Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 8: Rescue in the dormitory

There are 4 dormitory buildings in Lujiang University, built side by side, two for boys and two for girls. The two girls' buildings are next to the supermarket, and each building has 6 floors. There is a dormitory building between the dormitory building where Lin Bingyan's classmates live and the supermarket.

After Xiao Qiang and the other five discussed, they decided that Lin Bingyan would lead the way, Xiao Qiang and Wang Liang would go to rescue as output, and Li Wei and Wang Peng would stay in the supermarket to respond. Before going out, Xiao Qiang took the machete and tied it around his waist. At the same time, he whispered to Wang Peng and Li Wei to take the crossbow and be careful of Li Feng and others.

At this time, the zombies on the road had gradually scattered and wandered. But even so, there were still 20.30 zombies wandering nearby, with their arms drooping, their eyes dull, and their heads mechanically looking for prey everywhere.

The three of them, with Xiao Qiang in front and Wang Liang in the back, still protected Lin Bingyan in the middle and carefully moved towards the dormitory.

Spotting a female zombie walking in the middle of the road, Xiao Qiang pulled out a baseball bat, walked quietly behind the zombie, and swung it directly on the back of the zombie's head.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +3, exchange points +10."

"Alas, it seems that after the upgrade, although killing zombies has become easier, the experience gained is relatively less." Xiao Qiang sighed secretly after hearing the prompt sound.

The three of them walked quietly all the way, only killing the zombies blocking the road, but did not attract a large number of zombies chasing.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the door of the dormitory building. There were not many zombies in the lobby on the first floor, and almost all of them were female zombies, wearing colorful clothes and various hairstyles. There was even one who was still washing her hair and had half of her face bitten off.

Lin Bingyan's dormitory is on the fourth floor. It is difficult not to be discovered by zombies in the dormitory building.

The three of them held their weapons tightly. Lin Bingyan also found a long-handled kitchen knife in the supermarket. At this moment, in addition to wrapping her hands tightly with cloth strips, she also held the kitchen knife with both hands. However, such a beautiful woman holding a kitchen knife would definitely attract onlookers if she was not in this apocalypse.

"Don't fight after you go in. Run directly to Bingyan's dormitory on the fourth floor. Bingyan, you show the way. Brother Liang, we will kill."

Xiao Qiang instructed after thinking for a while.


After speaking, the three of them rushed in with all their strength. When the zombies in the lobby heard the noise, they tilted their heads and bit them.

Seeing this, the three of them did not stop and swung their weapons. Xiao Qiang fought the most fiercely among the three. After the level was increased, Xiao Qiang's entire muscle lines had increased significantly. He also had great strength in his hands. He used the wolf tooth stick method to knock down the zombies that rushed on the road one by one.

Soon, the three of them rushed to the third floor, and the corridor on the third floor seemed much more crowded. Maybe it was because there were no classes in the afternoon and most of them were in the dormitory. Zombies were next to each other, and when they saw Xiao Qiang making some noise, they all rushed over.

"You two go find someone, I'll stop them here." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang swung his baseball bat forward twice to force the zombies back.

Wang Liang and Lin Bingyan went straight to the second floor and headed for their classmates' dormitory.

Xiao Qiang on the third floor was soon surrounded by zombies. Although Xiao Qiang used the wolf tooth stick technique to hold back and the zombies could not get close to him for a while, Xiao Qiang's physical strength soon turned on the "red light". Although his strength and speed attributes were greatly improved after the upgrade, his physical strength was still the same as before.

"If this continues, I will be exhausted and besieged before I can save people." Xiao Qiang sighed in his heart, and then used the dragon body technique.

Xiao Qiang held out a stick and gently pushed a zombie to the left. At the same time, he kept walking and leaned to the left. The claws of the zombie on the right were directly pounced into nothing. Then he took a step forward, continued to move forward, and shuttled among the zombies with various tilts. Finally, he jumped out from between two zombies with a flying leap. The two zombies didn't bite Xiao Qiang and directly collided with each other.

The whole process was smooth and Xiao Qiang rolled on the ground, got up and ran to the fourth floor.

There were relatively fewer zombies on the fourth floor. Xiao Qiang saw Wang Liang waving at him at the door of a dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, he pulled the bed over to block the door.

"These are my two classmates, Wen Ya and Han Li." Lin Bingyan introduced Xiao Qiang to him when she saw him enter the dormitory.

One of them had short hair and the other had a ponytail. There was a sense of joy on her face, but it was obvious that she had not recovered from the shock this time. It seemed that they were also scared last night.

"Xiao Qiang, there is another classmate upstairs. We heard her asking for help yesterday." Wen Ya said to Xiao Qiang.

"Wait for me here. I'll go save people and then go downstairs to meet you. Brother Liang, protect them." Xiao Qiang instructed Wang Liang, who nodded.

Turning around and walking out of the dormitory, Xiao Qiang fought zombies all the way to the 5th floor.

As soon as he stepped on the floor of the 5th floor, suddenly, a fat zombie with his hands in a fist shape jumped high and smashed towards Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang couldn't dodge in time, so he had to hold the baseball bat in his hand horizontally to block it.

Unexpectedly, a huge force came and directly shook the bat in his hand to the ground, and the zombie's fists hit Xiao Qiang's chest directly. Xiao Qiang was also hit directly by the force, rolling down the stairs on the 5th floor, and hitting the wall with a dull sound.

"What a powerful force, this must be stronger than the level 1 zombie." Xiao Qiang got up from the ground after being hit hard, and pulled out the machete from his waist and thought to himself.

This level 2 zombie is comparable to the level 4 strength of a human warrior. Thanks to the upgrade, not only has his strength and speed become faster, but also the sense of his five senses has improved a lot. The most important thing is that his body strength has also increased a lot. Otherwise, if this blow was placed on the previous Xiao Qiang, his ribs would have been broken long ago.

Now, in addition to the level 9 experience card of the warrior, his strongest trump card is the boxing 108 thunder. After using the dragon body method once, there are only 120 points of strength left, which is enough to perform 108 thunder once, and he must hit the head of the fat zombie.

There was no time to think about it, the fat zombie had chased down from the upstairs, and the claws slashed from right to left on Xiao Qiang's head.

Xiao Qiang was about to bend to avoid the attack, and at the same time, he stepped forward, holding the machete in his backhand, and stabbed it backwards, directly stabbing the fat zombie in the back. The dirty blood flowed directly along the knife to the back of Xiao Qiang's hand.

Then, Xiao Qiang didn't say anything, and ran to the 5th floor in two steps.

He clenched his right fist with his middle finger protruding, and put the machete back to his waist with his left hand, protecting it in front of his chest. He pulled his right arm back to accumulate power, and the whole person jumped up like a tiger, rushing towards the head of the fat zombie chasing upward.

"Bai Ba Lei" With Xiao Qiang's shout, the fat zombie's head collapsed under the attack of Bai Ba Lei's fist. The fat zombie's sharp claws also crossed Xiao Qiang's chest from top to bottom, making a "squeak, squeak" collision sound.

"Thanks to the metal interior on my body, otherwise it would be very painful to be hit like this." Xiao Qiang thought with a cold sweat.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +100, exchange point +100, experience value is 560/1000"

It seems that although this level 2 zombie is difficult to kill, the reward is also very generous.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang picked up the baseball bat and walked to the door of the dormitory.

Xiao Qiang knocked on the door and shouted to the door: "Open the door, I am here to save you. Your downstairs told me."

"Okay, I'll open the door now, wait a moment." A calm shout came out, and then a squeaky sound came from the room. Obviously, the people in the room were afraid of zombies entering, and they chose to block the bed in front of the door.

Then, after Xiao Qiang solved two or three level 1 zombies, the door was finally opened.

Xiao Qiang turned around and entered, closed the door, and blocked the bed. After doing all this, Xiao Qiang collapsed on the bed and panted. That is to say, now that he has upgraded, his physical strength has also improved. Otherwise, he would have been exhausted after fighting zombies for so long, and fighting a level 2 zombie.

"Are you sure you are here to save me, not to hide from me!" The woman in the room asked Xiao Qiang, who was panting in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I've been fighting for too long and haven't had time to catch my breath. Hello, my name is Xiao Qiang." Xiao Qiang said with embarrassment, and stretched out his bloodstained hands. Then he looked at his hands and retracted them.

"Hello, my name is Yang Xue. Thank you for saving me. What should we do next?" Yang Xue introduced herself and stretched out her hand to shake hands with Xiao Qiang. "In the end times, I am not the kind of girl who only loves cleanliness."

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel a good impression of the girl in front of him, and then he carefully observed the woman named Yang Xue in front of him.

Tall figure, beautiful long hair, and a cold and delicate face. If Lin Bingyan represents youth, then Yang Xue is definitely a representative of cold temperament.

Getting along with beautiful women always makes people inexplicably happy, even if there is a cold face in front of them.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang also had the heart to make a joke.

"First of all, what needs to be done is to give me some time, so that I can rest and recover my strength. When I recover my strength, I can say..."

"How long will you rest?" Before Xiao Qiang finished speaking, Yang Xue interrupted Xiao Qiang's words directly.

"Five minutes, I just need to take a breath." Xiao Qiang stuck out his tongue awkwardly and replied seriously.

During this 5-minute rest time, through Xiao Qiang's unremitting efforts. Finally, I know Yang Xue, a sophomore student in the Department of Economics and Trade. Usually, she is also a home girl. Since the zombie outbreak, she has blocked the dormitory door and successfully contacted the downstairs, until now, waiting for Xiao Qiang to come to rescue.

"It seems that cold people are very calm in any situation!" Xiao Qiang sighed. He knocked off a section of the heating pipe with a baseball bat and handed it to Yang Xue for self-defense.

"Then now, let's go find them." Xiao Qiang got up and moved the bed away, saying to Yang Xue.

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