Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 90 Night Encounter with Bai Lu

On the dark road, Xiao Qiang's pickup truck, with two beams of strong light, shone on the road in the distance, like a lone boat in the sea, particularly conspicuous.

With Xiao Qiang's eyesight, he naturally didn't need to turn on the headlights, but Xiao Qiang felt too lonely, and turning on the headlights could still give him some comfort.

On the entire road, except for the roar of Xiao Qiang's truck, there were only the howling of zombies one after another.

From time to time, zombies rushed towards Xiao Qiang's pickup truck, but Xiao Qiang ignored them and directly hit the zombies and ran over them.

Xiao Qiang stared at the surrounding buildings, looking for a suitable place to live.

These ordinary communities on the side of the road are naturally not good. There are many people living there, and they are close to the city. It would be bad if they were surrounded while sleeping.

In this way, he walked and analyzed until he reached the suburbs, and a community far away from the city appeared in front of him.

Xiao Qiang recognized that this was a famous luxury community in the county, with a quiet environment. It was built for real estate development that was only attracted in recent years. Only those officials and big business owners can afford to live here.

Driving directly into the community, Xiao Qiang planned to stay here tonight. First, there are few people living here, so there will naturally not be a large number of zombies gathering; second, this place is relatively high-end, and Xiao Qiang expects that there may be backup power supplies or something like that.

At the gate of the community, the electric railings are still there as always.

Xiao Qiang ignored it, knowing that no one would raise the railings for him at this time, and he also knew that no one would come out to stop him.

Having decided to stay here for one night, Xiao Qiang drove the pickup truck directly, knocked open the railings, and entered the community.

On the right side of the community security room, two zombies in security uniforms rushed out and chased after the car.

Xiao Qiang deliberately slowed down his car speed, and while walking, he observed the surrounding buildings.

The environment here is really good. On the wide area, only a total of 6 buildings were built, and then there were some villas. The rest were all designed as landscapes, with pleasant scenery, and even an artificial lake was built in the middle of the entire community.

"Rich people really know how to enjoy life." Xiao Qiang thought to himself and parked the car in the middle of the community.

Although it is in the middle, each building is far away from each other. Next to it is the artificial lake, which seems quiet and peaceful.

After getting out of the car, Xiao Qiang cleanly and neatly cleaned up several zombies that followed the car and ran over. Now basically, as long as Xiao Qiang is not trapped in a large-scale zombie group, these low-level zombies will not pose any threat to him at all.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

... . . . . .

Listening to the prompt sound in his mind, Xiao Qiang looked upstairs.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiang felt a flash of light on the third floor, and he couldn't help but be alert.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone down there?" A flashlight shone on Xiao Qiang's pickup truck, and at the same time, a crisp female voice sounded.

Xiao Qiang looked up and saw a woman holding a flashlight and looking down from the window on the third floor.

"I am a human, not a monster." Xiao Qiang replied.

"Come up quickly, I have food here." The woman said again.

This is quite interesting. Generally, the first thing people trapped in the building say is to help. This woman is quite generous and told him that she has food there.

If it was before, Xiao Qiang would definitely have a good impression of her. But after what happened in the afternoon, Xiao Qiang still raised his vigilance. Could it be that she tricked him into going up, and found that there were bad guys in the room.

"Okay, I'll go up right away." Xiao Qiang said as he took out the bone spur dagger, held it in his hand, and walked upstairs.

This is a building with a total of 6 floors, and there is only one household on each floor. But even so, there is an elevator inside, but it can't be used now.

Xiao Qiang went up to the third floor, and the door had already been opened.

Holding the dagger tightly, Xiao Qiang slowly opened the door. Only a lady stood behind the door with a flashlight and smiled at Xiao Qiang.

Standing at the door, Xiao Qiang directly turned on the double-eye recognition function and scanned the lady standing in the house and holding the door frame.

"Ding, ordinary human beings are found."

The young woman in front of him was wearing a one-piece hip skirt, a small cardigan on the outside, a pair of flesh-colored stockings on her legs, and a pair of home slippers on her feet. She was not tall, but the hip skirt outlined her figure with curves, and her skin was very fair and well maintained. She was not beautiful, but she looked charming and soft, which was a different flavor.

Seeing Xiao Qiang staring at her, the young woman was not shy at all, and even pulled the cardigan down to reveal her shoulders, intentionally showing her figure to Xiao Qiang.

"Come in quickly, are you afraid that your sister will eat you? Wait a little longer, or those monsters will come in!" The young woman stared at the dagger in Xiao Qiang's hand, blinked her eyes, and playfully said to Xiao Qiang.

"Oh, okay!" Xiao Qiang was a little embarrassed, and turned his eyes away from the young woman and turned to the house.

"It seems that I was too careful. What happened in the afternoon made me a little nervous. There is only an ordinary survivor in front of me. Even if there are other people in the house, with my strength of Level 7, even if I can't beat them, I can always escape. She is a woman who kindly invited me. It's too rude for me to hold a dagger." Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang quickly put away the dagger, walked into the house, and smiled apologetically at her.

Looking around, the decoration of the house is very luxurious. The floor area alone is more than 200 square meters, and there are 3 bedrooms alone. Various European-style sofas and luxurious furniture are available. Among them, the most conspicuous is the carpet on the floor of the living room. It is finely made and feels soft when you step on it.

This set of clothes must cost at least one million. If it was before the end of the world, Xiao Qiang estimated that he would not be able to afford such a house even if he worked all his life.

Perhaps it was because she hadn't seen a living person for a long time, the young woman was also very talkative, pulling Xiao Qiang to sit on the carpet and talking non-stop.

Through the euphemistic conversation, Xiao Qiang learned that the woman's name was Bai Lu, and she was the lover of a senior official in the city.

The senior official bought the property here and gave it to Bai Lu, and Bai Lu ran a beauty salon, but most of the time she didn't manage it herself, and she usually lived here.

After the zombie outbreak, Bai Lu saw a zombie biting someone in the building.

Fortunately, since there were few people living here, Bai Lu didn't encounter any danger. She just looked at the zombies wandering downstairs from time to time, and didn't dare to go downstairs.

For the past four months, Bai Lu has lived here alone. Fortunately, she is usually a homebody, and there is a lot of food stored in the house. In addition, she eats little, so she has persisted until now.

"It's unbelievable that you have lived here alone for four months. How do you live without electricity at night?" Xiao Qiang said in disbelief after listening to Bai Lu's story.

"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten that I have a lot of candles here, and I don't usually use flashlights." Bai Lu stood up and pulled open the coffee table beside her while talking.

Xiao Qiang took a glance and saw that half of the drawer was full of red candles, and there were indeed some small whips and other items on the other side.

Although Xiao Qiang has never had a girlfriend, he knows the use of those tools now that the Internet is so developed. He blushed with shame and quickly turned his eyes to other places.

"Usually I only light one at night. I met you today, so I lit two for you. By the way, you haven't told me about your situation yet." Bai Lu took two candles and put them on the coffee table in the living room. There was a mark of burning candles on it.

The two candles were lit, and the room was much brighter, and Xiao Qiang also felt a little more secure.

"I was originally a college student, and now I belong to the Longshan base in the east. I came out to search for supplies." Xiao Qiang couldn't say that he came out according to the system task, so he could only lie.

"Alas, being a college student is good. If my brother had studied better, he would also be a college student now. But the zombies have also broken out, and I don't know where they are now." When talking about her relatives, Bai Lu couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Xiao Qiang didn't know how to comfort people, so he had to change the subject and said, "Sister Bai Lu, do you have water here? What do you eat?"

He smelled that Bai Lu didn't have the stench of not taking a shower for a long time, and even had some shampoo fragrance, so he asked.

"Originally, the city cut off water and electricity two weeks after the zombies broke out. Fortunately, this community has its own set of backup facilities. However, I used up the electricity before January, and I guess there is not much water left." Bai Lu answered Xiao Qiang while walking towards the kitchen.

After a while, she came out of the kitchen with a lot of food in her hands, including biscuits, canned fruit and other easy-to-store snacks.

"These are all we have here. The other food will go bad in the hot weather. Just make do with this. After you finish eating, you can take a cold shower." Bai Lu placed a large pile of food on the carpet.

"You must have worked hard to kill your way here. I can smell the blood on you." Bai Lu suddenly put her mouth close to Xiao Qiang's ear and spoke.

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