Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 9 Level 3 Zombies

At the Lujiang University female dormitory, at this moment, there are many zombies, most of them are female zombies. Low, sharp, all kinds of weird zombie calls came from the entire female dormitory building, mixed with the sound of hitting doors and windows and running, which is even more terrifying.

I don’t know how Yang Xue stayed alone all night, it’s scary.

The door made a slight "click" sound, and a crack appeared. A ray of sunlight passed through the balcony and sprinkled on the aisle from the gap.

Two figures flashed by, it was Xiao Qiang and Yang Xue.

As soon as the two came out of the door, the three zombies on both sides of the house heard the noise, opened their claws, and rushed straight towards the two. Xiao Qiang moved his body slightly to the right, dodged a hand, and then hit the zombie in front of him with a stick. The stick in his hand did not stop, turned a corner, and poked another zombie with loose hair from bottom to top. After solving the two zombies, the body did not drag, without any extra movements, turned around, swung the stick, and finished in one go. Three "ding ding ding" prompt sounds sounded.

"Follow me closely," Xiao Qiang said without looking back.

Soon, the two of them went down to the fourth floor. Just as they were about to go to the dormitory to find them, they heard a sharp door-scratching sound. And Wang Liang's roar and the screams of girls.

"Not good!" Xiao Qiang said secretly, and then he saw that only half of the door of their dormitory was left. A zombie was standing in front of the door, and Wang Liang was swinging an iron rod to hit it.

Xiao Qiang looked at it at first glance. The zombie was petite, with loose hair, and the whole body could even be described as skinny. The only thing that stood out was a pair of sharp claws, each fingernail was about 5 cm long, round and cylindrical, and the whole body emitted a black light. The sun shone on the fingertips, and the sharp fingertips actually glowed.

The zombie's claws scratched the iron door, directly penetrated the door, and left five claw marks on the half door.

If we keep grabbing like this, the door will break in a short while.

The situation was critical, so he didn't have time to think much. Xiao Qiang sprinted, and when he reached 1 meter in front of the zombie, he pushed the ground with his left foot and his whole body jumped up.

He held the baseball bat tightly with both hands, raised it from behind his head, and aimed at the zombie's head and stabbed it hard. In the blink of an eye, the zombie turned sideways, raised his claws, and handed it over to meet the baseball bat.

With a "bang", Xiao Qiang, who was flying in the air, saw that the baseball bat made of steel was cut off in half. Then, the zombie's fingertips continued to force, and directly scratched Xiao Qiang's chest, cutting off the metal inner armor on Xiao Qiang's body that was already a little damaged. Even the remaining strength was not dissipated, leaving three wounds on Xiao Qiang's chest, and Xiao Qiang was also thrown out.

"Xiao Qiang!" Wang Liang and Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang fall to the ground, and couldn't help shouting, opening the door and rushing out.

"Don't move, she is not someone you can deal with. This is Yang Xue upstairs, take her to the dormitory." Xiao Qiang struggled and stood up and said.

A burst of muscle tearing pain came from his body, and the blood oozing from the cut wound dyed the white T-shirt red.

Xiao Qiang pushed Yang Xue into the dormitory, and then used the 5-minute experience card of the strong man level 9 that he had not used.

Just a face-to-face, Xiao Qiang knew that this zombie was a more powerful zombie than the previous one.

Everyone saw a figure flash by, and Xiao Qiang disappeared on the spot.

With a "bang" sound, everyone saw that one arm of the sharp claw zombie fell from the shoulder. Looking at Xiao Qiang again, he had already stood on the other side of the aisle with a murderous look on his face, and the machete in his hand was still dripping with blood.

"So powerful!" Seeing this scene, several people in the dormitory couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

After the sharp claw zombie lost one of its arms, it became even crazier. Howling, it ran towards Xiao Qiang with the remaining sharp claw.

Everyone stood in front of the half door, and felt a gust of wind blowing by, and saw that the zombie's other arm had also fallen to the ground.

But this time, because the machete had been bent, it was not cut so neatly. In fact, the powerful force directly brought the sharp claw zombie to the ground.

The zombie that lost two arms in succession struggled to get up from the ground. This time, Xiao Qiang did not give it another chance. He flashed and jumped behind the zombie, and killed the sharp claw zombie with a knife.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +500, exchange point +1000." Obtain equipment Bone spur dagger (intermediate)-the blade made of zombie claws, cutting iron like mud. Driving skills, body quenching potion (intermediate)-add it when bathing, it can double the user's physical strength and withstand more attacks, and a flashlight. "Xiao Cong's words sounded, which really gave Xiao Qiang a big surprise.

It's really worthy of being the first level 3 zombie encountered. Although the experience card was used, four types of rewards were actually exploded.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for upgrading. The current level is strong at level 4, and 10 free attribute points are rewarded. Rewards are one primary lottery, a Colt pistol (intermediate), and a full set of dumbbells for fitness. "

This time I really made a lot of money. It's really a shotgun for a cannon. Finally, I have a hot weapon.

There is no time to check his current information in detail. Xiao Qiang has to take advantage of the remaining time on his experience card and quickly take a few people back to the dormitory.

Originally, Xiao Qiang had been planning to use the experience card to fight more zombies and upgrade. But now Xiao Qiang couldn't help but think that in just one day, he had just upgraded to the 4th level of the strong with the help of the system. But he had already encountered a 2nd level zombie and a 3rd level zombie, which had already revealed all of Xiao Qiang's cards. The upgrade speed of the zombies was already terrifying enough, and from what Xiao Cong said, it seemed that other human strongmen would also practice to become stronger.

In order to prevent further changes and to protect the safety of several people, Xiao Qiang decided to go back to the supermarket first. After all, relying on the system, there is still a chance to become stronger in the future.

Pulling the door, several people gathered together. There was no time to explain more, "Just run to the supermarket, I will be responsible for dealing with the zombies on the road."

Everyone had just seen Xiao Qiang's strength, and although they had doubts in their hearts, they would not have any doubts about Xiao Qiang's words at this moment.

Several people were led by Wang Liang, and the other four girls followed closely. Following Xiao Qiang's words, several people went straight to the supermarket.

Xiao Qiang, relying on the speed of a Level 9 warrior, ran around several people quickly, forming a protective circle.

"Ding, kill an ordinary Level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary Level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

After the upgrade, Xiao Qiang's real strength is a Level 4 warrior. With the power of the current experience card, Xiao Qiang's killing of Level 1 zombies is like a massacre, but the experience value after the upgrade is also unbearable to look at.

Soon, under Xiao Qiang's almost airtight defense, several people quickly arrived at the entrance of the supermarket. The ordinary machete in Xiao Qiang's hand had already rolled up, and could only be used with Xiao Qiang's super strength.

"Oh no, my notebook fell in the dormitory. I have to go back to find it." Just as everyone was about to enter the dormitory, Yang Xue searched in her bag and said anxiously.

"It's already this time, why do you still care about the notebook? It's more important to save your life, Miss." Wang Liang couldn't help but turn his head and yell at Yang Xue after hearing what Yang Xue said. He had seen how dangerous it was outside, and their current actions had attracted more and more zombies. Thanks to Xiao Qiang's sudden outburst, everyone was so relaxed. Going back to find a notebook would be tantamount to seeking death.

"No, that notebook is very important to me, I have to go back. I don't need your help, I'll find it myself." Yang Xue said seriously after hearing what Wang Liang said. It seems that she didn't find it in the bag just now.

Xiao Qiang heard the conversation between the two, and casually stabbed a zombie in the brain with a knife. The excessive force directly pushed the zombie and the machete back 5 meters away, and hit a large group of zombies coming back forward.

Xiao Qiang entered the system to check the experience card and found that there were two minutes left. After thinking about it, he thought that with his current strength, he could go back and forth in 2 minutes.

"Where is your notebook? I'll get it for you." Xiao Qiang pulled out the bone spur dagger, which was twisted in a spiral shape and was a long dagger. Xiao Qiang held it with his backhand, placed it horizontally in front of his chest, and said to Yang Xue.

"The notebook should have fallen in the dormitory when I encountered the sharp claw zombie just now. But I must find this notebook myself." Yang Xue looked at Xiao Qiang and said seriously.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang didn't say anything more: "Okay, then you follow me closely."

"Xiao Qiang, be careful. Be sure to come back safely." Lin Bingyan heard Xiao Qiang's decision, and while talking to Xiao Qiang, she looked at Yang Xue with doubtful eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, and we still have to save the world. Brother Liang, take them into the supermarket." Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan and smiled slightly, assured her, and then turned to Wang Liang and told her.

"Okay, although I don't know why you are so strong, you still have to be more careful!" Wang Liang said to Xiao Qiang with concern.

"Okay, follow closely, let's go." After saying that, Xiao Qiang tightly grasped the bone spur dagger in his hand and rushed into the zombie group.

In the supermarket, Wang Peng and Li Wei had already opened the door and welcomed everyone in. Li Feng and his group were happy to come over to help when they saw so many beauties.

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