At this time, it was already evening, the afterglow of the setting sun continued to shine, and the breeze blew, which felt a little cool. From time to time, the howling of zombies could be heard in the distance.

Xue Ying closed his eyes and prepared to accept the ravages of the storm.

He felt a piece of clothing thrown on his body, and then his hands loosened, and the thighs in his hands had been pulled away.

Xue Ying opened his eyes, but only saw the back of Xiao Qiang wearing a golden armor. The setting sun sprinkled on Xiao Qiang's body, reflecting a burst of yellow light.

"Put on your clothes. If you want, there is a Longshan base 20 kilometers away from here. You can live there." While speaking, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella and walked forward slowly.

Xue Ying looked at Xiao Qiang's back, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing an evil smile, his eyes were full of cruelty, and there was no pitiful look just now.

In an instant, he turned his hands into a long whip of thorns, and this time, he swung it directly at Xiao Qiang's head.

However, Xiao Qiang disappeared in front of Xue Ying, and the long whip he swung out also missed and hit the air.

Xiao Qiang turned around and continued to walk forward. Hearing Xue Ying's experience, and seeing that she was a girl, he had already decided to let her go.

Unexpectedly, the crying behind him suddenly stopped, and two more sounds of breaking wind were heard. Xiao Qiang, who had been attacked once, was naturally familiar with what these two sounds meant.

At the moment, he turned his head slightly, and sighed helplessly, "Why bother?" The whole person had already used the "surprise attack" technique, and instantly moved behind Xue Ying.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for his raid proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, proficiency 18/100."

"Ding, kill a level 3 human with superpowers, experience +10, exchange points +10. Get rewards: 1 steel helmet, 1 alcohol stove."

Listening to the prompt sound in his ear, Xiao Qiang stabbed a spear directly into Xue Ying's back. Xue Ying struggled twice and then stopped moving.

Xiao Qiang didn't want to listen to Xue Ying's sweet talk anymore, nor did he want to verify whether Xue Ying's experience was really as she said, nor did he want to watch her crying and hugging her legs to ask him to let her go.

Xiao Qiang only knew that at that moment just now, Xue Ying did want to kill him, and he had given her two chances.

Just imagine, if he was just an ordinary person, without the system, he would probably have been lying on the ground just now.

Looking at Xue Ying lying on the ground, his unwilling eyes were still looking up, and blood stains were dripping on his two snow-white breasts, which looked particularly delicate on the street.

Xiao Qiang didn't want to think about whether what he did was right or not, and he didn't dare to look at Xue Ying lying on the ground.

He took off his shirt and covered Xue Ying, turned around and walked into the clothing store, changed his clothes, picked a T-shirt to put on, and picked two more to put on the car for backup.

At this moment, the sky had begun to darken a little, and he heard the sound coming from the group of lost people getting closer and closer.

Xiao Qiang drove the pickup truck and prepared to leave here.

Although Xiao Qiang can see things at night now, even at night has no effect on him.

But Xiao Qiang still plans to find a place to rest and wait until daytime before taking action.

Not daring to stay in the center of the county, Xiao Qiang plans to find a place to stay in the suburbs of the county for one night.

Although Xiao Qiang is from Liutong County, before the end of the world, he has always been a homeboy and rarely comes to the county to go shopping, so he doesn't know much about this place.

Turning on the car lights, Xiao Qiang walked around the outer ring of the county, and the sky was gradually getting dark. The whole city was dark everywhere because there was no electricity.

From time to time, the howling of zombies came to his ears, and the cool breeze blew, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but get goose bumps all over his body.

Now, Xiao Qiang finally understood why the system would issue a task for him to explore alone.

It turned out that from the moment the apocalypse just began to break out, Xiao Qiang followed Wang Liang and Lin Bingyan.

From the beginning of the school, to the overnight stay in the supermarket, and finally to the establishment of the base, Xiao Qiang has always been accompanied by his partners, and even the life of the entire base is full of warmth and warmth.

Now, he came out alone, without even a person to talk to, and there were threats of zombies everywhere around him.

In this way, he truly experienced the horror of the apocalypse, the loneliness and fear in the darkness.

Facing various threats alone, aimless exploration, and the intrigues between humans can make a person grow better in this apocalypse.

The apocalypse is not warm, but cruel and terrible, and crises can appear at any time.

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