Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 95: Seeing Injustice (ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang stood up vigilantly, walked to the window and looked down.

Although Xiao Qiang was on the 5th floor, his vision had become very good after the system was strengthened, so he could see clearly.

There were 4 people on the street below, each holding a weapon, confronting each other.

Three of them formed a semi-encirclement, surrounding the remaining person in the middle.

In order to see more clearly, Xiao Qiang went directly to the third floor and lay by the window to look at the people downstairs.

At this moment, several people had already started fighting. The besieged man was about the same age as Xiao Qiang, handsome, slender, and wearing a black sportswear.

He was seen using two ordinary iron long knives, playing with great vigor. If it weren't for the conspicuous red wound on his chest, he wouldn't have been surrounded by the three people here.

Xiao Qiang turned on the double-eye recognition function and scanned over.

"Ding, a strong level 6 human was found."

It is already level 6, and this is also the highest level human Xiao Qiang has seen so far. No wonder he can persist for so long in the siege of three people.

In comparison, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel ashamed. With the assistance of the system, he was only one level higher than others.

At the same time, he scanned the other three, one strong level 5, one strong level 4, and one superpower level 3.

The superpower level 3 person seemed to be using wood-based skills. Branches kept extending from the ground and attacking the besieged people.

"Lin Fei, don't struggle. I have been chasing you all night. Just surrender. The boss loves talents and may even give you a team leader." The strong level 5 person, who seemed to be the leader of the three, pointed the axe in his hand at Lin Fei and said.

"You are dreaming. Just based on the disgusting things you did in your Black Wind Base, you still want me to join you. Dream on. I will kill one of your people when I see one." Lin Fei replied.

Maybe it was because the fight was too intense just now, and he lost too much blood, his face was frighteningly pale, but it made him look more handsome, like a star. While speaking, his chest kept shaking and he was breathing heavily.

Black Wind Base! It turned out to be someone from the Black Wind Base. Xiao Qiang had been looking for the location of the Black Wind Base, but he didn't expect to run into their people here.

"Humph, you are shameless. Although you are strong, you are still far behind our boss. Just the pile of supplies you robbed from us is enough to kill you. This night, you killed a lot of us. If the boss hadn't taken a fancy to your strength, it would not just be a scar on your chest." The leader said viciously.

"Hahaha, ridiculous, fighting with you is no different from these monsters. Just based on the things you have done that hurt the world, it's the end of the world, and you are still persecuting ordinary people. I will kill you every time I see you." Lin Fei looked a little exhausted, and the frequency of panting became even worse. He said to several people.

Xiao Qiang had long heard of the notoriety of the Black Wind Base. There were also people who escaped from the Black Wind Base in his base. It seemed that the Black Wind Base was indeed doing something outrageous, and it was time to eliminate it for the people.

However, Lin Fei also seemed to be a man with a sense of justice. He must have robbed the supplies of the Black Wind Base, which led to his being hunted down. Looking at Lin Fei, Xiao Qiang already had a heart of love for talent and a sense of admiration, and was ready to take action.

"Hmph! Go!"

The leader gave an order, and the three attacked Lin Fei.

Watching the process of the fight, Xiao Qiang discovered that Lin Fei had more than one wound on his chest, and there were also traces of various weapons scratches on his back, but the most serious one was the wound on his chest.

Under the tide-like attack of the three people, coupled with the continuous bleeding of the wounds on his body, he was already struggling and unable to support himself.

But Xiao Qiang could see that Lin Fei had solid basic skills, sharp swordsmanship, and flexible footsteps. If the wound on his chest was not too deep, even if he could not beat the three people, escaping would not be a problem.

With a "puff", Lin Fei was resisting the attack of the Level 5 strong man in front, and suddenly the Level 4 strong man chopped Lin Fei's back directly.

Lin Fei felt pain, and took this blow. He directly held the knife with his backhand and slashed back fiercely, and the arm of the Level 4 strong man flew up.

With a "ah", the Level 4 strong man fell to the ground and rolled on the ground in pain.

However, Lin Fei was not much better. He was a little drowsy and his movements were much slower.

Lin Fei bit his lips fiercely to prevent himself from fainting.

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